3 and Then What Happened

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3 And then what happened?

Activity B
Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

I was walking to work one morning, and I thought I saw my old friend from
middle school across the street. So I ran after him and called his name.
Anyway, he turned around and it wasn't my friend at all.
Oh, that's funny. I bet the guy thought you were crazy.
I was taking a taxi once, and I was in a hurry. I wanted to pay with my credit
card, but I couldn't find my card. I didn't have any cash either. The driver was
a nice guy. He took my address, and called by later to pick up the money.
Really? That was kind of him. I bet you were really embarrassed.
Last year, none of my friends called to wish me Happy Birthday. I thought,
"Maybe they just forgot." Well, when I got home, I opened the door and it was
all dark. Then suddenly the lights went on. My friends were shouting
"Surprise!" and giving me presents.
Wow! That's really nice. I bet you were surprised.
My brother was driving my dad's car in a bad storm one night. It was difficult
to see, so he stopped under a tree until the rain stopped. A big branch fell from
the tree and hit the top of the car. My brother was OK, but the car wasn't.
You're kidding! That's lucky! I bet he was scared.

2 Pros and cons Activity C

Use your own ideas. Here is an example.

It seems like almost everyone today is part of some kind of social

network. Social networking sites make it easier to talk to friends, find
old friends, and make new ones. Some social networking sites can
even help you to find a new job. However, there can be problems with
using social networking sites. For example, it is much easier for
criminals to find out personal information about you. It’s also easier for
people to hack in to your computer and cause problems with your
software. While social networking is fun, I think we need to be more
careful about what information we share and who we share it with.
2 What’s “in”? Activity C
Use your own ideas. Here is an example.

A couple of decades ago big purses were fashionable and everyone

had one. Then suddenly they were no longer “in," and small purses
became the “in” thing. Designer purses were - and still are popular for
women with money to spend. In the 2010s purses became trendy for
men, and pop stars and sports personalities started to carry them.
Purse styles change over time, but one thing is for sure, you never see
women without one! They are always in style.

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