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Community Outreach Program


The best knowledge that a person can have is through experience. Human is the most
special and crucial thing that God had ever made. Every individual has an innate expandable
learning capacity that can make a person wise and proficient in every thing. This learning can be
developed as a person grow by experiencing things from every stages of life.
The National Service Training Programs specifically the CWTS is a non-academic program,
but yet part of students curriculum. NSTP is focusing only on the community service which can
help to every students in developing themselves and helping community through rendering
services. Community outreach program is one of the way to enhance access to health workers and
health services. To this end, mobilization of urban health workers to serve undeserved areas is a
strategy to improve access health to the population in rural areas.
For the whole semester of rendering services in rural area of NHA New Visayas
Montevista I have learned many things which essentially help me to develop myself and have wide
understanding of every thing. The first activity we had was the feeding program. That was my
first time to experience of feeding children, though the first day was quite tough for me, because
that was my first time I encountered a lot of children. At first I thought we could not manage to
facilitate the activity, but the patience and temper still dominate in ourselves. We had so much fun
while doing an enjoyable activity together with those children. I am proud to myself because I had
accomplished something during that time.
The second community service that was the clean up drive. It was one of my favorite part
of all the activities, because aside from cleaning the community, we also bonded with my
classmates. It was so nice that you contribute something for the environment even in a simplest
The third one was the tree planting. I have already experienced this before in high school
days and even in our place. And now I experienced it again. Planting trees are very important to
protect the environment from ever changing climate. Every planted trees give so much help to our
mother earth and help saving lives. That was fun and adventurous experienced during that time.
We did not do that just for our compliance, but we did that because we want to. Although we
have very tough day of planting trees because we were all under the sun facing the heat. I
thought that we’ve just help the mother earth even in the simplest way and for we know it could
change something for everyone’s lives.
The fourth one was the handicraft making. There is so much things that everyone might
learn. The only thing to do is give an attention and guidance to develop the skill of every
individuals. Handicrafts reflect the culture, tradition and aesthetic of artisans who create them. It
draws a line between a thing that is skillfully hand made to what is massed produces, and
therefore grabs the attention to the skill and endeavor of the skilled individual. We can share this
skill to other people and even for the children. This can help them to gain an income through
selling these hand made crafts.
And now we are in the moment of ending this community service and receiving
certificates in our culmination day. This is a lifetime experienced and learnings that we obtain in
this curriculum and we would bring this till the end of our lives. It changes our perspective in
every thing and provide us a wide understanding that makes us grow and matured enough. It
gives a positive impact to our lives. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our NSTP
coordinator and to all NSTP instructors who guide us to make this successful milestone.

“We Thank You”

Submitted by: Ruel A. Longgakit

Submitted to: Leyte Macaganda

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