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“Giving up is not an option”

We are living in the world where failure is our greatest fear.

Were afraid, that every time we fail it leaves a big impact
on our self and that impact affects our mind and body. We
always think that 'there's no room for failure' but no, I’m
telling you that it is okay to fail because those failure is our
greatest teacher. We need to fail in order to learn. Don’t be
embarrass about failing,atleast you learned something from
it and that’s the true essence of failing, learning. Always
remember that it is okay to cry and feel sad when you fail
but learn to stand up again because those challenges that
you encountered are just part of your journey that God has
planned for you. Challenges are bound to make you
stronger so don't give up and continue to fight your battles,
remember that you're not the only one who's fighting,
you’re with him. We fail because it is part of our life as a
human who's learning through out our journey. The
greatest lesson in our life is to continue fighting even when
you're wounded because "There is always a Rainbow after
the rain" after those hardship I can say that we can finally
achieved our goals in life. Let those failure be a motivation
for you to do better. Aside from these, those failure makes
us pursue our dreams. Maybe yes, sometimes it will affects
us not just emotionally but physically in distressed. The
painful failures makes us more stronger to fight, get up
again and move on to our next journey .Perseverance is the
key. Let us, ourselves be the better and tougher version to
inspire those people who's also experiencing the same.
Remember that Failures makes you a human. No one is
perfect, it is expected that sometimes we fail but stand still
and face the world because "Our greatest glory is not in
Failing, but in rising up every time we fail".



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