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(to be filed by a candidate or his principal campaign committee)

1.Qualifying Name and Address of Candidate 2. Office Sought (Include title of office as OFFICE USE ONLY
TROY BROWN Report Number: 78300
Louisiana State Senate
PO BOX 179
Date Filed: 9/10/2019
District 2
Report Includes Schedules:
Schedule B
Schedule E-1

3. Date of Primary 10/12/2019

This report covers from 1/1/2019 through 9/2/2019

4. Type of Report:

180th day prior to primary 40th day after general

90th day prior to primary Annual (future election)

30th day prior to primary Supplemental (past election)

10th day prior to primary

10th day prior to general Amendment to prior report


Withdrawn Filed after the election AND all loans and debts paid


6. Name and Address of Financial Institution 7. Full Name and Address of Treasurer
(You are required by law to use one or more
banks, savings and loan associations, or money
market mutual fund as the depository of all

110 Franklin Street
Napoleonville, LA 70390

9. Name of Person Preparing Report K SCOTT ACCOUNTING LLC

Daytime Telephone --
10. WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the information contained in this report and the attached 8. FOR PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES ONLY
schedules is true and correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief, and that no a. Name and address of principal campaign committee,
expenditures have been made nor contributions received that have not been reported herein, committee’s chairperson, and subsidiary committees, if
and that no information required to be reported by the Louisiana Campaign Finance Disclosure any (use additional sheets if necessary).

On attached sheet
This 10th day of September , 2019 .

Troy Brown 12259339610

Signature of Candidate/Chairperson Daytime Telephone
(To be signed by Chairperson only if report by
principal campaign committee)

Signature of Treasurer Daytime Telephone

Form 102, Rev. 1/98, Page Rev. 3/00

Report Number: 78300 Page 1 of 21 TROY BROWN


Name and address of principal campaign committee, committee’s chairperson, and subsidiary committees, if any (use additional sheets if necessary).

Name and Address of Committee's Chairman

Report Number: 78300 Page 2 of 21 TROY BROWN


RECEIPTS This Period

1. Contributions (Schedule A-1) $ 0.00

2. In-kind Contributions (Schedule A-2) $ 0.00

3. Campaign paraphernalia sales of $25 or less $ 0.00

4. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Lines 1 + 2 +3) $ 0.00

5. Other Receipts (Schedule A-3) $ 0.00

6. Loans Received (Schedule B) $ 94,782.49

7. Loan Repayments Received (Schedule D) $ 0.00

8. TOTAL RECEIPTS (Lines 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) $ 94,782.49


9. Expenditures (Schedule E-1) $ 65,082.45

10. Other Disbursements (Schedule E-2) $ 0.00

11. Loan Repayments Made (Schedule B) $ 0.00

12. Funds Loaned (Schedule D) $ 0.00

13. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Lines 9 + 10 + 11 + 12) $ 65,082.45


14. Funds on hand at beginning of reporting period $ 57,025.13

(Must equal funds on hand at close from last report or -0- if first report for this election)

15. Plus total receipts this period $ 94,782.49

(Line 8 above)

16. Less total disbursements this period $ 65,082.45

(Line 13 above)

17. Less in-kind contributions $ 0.00

(Line 2 above)

18. Funds on hand at close of reporting period $ 86,725.17

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 3 of 21 TROY BROWN

SUMMARY PAGE (continued)


19. Of funds on hand at beginning of reporting period (Line 14, above), amount held in
$ 0.00
investments (i.e., savings accounts, CD’s, money market funds, etc.)

20. Of funds on hand at close of reporting period (Line 18, above), amount held in
$ 0.00


21. Candidate’s personal funds

(Use of personal funds as either a contribution or loan to the campaign should be
$ 94,782.49
reported on Schedules A-1 or B.)

22. Contributions received from political committees

$ 0.00
(From Schedules A-1 and A-2)

23. All proceeds from the sale of tickets to fundraising events

(Receipts from the sale of tickets are contributions and must also be reported on
$ 0.00
Schedule A-1.)

24. Proceeds from the sale of campaign paraphernalia

(Receipts from the sale of campaign paraphernalia are contributions and must also
$ 0.00
be reported on Schedule A-1 or Line 3, above.)

25. Expenditures from petty cash fund

$ 0.00
(Must also be reported on Schedule E-1.)

SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS - total for the election This Election

26. Total amount of contributions received from political committees for both the primary
$ 0.00
and general elections combined since the first report filed for this election.

The personal use of campaign funds is prohibited.* The use of campaign funds must be related to a
political campaign or the holding of a public office or party position . However, campaign funds may be used to
reimburse a candidate for expenses related to his campaign or office , to pay taxes on the interest earned on
campaign funds or to replace articles lost, stolen, or damaged in connection with a campaign.

Excess campaign funds may be returned to contributors on a pro rata basis, given as a charitable
contribution as provided in 26 USC 170(c), given to a charitable organization as defined in 26 USC 501(c)(3),
expended in support of or opposition to a proposition, political party, or candidacy of any person, or
maintained in a segregated fund for use in future political campaigns or activity related to preparing for future
candidacy to elective office.

*The prohibition on the personal use of campaign funds does not apply to campaign funds received prior to July 15,

Form 102, Rev. Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/00

Report Number: 78300 Page 4 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 12/28/2018 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20,000.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/5/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 53,000.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 53,000.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/12/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,400.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,400.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 5 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/3/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 5/31/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 150.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 150.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/1/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 6 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/24/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/29/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/22/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,200.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,200.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 7 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/22/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 650.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/8/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,000.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,000.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/8/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 200.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 200.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 8 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/15/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/5/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/1/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 325.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 325.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 9 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/26/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 536.62
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 536.62

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 2/28/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,175.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,175.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/8/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 10 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/7/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/16/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,261.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,261.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 11 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/15/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,784.50
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,784.50

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/3/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 921.28
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 921.28

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/12/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,433.75
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,433.75

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 12 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,925.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,925.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 875.60
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 875.60

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 466.23
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 466.23

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 13 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 218.90
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 218.90

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 215.90
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 215.90

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/14/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 354.09
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 354.09

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 14 of 21 TROY BROWN

The following information must be provided for each loan or line of credit received this reporting period, even if it has been
repaid. Also, complete this schedule for loans received in prior periods that are still outstanding. Separate loans must be
reported separately, even if from the same source. Any personal funds a candidate loans to his campaign must be reported
on this schedule.

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 6/17/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 434.69
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 434.69

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 8/6/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 350.00

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

1. Name and address of lender 2. a. Date* 7/16/2019 b. Interest rate 0.00 %(a.p.r.)
c. Amount borrowed* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 804.93
PO BOX 179
PAINCOURTVILLE, LA 70391 d. Balance due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 804.93

*For lines of credit, give the date the line of credit was first committed
at Item 2a and list only the amount actually drawn at Item 2c.
OPTIONAL: Total amount of credit available $

3. Endorsers/Guarantors 4. Repayments this period

Date Principal Interest

(Enter the full name and address of each person or entity that has (List payments of principal and interest separately. If separate amounts are
endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise secured the loan or line of not known, list all payments under principal. )

Report Number: 78300 Page 15 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

ALLSTAR MARKETING & PROMOTIONS 08/12/2019 campaign material distribution in $ 3,400.00

719 S. Burnside Ave desired areas

Suite G
Gonzales, LA 70737

ASSUMPTION HIGH SCHOOL 08/30/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 250.00

4880 Louisiana 308
Napoleonville, LA 70390

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 05/21/2019 campaign signs $ 921.28

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/12/2019 campaign signs $ 4,433.75

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 7,925.00

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 875.60

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 466.23

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 218.90

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $18,490.76

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule)

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 16 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 215.90

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/14/2019 campaign signs $ 354.09

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BAYOU SIGNS, LLC 06/17/2019 campaign signs $ 434.69

1305 Ridgefield Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

BEYOND MEDIA 02/28/2019 testimonial advertisement $ 5,175.00

18229 Lake Indigo
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

BEYOND MEDIA 07/08/2019 commercial revision $ 250.00

18229 Lake Indigo
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

BRUSLY HIGH SCHOOL 08/26/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 200.00

630 Vaughn Dr.
Brusly, LA 70719

CUMULUS BATON ROUGE 08/16/2019 advertising and promotion $ 2,261.00

631 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70801

DONALDSONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 08/22/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 225.00

100 Tiger Drive
Donaldsonville, LA 70346

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $9,115.68

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule)

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 17 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

EAST ST. JOHN HIGH SCHOOL 08/19/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 200.00
#1 Wildcat Drive
Reserve, LA 70084

ALLISON EZIDORE-TASSIN 08/14/2019 promotional campaign items $ 141.05

P. O. Box 1162
Vacherie, LA 70090

HARLAND CLARKE 08/22/2019 check printing fee $ 75.19

15955 La Cantera Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78256

HARLAND CLARKE 08/22/2019 check printing fee $ 226.77

15955 La Cantera Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78256

HUBCAST BROADCASTING INC. 08/14/2019 advertisement $ 1,000.00

5004 Railroad Ave
Morgan City, LA 70380

IHEART MEDIA 08/15/2019 radio advertisements $ 4,784.50

929 Howard Ave
New Orleans, LA 70113

LAMAR COMPANIES 08/05/2019 campaign posters $ 350.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 08/01/2019 campaign posters $ 325.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $7,102.51

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule)

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 18 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

LAMAR COMPANIES 06/03/2019 campaign posters $ 650.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 05/31/2019 campaign signs $ 150.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/01/2019 campaign posters $ 650.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/24/2019 campaign posters $ 100.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/29/2019 campaign posters $ 650.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/22/2019 campaign posters $ 1,200.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/22/2019 campaign posters $ 650.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

LAMAR COMPANIES 07/08/2019 campaign posters $ 2,000.00

P. O. Box 96030
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $6,050.00

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule)

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 19 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

KATHLEEN MYLES 08/26/2019 canvasser for campaign $ 200.00

P.O. Box 364
Paincourtville, LA 70391

NEWS EXAMINER- ENTERPRISE 08/06/2019 political ad $ 350.00

2290 Texas Street
Lutcher, LA 70071

PRO PROMOTIONS PLUS LLC 07/16/2019 logo design $ 804.93

P. O. Box 1652
LaPlace, LA 70069

PRO PROMOTIONS PLUS LLC 07/26/2019 promotional shirts $ 536.62

P. O. Box 1652
LaPlace, LA 70069

RUHR VALLEY PUBLISHING, INC. 08/07/2019 advertisement $ 350.00

2290 Texas Street
Lutcher, LA 70071

ST. JAMES HIGH SCHOOL 08/22/2019 meal sponsor, PA $ 750.00

5181 Wildcat Street announcement, and ad book

St. James, LA 70086

JAMES TERRY, III 07/19/2019 photographs for campaign $ 100.00

P.O. Box 40864
Baton Rouge, LA 70835

THIBODAUX HIGH SCHOOL 08/19/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 300.00

1355 Tiger Drive
Thibodaux, LA 70301

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $3,391.55

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule)

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 20 of 21 TROY BROWN

Use this schedule to report information on all campaign expenditures for this reporting period. An “expenditure” is any
payment made for the purpose of supporting your election to public office and includes monies spent for the campaign’s
general operating expenses. Any payments made that are not “expenditures” should be reported on SCHEDULE E-2:
OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Totals and subtotals at bottom of page are optional. Completion of totals and subtotals may
assist in calculating totals that must be reported on the Summary Page.
1. Name and Address of Recipient 2. Expenditures this Reporting Period
a. Date(s) b. Purpose(s) c. Amount(s)

WAFB 08/20/2019 advertisement for campaign $ 6,982.75

844 Government Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

WEST SIDE JOURNAL 08/08/2019 Candidate announcement $ 200.00

P. O. Box 260
Port Allen, LA 70767

WEST ST. JOHN HIGH SCHOOL 08/19/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 400.00
480 Hwy. 3127
Edgard, LA 70049

WHITE CASTLE HIGH SCHOOL 08/22/2019 PA announcement for campaign $ 300.00

32695 Graham St.
White Castle, LA 70788

WVUE 08/22/2019 advertisement for campaign $ 13,049.20

1025 S Jefferson Davis Pkwy
New Orleans, LA 70125

3. SUBTOTAL (optional) $20,931.95

4. TOTAL (optional - complete only on last page of this schedule) $ 65,082.45

Form 102, Rev. 3/98, Page Rev. 3/98

Report Number: 78300 Page 21 of 21 TROY BROWN

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