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Getting to know you

1. Reflect individually by writing in a yellow sheet of paper of your answer to the following questions (1
a) What motivates/sustains me?
b) What is my highest dream?
c) What is (are) my happiest moment (s)?
d) What is (are) my darkest moment(s)?
e) What is (are) my positive prophecies about me?
f) What is (are) negative comments made about me?
g) Who is (are) my heroes? Why?
h) List people
- to whom I can confide secrets
- with whom I can share myself/feelings
- whom I refuse to communicate with. Why?
Know thy self
2. Individually and silently execute the directions given below on the drawing of a human figure:
a) On the head region, draw symbols of your unique God-given talents/ abilities.
b) Eyebrow area: using your favorite color, draw the angle which your eyebrows
usually form.
c) Right eye: draw a symbol representing how you see yourself now.
d) Left eye: draw a symbol representing how you see yourself five years from now
e) Nose: write what you like to smell
f) Lips: write your motto/philosophy of life.
g) Right ear: write your compliments you like to hear about you
h) Left ear: write the news you would not like to hear about
i) Neck: draw a symbol representing a block in achieving your independence.
j) Right shoulders: draw symbols to represent the persons who feel responsible
for you.
k) Left shoulder: draw a symbol to represent the responsibilities you have at
present that hinder your freedom to find yourself.
l) Breast area: draw a symbol to represent the persons or other things which
have a soft spot in your heart
m) Right hand: draw a symbol/s representing your skills
n) Left hand: draw a symbol/s representing your weakness
o) Waistline: write a phrase describing your type of food
p) Hips: draw a symbol/s representing your “weapons in bumping off” change in
q) Thighs and legs: write the word/s or phrase/s to describe what strengthens you
in life
r) Knees: draw a symbols/s representing your attitude towards mistakes in life
s) Feet: write the name/s of person/s who help you keep yourself grounded in
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig
Alcalde Jose St., Kapasigan, Pasig City


This course provides the students with the overview of nursing as a science, an art and a profession. It
deals with the concept of man as a holistic being comprised of bio- psycho- socio and spiritual
dimensions. It includes a discussion on the different roles of a nurse emphasizing health promotion,
maintenance of health as well as prevention of illness utilizing the nursing process. It includes the basic
nursing skills needed in the care of individual clients.

COURSE CREDIT: 3units lecture

PREREQUISITE: General Chemistry, Theoretical Foundations of Nursing, Anatomy & Physiology

CO-REQUISITE: Biochemistry

Day 1: Nov. I. Overview of Nursing
6, 2010 A. Nursing
1. Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Focus: Human Responses
4. Personal and professional qualities of a nurse
B. Profession
1. Definition
2. Criteria
3. History of Nursing
i. In the world
ii. In the Philippines
4. Development of modern nursing
5. Growth of Professionalism
i. Profession
a. Specialized education
b. Body of knowledge
c. Ethics
d. Autonomy
ii. Carpers four patterns of knowing
a. Nursing science
b. Nursing ethics
c. Nursing esthetics
d. Personal knowledge
6. Overview of the Professional Nursing Practice
i. Level of Proficiency according to Benner
ii. Roles and Responsibilities of a Professional nurse
iii.Scope of Nursing Practice based on RA 9173
iv. Overview of the Code of Ethics for Nurses/Filipino Bill
of Rights/Legal Aspects
v. Professional/legal and moral accountability /
7. Different Fields in Nursing
i. Institutional nursing
ii. Community health nursing
iii. Independent nursing practice
iv. Nursing in education
v. Nursing in other fields
C. Art
1. Definition of Arts
2. Why is nursing an art?
3. Concepts related to the art of nursing
D. Science
1. Definition of science
2. Why is nursing a science?
Day 2: Nov. II. The Therapeutic Relationship
13, 2010 A. Levels of Communication
B. Components of communication
C. Communication process
D. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
E. Factors Affecting Communication
F. Guidelines for active & effective Communication
G. Using Touch to Communicate
H. Barriers to Communication
I. Phases of Nurse-Client Relationship
J. Therapeutic relationship
K. Helping Relationship
L. Developmental consideration in communication
M. Nursing Problems Related to Communication
N. Communicating with people who are:
1. Physically challenged
2. Cognitively challenged
3. Aggressive
4. General guidelines for trans-cultural therapeutic communication

Day 3: Nov. III. The Nursing Process

20, 2010 A. Assessment
1. Definition
2. Types
3. Activities of Assessment
B. Nursing Diagnosis
1. Identifying Nursing Diagnosis
2. Types
3. Formulating Diagnostic Statements
Day 4: Nov. A. Planning
27, 2010 1. Types
2. Planning Process
i. Setting Priorities
ii. Establishing Client Goals/Desired Outcomes
iii. Selecting Nursing Interventions
iv. Writing Nursing Orders
B. Intervention
1. Dependent and independent nursing interventions
2. Delegating nursing interventions
C. Evaluation (formative, summative)
1. Determining Outcome Achievement
2. Discharge Planning
3. Quality Improvement
4. Documentation of plan of care /reporting
Day 5: Dec. IV. Concept of Man
4, 2010 V. Health, Wellness and Illness
A. Definition health, wellness and illness
B. Variables Influencing Health Status, Beliefs and Practices
C. Health Care Adherence
D. Factors Affecting Health
E. Illness Behaviors
F. Effects of Illness
G. The Health/Illness Experience
H. Three levels of Prevention
I. Levels of Care
1. Health promotion
2. Disease prevention
3. Health maintenance
4. Curative
5. Rehabilitative
J. Nursing Process in Health Promotion
Day 6: Dec. VI. Essential Nursing Interventions to Patients with Alterations in Physiological
11, 2010 Functions
A. Oxygenation
1. Factors affecting oxygenation
2. Nursing diagnosis related to oxygenation
3. Nursing Management
B. Circulation
1. Life Span Considerations
2. Factors Affecting Cardiovascular Function
3. Alterations in Cardiovascular Function
4. Nursing Management
Day 7: Dec. Long Exam 1
18, 2010
Day 8: Jan. C. Nutrition
8, 2011 1. Essential Nutrients
2. Energy Balance
3. Factors Affecting Nutrition
4. Types of Diets
5. Assessing for Nutritional Problems
6. Nursing Diagnosis
7. Nursing Management
D. Bowel Elimination
1. Factors affecting bowel elimination
2. Alterations in Bowel Elimination
3. Nursing management

Day 9: Jan. Midterm Examinations

15, 2011`

Day 10: E. Urinary Elimination

Jan. 22, 1. Urinary Patterns
2011 2. Characteristics of Normal Urine
3. Factors Affecting Urinary Elimination
4. Alterations in Urinary Elimination
5. Nursing Management
F. Fluid and electrolyte balance
1. Body Fluids and Electrolytes
2. Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
3. Factors affecting body fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
4. Disturbances in Fluid Volume, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balances
5. Nursing Management
Day 11: G. Temperature Regulation
Jan. 29, 1. Physiology of temperature regulation
2011 2. Factors Affecting Body Temperature
3. Alterations in Body Temperature
4. Nursing Management
H. Mobility and exercise
1. Normal Movement
2. Exercise
3. Factors affecting Mobility and Activity
4. Hazards of Mobility
5. Assessing for problems with mobility and activity
6. Nursing diagnosis
7. Nursing management
Day 12: I. Hygiene and comfort
Feb. 5, 1. Hygiene and self-care
2011 1. Assessing for problems with self-care
2. Care of :
i. Skin
ii. Feet
iii. Nails
iv. Oral hygiene
v. Hair
vi. Eyes
vii. Ears
viii. Nose
ix. Environment
2. Infection Control
i. Chain of infection
ii. Classifications of infection
iii. Stages of infection
iv. Body defenses against infection
v. Factors affecting prevention of infection
vi. Factors contributing to development of infection
vii. Infection control measures
3. Sleep and Rest
i. Physiology of sleep
ii. Factors affecting sleep
iii. Sleeping disorders
iv. Alterations in Sleep Patterns
v. Nursing Management
4. Stress and Adaptation
i. Definition of terms
ii. Models of Stress
iii. Body’s response to stressors
iv. Failure to adapt to stressors
v. Problems related to stress and coping
vi. Nursing diagnosis
vii. Nursing Management
Day 13: 5. Pain Management
Feb. 12, i. Physiology of Pain
2011 ii. Body’s reaction to pain
iii. Assessment of Pain
iv. Nursing Diagnosis
v. Nursing Management
6. Skin Integrity and Wound Healing
i. Factors affecting skin Integrity
ii. Wounds
iii. Pressure Ulcers
iv. Alterations in Skin Integrity
v. Nursing Management
7. Sensory Perception
i. Components of sensory experience
ii. Factors affecting sensory function
iii. Sensory alterations
iv. Assessing sensory perception
v. Nursing Diagnosis
vi. Nursing Management
8. Substance Abuse
Day 14: Feb VII. Psychosocial and Spiritual Concerns
19, 2011 A. Safety, security and privacy
1. Factors affecting safety
2. Safety hazards
i. At home
ii. In the community
iii. In the health care facility
3. Nursing Activities related to safety
4. Delegation of activities
B. Self-Concept
1. Definition
2. Dimensions of Self-Concept
3. Formation of Self-Concept
4. Components of Self-Concept
i. Personal Identity
ii. Body-Image
iii. Role Performance
iv. Self-Esteem
5. Factors that Affect Self-Concept

Day 15: C. Sexuality

Feb. 26, 1. Sexual Health
2010 2. Development of Sexuality
3. Factors Influencing Sexuality
4. Sexual Response and Love Play
5. Altered Sexual Function
6. Nursing Management
D. Spirituality
1. Definition
2. Related Concepts
i. Religion
ii. Faith
iii. Hope
iv. Transcedence
v. Forgiveness
3. Spiritual Development
4. Spiritual Practices Affecting Nursing Care
5. Spiritual Health and Nursing Process
Day 16: E. Loss, Grieving, and Death
Mar. 5, 1. Definition of terms
2010 i. Loss
ii. Bereavement
iii. Grief
iv. Mourning
2. Development of Concept of death and dying/grief and grieving
3. Care of the terminally ill patients and their families
i. Stages of grieving by Kubler-Ross
ii. Assisting Clients with Grief
4. Death and Dying
i. Signs of Impending Clinical Death
ii. Indications of Death
5. Legalities Related to Death
6. Nursing Interventions for the Dying Client
7. Body Changes After Death
8. Post mortem care
Day 17: Long Exam 2

Day 18: Final Examinations

Mar. 19,

Grading System:
Quizzes 40%
Major Examinations 30%
Class Participation 10%
Individual and Group requirements 10%
Attendance 10%
TOTAL 100%

 Fundamentals of Nursing by Wilkinson and Van Leuven
 Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier, Erb, Berman and Snyder
 Nursing Fundamentals by Rick Daniels

Prepared by:
Angela Carla C. Jovero, RN
Clinical Instructor

Noted by:
Bill Allen S. Cacanindin, RN, MANc
Level I Coordinator

Approved by:
Elena A. Mabini, RN, MAN
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

Alcalde Jose Street, Kapasigan, Pasig City


Fundamentals of Nursing Practice (Related Learning Experience)

Subject Code: NCM 100 (LAB)

Course Description:

This course provides the students with the concept of man as a holistic being comprised of bio-
pyscho-socio- and spiritual dimensions. It includes a discussion on the different roles of a nurse in
emphasizing health promotion, maintenance of health as well as prevention of illness utilizing the
nursing process. It includes the basic nursing skills needed in the care of individual clients.

Course Credit: 2 units RLE

Number of meetings: 18

Number of hours per meeting: 6 Hrs



l. Self-Awareness
1 Nov.4 & 5 2010 a) Concept:Who Am I?
b) How Do I Become A Better Person?
II. Infection Control
2 Nov. 11 & 12 2010 a) Hand washing
b) Gloving

Common Demonstration and Return Demonstration

3 Nov. 18 & 19 2010 III. Vital Signs

a) Body Temperature
b) Pulse
c) Respiration
d) Blood Pressure
e) Pulse Oximetry (Oxygen Saturation)
f) Documentation
Common Demonstration and Return Demonstration
4 Nov. 25 & 26 2010 Return Demonstration

5 Dec.2 & 3 2010 Return Demonstration

6 Dec.9 & 10 IV. Medication Administration

a) Oral Medication
b) Topical Medication
c) Ophthalmic installation/irrigation
d) Otic installation/irrigation
e) Nasal drops
f) Respiratory inhalation
g) Vaginal installation/irragatiion
h) Rectal medications
i) Dosage and calculation
7 Dec.16 & 17 2010 j) Preparing Medication
- Withdrawing medication from a vial
- Withdrawing medication from an ampule
- Mixing medication from two vials
i) Parental Medication
- Intradermal Injection
- Subcutaneous Injection
- Intramuscular Injection
j) Documentation

Common Demonstration and Return Demonstration

8 January 6 & 7 2010 Return Demonstration
9 January 13 & 14 2010 Return Demonstration and MID TERM EXAM
10 January 20 & 21 2010 V. First Aid
a) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
b) Other Related Emergency Situations
Common demonstration
11 January 27 & 28 2010 Return Demonstration

12 February 3 & 4 2010 VI. Mobility and Exercise

a) Body Mechanics
b) Passive Range of Motion
c) Transport of Client
d) Transferring a Patient from Bed to Wheel chair/Wheel chair to bed
e) Transferring a Patient from Bed to Stretcher/Stretcher to Bed
f) Positioning a Client in Bed
1. Fowler’s
2. Orthopneic
3. Dorsal recumbent
4. Prone
5. Lateral
6. Sim’s
g) Moving and Turning a Client in Bed
h) Crutch Walking

Common Demonstration
13 February 10 & 11 2010 Return Demonstration

14 February 17 & 18 2010 Return Demonstration

15 February 24 & 25 2010 VII. Hygiene and Comfort

a) Bathing a Patient in Bed
b) Skin Care
c) Oral Hygiene(Conscious and Unconscious Client)
d) Hair Care(Shampooing)
e) Perineal Care
f) Bed Making(Occupied and Unoocupied)
Common Demonstration
16 March 3 & 4 2010 Return Demonstration

17 March 10 & 11 2010 Return Demonstration

18 March 17 & 18 2010 Return Demonstration and FINAL EXAM


1. Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice by Patricia Potter & Anne Perry
2. Clinical Nursing Techniques from Basic to Intermediate Skills 5 th Edition by Barbara Kozier,
Glenora Erb, Shirlee Snyder
3. Delmar’s Fundamentals and Advanced nursing Skills Checklist by Karrin Johnson
4. Nurse’s Guide to Clinical Procedures 4th Edition by Jean Smith Temple & Joyce Johnson
5. BLS for Health Care Providers by American Heart Association Learn and Live
6. Mastering Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts and Clinical Application 2 nd Edition by Josie
7. Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice by Barbara Kozier, Glenda Erb, Aubdrey
Bernan, Shirlee Snyder

Grading System:

Attendance: 10% Quizzes: 20% Major Exam: 20% PET: 50%

TOTAL: 100%

Prepared by:

Bill Allen S. Cacanindin, RN

Level l Coordinator

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