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Nama : Tsimaratut Tahrirah

NIM : 101411131004

Kelas : IKM A 2014

Soal 10.102 (chi square memenuhi syarat)

A case−control study was performed of renal-cell carcinoma (RCC) (kidney cancer).

The purpose of the study was to look at environmental risk factors for RCC and to assess
whether genetic factors modify the role of environmental risk factors. There were a total of
113 cases and 256 controls studied.

The participants were subdivided into “slow acetylators” and “rapid acetylators”
according to the NAT2 genotype. The hypothesis was that slow acetylators might metabolize
potentially toxic substances more slowly than rapid acetyla-tors and show different
relationships with environmental risk factors such as smoking. Table 10.45 presents data for
slow acetylators according to the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

10.102 Test for the association between the number of cigarettes smoked per day and RCC
among slow acetyla-tors. (Report a two-tailed p-value.)
Jawab :
H0 : Tidak ada hubungan antara jumlah rokok yang dihisap per hari dengan kanker ginjal
(RRC) asetilator lambat

H1 : Ada hubungan antara jumlah rokok yang dihisap per hari dengan kanker ginjal (RRC)
asetilator lambat

Table 10.45

Number of cigarettes Case Control Total

smoked/day *
0 19 31,6 69 56,3 88
1-20 19 16,5 27 29,3 46
>20 31 20,8 27 37,1 58
Total 69 123 192
*1 pack berisi 20 rokok

Memenuhi syarat karena :

 Tidak ada sel dengan EF <1

 Banyaknya sel dengan EF < 5 tidak lebih dari 20%
Masuk ke rumus uji Chi- square
(O𝑖𝑗 − 𝐸𝑖𝑗)2
𝑥 =∑
(19 − 31,6)2 (69 − 56,3)2 (19 − 16,5)2 (27 − 29,3)2 (31 − 20,8)2 (27 − 37,1)2
= + + + + +
31,6 56,3 16,5 29,3 20,8 37,1
= 4,2732 + 2,8298 + 0,3787 + 0,2066 + 4,9496 + 2,7731
= 15,2047

𝑥 2 (α) df(b-1)(k-1) = 𝑥 2 (α)(2)(1) = 𝑥 2 (0,05 ; 2) = 5,99

𝑥 2 hitung … 𝑥 2 (0,005 ; 2)
15,2047 > 𝑥 2 5,99

Kesimpulan : H0 ditolak
Ada hubungan antara jumlah rokok yang dihisap per hari dengan kanker ginjal (RRC)
asetilator lambat

Soal 10.48 ( uji Yate’s)


Dry eye is the most prevalent form of ocular discomfort and irritation, with
approximately 20 million people in the United States having mild to moderate dry eye. A
small clinical trial was performed to compare the effectiveness of an active drug vs. placebo
for relieving symptoms of dry eye. Specifically, patients were randomized to either active
drug or placebo for 2 weeks. They then came for a clinic visit where they were exposed to a
chamber with a controlled adverse environment (CAE) for 90 minutes (with low humidity
intended to exacerbate symptoms of dry eye). The patients were then asked to report their
degree of discomfort while in the CAE using the following scale: (0 = none, 1 = intermittent
awareness, 2 = constant awareness, 3 = intermittent discomfort, 4 = constant discomfort). The
results by treatment group are shown in Table 10.48.

10.124 what is the difference between a nominal and ordinal categorical variable ? what type
of variable is ocular comfort ?

10.125 Treating ocular discomfort as a nominal scale, assess whether significant differences
in ocular discomfort exist between active drug and placebo patients. Report a p-value (two-
tailed). (Hint: Assume that large sample methods are appropriate for the data.) Interpret the

10.126 Treating ocular discomfort as an ordinal scale, assess whether significant differences
in ocular discomfort exist between active and placebo patients. Report a p-value (two-tailed).
(Hint: Assume that large sample methods are appropriate for these data.) Interpret the results.

Jawab :
H0 :Tidak ada perbedaan efektivitas obat aktif dengan placebo untuk menghilangkan gejala
mata kering
H1: Ada perbedaan efektivitas obat aktif dengan placebo untuk menghilangkan gejala mata

Ocular Discomfort Total

2 3 4
Active drug 6 4,0 17 15,1 37 40,8 60
Placebo 2 3,9 13 14,8 44 40,1 59
Total 8 30 81 119

Tidak memenuhi syarat karena :

o Banyak sel yang EF nya < 5 lebih dari 20 %

Maka dari itu dimampatkan menjadi table 2x2:

2 3 4 Total
Active day 23 19,1 37 40,8 60
Palacebo 15 18,8 44 40,1 59
Total 38 81 119

Memenuhi syarat karena:

 Tidak ada sel dengan EF <1
 Banyaknya sel dengan EF < 5 tidak lebih dari 20%

Masuk ke rumus uji Yate’s

∑(Ι O𝑖𝑗 − 𝐸𝑖𝑗 Ι − 0,5 )2
𝑥 =
(Ι 23 − 19,1 Ι − 0,5)2 (Ι 37 − 40,8 Ι − 0,5)2 (Ι 15 − 18,8 Ι − 0,5)2 (Ι 44 − 40,1 Ι − 0,5)2
= + + +
19,1 40,8 18,8 40,1
= 0,5860 + 0,2731 + 0,5921 + 0,2882
= 1,7394

𝑥 2 (α) df (b-1)(k-1) = 𝑥 2 (α)(1)(1) = 𝑥 2 (0,05 ; 1) = 3,84

𝑥 2 hitung … 𝑥 2 (0,005 ; 2)
𝑥 2 1,7394 < 𝑥 2 3,84

Kesimpulan : H0 diterima
Tidak ada perbedaan efektivitas obat aktif dengan placebo untuk menghilangkan gejala mata

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