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I. Objective:
Identify the body parts that enable animals to move.
Group animals according to the way they move.
II. Subject Matter:
Group Animals Based on Movements
Materials: Pictures, projector, charts
III. Procedure:
A. Review:
Showing of pictures of animals then pupils will identify each part.
B. Motivation:
Guessing Game
a. One pupil will pick a piece of paper with the name of an animal written on it.
b. The pupil will not tell the name of the animal instead, she or he will act out how the animals move.
c. The rest of the class will raise their hands and guess the name of the animal.
d. The first pupil to raise his or her hand and guess the answer correctly earn a prize.
C. Lesson Proper
1.Divide the class into small group (1-4)
2. Giving some precaution to the class in making observations of live animals.
3. Each group do the activity given by the teacher.
4. Posting their chart on the board
ANIMAL How it Moves Body parts that
enable to Move

1. Frog

2. Worm

3. Fish

4. Spider

5. Cat

6. Dragonfly

Ask the pupils.
1. Can you name the animal? What are its part?
2. How does it move? What body part is used in moving? Will you describe the movement?
3. What are other animals that show the same movement? Do animals have body parts for the same movement?
a. The frog jumps. What enables it to jump?
b. Butterflies can fly? What enable them to fly?
c. The earth worm crawls. What enables it to crawl?
1.How do animals move? What enables them to move?
2. Do animals have the same body parts for movement? Different body parts?
3. Do animals show the same movement? Why?
IV. Evaluation
Group the following animals inside the box under the proper column based on how they move.

Bird worm dog flies cat frog crab snake

Butterfly rabbit snail squid carabao
Walk Crawl Fly Swim Jump

V. Assignment
Make an album of different animals then group them according to their movement.

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