Partners in New Transparency

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Brands love and need agencies. They are key partners. But we need to make
sure agencies are always working with our best interests in mind. And we need to
be able to measure their performance better so we know that we’re spending our
money wisely.

We also need to own our data no matter what—it’s our asset! We don’t have to
become analytics experts or pull analytics completely in house. But we can more
closely monitor, track and measure agency performance and manage our spend.

It’s time to establish transparent and successful partnerships with our agencies.
The way we work with them will change, but less than we might think—and it’s
a win-win for all involved.

Let’s explore this new world!




Brands actively partner with agencies on planning, strategy,

Brands outsource planning and strategy to agencies

Lack of transparency—agencies are a black box Full visibility into cost, execution and effectiveness of media plans

Brands must ask agencies for reports (and pay for them) Automated dashboards available 24/7

Messy data and slow, channel-based reporting prevent Clean, trusted data and real-time, omnichannel reporting enable
timely insight timely insight.

Brands and agencies have self-serve, drill-down access to the

Agency reports are flat files and PowerPoints
source of truth for marketing data + insight.

Brands + agencies discuss what’s working and not working, and

Agencies only report on what worked best
optimize accordingly

Consistent reporting framework for easy comparisons across

Different reporting frameworks across campaigns and agencies
campaigns and agencies

Agencies “grade their own homework” Agencies report against brand KPIs that reflect business objectives

Agencies lack sales and other brand data, making analytics Agencies can access sales and other brand data for comprehensive
and insight less useful analytics and insight

Agencies are responsible for so much spend. Yet from a brand’s perspective, the
relationship often feels like a black box. Agencies typically share very little data.
When they do, the reports are sometimes finessed, and often arrive too late to act on.

Further, when agencies report on their own performance, everything seems to be

going great. But is that so? (A classic example: The business is performing worse
and worse yet the charts in the agency reports are all up and to the right.)

It’s time for brands and agencies to have transparent, mutually beneficial partnerships
around data, reporting and strategic thinking, working together to find solutions that
make the most of every marketing dollar.

Beckon is the breakthrough technology that makes this possible. Beckon is the source
of truth for data + insight—an integrated, clean, normalized marketing performance
dataset and the reports it fuels.

When a brand has a source of truth, it no longer has to rely on agencies grading their
own homework. Instead, the brand and its agencies enjoy clear visibility, consistent
KPIs, and clean, trusted data and reports.

1. All media spend and performance (planned and 6. Full transparency into agency reports, analytics
1. All media spend and performance (planned 6. Full transparency into agency reports,
actual) flow into a brand-owned data hub and performance.
and actual) flow into a brand-owned data hub analytics and performance.

2. Technology does all the heavy lifting and provides 7. Continuously updated dashboards and scorecards
2. Technology does all the heavy lifting and 7. Continuously updated dashboards and
clean, trusted data. make clear what’s working across it all.
provides clean, trusted data. scorecards make clear what’s working
across it all.
3. See at a glance what data is in and what’s missing— 8. Drill down into the data to see exactly what’s
3. See at a glance what data is in and what’s
agencies are automatically prompted to fill any holes. driving performance, to do more of what’s working
missing—agencies are automatically prompted 8. Drill down into the data to see exactly
and less of what’s not.
to fill any holes. what’s driving performance, to do more of
4. Compare performance across campaigns and
what’s working and less of what’s not.
agencies apples-to-apples. 9. Fast reporting, analysis and optimization cycles.
4. Compare performance across campaigns
and agencies apples-to-apples. 9. Fast reporting, analysis and optimization cycles.
5. Success metrics show business impact and 10. Save money on agency reports and retainers—
progress against brand goals. simply create new dashboards and scorecards
5. Success metrics show business impact and 10. Save money on agency reports and
as the need arises.
progress against brand goals. retainers—simply create new dashboards
and scorecards as the need arises.

1. Automated data clean-up and integration—no 6. Consistent reporting frameworks—no more
more cut-and-paste! guesswork about what to report on.

2. Access to sales data, brand equity data and more 7. Align performance against brand goals and
enables “total picture” reporting. objectives.

3. Drill-down access to omnichannel dashboards, 8. Tell the full story of campaign performance
scorecards and data exploration tools for agile with trusted data, rich media and the voice
decision-making. of the customer.

4. Focus on analysis and recommendations instead 9. Be a leader in transparency, accountability and

of wrangling messy data. data access.

5. Fast reporting, analysis and optimization cycles. 10. Build long-term, strategic partnerships with brands


Getting to a partnership that’s transparent and Be open about the issues, but stay focused on the
cooperative to this degree requires change. Brand opportunities. It’s a chance to build a data-driven
roles and responsibilities change. Agencies are asked culture, and a team that partners with your agencies
to change how they report performance—and in some to continually test, learn and improve.
cases, give up reporting responsibility altogether.
As the process is established and wins are notched,
Agencies may initially feel threatened. Address these the benefits, efficiencies and easy access to clean,
concerns proactively. Approach this as an opportunity trusted data will win out, and the new relationship
to strengthen the relationship—we’re going from good will become part of the culture on both sides.
to better! Agencies are our partners. Let’s work with
them to use data + insight to add value on both sides. How can we say so? Because we’ve been through
this many times before. Beckon has helped some
For brands, too, it’s a transition. Many brands decide to of the world’s biggest brands establish transparent
get more involved in analytics and reporting. You may partnerships with their agencies, helping both parties
need to bring new skill sets and capabilities in house. leap forward on the wings of a source of truth for
And access to data you’ve never had before may reveal marketing data + insight.
smarter ways to invest your dollars and resources.


• Beckon works directly with your agency partners (or through the brand if
you prefer) to understand how your data is sourced, integrated and tagged.

• Then, we automate data management per your business rules, connecting

directly to the data sources.

• We integrate, cleanse, normalize and objectively maintain all your marketing

data—including agency data—and make it available for real-time analysis +
reporting via simple, self-serve dashboards, scorecards and data
exploration tools.

• We help you establish KPIs and agency reports that map media
performance directly to your business objectives.

• We arm you with the right business questions as you partner with your
agencies to ensure that campaigns are on track and spend is
allocated wisely.

• These dashboards, tools, KPIs, reports and business questions provide

omnichannel visibility into performance, so you and your agencies can make
agile decisions and move spend from low performers to high performers on
the fly.

• Because we hold both your KPIs and sales data, we’re able to calculate
effectiveness ratios between the two consistently. These ratios serve as leading
indicators of marketing performance as well as early warning signs. (Issues like
Facebook charging for 100x the impressions actually served would be noticed
immediately, when effectiveness rates suddenly drop by 100x.)

• We let you share sales outcomes and other important data in any way you
deem fit—all the way down to the level of individual metrics! (You can restrict
any data you like as well.) Your agencies can finally have access to all the brand
data they need to drive performance against your strategic objectives.
Download 6 Steps to a Transparent Brand + Agency Partnership
Get our roadmap to a win-win relationship built on clean data,
trusted insight and maximum growth. Includes quotes and
examples from brands that have made the journey.

We’d love to talk with you about best practices for agency
management—your current situation, what’s possible, and how
to get there. Get in touch at

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