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TIPS! Hear about the new
album by Nick Jonas
& the Administration!

Find out how this girl

east 2010
became editor of her
own magazine!
page 3: Pisces
waiting to happen. Be
sure to soak it up,
will brighten your day
after an incident at
Embarrassing Stories! 19—March
without getting lost
in the crowd. The
school leaves you down
in the dumps. It will
outskirts of that crowd also introduce you to
Something smells fishy will be what lears you someone you normally
page 4: around your friendship
clique. Be on the
to someone you might
not expect.
wouldn’t see yourself
with. New beginnings

Tips for Surviving College! lookout for newcomers

who may just not Leo (July 23—August
can be good for you.

belong. Be open to any 22) Sagittarius

lovers that come to (November 22—

page 7: you, though. Your love

life smells sweet.
A sports
event will
December 21)

Real Life: My Life as an Editor!

bring good All girls
things act strange
Aries (March 21— to your at times,
April 19) immediate future. It but talking
won’t last too long, usually helps. Having
page 8: Your so enjoy it while you
can. Don’t forget to
a deep talk with a
friend will bring you
grades will
Make the Most of Snow Days! take an
unexpected twist in
listen to your friend’s
opinions. Sometimes
two closer than ever
before. Don’t let
the upcoming month. they can see things a relationship ruin
Luckily, you’ll use your better than you. that friendship. Your
page 9: head to get them back
where they rightfully Virgo
friends shouldn’t have
to work around you
Reviews of Your Favorites! belong. Those same
thoughts will help you
(August 23—

when your crush turns 22) Capricorn

up with open arms. (December 22—
page 10: Self- January 19)

How Celebrites are Helping Out! Taurus

May 20)
(April 20—
centeredness will
Life’s a
come over a friend, coaster
A so be careful and try and, this
childhood not to take them too month,

Check out what these

memory seriously. It’ll be over you’re on top. Enjoy
will come soon enough. While the scene while you
back and your love life will be can, but remember

EAST readers say!

remind you why you nothing new, that that the down point
are who you are. Don’t friend may need your will come before you
let it fade again. advice. Listen to your know it. Whether or
Remember that inner heart and help them. not that down point
child when you’re with involves a lover is still
your significant other. Libra to be determined,
How often do you wear make up? Your morals will come (September but life’s full of
in handy. 23— opportunity. Choose
every day! 36% October what you feel is right.
Gemini (May 21— 22)
4-5 times a week 24% June 20) Aquarius (January
Your parents aren’t 20—February 18)
2-3 times a week 8% Watch going to understand
a choice you’re about The
once in a blue moon 32% out for
strange to make, but give weather is
buildings. them time. They’ll
What’s your favorite type of music? They’re
going to hold
understand after a
few days. On the other
something that will hand, your lover is
country 15% change your life, going to take a lot more spontaneous, and it’s
possibly forever. time to get it. During going to rub off on
pop 21% This being said, keep that time, decide if you you. Listen to your gut
an open mind of new really see yourself with when it tells you what
rock 18% people. They may just them five years from to do. It’s usually
now. No? Then maybe right. So is your heart
rap 12% hold a special key to
this break is what you when it comes to love.
your future.
christian 24% need. Look beyond their
Cancer (June 21— eyes and listen to
alternative 9% July 22) Scorpio (October their words. Do they
23— sound like a cheesy
An illness November script? Chances are,
will 21) that’s where they got

you, saving A musical
you from a mistake surprise
How Embarrassing!
Moments that would have been funny, if someone else had done them.
I’m SO bad at ice-skating that I chorus. When everyone else stopped, is, I live in a small town where people
always have to hold onto the wall.  As I kept on singing! They all turned and remember stuff like that forever and
I slowly moved around the edge of the looked at me and giggled, but the youth I still get some jokes about it now and
rink, grasping the wall the whole time, minister reassured me it wasn’t the first then.
I noticed this cute guy on the bench time that it’s happen. He makes sure
where hockey players would sit.  As I to make it a point whenever a break or
passed in front of where he was sitting, anything unexpected comes up now. It’s rare that I get to go shopping, so
I leaned on the door, (not realizing it when my mom took me out one night
was a door) and fell right in and landed and bought me basically a brand new
at his feet.  He asked if I was okay, I My boyfriend was over one day and we wardrobe, I was ecstatic. There was one
said I was fine and skated away faster were in the basement watching a movie. shirt in particular that I really liked. It
than I’ve ever skated in my life.  My After the movie went off, he tried was gray and had all these cool colored
friends saw the whole thing and feel the getting the remote from my hand, but I graphic on the front. That brand ran
need to tell the story every single time wouldn’t let him have it. We flirtatiously small, so I had to get a large, but I
we go ice-skating.  wrestled around for a little bit when he looked real cool. The next day at school,
grabbed my stomach and squeezed me. I got so many compliments on it that my
As soon as he squeezed me, I like out confidence level was at the highest it’d
I work at the local grocery store, which a little *toot*. Luckily, he just started ever been at. Until I got home, that is.
is usually a pretty good bore. One day, laughing but now he calls me his little I was making an afternoon snack when I
though, as I was bagging this lady’s ‘Tooty’. It’s so embarrassing whenever thought I spilt something on me. I look
groceries, her kids were talking to me we’re around friends and he calls me down to check and instead saw the clear
so, being nice and trying to impress that. I think I would have rather him be L sticker going down the front of my
my boss who was standing just an aisle grossed out. shirt. I’d forgotten to take off the size
away, I was talking back. Unfortunately, sticker! I felt so stupid, but hoped that
I was too busy to realize that the shelf no body noticed at school. I think that
wasn’t as long as I thought it was. Next I have an inside dog which means we graphics helped disguise it. I was so mad
thing I know I hear a crash and this have to let her out every so many hours that nobody told me and, needless to
huge jar of applesauce is on the ground, to go to the restroom. My mom used say, I haven’t worn that shirt a lot since.
glass and sauce all over the tips of my to let her out the front door, but now
shoes and floor. I had to walk around she uses the back. Here’s why: I have
with applesauce in my shoes for the a tendency of stepping in dog doo-doo. There’s this really cute guy that I
last two hours of my shift. I definitely It’s happened twice in the past year. owrk with at this fast food place. We
caught the boss’ attention that day. Both times it’s whenever I run out always kid around with one another, in
to the bus. It’s dark out and I don’t a flirtatious way. One way that I like to
pay attention to where I’m stepping; get him is by spraying water at his feet.
I was in the store with my mom one day everything looks like mud or is covered He does it back to me and we’re stuck
and saw my crush and his mom at the in leaves. The first time I didn’t realize for the rest of our shifts in wet shoes.
opposite end of the aisle. I immediately it until I was already in my first block Not too bad until one day when we were
tensed up and tried to look really cool class and I had to skip a chem. Lab to doing this and I turned as a customer
in front of him. That included telling my wash it off my shoe. The second time I walked in a slipped and landed on my
mom this hilarious story of this girl that was more fortunate and noticed it while butt! It was so horrible! Luckily, he just
slipped on ice in the parking lot that I was still on the bus. My driver let me laughed and helped me up, but I could
morning. I was so busy telling this story, hop off at another kid’s house to rub my have died!
though, that I wasn’t paying attention shoe in the grass. Either way, it stunk
and, all of a sudden, I slipped on a spot and people could still smell it in my last
they’d just mopped and fell right on class of the day. Stupid dog.
my butt. My crush just kind of stood I was handing out invites for my
there and tried not to laugh in my face. birthday party one year when this girl
I guess it’s true when they say karma’s When I was in the second grade, a flu came up and asked for directions to my
a ——. bug went around for quite some time. I house. I looked at her weird and told
had gotten my flu shot the day before, her she wasn’t invited. I was telling a
and I wasn’t feeling too swell, but my friend about it later and, when they
We were at church on a Wednesday in mom wouldn’t let me go home when I asked why she wasn’t, I told them
the youth group when my youth minister called her. She said that I was fine and because I didn’t even know who the girl
decided to sing an old favorite of the that I could tough it out the rest of was. Turns out that girl was right behind
group’s. I hadn’t been going there very the day. Little did she know how bad me and heard the entire thing!
long, so I hadn’t heard it before, but I I actually felt and, on my way to the
quickly caught on and was singing with teacher’s desk for permission to go to
the rest of them like I’d been there my
entire life. Nobody told me, though, that
the song has a sudden break in the third
the restroom, I threw up. Right there.
In front of my entire second grade
class. It was terrible. The worst thing
Surviving Tips from College Juniors
bit about yourself you
Imagine stepping onto the roommate I had last because it’s your first time didn’t know before. “I have
your college campus this year had a problem with on your own,” Kristen said, grown so much as a person
fall and knowing exactly her previous roommate “but, just because you get these past three years and
what to expect. Thanks to because they were homesick doesn’t mean you I feel like, if I had stayed
four juniors at Western opposites.” “Also,” she should hate it here. I had at home, I wouldn’t have,”
Kentucky University, now adds, “you’ll make rules a roommate freshman year Erin told us.
you can. We’ve asked Erin together at the beginning that never gave it a shot. Another plus side to
Griffin, Sarah Jessie, of the semester. Make She didn’t like it and she
Stacie Marable, and
Kristen Scott to give
us tips and ideas on
everything from dorm
life to food to choosing
professors. They’ve
answered and have
helped to solve some of
a high schooler’s biggest


Dorm Life
“No matter what,
you’re going to get
annoyed with your
roommate at some
point,” says Kristen. All
four say that this will
happen whether or not
you knew the person
beforehand, though they (Left to Right) Sarah Jessie, Kristen Scott, Erin Griffin, and Stacie
recommend that you Marable are the experts for east when it comes to helpful tips on how to
room with someone that survive your college years!
you know. “I didn’t have
the best roommates the dorm life? Decorating!
first two years of college,” sure the both of you follow made sure she wouldn’t “It’s a must do,” stated
says Erin, “but this year those rules. It can be real like it. She went home Erin. “Putting pictures up
I’m rooming with one of aggravating if you do and every chance she got and of friends and family helps
my best friends and it has they don’t.” didn’t try making friends with the homesickness
been great!” “In a lot of ways, living or getting involved with and it also makes the
Kristen also on campus is like living in anything. She expected room more ‘homey’ feeling,
recommends rooming your own little community everyone to befriend her. other than just plain white
with someone of your where your friends become She ended up going to walls.” Stacie makes a
equal ‘tidiness.’ “I’d room your family,” explained community college back good point when she says

4 with someone who Stacie. Even with a friend- home after her first that dorm rooms are like a
was messy or a neat family, you’re going to miss semester.” blank canvas. “They aren’t
freak, whichever is you’re real family. “It’s Stick around, and you pretty, so there isn’t much
most like you. I know normal is get homesick, might just learn a little
you can do to make it look
worse,” she says. Some
volunteer at the humane
society, clean your dorm,
What are your post-school plans?
According to 100 high school girls...

ideas that they’ve seen are explore the areas around 4-year college 84%
Christmas lights, lamps, campus you don’t usually
pictures, corkboards, and go to, go to concerts, go 2-year college 8%
bowling, catch up on your
“She didn’t like it and favorite TV shows, go to
she made sure she games, have fun, and make Work 4%
wouldn’t like it...” new friends!” exclaims
Stacie. Kristen let us know Other 4%
posters. “Get a cute rug,
too!” Kristen adds. that all university sports
events are free, so taking
advantage of them is a get to all come together own personal experience.
Activities must! One favorite of the
girls is tailgating for the
for the same reason: to
support your school!” And
“Having a job on campus
is really the best way to
infamous WKU football don’t be afraid of sticking go,” she told us. “They
Both on and off
games. “Especially at out with your school spirit work so well around your
campus, loads of events
places like WKU, tailgating like you might have in schedule and your life.
are always going on. “Get
is huge and it’s a blast!” years past. “The school They truly understand
involved in organizations,
Sarah declared. “It’s a spirit in college stomps that school comes first
have movie nights, plan
great time to hang out what you’re used to in high and then work.” Her job
weekly meals with friends,
and have fun with your school; it’s a whole other as a Resident Assistant
play frisbee outside on
classmates where you world!” Sarah exclaimed. (RA) consist of her living
pretty days, go for walks,
on the floor in a residence
hall with about 40 other
Jobs girls where she’s the “rule
enforcer and role model.”
Starting college “I plan programs for them,
means starting a brand decorate our floor and
new life for most am just there for them
people. Unfortunately, for whatever they need.
starting a brand new It’s a real rewarding job
life generally gets that has given me the
expensive. So what are opportunity to grow as a
their experiences when person, especially in my
it comes to jobs? “I leadership skills. Plus,”
think a job could work, she added, “I’ve met a ton
but don’t over do it. If of great people through
you have a job you just working with Housing and
have to work harder at Residence Life and not to
organizing you time. I mention how great it is to
think on-campus jobs have a resume builder.”
Want a way to check on your professors before are the way to go. They She ended saying how nice
joining a class youll dread? The girls recommend generally work around it is to have that little
your schedule and there extra cash laying around to see what other students
opinions on a professor that could be the
difference between passing and failing a course.
is no commute,” says
Stacie. Sarah agrees
with this from her
so you’re not so
dependent on your
years, not many people do.
Know Your
Keep in mind, though, if
you plan on taking classes
Going into college can back to back, make sure
be real different than the buildings are close

high school. Just ask together and not all the
Kristen. “Honestly, my way on the other end
high school didn’t prepare of the campus.” Kristen
me for college at all… advises that you don’t
Don’t take the easy way take more than 15 hours
out in high school; take your first semester and
AP classes.” Stacie, who that you have a map of the
went to a different high campus with you.
Name: Erin Griffin
school, agrees. “I wish I While scheduling is Age: 20
would have taken more important, the actual Intended Major: Exercise
college credit classes in class can be pretty tough Science (Pre-Physical Ther-
high school. It’s nice to go as well. Any homework apy)
in with a few hours already advice? “Try to do it right
complete.” after class if you can,
What about choosing because you remember
classes? How are you more from the class and
supposed to figure out then you won’t have to
which professor will work worry about it the night
best for you? All four before you meet again,”
girls agree that www. Erin advised. All four
Name: Sarah Jessie is the way agree that procrastination
to go! “You can figure is a huge no-no and that Age: 20
out which teachers making friends with some Intended Major: Early
are better at teaching of your classmates can Childhood Education
be real beneficial. “Take
advantage of study groups
for classes you’re having
trouble with and, in case
you miss a day or you need
to study, making friends
can be great.”
So, while these tips are
very helpful, keep in mind
they are just that: tips.
Sarah (pink) and Kris- It’s what these girls have Name: Stacie Marable
ten (gray) have found learned and they hope that
you are able to create
Age: 21
that rooming with peo- Intended Major: Com-
your own pleasant college
ple you know memories with them. munication Disorders
generally makes the They’re not fool proof, but
dorm life easier to they’re definitely things to
survive. keep in mind when you’re
walking on that sidewalk
whichever subject you’re for the first time this fall.
interested in. It has never
disappointed me and saved (For more help or
me from taking some bad comments on this article,
teachers in the long run,” email ‘College Tips’ to
Kristen said.
Also, another thing Name: Kristen Scott
they suggest is to not go
Age: 21
overboard with your hours.
“Try to take 15-18 hours Intended Major:
Dental Hygiene

every semester. Don’t
worry if you actually
don’t graduate in four
When Stephanie Jessie matter what I wrote, as long 17-year-old take over their computer and got to work.
was 14-years-old she decided as I was writing. The main office for a month, I decided I spent well over 60 hours
what she would do with her thing was that I develop my just to make my own. I’m a just making 10 pages, but I’m
life. By the time she was 17, own voice and learn what teenage girl with teenage proud of what I’ve created.
she had done it. works for me,” Jessie says. girls as friends, so wouldn’t I It was real cool to see how
Travis and know better than anyone else all the things that real
Coloangelo were what would sell?” editors do and everything
on the same After 50+ texts, 30+ I’ve learned these past three
page when they emails, several late night years came together. I just
said to try all tweets, and many talks with hope everyone else likes it as
different types her older sister, Jessie much as I do.”
of journalism had the first edition of her This magazine she created
and see if it magazine ready to go. “I did is called east and you’re
is really what everything the way Anita reading the first ever issue
you want to do
or not. Ways
to do this
include taking
classes, taking
internships, and
really studying
other types
of media, not
just magazines.
“I really
their concern,
but I’ve done
years of
research and
studied all kinds
of magazines,
Stephanie Jessie (above) created newspapers,
her own magazine at age 17. blogs, websites,
etc. Magazine
To become an editor of are definitely what I’m pulled
her own magazine, Jessie towards,” remarked Jessie.
had to learn several things The idea of creating her
about what it takes to edit own magazine came to her
something that so many
people read monthly. One “I spent well over 60
way she did this was by
shadowing the managing
hours just making 10
editor of Kentucky Living pages, but I’m proud
magazine, Anita Travis of what I’ve had taught me at Kentucky now. If you’d like to tell her
Richter and by interviewing Living. I first decided what how she’d did, send her an
assistant editor for Popstar! created...” articles I wanted, thanks to email at StephanieJayy@
magazine Christina Coloangelo the opinions of my friends, She’ll be expecting
when her class was assigned
and Seventeen editor Ann and where I wanted them, it as we’re expecting great
projects that dealt with
Shoket. then I sketched it all out. things to come from this goal.
their future plans. “I knew
The first piece of advice I had learned how to use a
she heard was from Shoket
and that was to simply write.
“She told me that it didn’t
I wanted to be a magazine
editor and, since no editor in
their right mind would let a
program called PageMaker
in my journalism class, so I
downloaded it onto my home
Are you out of ideas on how to spend that perfect snow day? We’ve gathered twelve different activities
that you can do to make your snow day worthwhile!

What warms you up better marshmallow with a fork. Find a hill, grab some Want a tasty way to turn that snow
on a fidgety winter day than Just be careful not to drip friends and a sled and into something even better than a
some nice hot chocolate and a sugar into the stove. Smash prepare for endless ticket out of school? Try making
side of melted marshmallows the marshmallow between a hours of fun! No sled some snow cream! Just mix some
with even more chocolate! slice of chocolate and two available? Try some clean snow, milk, and any favored
Too cold for an outside fire? pieces of graham crackers of these substitutes syrup (chocolate, strawberry,
No worries. Just turn your and eat up! instead: garbage etc.) in a cup and drink away. It’s
stove on high and stab your bags, cookie sheets, a tradition that you’ll carry on for
swimming tubes, years!
garbage can lids,
or even an old door
that’s laying around
your shed!

Are you angry because the snow’s preventing you from leaving
your neighborhood? Chances are, there are others around you
that feel the same way. The solution? Gathering some good,
sticky snow and letting your anger out in a good old-fashioned
snow ball fight! Just be careful not to let your anger hurt too

Are you behind on your chores? Still haven’t opened that

book that you have a test over in two days? Why not use this
When all else fails, play in the snow. Why else free day to catch up on whatever you’ve been putting off.
You’ll feel great in knowing that you’ve actually accomplished
would they call it a snow day? something, and not just wasted the day away.

You’re never too old for Disney movies, so why not pop in What’s more relaxing than a fireplace and a good book? Find
your childhood favorite and reminisce on the good ole days? one (whether it’s required for school or just free reading)
You’ll be surprised at how many songs, lines, and dance moves and see how far you get along before your parents get
you still remember, even after all these years. home. Don’t forget your PJ’s!

Make your day useful and plan your future. Think of things you Go old-fashioned for a day and build a snowman. Find
want to do in the next 10 years or even the next snow day. Can’t some sticks buried in the snow, pull some buttons off
think of anything good? Try channel surfing and see what others that old jacket you’ve outgrown, and introduce yourself
are doing. If you have one from the last snow day, see how many to your new best friend. Afraid he’ll too warm? Build him
items you can accomplish successfully in one day! an igloo to live in. Plus, you could always stop by if you’d

Stop procrastinating and open up that closet door! We all need a little extra
Go through your clothes and decide which ones sleep sometimes, but it can be
hard to come by. Plan your day Dig out that old Gameboy or
to keep and which ones to donate. Be truthful; Nintendo game and see if you can
if you haven’t worn it in more than one year, you wisely: sleep in several hours
more than usual and go to bed beat your old score! Still have a
probably won’t the rest of the year. While you’re game from Christmas you haven’t
at it,
andwhy not attack
under your
your bed, bookshelf,
too? desk
You might drawers,
find some a little earlier. This way, you’re
opened? Make use of this time to

8 things you’ve really missed. more energized for the next

few days and your friends will see how well you can hit a ball or kill
thank you for being in a better an enemy. You might just surprise
Nicholas Sparks Adds New Songs from the Soul
Hit Nick Jonas Breaks Free
by Victoria Kute
“Songs from the Soul” is the only
way to describe the new album from
Nicholas Sparks, author of The Nick Jonas and the Administration.
Notebook, Walk to Remember, and The album, entitled ‘Who I Am’,
Nights in Rodanthe, all that have been includes 10 original songs all written
made into movies, adds yet another or co-written by Nicholas Jonas.
block-buster success. Dear John, The opening track, Rose Garden,
starring Channing Tatum and Amanda tells about the struggles of a girl
Seyfield, portrays the story of an born out of wedlock and how she’s
Army member who falls head over
heels in love. John Tyree (Tatum)
is back from leave in his home town
where he meets Savannah. Amanda
Seyfield plays the remarkable and
brilliant Savannah who is spending her
spring break working on building a new
home for a deserving family. The two
Saving Lives, uncontrollably fall in love over the two
One Screening at a Time weeks. With John’s enlistment coming
to an end, it seems to be a perfect
time to settle with someone, but an
A film about faith, friendship and unexpected event may come in the way
second chances, To Save A Life is of them being together.
an inspiring story about basketball For those of you who have read
star Jake Taylor whose life takes or seen one of Nicholas Sparks’
a turn when his childhood best masterpieces, you can expect another had to work her entire life in this
friend, Rodger, commits suicide at moving, heart-wrenching tale that rose garden just to scrap by. The
their high school. Jake (played by doesn’t disappointed. Fans of the title track is a personal favorite as
Randy Wayne) feels the guilt of novel Dear John will notice a few it sings about how Nick is longing for
Rodger’s death after realizing that, key differences between the book the love of girl who loves him for
if he hadn’t traded a friend who and movie. This remarkable story being him, not for being a superstar.
had risked his life for Jake for the will leave moviegoers speechless and Another personal favorite includes
parties, sex, and popularity he had, wanting more. This is sure to be a the last sing, Stronger (Back on
Rodger might still be alive. At the timeless classic. the Ground). It’s a song of saying
funeral, Jake meets a youth minister goodbye to broken promises and
named Chris (Joshua Weigel) who getting back out in the world.
helps to lead Jake into a life full of Older Jonas fans will recognize
God. Along the way, Jake must face the 7th song on the album. It’s
situations that include the drug- from their third CD (A Little Bit
using preacher’s son, a cutting friend Longer) and it’s the song Tonight
of Rodger’s, and the pressures of the brothers wrote with their bass
choosing between what is right and guitarist, Greg Garbowsky. The only
who he knows is wrong. difference (minus the missing Kevin
This film portrays perfectly high and Joe) is a slower tempo and a
school life and what Christians more hurtful feel.
are faced with everyday. It is The entire album has that feel.
certainly one to see with anyone you It’s definitely one to save for nights
care about and it’s already helped or times when you want to relax a
hundreds of people make the world little. While most Jonas songs are
a better place, one person and one upbeat and crazy, Nick slows things
action at a time. down and gets you thinking while you
sing, which is why this album has
earned four stars.
What Charity Type Are You? Young celebrities are
always in the media for
something, whether it’s a
break-up, a make-up, or
a party, you know what’s
going on. But what about
You’re a Eh... It
You like to ’s those who do stuff for
people per- m others? Below are just
write y
lif a few of those stars
son e. that stay away from the
parties to bring joy to
I those without it.
lo You’d work more Selena Gomez
ve You’d rather work
pe with the “uncommon” Selena Gomez, most
op hard one day or known for her role as Alex
le charity before the Russo in Disney’s Wizards
! easy one week
more popular one of Waverly Place, has
become an ambassador

for the organization


UNICEF, which helps

1 day

children around the world

You’d give up Po
that suffer from lack of
food, medicine, or even

I like to find new ones

Halloween if drinkable water. “I was
it meant helping N You’d plan your day so shocked to find out
wa that around the world
y! around the organization 24,000 children a day die
or plan the organization
Of c

from things we know how

to prevent,” says Gomez.
around your day

How is she helping? Over


the summer, she stayed


a week in Africa and saw


Me it

ou first hand the suffering


You’d travel to help r

and what exactly UNICEF
I was doing to help. To find
out more about UNICEF

You’re more mental and ways you can help,


y if

than physical visit

Jonas Brothers

When Nick Jonas


announced that he

suffered from Type 1

re a

diabetes in 2007, the


world was shocked and




scared about what would

come from their favorite

band. Nick, on the other

hand, already had a plan
of what he was going to
do. “I started off asking
‘Why me?’ but then I
You’re Selena! got to thinking ‘Why not
Just like Wizards of Waverly me?’” he said about his
Place’s Selena Gomez, you reaction to the news.
like to travel and to help out It didn’t take long for
whoever needs it, whenever
You’re him and his brothers to
take control and find a
needs it and you’re willing to
take any chance to make that
78violet! way to help others with
happen. Working with others
You’re Joe! Don’t be discouraged if you
their medical battles.
don’t always have time to
is a strong point for you, so You could be a Jonas! Joe, drop everything and help; Together, they formed
really utilize that and help along with his fellow rock remember the old saying? Change for the Children
get your friends envovled, star brothers, has created A little goes a long way! and have helped hundreds
too. An organization such his own charity to help out 78violet learned this when of kids with the help of
as UNICEF or the Salvation those in need. Even though they wrote their song ‘I Am their fans. Go to www.
Army is something that is concerts and movies take One of Them’ to support the changeforthechildren.
easy to help with that most of his time, he still Amber Alert Foundation. Try org
for to
thesupport Change
a group of you can do finds ways to help. Try their helping with the Amber Alert and find out more
together! charity, Change for the Foundation and see what you information.
can do!

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