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Humanities – refers to arts and its various forms

Art categories – representation, expression, and form

Fine arts – art that have no practical function

Applied arts – functional objects, not pleasing to the eye

Aesthetics - beauty and for the pleasure it brings who appreciate

Morals/ethics – arts that Is used to depict people

Spirituality – art are integral in world’s major religions

History – arts that provide clues about historical figures

Politics – could be use as a propaganda tool

Drawing - making image by applying pressure from a tool

Painting – applying pigment

Photography – process of making pictures by means of light

Computer of digital art – computer play as a role

Sculpture – 3d artworks

Ceramic art – made from ceramic materials

Architecture – art and science of designing buildings

Poetry – aesthetic & rhythmic qualities of language

Prose – ordinary syntax and natural speech

Drama – intended for performance

Theatre – combination of speech, music, dance, gesture

Dance – human movement

Music – combines pitch, rhythm, and dynamic in order to create sound

Plato – art is an imitation

Aristotle – art as representation

Plotinus – beauty mainly applies to the sense of sight and hearing

St. Augustine – distinction between the creation of God and the creation of artists

Pseudo-dionysus – beauty is the cause of any beautiful

St. Thomas Aquinas – beauty must include 3 qualities

David hume – aesthetic preferences are expressions of the tast of the observer

Immanuel kant – art is for sake

R.G. Collingwood – denouncement that the value of art lies in its avility to entertain us

Content of an artwork

Factual meaning- literal statement

Conventional meaning – special meaning

Subjective meaning – personal meaning

Guilds – transfer info and expertise

Artist – person who creates art

Artisan – referred as craftsmen

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