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LC: Distinguish the unique feature(s) of one communication process

from the other.

 Distinguish the unique features of one communication process

from the other in the context of a workplace.
 Observing office protocols

Building good relationships requires effective communication, and
effective communication requires effort. Sometimes we need to put ourselves
in the place of the other person we are communicating with to see how we are
coming across.

It is good to be part of a workplace where you are able to comfortably

express your honest opinions and insights and you are able to receive
constructive feedback from people you communicate with. Understanding the
process of communication and how communication flows in the workplace is
important in attaining organizational success.

Activity: Look who’s talking

Directions: Analyze what type of communication flow (upward,
downward or horizontal) takes place in each workplace scenario. Then,
be ready to share in class your answers to the given questions.

1. Jeremy has been working as an accounting staff at QRP for a year

now. Recently, the company hired another staff, Henry, to work with
Jeremy. Henry discovered that Jeremy has been committing fraud in
the financial reports that he is making. Jeremy warned Henry that he
should keep quiet and mind his own business.

A. What is the flow of communication between Jeremy and Henry?

Support your answer.

B. Do you think Henry should report this to their superiors? If you were
Henry what will you do?

2. Alana works in the Marketing Department of their company. There are
five members in their group. Recently, Alana’s colleagues are
complaining about the lack of competence and being too rigid of their
team leader, Ms. Belmonte. Alana proposed that they sit down with Ms.
Belmonte and discuss the problems with her; however, the group
disagreed and wanted to speak directly to their supervisor, insisting
that Ms. Belmonte is too uncompromising to listen.

A. What will be the flow of communication between staff of the

marketing department and the supervisor if they talk? Support your

B. Do you agree that the group should report the problem to the
supervisor, why or why not?

3. Mr. Pascual is the unit head of the finance department. He noticed that
one of his disbursing officers, Edward has been habitually coming to
the office 5-10 minutes late. Mr. Pascual tolerated him at first, but when
he noticed this somehow affected his performance, he gave him a
memo on his habitual tardiness. Edward showed improvement the
following days, but was late again after a week.

A. What is the flow of communication between Mr. Pascual and

Edward? Support your answer.

B. If you were Mr. Pascual, what will you do next? How will you
communicate to Edward what you think about his behavior?

Reflect on the quotation below. As a future employee, how
will you use communication to establish good relationships
among your colleagues and superiors.

“Communication- the
human connection – is
the key to personal
and career success.”
-Paul J. Meyer

LC : Discuss the functions of communication.

 Discuss the functions of communication.

 Use informative communication to promote
precautionary measures against potential hazards in the

Among the functions of communication, one of the most vital is its
informative function. Giving of information is part of our daily interaction with
other people. When your purpose is to inform, you help others understand a
topic, an issue or a policy.

In the workplace, for instance, new employees should be oriented on

their roles and responsibilities as well as the policies of the company. This
lesson focuses on the use of communication to prevent workplace hazards.

Potential hazards may exist in our everyday life, at home, at school or

at work. You need to develop the skills in recognizing the presence of these
hazards so you can also determine how they will be addressed. What comes
to your mind when you hear the word hazard? Take a look around your
classroom. Do you find any hazards inside the room? A hazard is any
condition that may cause harm to an individual.

In companies, employers have a responsibility to inform their workers

about possible hazards at work. The most common of these are chemicals,
fire, slippery floor, or unguarded machinery. As a responsible worker, an
individual should be knowledgeable about the potential hazards inside the
company to reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents.

Activity: Watch out for Danger!

Directions: Complete the activity by following the given


1. Your class will be grouped into four. Analyze the picture of a workplace
environment on the next page.

2. Brainstorm with your groupmates on how these hazards can be

controlled or prevented.

3. On your own, write a one-page informative speech indicating

precautionary measures to prevent the hazards found in the picture.

Workplace Environment



How will your knowledge of workplace hazards and their

precautionary measures help you become an efficient student and a future
employee? Write your insights on your journal.

LC: Identify the speaker’s purpose(s).

 Identify the speaker’s purposes(s).

 Emphasize the importance of commitment to an
organization and its goals.

The functions of communication are diverse and varying depending on
its context and application. Indeed, communication is a part of almost all
activity we engage in every day.

Communication has a limitless potential. It can open doors of

opportunity for you if you know how to use it properly. You can create
meaningful relationships and even get good employment opportunities for you
in the future. How do you assess your own communication skills? Are you
aware of your own communication style and purpose? Are you using the
power of communication to your own advantage?

This part of this handbook focuses on how you can use your
communication skills in demonstrating your commitment to the organization or
institution you belong. You can use it for a number of purposes such as to
regulate, interact, motivate, inform, or express.

Activity: Striking Statement

Directions: Identify the function of communication used in the following
speech excerpts. Then write your own speech of 250 words-essay
based on the guide questions on the succeeding pages.

1. “All through my life, he always stressed the importance of excellence, of doing

your best whatever it is you do, of always learning, always studying, always
getting better. Whether it was on the big things like setting up a new plant in
South Africa or Thailand, or the small things like cooking a good meal, he was
never content with "pwede na," he always did the best he could and was
always trying to improve things. His most impressive professional
accomplishment was probably the huge plant he set up when he was nearing
80 years old, which now makes the best detergent in the country. He never
pressured us, but the example he set was something we subconsciously
imbibed. Whatever you do, do your best”.

-Rizalina G. Mantaring
Commencement Speech
UP Tacloban, June 27, 2014

2. “When we started 11 years ago, Cebu Pacific flew only 360,000 passengers,
with 24 daily flights to 3 destinations. This year, we expect to fly more than
five million passengers, with over 120 daily flights to 20 local destinations and
12 Asian cities. Today, we are the largest in terms of domestic flights, routes
and destinations. We also have the youngest fleet in the region after acquiring
new Airbus 319s and 320s. In January, new ATR planes will arrive.”

-John Gokongwei
20th Ad Congress
November 21, 2007

3. “I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from
Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.
Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced
that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to
find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly
satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great
work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't
settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like
any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So
keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.”

-Steve Jobs
Commencement Address
Stanford University
June 12, 2005

4. “I’m responsible for this company. I stand behind the results. I know the
details, and I think the CEO has to be the moral leader of the company. I think
high standards are good, but let not anybody be confused, it’s about
performance with integrity. That’s what you have to do.”

– Jeffrey Immelt,

CEO of General Electric

Guide Questions

1. How did the authors express their commitment to the company?

2. What exceptional behavior or character of a person is shown in each of
the excerpts?
3. As a future employee, how can you show your commitment to your
future workplace or organization?


What is the importance of commitment in the success of a company

or organization? Write your insights on your journal.


Mantaring, R.G. (2014, June 29). Sun Life Philippines President and CEO
Riza Mantaring’s Commencement Speech in UP Tacloban. Retrieved
from ttps://

Gokongwei, J. (2008, January 12). John Gokongwei’s Speech at the 20 th Ad

Congress. Retrieved from gokongwei-speech-at-

Standford Report (2005, June 12). You’ve got to find what you love,” Job
Says. Retrieved from

Hendricks, D. (2015, November 19). 4 CEO Quotes Worth Reflecting Upon.

Retrieved from

LC: Watch and listen to sample oral communication activities.

 Promote Environmental Awareness through Oral Communication.

Most of the time, we communicate orally with people. Thus, it is
important to listen to them attentively to get the correct information and be
able to convey to others the idea through oral or written communication.

In this lesson, you will do an activity relative to environmental

awareness. It is crucial to be aware of our environmental status and know
how to help alleviate its condition, so our environment can be enjoyed by the
next generation.

Read the following discussions on Environmental Awareness then do

the activity and guide questions that come after.

Go Green!

by: Elinor Hemedes

Our planet is in grave trouble. Each year we experience extreme weather

conditions due to climate change. Environmental Awareness campaigns are all over the
world to highlight practices to save our earth. We see events to promote cooperation to
these cause, like the Earth Hour, a movement spearheaded by World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF). Earth Hour encourages everyone to switch off their lights for an hour to
show commitment to our mother earth.

A campaign is to work in an organized and active way toward a particular goal,

typically a political or social one. Starting a campaign in the workplace is a great way to
build rapport and boost morale. Advertising the campaign is a sure-fire way of getting
supporters. A lot of campaigns use posters, e-mail messages, campaign newsletters, or
promotional events to promote the cause behind every campaign.

Being aware of what is happening in our environment is important to get an

individual to participate. In an interview with Secretary Lucille Sering, Vice Chairperson
of the Climate Change Commission Philippines, she said “Majority of Filipinos have
personally felt the effects of climate change, and yet most have done nothing to reduce
it. Worse still, a portion of the population do not know what climate change is.”

Environmental awareness is a vital part to begin facing the earth’s problems.

Once becoming aware of what is happening to our earth, the question that pops up in
our minds is where to begin? You can begin small, first at your home, school or office.

A lot of companies began doing environmental awareness in their offices. For

instance, in the Nikon Company, they have activities such as publication of
environmental awareness journals, organizing of environment awareness month and
using of environmental friendly office supplies.

According to WWF, the office is a great place to start saving on energy and reducing
waste to help the environment. Here are some tips from WWF website:

 Save paper

How much paper is simply thrown away in your office every day? Reuse paper
for scrap and recycle. Print on both sides of a page when possible. Companies
can save significant sums on printing costs by publishing reports electronically
rather than on paper, and customers have instant access to the report. Use e-
mail and websites to market your products. Save money on printed publicity
material and postage costs. Aim for the paperless office.

 Turn it off

Use a large power strip for your computer, broadband modem, scanner, printer,
monitor and speakers. Switch it off when equipment is not in use. This is a
practical way to cut 200 kWh per year. Make sure computers are switched off
at night.

 Use green energy

Ask your employer to purchase energy efficient equipment.

 Love your laptop

Ask for a laptop instead of a desktop - it consumes 5 times less electricity. If

you must have a desktop, make sure that you get an LCD screen instead of an
outdated CRT screen.

 Save power with your PC

Enable the power management function on your computer; contrary to popular

belief, screen savers do not save energy.

 Recycle office equipment

Donate old computers and office equipment to other organizations and

institutions such as schools.

 Don't travel unless you really have to

Use phone, e-mail or video conferencing wherever possible and/or organize

a Climate Care Day.

Now that we have some insights on how to have an environment friendly
workplace. Let’s begin doing the activity below.

Activity: Hear Ye!

Directions: Group yourselves into 10 members and create an
environmental awareness campaign for an industry company. Be
prepared to role play your environmental campaign in class. As you
listen, note the best practices observed in the campaigns of the other
groups and be able to adopt these best practices.

Guide Questions

1. What can you infer about the campaigns presented by your classmates?

2. Why is it important to advocate environmental awareness and protection?

3. How can companies, government agencies, and non-government

organizations work hand-in-hand to instill among their community the
benefits of recycling?


On your journal, write down a few insights on how this lesson made
you realize the value of saving the environment. How do you see yourself a
few years from now in relation to promoting environmental awareness in your
own community or workplace?


Reyes, Elga. (2013, August 26). Philippines needs a climate change

awareness campaign. Retrieved from

Being green, even on Monday mornings. Retrieved from

LC: Comprehend various kinds of oral texts.

 Comprehend an oral text focused on the importance of 5S.


Effective communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, are very

essential skills especially in a work setting. Verbal or oral communication
makes use of words and refers to the content of our message. Non-verbal, on
the other hand, is a form of communication without the use of spoken
language which includes facial expression, signs, and gestures.

Once you enter the workforce, keep in mind that your success is not
only dependent on your competence in using verbal communicative skills, but
also on your behavior and attitude in the workplace.

One practice that will help you achieve your goals as a future employee
is a system called the 5S. This is a set of practices being observed not only in
a vast number of industries and companies but also in different sectors like
education, government, and other institutions.

5S refers to a methodical system or set of procedures for organizing,

cleaning, and applying standards consistently to for an organization to be
more efficient and effective in performing its work. The 5S originated from
Japan and stands for Seiri (sort), Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu
(standardize), and Shitsuke (sustain). Although this concept may be unfamiliar
to you, you will realize that the 5S is quite simple and you may have been
practicing it already though you are not aware of it.

Activity: Lend me Your Ears!

Directions: Listen to the story that your teacher will read entitled Small
Things that Count. Your teacher will check your understanding by
asking questions after the story is read.

Small Things that Count
by: Elinor Hemedes and Pamela Rodelas

Tristan was a newly hired Purchasing Officer in one of the companies in

LISP II. As a fresh graduate and a new employee, he understood that this was
a time of transition and change for him. His first few days seemed like a
landmine of challenges and problems. He found that his job was not easy at
all. He struggled and could not meet deadlines and thus resulted to being
reprimanded by his supervisor.

He decided to talk to one of his co-workers to seek help, but was not one
bit concerned about his problem. He just stared at him and nodded. “Maybe he just
has his own problems too,” Tristan thought.

That day, Tristan was again reprimanded by his superior, this time, in
front of a crowd. He felt demotivated and thought of quitting. But he said to
himself, “This will not make me quit!” Knowing that beginnings are usually the
hardest, he reflected on what had happened and was determined to know what
went wrong. He used the challenges at work as encouragement to be better.

Realizing that he could not meet deadlines and most of his work needs
re-doing, Tristan decided to observe his co-workers again. During his
observation, he noticed one particular practice that he thought could help him
with his problem. His co-worker, Cris religiously implements the 5S system. He
observed that through 5S, they have a systematic method of doing things at

Tristan smiled to himself for being foolish for he thought 5S is as simple

as housekeeping. But he realized now its importance. He noticed that being
disorganized is causing him trouble and mistakes. He borrowed from Cris his
5S manual and started working on the first two S’s, Sort and Set in order.

Tristan looked at his work table which is full of clutter. One of the
reasons why his processes and transactions are taking long is due to
misplaced work supplies and materials. Most of his files are out of place that’s
why it was taking much of his time to search for things.

Tristan then began to work on the third S which is shine. He checked his
computer, fax machine and printer. His equipment downtime also caused his
delays. He also made it a point that he followed the standards of the office in
doing his work. Soon, he became consistent in practicing the 5S. Even when no
one was looking, he did his job well. Not only did his performance at work
drastically improve, Tristan also showed a positive attitude to everyone, from
the entry level employee to the president, he gave everyone the same level of
respect. He was teachable and learned a lot from his superiors.

It was not long before Tristan worked his way towards promotion. He gained
the trust of reliable vendors and suppliers. He also made sound judgment
concerning his work and people under him.

Five years later, in Singapore, a competition was held among different

companies in Asia. Each company presented its the best practices that
contributed to the increase of production at work. Tristan was there, presenting
how their company adhered to the 5S and their other best practices. He
grabbed the first place in the competition. Then he looked back when he was
still new in the company, he hadn’t realize how small habits, if done consistently
could make such an impact.

* Note: This listening text material will be provided in the Teacher’s Manual. For this purpose,
material is shown, but for the actual Learners’ Materials, students won’t be provided this in
their LMs.

Guide Questions

1. What can you infer about the challenges encountered by Tristan as

a new employee?
2. What characteristics of Tristan do you believe you also have?
3. If you were Tristan’s boss, what will you say to him after seeing his
improvement at work?
4. How do you understand the importance of the 5S based on this


Look at the pictures below. Do you think will your performance and
productivity at work be affected if you are working on the first workplace
environment? How about if you are working on the second workplace
environment? Write your answers on your journal.

Photo Credit: Photo Credit
cleaning1.jpg content/uploads/2011/03/1843137425_b72efdc93c.jpg

LC: Exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given
speech context.

 Exhibit appropriate non-verbal cues/behavior used in the


In the workplace, non-verbal communication can be a powerful tool in
building good relationships and accomplishing goals. For instance, a firm
handshake, a sincere smile, or a good physical appearance can help you seal
a deal or get the approval of a client or a boss. It can show your supervisor,
colleagues, or clients your attitude about a certain task given to you. In the
corporate world, non-verbal communications make or unmake trust, rapport,
and confidence of other people.

Non-verbal communication is a form of communication without the use

of spoken language. It includes facial expression, gestures, signs, posture,
eye movement, clothes, proximity, or touch as well as some elements of
speech like intonation, accent, and tone of voice.

In this lesson, you will learn the different kinds of non-verbal

communication and their importance in the workplace.

Activity: Take a role!

Directions: Form a group and role play the workplace scenario
assigned to your group. Use non- verbal communication in
performing the scenes, then write on the table on the following page
the non-verbal behavior you observe in the role play


1. A lady employee came in 20 minutes late. The manager gave her a

stern look without saying anything.
2. There’s gossiping among workers inside the workplace because the
boss and his secretary are rumored to have an affair.
3. A job interview is ongoing between the HR Manager and a very
nervous applicant.
4. A hardworking factory worker was awarded the best employee of the

Workplace Observed Non-Verbal Behavior





As a future professional, how will you apply this quotation in

communicating with your superiors and colleagues? Write your insights on
your journal.

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't

being said."
- Peter Drucker

Your teacher will use this rubrics in grading the role play:

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Shows willing Usually willing Rarely willing
willing and
and focused in and focused in and focused in
focused in
acting out acting out acting out
acting out
Participation in basic basic basic
Preparation workplace workplace workplace
and scenarios scenarios scenarios
Presentation before and before and before and
before and
during the during the during the
during the
scene. scene. scene.
Convincing Competent Adequate Limited
communication communication communication communication
of character’s of character’s of character’s of character’s
Presentation feelings, feelings, feelings, feelings,
of situation and situation and situation and situation and
Character motives in motives in motives in motives in
doing the doing the doing the doing the
workplace workplace workplace workplace
scenarios scenarios scenarios scenarios
Purpose in Purpose in Purpose in
Purpose in
doing the basic doing the basic doing the basic
doing the basic
workplace workplace workplace
Achievement workplace
scenarios is scenarios is scenarios is
of scenarios is
clearly clearly vaguely
Purpose established but
established established established
may not be
and effectively and generally and may not
sustained. sustained. be sustained.
Impressive Satisfactory Limited
Good varieties
varieties of varieties of varieties of
of non-verbal
Use of Non- non-verbal non-verbal non-verbal
cues in doing
Verbal cues are used cues in doing cues in doing
the basic
Cues (voice, in doing the the basic the basic
gestures, eye basic workplace workplace
scenarios are
contact, props, workplace scenarios are scenarios are
used in a
costumes scenarios in an used in an used in a
exemplary acceptable developing
way. way. way.
Choices Choices demonstrate
demonstrate demonstrate awareness
insight and thoughtfulness and
Imagination powerfully and completely developing
and do little to
and enhance in enhance in acceptably
enhance in
Creativity rendering rendering enhance in
workplace workplace rendering
scenarios. scenarios. workplace

LC: Exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given
speech context.

 Exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given

speech context focusing on the importance of signages in the

Sometimes poor communication can lead to accidents, especially in a
workplace. It is of utmost importance to practice safety procedures.
Remember the phrase safety first! Safety signs in the workplace are an
integral part to safeguard employees. It warns and protects them from the
possible hazards and danger that could occur in the workplace.
In the activity that follows, you will differentiate various kinds of safety
signs and learn how it conveys messages to people in the workplace.

Activity: I Saw the Sign

Directions: Identify the meaning of each safety sign. Then, your teacher will
group your class into four and give you a set of safety signages.
Have a Small Group Discussion (SGD) and brainstorm on the
importance of having these signages in the workplace. Select a
representative who will present in class what you have

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

Photo Credit:
http://www.pap at_2771-2847_Safety-Signs.aspx


On your journal, write down a few thoughts on how your

knowledge and observance of safety signs may be able to help you in life?
How may you be able to use this knowledge to help others?


 Industrial Accident Prevention. (2000). Safety signs and color at work:

A health and safety guidelines for your workplace. Toronto, Ontario.

 http://www.pap at_2771-2847_Safety-Signs.aspx


Answer Key

LC : Discuss the functions of communication.

Activity: Watch out for Danger!


2 6
3 8
5 7
1 4

1. This is a potential hazard that that may strain a person’s back. A heavy
load should be carried properly. To carry a heavy weight, keep the load
close to your body, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Use
a dolly cart if available.

2. Welding activities should not be done in locations where flammable

liquids or flammable materials are in the vicinity. This situation
constitutes a fire hazard. Make sure that the welding area is free from
anything flammable like paper, rags, or gas.

3. This is a potential hazard. Fragments given off during the grinding

process may cause eye injury. Noise is also produced during the
grinding process. Workers should wear goggles, ear protection, face

shield, and suitable protective clothing when operating tools and
equipment in the workplace.

4. Spills on the floor are tripping hazards. Oil, water, or any liquid spillage
should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. If the floor is still wet, use
appropriate signs to let people know that the floor is wet and extra
caution is needed.

5. Frayed cables or damaged wires and cords are electrical hazards

because exposed wires may lead to electrocution. It is also dangerous
for frayed wires to get in touch with water since it is a conductor of
electricity and may lead to accidents.

6. Compressed air, when improperly used can be a potential hazard.

Never direct compressed air towards your body or another person’s
body. A stream of compressed air when applied to the skin can
introduce air to the blood stream and may cause very serious injuries,
sometimes fatal.

7. Working at heights requires the use of a secure and stable work

platform. Slipping or falling of persons or their equipment for unstable
platforms may cause serious injuries or casualties. Correct equipment
like a ladder or safety harness should be used when appropriate.

8. Open holes or pits increase the risk of falls in the workplace. If there
are floor holes, these should be guarded or barricade to protect
employees against falls and accidents.

LC: Exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given
speech context.

Activity: I Saw the Sign

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

http://www.pap at_2771-2847_Safety-Signs.aspx


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