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Lesson Plan

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Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

Board and markers or The students will be able to improve their

Laptop and projector pronunciation, rhythm and stress while they speak.

The students will reduce the fear of making mistakes

while speaking in a fun way.

The students will improve their ability to pronounce and

differentiate words with similar sounds.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

The teacher will start reading a short tongue twister:

She sells seashells by the seashore (2-3)

And asking to the students if they can identified each word, the teacher can take some time in
this part to explain the meaning of the words if it is new or unusual vocabulary for the class.

The teacher can also encourage to the students to try to repeat the tongue twister.

Instruct and Model ​⌧​ ​R ​❑​ ​W ​⌧​ ​L ​⌧​ ​S

The teacher will share (through projection or board) with the students another tongue twister:

Betty Botter had some butter, 

"But," she said, "this butter's bitter. 
If I bake this bitter butter, 
it would make my batter bitter. 
But a bit of better butter-- 
that would make my batter better." (2) 

Guided Practice ​⌧​ ​R ​❑​ ​W ​⌧​ ​L ​⌧​ ​S

After the reading the students will work in pairs repeating to each other the tongue twister
several times, if they want they can record themselves with the help pf their phones, this will
help them to notice their flaws and fix it.

For the next exercise the teacher will read the next tongue twister (without using the board or
the projector, the students can take notes:

Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh (2)

The teacher will encourage the students to try to say the tongue twister (what they understood,
with the help of their notes) in front of the class.

Independent Practice ​⌧​ ​R ​❑​ ​W ​⌧​ ​L ​⌧​ ​S

Finally the teacher will ask to the students to write on a piece of paper the tongue twister that
they have as a homework, the idea is to mix all the papers and make them pick one of the
tongue twister to practice with a pair, helping each other with the difficult words.

The teacher will be around while they practice to help them with the difficult or unknown

Assessment ​⌧​ ​R ​❑​ ​W ​⌧​ ​L ​⌧​ ​S

Each student will have the opportunity to recite their tongue twister 3 times max. at the end
the fastest student with less mistakes will be chosen as a winner of the tongue twister
competition and will be awarded with a meaningful gift (a coffee, a snack, a product

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