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Course Weng 4. Cdwahor titer) Bybdifreshate behoeen Ateleently deferineaats Gd Sjabooully tedeleraseke i Sot Lait S HY Ducat the Aermteges ad disadvadeges xf 2) Serbeenlly hebermuate shuclase. ie) saehcaly tndetermule. Hctiurea « 2) Kleh ua ahahows, brefly ddjerenbatc hebseon gatically wulelle wd Geomelicalls unywible Swichers gong eaanfler wf ecck. > Auell ob a prsclgaivesdor un Reinpth, le west fe caine ber uwcarmnets by pattig up 4 Sugle wiey Guerts Leuse. + Adah, refer ce fo he cacticar Jodi in ber popared spruce , dubyguscl bebween jase Gorils cand eed lords unag ahaits Seaauaplas %f each. @ 9 thee the sella of cute fo Catarfata te anal fates wreck yf Zhe member of the Imtaa bebe: asked asta acki 4 | \ zs (eeeeaais | Akanels ©4m = low B Avalyee Wee easy below Couplatoly dicar $e Steas Free, Bedug moneg, cod Grail lore! drags + | Cal 15h a akike | $$} ft Lam | amt 4m | fe Amt Aviley me Skele ateak Sond @ aes The pote fou Letowr (Gonoplctely | Skeleh fhe, Ga ‘i ud. crcl iniouretyg deagecens « ploar forto , _ Glo Bk ns Sm am NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING END OF SEMESTER ONE 2012/2013 EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Course: BSC CE, EE, ME, CE. Year: Two Course unit: Engineering Mathematics I ‘Time: 3hours Attempt Only four Questions DATE: Thursday, 26" November 2012 TIME: 2.00- 5.00pm estioi Having successfully completed a package in Fourier series during your stay at Ndejje University, use the knowledge and expertise acquired to: (@) Obtain the Fourier series expansion of the function, oP fare 2x, Sina oea aA f= CE O 0 ux, 0)=2, Ox0 Question Three ‘As the Engineer in the making apply the knowledge acquired in Engineering Mathematics Mt to: (@) Solve the systems of differential equations using the Laplace Transform methods x’ = 6x —3y + 8e", x(0) =-1 y =2x+y+4e, y(0)=0 (b) Solve the differential equation by Laplace transform 2y" —3y' + y =te~**, y(0) = 1 y'(0) =3 (©) Find the convolution of eZ PO)=a5s ®) S28 43) Question Four Perfectly flexible clastic string is stretched between points x = Oand x =1 withuniform tension T andthe string is displaced slightly from its initial position of rest and released, with end points remaining fixed. The string then vibrates with displacement u(x, t) at any time t, where x is displacement from the left and of the end. The equation of the motion (wave equation) is given as, H Uxx = 77 Met u(0,t)=u(Lt) =0,t > 0 u(x, 0) = f x) and u,(x,0) = g@) Assuming the trival solution u(x,t) = X(x)T() As an expert in partial differential equations 9. . @. § obtain the general solutions for the constant A equal to: @ zero (i) negative say A=—a? Question Five Itis of importance that you have knowledge on power series. Use the expertise acquired to: {@) Obtain the Radius of convergence of the power series 57g S @-1)" (6) Locate the ordinary points, regular and irregular singular points of the differential ‘equations. (xt — x? )y" + (2x + Dy’ +x?@+ Dy =0 (© Solve the differential equation y"” + X?-y = 0 of the power series about the point x = 0 END AHAGARE (ORAELIOS W/1/3 28 SMASH Kets) NDEJJE S¢f! UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CIV 2101: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I TEST Instructions: Answer all questions for full marks Make necessary assumptions where information provided is insufficient ATTACH the question paper to you answer booklet. QUESTION ONE a) Define the following terms i, Structure (1mark) ii, Structural system (Imark) b) Name and explain the four types of structures (4 marks) ©) With relevant examples, explain the concepts of stability and determinacy as applied in structural analysis. (6 marks) 4) Discuss the stability and determinacy of the following structures (2 marks @) 2 0) um fo ™) a) Structures are primarily designed to carry loads, name any three internal loads developed in structural element due loads it is subjected to. (1.5 marks) b) With reference to loads/actions in a classroom block, differentiate between live loads and dead loads (1.5 marks) ©) A reinforced concrete beam on the Ndejje University Science block carries a uniform Joad of 20KN/m and two point loads each of magnitude 80KN as shown in the figure below. Ndejje university Faculty of Engineering Structural analysis | Assessment Test Page 1 80kN 80kN | 20kN/m + 2.0m —-}-— 2.0m —~|-— 2.0m —~| i. Calculate the reactions at the supports (3 marks) ii, _ Find the shear and moment functions. Hence draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams indicating the critical values. (14 marks) HREE ) With the aid of diagrammatic illustrations, explain the difference between External instability and Internal instability in truss structures. (2 marks) b) State any two assumptions considered in the design of truss structures (2 marks) ©) Use the method of joint equilibrium to find all the forces in each member of the truss in the figure below, (13 marks) 25kN 4) Identify The equal force members ii. The zero force members GB marks) ee Ndejje university Faculty of Engineering Structural analysis I Assessment Test Page 2 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Base. (CIVIL ENG) SECOND YEAR SEMESTER. ATION 2012/13 CIV2101: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 1 DATE: FRIDAY 7™ December 2012 TIME: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm Instructions 1. This paper consists of seven questions and four pages. 2. All questions carry equal marks, 3. Answer any EIVE QUESTIONS for full marks. 4. Start each question on a fresh page and make reasonable assumptions where information given seems insufficient n_ One (20 Marks) ues a) Differentiate between the following, giving examples of each (4 Marks) i, Dead loads and live loads Statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures b) With clear illustrations, discuss the concepts of stability and determinacy in structural analysis (8 Marks) ©) Discuss the stability and determinacy of the structures in Fig. 1 below (8 Marks) ©NdejjeUniversity Examinations Semester One 2012/13. Page 1 Question Two (20 Marks) a) Define an inflection point. (1Mark) 'b) Name the internal loads developed in a structural element due to loadings it is subjected to. (2 Marks) ©) A simply supported beam in a building supports a uniformly distributed load and a point load as indicated in the Fig 2 below Fig2 +}-——4m——_+-— 4m —_+ i, Calculate the reactions at the supports (3 Marks) Find the shear and bending moment functions (6 Marks) ii, Sketch the shear and bending moment diagrams indicating the critical values (8 Marks) Question Three (20 Marks} a) State any two assumptions made in design of truss structures (2 Marks). b) Use the method of joint equilibrium to find all the forces in each member of the truss in Fig3 below (18 Marks) 25 yy ia aa e D- Fig3 am 4 ee eee Four (20 Marks) 20 KN A Fig 4 5 C Lam +. 6m ——__1 a) Sketch the elastic curve for this Figure (Fig 4) (2 Marks) 'b) Determine the equation of the elastic curve using Macaulay's method (10 Marks) c) Find the deflection and slope at B (8 Marks) Given that E= 200GPa, 1=6(105) mm* ‘©NdejjeUniversity Examinations Semester One 2012/13 Page2 Question Five (20 Marks) a) What is an influence line? (1 Marks) b) Name any two examples of structural cases where influence lines are commonly applied (2 Marks) ‘) Refer to the simply supported beam in Figure 5 below to construct the influence line for i Reaction at A and hence find the value of the reaction Raat Shear force at C and hence find the value of the shear force Vz at C 10,.kN (17 Marks) Find the horizontal displacement of joint C of the truss in Figure 6 below using Castiglione’s theorem. All the truss members have uniform cross-sectional area of 400 mm? and E= 200 GPa. (20 Marks) sen —S e " | I ol 3.5m——1# 10K Question Seven (20 Marks) Analyze the frame in Figure 7 below completely, sketch the shear force, bending moment and axial load diagrams. (20 Marks) Fig7 ————— ese @NdejjeUniversity Examinations Semester One 2012/13 Page 3 FORMULAE SHEET End Success!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!! a @NdejjeUniversity Examinations Semester One 2012/13 Page 4 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS 2012/2013 CIV2103: CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS 1 DATE: Thursday, 3°” December 2012 TIME: 9.00hrs — 12.00Noon INSTRUCTIONS This examination consists of five questions Attempt all the five Questions Alll questions carry equal marks Begin each question on a Fresh Page Do not write in the question paper Question 1 [20 Marks} a, A material is defined as a substance or thing from which something else can be made. Cloth, ‘cement, sugar, brick, aluminum, soil, and water are all examples of materials. In engineering, materials are employed to design and build structures, clements, or products. Explain the different categories of civil engineering materials. (20 Marks) Question 2 [20 Marks} a) What are the deleterious effects of cold weather concreting and elaborate the precautionary measuring techniques for it? 6 Marks) b) What are the major factors affecting the compressive strength of concrete, Explain briefly? (6 Marks) ©) What do you understand by setting and hardening of concrete? (4 Marks) @) Write down a note on alkali silica reaction (ASR). (4 Marks) Question 3 [20 Marks] a. Write down various properties of fresh concrete and briefly explain factors affecting them? (6 Marks) b. Write a short note on followings? 1. Creep in concrete (2 Marks) 2. Plastic shrinkage in conerete (2 Marks) 3. Batching of Concrete (@ Marks) c. Whats the difference between chemical admixture and mineral admixture? (2 Marks) 4. Write down a note on silica fume? (@ Marks) ¢. Howare plasticizers important in concrete? (@ Marks) £. Explain the mechanism involved in plasticizing action? (@ Marks) Question 4 [20 Marks] 8. Write a short note on bulking of sand? (@ Marks) b. Whats fineness modulus 6f sand? (2 Marks) . Calculate the fineness modulus of sand? Followings are the percentage of cumulative retain by ‘mass on the serious of sieves. (G Marks) i Sieve No. Percentage of cumulative retain by mass 95mm GS in) 0 (No.4) a (No.8) _ 17 (No. 16) 37 (0.20) 37 (0.50) 2 {(No.100) 98 4. Explain the factors considered in stone construction? (10 Marks) ¢. Listat least four applications of stones (@ Marks) Question 5 [20 Marks} ) The major problems that arise in wood use may be attributed either to the effects of grain distortions (cell orientation or alignment), to the effects of excess moisture, or to defects that occur as a result of the drying process. Explain the specific defects taken into account in the grading of lumber products. (14 Marks) b) The first step in the steel manufacture begins at the blast furnace. Explain the process of steel manufacture. (6 Marks) END ra NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING “a CIVIL ENG. 44RD YEAR SEMESTER I TEST 1 2012/2013 CIV2103: ENGINEERING MATERIALS I Date: Tuesday Ist November 2011 1, What are the deleterious effects of cold weather conereting and elaborate the weer precautionarymeasuring techniques for it? (6 Marks) — “a2 2. What are the major factors affecting the compressive strength of concrete, Explain briefly? (6 Masks) tee 3. What do'you understand by setting and hardening of concrete? (4 Marks) 4. Write down various properties of fresh concrete and briefly explain factor affecting them? (6 Mais) ee PO 5. Write a short hote on followings? (2 Marks each) a. Creep in concrete b. Plastic shrinkage in concrete Batching of Concrete ‘What is the difference between chemical admixture and mineral admixture? (2 Marks) Write down a note on silica fume? (2 Marks) How plasticizers are important for concrete?(2 Marks) Write down the mechanism involved in plasticizing action(2 Marks) pese Write a short note on bulking of sand2(3 Marks) ‘What is fineness modulus of sand? Marks) ¢. Calculate the fineness modulus of sand Marks) Followings are the percentage of cumulative retain by mass on the serious of sieves. oe Sieve No. Percentage of cumulative retain by mass 9.5 mm (3/8 in) 0 (No.4) 2 (Nos) 17 (No. 16) 37 (No.20) 37. 82. 98 ‘of concrete? (2 Marks) b, Write down a note on alkali silica reaction (ASR). (4 Marks) NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING B.SC. (CIVIL ENG.) SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS 2012/2013 CIV2201 HYDRAULICS Date: 04™ DECEMBER Time: 2:00-5:00PM. Instructions 1. This examination comprises of two sections. 2, Section A has 20 questions of 2 marks each ic. 40 marks in total. Attempt all questions. 3. Section B has 4 questions of 20 marks each. Attempt any 3 questions. 4. Where you find insufficient data is supplied, make reasonable assumptions and state them. 5. There are some formulae on page 4 that you might find useful SECTION A (@ Marks per question = 40marks) 1. What do you understand by the term “hydraulic grade line"? 2. Why are open channel flow problems much harder to solve than pipe flow problems? 3. State the law of conservation of energy as it is used in hydraulics 4, The maximum velocity in an open channel is expected to be at the free water surface but occurs just below the surface. Explain why this happens. 5. Explain why a 2 - Re chart is not practically useful in estimating the roughness of open channels 6. What do you understand by the term conveyance? 7. A compound channel is made of three sections. In section 1 the velocity is 1.5m/s while cross-sectional area is 10m”. In section 2 the velocity is 1.8m/s while cross- sectional area is 13m* and in section 3 the values are 1.4m/s and 9.5m?. Determine the coefficient of energy 8. Sketch a curve of depth versus specific energy for a channel with a raised hump of height Az. 9. In physical terms what are the two forces that are compared when we use the Froude number 10, In a rectangular channel, the specific energy is 1.5m. If the flow velocity is Im/s ‘what is the regime of flow? 11, List any two “critical depth meters” that you know Page 1 of 4 12. State Newton’s law of viscosity and explain all terms 13. Explaining all terms, write the equation for the energy loss in a hydraulic jump 14, Give 4 types of “local” head losses that can occur in a pipeline 15. A pipeline 400mm in diameter and 2000m Jong connects two reservoirs whose difference in head is 6m. Ignoring local head losses, determine the discharge in the pipe if the friction factor 2. is 0.006. 16. Give the energy and continuity equations for the total head and total discharge for ‘two pipes that are placed in parallel. 17. Explain what you understand by the term “cavitation” in pumps. 18. Briefly explain the practical application for pumps that have high specific speeds 19. Explain the difference between the mode of operation of a gravity dam and an arch dam 20. What is the use of a spillway in a water engineering scheme? SECTION B Question 1 a) The cross-section of the flow in a river during a flood was as shown in the figure below. Assuming manning’s roughness coefficients for the side channel and main channel to be 0.04 and 0.03 respectively, determine the discharge and the energy coefficient a. [10] Bed slope = 0.005 ‘Area of main channel (bank full) = 280 m? Wetted perimeter of main channel = 54m x D> 5 7 50m 40m 50m b) The asphalt-lined trapezoidal channel (n = 0,016) in the figure below carries 300 m’/s of water under uniform-flow conditions when the bed slope is 0.0015. What is the normal depth yn? fay v 50° ——4 Page 2 of 4 Question 2 a) A trapezoidal channel having a bottom width of 10m and side slope of 1 vertical in 3 horizontal is used to discharge 70m’/s of water. If the slope is 2% and Manning’s n is 0.023, determine i) The critical depth ol ii) The normal depth [4] iii) Hence classify the regime of flow PI b) A hydraulic jump occurs downstream of a 15.5m wide sluice gate. The initial depth is 1.22m and the velocity is 18.2m/s. Determine i) The initial and the conjugate depth Froude number 15] if) The energy dissipated in the hydraulic jump in kW 2 iii) Ilustrate the situation on a specific energy sketch BI ‘Question 3 a) Water flows in a rectangular channel whose bed slope suddenly changes from S to Sa. If S; is mild and S, is steep, Sketch the overall surface profile and identify the surface profiles in each section 2] b) A lake discharges directly onto a stream of rectangular form. If the head of water in the lake above the channel bed is 3m and the channel is 6.5m wide with Manning’s n of 0.015. Find; i) The discharge for a channel bed slope of 100m/km (take So>S.) [4] ii) The discharge for a channel bed slope of Im/km (take S. VEt6 , ceh Be ty ote sf ~30 IH we SPER Ra a ae gs Eps ~3 Steg ts acotrest te ee coey (b) Table 1 below, shows a field book in a leveling exercise" HC = RM Oe bik bee ete, bet net oy ans WF s Bs is Fs Hoc [RL corr. | corr. RL__| Remark, 2.197 + A’ |B ‘OBM (49.872) Cae 49.556 I CH 20 2.325 D ‘CH40 36 TE + cireo (CP) FA 3 8) ea 83} | Gos 51.073 cH80 17527 H = [1seea7 | 50,775 ‘CH 100 (CP) sli (cs TBM (48.719) 6.962 [8.124 Ibo Af ES iC smlapss | NeGLFFE c= BhaTS Wo saute s 35 (I) Calculate the missing values ¢,="-2L wy = Hc-FS. yt (ll) Apply the arithmetic checks and determine the misclosure and apply the ee corrections. os ag go Ft MEN, we = OMFS Spee © eee at ) me } “RS JS ~ Question Four (25 marks) _ ies ue-Be Ts = Herre! In a tacheometric operation, the following observations as indicated in the table were made me eis KERR La pnranst Instrument] Target” [Horizontal | Vertical Station readings station station _| circle circle areal = U M C A Cc 220° 30" 00"~ | - 2° 48" 3875 3:550 [3.225 B 319° 30" 00" _[ 8" 36" 3.360 [2.515 | 1.650 (i) Determine the horizontal distance BC N= pesstore (ii) Find the RL of B if the RL of C is 1450. 650m amsl (a) Question Five (25 marks) (b) A steel tape of nominal length 30m was used to measure a line AB while laid on the ground of uniform slope. The following measurements were recorded. ke Ge ly Vbbe Shee The standardized length of the tape was known to be 29.988m at 20°c and SON tension if the tape has a cross sectional area of 2mm’, Calculate the horizontal length AB, clearly explaining the elements of the formulae used. Young's modulus of the tape material is 200KN/mm* and the co efficient of thermal expansion is 0.0000112/°c aoe vis Line | length of ine | slope angle mean | Mean temp | Tension application AB [29.872m 3740" 5° 120N zbt Hey ifthe tape was used to determine 2 plot tourettes 127-34 hectares; what is te ——— corrected area of the plot after standardizisation? ¥ - » (a) Question Six (25 marks) 004 (b) What are the geometrical limitations of Resection as a method of fixing horizontal control? Mention the other methods of fixing horizontal control. the = Macs Lerbr 876 ay wees tH hee <(¢) We would like to determine the coordinates of station X. After reconnaissance, we discovered that station X lies inside the triangle PQR whose coordinates are shown in the table below. Station [N(m) E(m) : P 7643.20 [4798.20 Q 6327.10, 2534.50 R 6215.60 —11513.70 We occupied X and made the following observations. Angle PXQ = 128° 23’ 24” Angle QXR = 097° 10' 11" Using the given data, compute the coordinates of station X. Question Seven (25 marks) (@) Errors in surveying are classified either according to source or their influence on observations. During EDM measurements, outline both methods of error classification. (b) Using a hypothetical example, differentiate between Accuracy and Precision as applied to survey measurements, (c) Outline the sources of errors in leveling and their remedies UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING B.Sc. (CIV- ENG.) SECOND YEAR SEMESTER ONE EXAMINATION 2011/12 CE2102 Civil Engineering Surveyig I DATE: 22 Nov 2011 TIME: 0900hrs - 1200hrs Instructions: Attempt any four questions ha All questions carry equal marks oe: Uso sketches and illustrations where necessary 3 hen, oleh oe Question Oue (25 marks) Heeheac tao (@) __ Whyis it necessary to standardize a steel band before field survey measurements are carried out with it? er oDdu- (©) __Asurvey line was measured with a steel band believed to be 20m long and a length of 264.62m resulted. On checking, the steel band was found to mesons 19.95m long. J tt) Chis wnat was tee cored lena et he be . (ii) If the line lay ona slope of 1 in 20 what would be the reduced horizontal length used in the plotting of the ‘survey? (ii) ~~ What reading is required to produce a horizontal distance of 15.08m between two site pegs 0.66m above each other? (iv) If the tape was used in determining an area of plot found to be 127.34 ha, what would be correct area of the plot? \ Shaan nes mas he table below shows angular observations taken with a WILD T-2 4" Theodolite stationed at 71Y81 to various stations as shown. Station Bearing (™*) Vertical angle (“) At TAY8t 780 (O10 25 35 (FL) |= [086 25 (FL) M9025 38 (FR) 263 35 (FR) Tia 3544 16 (FL) | ~ el ose 14 (FL) 315 44 10 (FR) 271_ 48 (FR) A 278 19 "23 (FL) | -¢] 84 _ 35 (FL) 098 19 20 (FR) 275 22 (FR) 71Y80 was used as the reference object 010° 25 30" being the correct bearing of 71Y81 -71Y60. sores ()__ Explain how the vertical angle between 71Y81 and A was measured i ge ee ee Gi) Cateulate the internal and external angles 71Y80 —71¥81 ~ 7144 and 7AYad = 7181 -A ara ae (iv) _ Calculate the mean vertical angles. irs 1a) Differentiate with examples and illustrations between the types of obstruction in chain/tape surveying (i) Chainage free, vision obstructed (i) Vision free, chainage obstructed {o) in figure 1, P; Peis a chain line whose measurement has been obstructed by a pond The pond Is deep and much longer than the chain/tape length being used Re | ay Fig. 1 Explain by means of sketches how to determine correctly the straight distance Pr Pz yy (6) Explain how to erect a perpendicular from a straight fine by linear method Nr using; i i) 3-4-5 Pythagoras method Taceil bot iil) Equal arcs method. ihe cae oe You) - Bl € ea Question Four (25 marks) att (a) Mention the errors in leveling and their remedies. 1 Be (0) Four points A, B, Cand D were pegged out on a fairly level ground in a straight line so - oh eistance AB = BC = CD = 20m. Readings taken with a level at B gave values of tg wr 275m and 1.51m on staves held vertically at stations A and C respectively. Readings x fae ath the level at D and staves at A and C were 2.27m and 1.15m respectively. (() Was the level out of adjustment? If so calculate the collimation error. {i What would have been recorded on staves at A and C with the level at Dif the level had po collimation error. YQ Question Five 25 marks) (a) Define the following as applied to leveling Datum Bench mark ‘Change point Reduced level Height of collimation (b) A straight sever runs from C to D, and the levels were taken as shown in the table Bs is FS (aaebad -(4,-0 eo ee = [eseomh = SSSR — Remark 1.260 BM, 370. 460m amsi Ee 0.110 2435__|CP1 r e 1.410 Ground level at C 7.005 2385 __[ CP 2 fh 0.880 2.815 [CP3 2115 Ground level at D Hr 2.270 | BM, 363. 802m amsl Calculate the level book using the height of collimation method by applying all the necessary arithmetic checks. Given that the distance CD is 210m, determine the mean gradient of the sewer. $3 question $i 25 marks) (a) Derive equations for determining the horizontal distance and reduced level of appoint using stadia tachometry with an inclined line of sight to the vertical staff. (b) A tachometer with a stadia constant K = 100 and additive constant C = 0 was set up at P and the following observation taken to a vertical Staff held at A and B. yore Station Bearing Vertical angle | Stadia readings observed A N30"50e [06a 2824, 3.220, 3.616 5 S60'45e | -07 10 2.067, 2.467, 2.877 ‘The reduced level of station P is 650.65 m and the height of the instrument is 1.425m. Calculate the horizontal distance AB and the gradient of the line AB. Sbo'HSE\ , 'o oe ee | ee ih Paset| abe [ge het ou \nn | ORL FS ly \ “O53 ‘hha = Bip FF84 thet Ven “aie NDEJJE fast UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING 'T OF CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTME! {CAVE ENGINEERING) 8} DATE: 18" Cotober 20 ‘TIME: 11-12:00Noon INSTRUCTIONS: Tj_Answer ALL questions for full marks QUESTION ONE: (a) A line AB between the stations A and B was measured as 348,25 rea 20m rape, too short by 0.05 m, Determine the i, Comect length of 4B [Smarks} ii, The reduced horizontal fengih of AB if 4B lay on a slope of | in 25 [Smavks} 4 horizontal distance of 22°86 m berween Hi, And the reading required to produc two pegs. one being 0.56 m above the other. [Smurks] ch of distance 348.28m was measured using « 20m tape, (b) Explain hen [Smiurtis| QUESTION TWO: The following consecutive readings were taken with a level on continuously sioning ground at « {ast station has an elevation ef 158,272 m. Rule our a pa common incerval of 20m, The Cateulate and enter the resting 1. The reduced levels of the points by rise and fall method ii, The ining the first and last points. [Smarks} Staff vendings 0.420, 1.115, 2.26 1505, 4.445, 0,605, 1.925, 2.885. 2,900, 3.615, 0.535, 1.470, 2.815, NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING B.Sc. (CIVIL ENGINEERING) SECOND YEAR SEMESTER ONE 2012/13, C1V2102: ENGINEERNG SURVEYING I TEST 11 DATE: 08" November 2012 ‘TIME: 11-12:00Noon ‘Answer ALL questions for full marks Question one (a) Explain the meaning of the terms random error and systematic error, and show by example how each can occur in normal surveying work. [Smarks} (b) A tape of standerd length 20 m at 85°F was used to measure a base line. The measured distance was 882.50 m. The following being the slopes for the various segments of the line: ‘Segment(m) | slope 100 220° 150 412 1°06" hag] | 3°00" | x1 Colcutate the true length of the line if the mean temperature during measurement was 63°F and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape material is 6.5 * 10-6 per. °F [15marks} Question Two . (a) Explain the circumstances under which Engineers may use contours. [Smarks} { (b) The following readings were observed with a level: 1.143 (BM 112.28), 1.765, 2.566, 3.820 CP; 1.390, 2.262, 0.664, 0.433 CP; 3.722, 2.886, 1.618, 0.616 TBM. i, Reduce the levels by the R-and-F method. [9marks} Calculate the l2vel of the TBM if the line of collimation was tilted upwards at an angle 66" andl each BS length was 100 n and FS length 30 in [6marks

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