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is consciously or unconsciously directing en- ergy through this subtle energy channel. When we fully open the channel, the kundalini Shakti rises up to unite with the cosmic Shiva lingam in the brow.2 We could also say that our animal soul rises to unite with our angel, or that Hadit rises to meet Nuit.2 In one way or another, this chan- nel is the pathway that you will travel to discover your Angel, and it is through this pathway that your Angel will become known to you. You will no doubt discover this inner path or channel on your own, because all of the spiri- tual development methods—from devout prayer to rising on the planes—make use of it. Crowley's own Holy Guardian Angel said, “But to love me is better than all things: if under the night-stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come a lit- tle to lie in my bosom.”!2 Always remember your goal: the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel. Anything that you use or do that helps you ac- complish that end is what you should do and is the proper way for you to pray. The Oath Any change in our lives requires some sort of oath. We swear that although we have been doing something one way for a long time, now we're going to change. Each year, on January 1, many of us make resolutions: we're going to stop restantes 21 minutose... 27%

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