Second Quarter PT Grade 8

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NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ________

1. How is Japanese music described?
a. It is gentle and lyrical c. It is slow and melancholic
b. It is meditative and highly ritualized d. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful
2. Japanese chamber and solo music have a ______ meditative pace.
a. Fast b. Slow c. Very Fast d. Very Slow
3. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group of Japanese intruments?
a. Odaiko b. Pipa c. Taiko d. Tsuzumi
4. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of the Kayageum?
a. Geomungo b. Koto c. Shamisen d. Zheng
5. Which of the following is a Japanese transverse flute or fue that has a high-pitched sound?
a. Biwa b. Nokan c. Shinobue d. Sho
6. It is a Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossoms.
a. Arirang b. Min’yo c. Mo Li Hua d. Sakura
b. Min’yo d. Sakura
7. It is a large hanging barrel drum of Japan
a. Odaiko b. Taiko c. Tsuridaiko d. Tsuzumi
b. Taiko d. Tsuzumi
8. Which of the following statements about the Tsuzumi is correct?
a. It is a Japanese drum that has become the central inrtument of percussion ensemble
b. It is a large hanging barrel drum
c. It is a single headed drum whose tone is altered by squeezing its laces
d. It is an hour glass-shaped double headed drum made from animal skin
9. It is a Japanese drum that comes in various sizes and is used to play a variety of musical genres.
a. Odaiko b. Taiko c. Tsuridaiko d. Tsuzumi
10. Which Japanese instument is called the “Dragon Flute”?
a. Hichiriki b. Ryuteki c. Shakuhachi d. Shinobue
11. An ancient Chinese instrument that has an arched surface and an elongated –trapezoid with 13 to 21 strings stretched over individual
a. Dizi b. Erhu c. Yunluo d. Zheng
12. It is a moon-shaped lute with shorter neck and four strings and used for accompanying local operas.
a. Dizi b. Erhu c. Yueqin d. zheng
13. It refers to a musical percussion instrument usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end.
a. Aerophone b. Chordophone c. Idiophone d. Membranophone
14. Which of the following is NOT an instrument of China?
a. Dizi b. Pipa c. Sho d. Yunluo
15. Which of these Chinese instruments is a four-stringed lute with a pear-shaped body and has an extremely wide dynamic range and
remarkable expressive power?
a. Erhu b. Pengling c. Pipa d. Sheng
16. It refers to the melodic, rythmic, and harmonic materials combined in a acomposition to determine the overall quality of the sound in a
a. Harmony b. Meter c. Texture d. Timbre
17. Which of the following is one of China’s most popular instruments which is a two stringed fiddle?
a. Erhu b. Haegum c. Koto d. Shamisen
18. Which country of East Asia has a traditional music that is melodic rather than harmonic?
a. China b. Japan c. Korea d. All of the above
19. These are two small bells made of high tin bronze without internal clappers but has a delicate, clarion and melodious tone.
a. Pengling b. Sheng c. Yunluo d. Zheng
20. Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
a. A-ak b. Chong-ak c. Sog-ak d. Tang-ak
21. How is the Arirang song classified?
a. Farewell song b. Love song c. Song for spring d. Welcome song
22. It is a traditional Korean zither-like string instrument, with 12 strings, probably the best known traditional Korean musical instrument.
a. Changgo b. Haegum c. Kayagum d. Pansori
23. Which East Asian music has a slow tempo, giving it a very peaceful and pensive character?
a. Chinese b. Japanese c. Karean d.All of the above
24. Which of the following is the most widely used drum in the traditional music of Korea?
a. Changgo b. Geomungo c. Haegum d. Kayagum
25. Which type of texture consists of a single melodic line only?
a. Heterophony b. Homophony c. Monophony d. A & B

NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ________

1. It has been regarded as an element of utmost importance in East Asia countries.
a. Life b. Nature c. Sky d. Universe
2. Which of the following is the most common model used in Japanese origami?
a. Boat b. Crane c. Fish d. Flower
3. It is the best known and most popular style of Japanese art which is Japanese for “pictures of the floating world”
a. Kabuki b. Kesyo c. Ukiyo-e d. Woodblock printing
4. It is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding which goal is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and
sculpting techniques without cutting as much as possible.
a. Fabric design b. Origami c. Painting d. Sculpture
5. In Japan, knot tying is called ________.
a. Dorae b. Hanamusubi c. Origami d. Zhongguo
6. It refers to the type of material used to create an artwork.
a. Design b. Medium c. Palette d. Smudge
7. Which of the following paintings is used for theatrical performances in Peking Opera in China and Kabuki in Japan?
a. Body painting b. Face painting c. Hair painting d. Mask painting
8. In face painting, what particular colors are usually used for Gods and spirits?
a. Blue and Red b. Gold & Silver c. Green & Orange d. Violet & Yellow
9. The art of beautiful handwritting/painting with pen or brush with the use of ink, paint or water color is called_____
a. Calligrapy b. Kabuki face-paint c. Peking face-paint d. Ukiyo-e
10. Which of the following are the usual subjects in East Asian painting?
a. Animals b. Buildings c. Houses d. Templates
11. From which of the following ideologies played important roles in East Asian art?
a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Daoism d. All of the above
12. It is the firts type of paper cutting design since paper was invented by the Chinese.
a. Dorae b. Hanamusubi c. Jianzhi d. Zhongguo
13. It is regarded as the highest form of painting in China.
a. Body painting b. Face painting c. Landscape painting d. Mask painting
14. Which of the following are the concepts in the production of Chinese Art?
a. Nature, Buddha, Animals c. Nature, Life, Animals
b. Nature, Heaven, Humankind d. Nature, Humankind, Buddha
15. It is an essembled or joined aircraft that was traditionally made of silk or paper with a bowline and a resilient bamboo.
a. Boat b. Kite c. Mask d. Origami
16. It is a type of roof in Chinese architecture with two or more sections of incline and is used for residences of wealthy Chinese.
a. Multi-inclined b. Single c. Straight inclined d. Sweeping
17. Which of the foolowing type of roofs in Chinese architecture has curves that rise at the corners of the roof and are usually reserved fr
temples, palaces, and wealthy homes?
a. Multi-inclined b. Single c. Straight inclined d. Sweeping
18. A type of roof which is more economical for common Chinese architecture.
a. Double b. Multi-inclined c. Straight-inclined d. Sweeping
19. From which of the folowing East Asian countries invented paper by CaiLun?
a. China b. Japan c. Korea d. Taiwan
20. To make your painting interesting and realistic, which of the following Principles of Chinese painting should be applied?
a. Copy the correct proportion of the objects and nature and use colors correctly
b. Live up to traditiona by copying the master’s artwork and observe rhythm and movements
c. Leave spaces for the eyes to rest and use brush in calligraphy
d. All of the above
21. It is the first type of paper cutting design since paper was invented by the Chinese
a. Dorae b. Hanamusubi c. Jianzhi d. Zhongguo
22. A technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asian and originated in China in antiquity as a method of
printing on textiles and paper.
a. Medium b. Sinister c. Smudge d. Woodblock printing
23. Knot tying in Korea is called ___________.
a. Hanamusubi b. Maedeup c. Zhongguo d. None of the above
24. The roles of Black, Red and White colors in Korea mask is __________.
a. Help establish the age and race of the figure. c. Symbolize the idea that the wearer has two fathers.
b. Indicate that the character was born of an adulterous mother. d. The main character will die in the end.
25. Korean masks or tal are used
a. In funeral services to help banish evil spirits c. To add glamour in their lifestyle
b. For shamanistic rites and were kept within temples where they were honored with offerings d. A & B

NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ________

1. It is a team sport wherein the object is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules.
a. Badminton b. Baseball c. Basketball d. Soccer
2. Typically, the tallest members of a team in basketball will play as,
a. Center b. Power forward c. Small forward d. All of the above
3. In Basketball, shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed play what position?
a. Point guard b. Shooting guard c. Power forward d. A & B
4. What kind of violation can be issued when certain infractions occur, most commonly for sportsmanlike conduct on the part of a player or
a. Double dribble b. Personal foul c. Technical foul d. Travelling
5. When a personal foul is committed, what is the award given to the offensive player if he is fouled while shooting the ball?
a. Free candy b. Free kiss c. Free throw d. Free ticket
6. Who was the Canadian clergyman, educator and physician who invented basketball?
a. Alfred Halstead b. James Naismith c. Luther Gulick d. William Morgan
7. In what year of December was basketball invented?
a. 1881 b. 1891 c. 1981 d. 1991
8. What kind of ball was used in Basketball?
a. Foot ball b. Sepak Takraw ball c. Soccer ball d. Volley ball
9. The first pro league was NBL formed in1898 to protect players from exploitation and to promote a less rough game. What does NBL stand
a. National Basketball League b.National Basketball Land
c.Networking Basketball League d. None of the above
10. Who was the Basketball center player who became famous because of his “sky hook” shot while playing for the Los Angeles Lakers in the
a. Bill Russel b. Kareem Abdul-jabbar c. Larry Bird d. Wilt Chamberlain
11. The basic skills in basketball include ______________.
a. shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, running b. shooting, dribbling, spiking, passing, rebounding
c. shooting, dribbling, blocking, spiking, running d. shooting, dribbling, rebounding, passing, running
12. What is the size of the Basketball court for the NBA and College games?
a. 84 feet long and 40 feet wide b. 84 feet long and 50 feet wide
c.94 feet long and 50 feet wide d. 94 feet long and 40 feet wide
13. The first basic and most practiced skill in basketball is __________
a. Dribbling b. Passing c. Rebounding d. Shooting
14. This move involves bouncing the ball off the floor with your hands as you cover the floor and allows you to move around the court while
you’re in possession of the ball.
a. Dribbling b. Passing c. Rebounding d. Shooting
15. It is a skill that maximizes the involvement of all players in setting up a play to earn successful shots and earn points for the whole team.
a. Dribbling b. Passing c. Rebounding d. Shooting
16. It is your ability to jump with power to gain possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after a failed shot before it touches the floor.
a. Dribbling b. Passing c. Rebounding d. Shooting
17. It is a kind of pass in Basketball wherein the ball is thrown to the floor so that it bounces to the intended receiver.
a. Air pass b. Bounces pass c. Chest pass d. Overhaed pass
18. In Basketball, if you can’t shoot – you can’t score. So, to improve your shooting skills you have to...
a. Be in proper balance when shooting the ball b. Know when you have a good shot and then take it
c.Remember BEEF (Balance, Elbow, Elbow Follow Through) when shooting the ball d. All of the above
19. Which of the following is NOT a skill related fitness in playing basketball?
a. Agility b. Flexibility c. Power d. Speed
20. These are exercises composed of static and dynamic movements intended to gradually increase heart rate at the same time prepare and
condition the body to physical activities.
a. Bending b. Jogging c. Stretching d. Warm up exercise
21. These are exercises composed of static and dynamic movements intended to gradually increase heart rate at the same time prepare and
condition the body to physical activities.
22. A spectacular scoring maneuver when a player jumps high, reaches above the ring, and stuffs the ball down through the hoop.
a. Defensive rebound b. Dunk shot c. Lay out d. Rebound
23. Softball was first introduced on Thanksgiving day at a Harvard-Yale football game in what year?
a. 1882 b. 1885 c. 1887 d. 1889
24. Which of the following is NOT a basic skill in Basketball/Softball?
a. Batting b. Catching and throwing c. Passing d. Pitching
25. How many players is needed per team in Baeball/Softball?
a. 7 b. 9 c. 11 d. 13

NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A display of affection of man towards a girl whom he likes very much.
a. Commitment b. Courtship c. Engagement d. Marriage
2. A formal arrangement of two individuals for settlement before getting married.
a. Commitment b. Courtship c. Engagement d. Marriage
3. Two individuals go out together to know more about each other.
a. Care b. Courtship c. Dating d. Sharing
4. It is the most common factor for two individuals to be in a relationship.
a. Love b. Love c. Respect d. Trust
5. Which of the following is NOT a traditional courtship in the Philippines?
a. Gift giving b. Singing romantic love songs c. Texting/chatting d. Writing letters
6. A feeling of likeness to someone in a short period of time.
a. Care b. Fidelity c. Infatuation d. Loyalty
7. It is the legal union of man and woman under the blessing of faith and love as husband and wife.
a. Annulment b. Divorce c. Marriage d. Separation
8. What is the right age for Filipinos to enter into marriage, as set by the Family Code of the Philippines?
a. 15 b. 18 c. 21 d. 25
9. The reproductive process wherein the male gamete and female gamete unite to form a new single cell.
a. Fertilization b. Gestation c. Implantation d. Ovulation
10. The fertilized egg develops into a baby in the ___________.
a. Fallopian tube b. Ovaries c. Stomach d. Uterus
11. The period when new cell during fertilization grows and develops into the woman’s uterus.
a. Fertilization b. Implantation c. Ovulation d. Pregnancy
12. The developing human is fed in the woman’s womb through _________.
a. Bladder b. Mammary gland c. Placenta d. Uterus
13. The developing human is called ___________.
a. Baby b. Embryo c. Fetus d. Zygote
14. The process of birth wherein the doctor removes the baby from the womb.
a. Ceasarian section b. Normal delivery c. Painless delivery d. Surgical operation
15. Which of the following is the best and ideal form of infant feeding?
a. Bottle feeding
b. Breast feeding
c. Mix feeding
d. All of the above
16. Lactation is the period of milk production initiated by what hormone in the mammary gland?
a. Estrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Prolactin
d. None of the above
17. The phase of pregnancy that starts from week 13 to 27.
a. First trimester
b. Second trimester
c. Third trimester
d. Second and Third trimester
18. The phase of pregnancy wherein eyelids of a baby begin to part and eyes open sometimes for short periods of time.
a. First trimester
b. Second trimester
c. Third trimester
d. Second and Third trimester
19. The phase of pregnancy where arms, hands fingers, legs, feet and toes of a baby are fully formed.
a. First trimester
b. Second trimester
c. Third trimester
d. Second and Third trimester
20. To overcome breast feeding problems, a mother should
a. Drink plenty of fluids
b. Eat a balance diet
c. Take soup of clams and beef and malunggay
d. All of the above
21. Which food serving does one recommend for lactating mothers?
a. Big serving of cereals
b. Big serving of green leafy and yellow vegetables
c. Big serving of red meat
d. Processed foods
22. Which of the following beverages a pregnant woman should NOT take?
a. Chocolate drinks
b. Fruit juices
c. Milk products
d. Rice wine
23. An illness caused by low red blood cells count due to the demand of the fetus inside a mother’s womb.
a. Amnesia
b. Amoeba
c. Anemia
d. Anorexia
24. An illness caused by low red blood cells count due to the demand of the fetus inside a mother’s womb.
a. Having an X-ray
b. Smoking cigarettes
c. Taking over the counter drugs
d. All of the above
25. It is the smallest or fundamental unit of the society.
a. Church
b. Community
c. Family

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