Medil - H: Development of Mind

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1. What Constitutes The Cybercrime Law?

Cybercrime law includes laws related to computer crime, internet crime, information crimes,
communications crimes and technology crimes. While the internet and the digital economy
represent a significant opportunity, it is also an enabler for criminal activity. Cybercrime laws are
laws that create the offences and penalties for cybercrimes. Cybercrime describes both:

 Crimes directed at computers, data and Information Communications Technologies

 Crimes committed by people using computers or ICT.

Cybercrime is a global problem, which requires a coordinated international response. We help

organizations to comply with the regulatory requirements that come out of cyber laws.

2. What are the Pros & Cons of the law?


Development of Mind

- Practicing in the law field and reading legal books developed their mind more than any
other professional.

Law provides uniformity and certainty to the administration of justice. The

uniformity and certainty of law add to the happiness and convenience of the people.
The rules and regulations provide or make smooth path to drive with relative safety,
without these rules it would have been impossible for people to attend their offices
daily I time. Society is becoming more and more complicated every day and without
the existence of an elaborate system of laws, it is not possible to live in society.

Lack of the to spend for themselves

- The Government often spends time in their office rather than spending more time for
themselves nor their families.

Another defect of law is its undue and needless complexity. It is true that every effort is made
to make law as simple as possible but it is not possible to make every law simple. That is due
to the complex nature of modern society. Lawyers also insist on drawing fine distinctions on
the various points of law. There is lots of hair-splitting. This does not bring justice nearer but
merely helps the clever and the crooked.

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