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The Execution of Dr. Jose Rizal A Role Play by Group 2 – Soc. Sci.

1 Class, BSMT III Alfa Cast

of Characters 1. Ligones, Jo-em Lain J. 2. Jaselle Dianne Orcullo 3. Panis, Christopher 4.
Mumar, Donald John 5. Laid, Aldrian J. 6. Analay, Mark Jayson 7. Baculio, Neri James A. 8.
Talle, Kent Jason 9. Gumapac, Rey Vincent 10. Madayag, Billy 11. Salem, Kent Ervin 12. Velez,
Mark Ramvie P. 13. Sultan, Shun L. 14. Alaura, Ryan O. 15. Felizaria, Michael 16. Pagara,
Genaro Jr. 17. Wagas, Jake Balaba 18. Iniego, Rhoniel D. as as as as as as as as as as as as
as as as as as as Dr. Jose Rizal Doña Teadora Alonso Judge/Governor General Camilo de
Polavieja Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade Jesuit Jesuit Spanish Officer Announcer Filipino
Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Filipino
Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Filipino Soldier/Guard Director

Scene 1: The final verdict of the Spanish military court martial on the case of Dr. Jose Rizal
Narrator: December 28, 1896 After Rizal’s trial before a Spanish Military Court Martial,
Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja and Captain Rafael Dominguez, signed the document
confirming the death sentence of Dr. Jose Rizal scheduled on December 30, 1896 at
Bagumbayan Field. Judge: Este tribunal condena, don José Rizal Mercado Y. Alonso con la
pena de muerte, así decretado y ordenado por el tribunal ordinario marcial del cargo como
testigo por el presidente y los miembros del tribunal (While the narrator reads the following
lines, Dr. Jose Rizal looks at the papers bearing the decision on his case wile Lt. Andrade walks
on his way to the prison cell of his client) Narrator: This tribunal condemns, Don Jose Rizal
Mercado Y. Alonso with the penalty of death, so decreed and ordered by the ordinary court
martial of the post as witnessed by the president and members of the tribunal Narrator:
Meanwhile, at Dr. Jose Rizal’s prison cell, Lt. Andrade tries to argue with him on the outcome of
his case and speaks…

Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade: Assholes! (Drops the paper on the table Rizal is facing and
continues…) culos! Jose Rizal: (Replying calmly) This is my first time to hear you utter such
words Taviel, it appears you’re good at it Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade: what happened
was not fair, they didn’t give us enough chances to defend the case! They manipulated the
proceedings! They just used us! Jose Rizal: How come you’re so angry when in fact it’s me
who’s going to die? Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade: Good that you still have the guts to joke
Jose Rizal: Luis… Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade: Enough! I shall resign from all my duties
in the government. I will go back to Spain!... I am ashamed to you… I am ashamed to all of
you… Jose Rizal: Why? Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade: Because I have failed Narrator: A
moment of silence comes across between the two and Rizal stands up to pat Lt. Andrade on his
right shoulder and spoke… Jose Rizal: You’re not a Spaniard Taviel, we’re just the same…
Scene 2: Doña Teodora Alonso Begs Gov. General Polaviejo for Help Narrator: Meanwhile, at
the house of Governor General Polavieja, Doña Teodora Alonso with teary eyes and fear he
approaches the guards and speaks… Teodora Alonso: Excuse me Senior, May I talk to Gov.
Polaviejo, I want to ask for help from him for my son Dr. Jose Rizal Guard: The governor has no
time for that, leave! Teodora Alonso: Please, have mercy, he’s the only chance we got to save
my son’s life… Guard: Senyora, bor pabor! Narrator: Madame, Please…
(After hearing the word pabor, the Governor General comes down and walks his way towards
the door where Doña Alonso was trying to plead for help from him. As he approaches halfway to
the door, the guards let her enter the place and quickly she approached the governor
begging…) Teodora Alonso: Oh Governor!, Governor!, Governor… Governor – General Camilo
de Polavieja: Senyora, bor pabor!... No tengo tiempo Teodora Alonso: Have pity Governor,
Please, I beg you… (hands over an envelope to the governor while begging and speaks…) for
my son Jose Rizal Governor – General Camilo de Polavieja: (gets the envelope and speaks…)
Lo Siento (and the governor continues to walk his way through the door of his house, leaving
the mother of Dr. Rizal grieving for his expected death) Scene 3: The gathering of the
Katipunero’s Meanwhile, at the gathering of the KKK, Andres Bonifacio exclaims… Andres
Bonifacio: We are going to invade the Spaniards in the soonest time possible, we shall save Dr.
Jose Rizal! All hail Dr. Jose Rizal! Katipuneros: All hail Dr. Jose Rizal! All hail Dr. Jose Rizal!
Paciano: Wait! Please come down! Wait! Please come down! The security over my brother is
heavy, the Spaniards are prepared for any plans to save my brother… Andres Bonifacio: And so
are we, we are not scared of them, my fellow katipunero’s, till death for Dr. Jose Rizal! Paciano:
Wait! Please come down! Wait! Please come down! Even I, would want to save my dearest
brother Rizal, But Jose Rizal himself don’t want us to risk our lives defenseless from the
Spaniards… Pepe’s fate lies now in the hands of God… We can’t do anything else about that…
(Paciano looks at Andres Bonifacio and bonifacio pats paciano on his right shoulder…) Scene 4:
Rizal’s love ones pays him a visit before his death

Narrator: December 29, 1896 Dr. Jose Rizal was then taken to the chapel where he was to
await the dawn of the day that would bring his death. Since then, visitors came to see him
before his destined death… It was then on that he started to write letters, particularly to his
family, to his dear brother Paciano which reads… (While Rizal on the stage acts as if he’s
writing the narrator reads the letter of Rizal to Paciano…) “My dear brother, for more than for
years, we have neither seen nor written each other, not for lack of love on your part nor mine,
but because knowing each other as we do, we needed no words to understand each other. Now
that I am about to die, I dedicate these last lines to you to tell you how sorry I am to leave you
alone in the world, bearing the burden of the whole family and our old parents. I think of the
hardships you went through to help me in my career and I believe I tried my best to waste no
time. My brother, if the fruit is bitter, the fault is not mine, but fate’s…” (Rizal then stands up and
looks on to his window as her mother arrive and speaks…) Dr. Jose Rizal: Inay… Mano po
Inay… (Rizal kneels down and kisses the hand of his mother) (Doña Teodora stands grieving
while Rizal continues as his mom looks at him…) Dr. Jose Rizal: Forgive me for all my lapses
mother… (both of them starts to shed tears in their eyes and the guard forces them to separate
each other) I love you so much mother… Teodora Alonso: Pepe… Dr. Jose Rizal: Mother, when
I die, please ask for my dead body right away because they might throw it anywhere… bury me
underground and place a cross on my burial ground with the date of my birth and my death…
that would be all mother… Narrator: Then Trinidad came in and Jose Rizal handed over to her a
gift and said… Dr. Jose Rizal: I received this from the Pardo de Taveras, there is something in it
Narrator: Then Trinidad walked out with her mother. Later on the family found what Rizal meant
was on the gift and read it. It was the hero’s farewell poem which was smuggled successfully
out his prison area and which soon became a priceless gem in the Philippine Literature.
Narrator: After Jose Rizal was visited by his loved ones, the night before the day of his death,
he wrote to Blumentritt:

(While Rizal on the stage acts as if he’s writing, the narrator reads the letter of Rizal to
Blumentritt…) “When your receive this, I shall be dead. Tomorrow at seven I shall be shot, but I
am not guilty of the crime of rebellion. I shall die with a clean conscience. Goodbye, my best
friend and dearest friend” Scene 5: Rizal’s Final Destination Narrator: Dr. Rizal spent the night
praying and sleeping by turns till the dawn of December 30 at 5:00 am, he was served three
soft-boiled eggs for breakfast and exclaimed… Dr. Jose Rizal: Esto para los pobres ratones que
ellos ambien hagan su fiesta! Narrator: This is for the poor mice, let them celebrate, likewise.
Consequently, after Jose Rizal was visited by his mother, on the next day at 5:30 am then came
Josephine Bracken accompanied by Josefa… Dr. Jose Rizal: Josephine this is for you… (and
they hug each other) Narrator: Then Josephine and Josefa came out bringing with them the
book entitle Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis. (At the same time as the narrator reads the
line above, Dr. Jose Rizal wears his black suit and his black bowler hat. Lt. Andrade arrives and
the guards tied his arms behind his back…) Dr. Jose Rizal: (While looking at Lt. Andrade…)
They must have thought that I’ll escape… where? In Dapitan?... (Marching music plays…)
Narrator: Then the march towards his death place begins… eventually the group passes by the
Postigo Gate out to the Paseo de Maria Cristina. Rizal turned his head several times to take a
last look at familiar scenes he was leaving behind and exclaims… Dr. Jose Rizal: We are on the
way to calvary… Narrator: He remarked the priest. Dr. Jose Rizal: Christ must have suffered
more… Dr. Jose Rizal: Is that the Ateneo?

Jesuits: Yes Dr. Jose Rizal: I spent the happiest years of my life there… (His remarked, his
face, brightening at the recollection, within minutes they arrived at the place of execution) (The
shooting soldiers marches in and the narrator starts to say simultaneously…) Narrator: To
humiliate him further, a firing squad composed of Filipino soldiers had been ordered to do the
shooting. Behind the Indios stood a line of Spanish soldiers, ready to ensure with their rifles that
the Filipino soldiers do their job… A few seconds before the order to shoot was given, the
military surgeon felt rizal’s pulse. It was astonishingly normal for a man who had only a few
minutes to live, and knew it. (Marching music stops and Rizal speaks..) Dr. Jose Rizal: (faces
the crowd and says…) I have not been a traitor to my country nor to the Spanish nation. (then
turns his attention to the Spanish officer…) on ultimo pabor. déjame hacer frente del pelotón de
fusilamiento Spanish Officer: Impossible’ Dr. Jose Rizal: entonces por lo menos salvar mi
cabeza (The Spanish officer looks at Lt. Andrade and nods, affirming the hero’s request. Rizal
lifts his right hand to hand shake with LT. Andrade and Lt. Andrade holds his hand and his
shoulder firmly as if it was another form of saying thank you and good bye.. the accompanying
group of rizal then distances themselves towards the crowd and an announcer then speaks…)
Announcer: En el nombre del rey de España, cualquier persona que levanta la voz en favor de
la penal… También se ejecutará Narrator: In the name of the King of spain, anyone who raises
his voice in favor of the criminal will also be executed. (Then Rizal turns around…) Announcer:
Listo (thrill drum sound plays)!... cargar! …Establecer! (as thrill drum sound plays… Rizal then
utters his last words) Dr. Jose Rizal: Consummatum est! Announcer: fuego

(Big bang sound effect plays and Rizal Dies. A spanish officer approaches him, gives a mercy
shot – another shot sound plays - to assure his death, and draws a handkechief from Rizal’s
pocket and gently spread it over his face…) Alas! The Indio Bravo was dead…

Announcer: muerte a los traidore! Viva España People: Viva España! Viva España!
(Then plays march of cadiz) -End-

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