Stabilization of Pump Parallel Operation: Program

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Stabilization of pump parallel operation

Methods and Examples of Attaining Stable Parallel Pump Operation

K. Ishikura
Deputy General Manager, Cryogenic Pump Division
Nikkiso Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

K. Sato
Design Section Manager, Cryogenic Pump Division
Nikkiso Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

G. F. Fox
Engineering Manager
Nikkiso Cryo, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

1. Introduction
The operational flow range of a process is often very large and normally accommodated by
using several pumps operating in parallel. Having several pumps allows the pumping efficiency
to be higher at lower flows. This is done by operating fewer pumps such that the pump best
efficiency flow can be maintained. Having several pumps also adds reliability. If one pump
should be out of service, the remaining pumps can be operated at a higher flow until the pump is
operating again.
A pump that operates in parallel with other pumps has head capacity limitations that must be
adhered to if parallel pump operation is to be successful. The head must be constantly rising as
capacity is lowered in order to prevent flow trading / surging with other pumps. Process system
reliability would reduce if flow surging occurred. A second head capacity limitation is that the
head must not exceed the design pressure of the downstream piping. A third limitation is that the
head capacity curves of pumps operating in parallel should closely match each other. This allows
the pumps to operate at similar flow rates. These factors require that the pump head capacity

curves be adjusted to match each other, not just at design flow but across the entire operating flow
range. This paper describes several means by which the pump designer can adjust the pump head
capacity curve and case histories of applications where these techniques where used.

2. Impeller adjustments
2-1 Impeller trimming
The most basic and common way to adjust pump head capacity is by trimming the impeller
outside diameter. This reduces the head developed by the pump as the square of the impeller
trim and reduces the flow directly as the impeller trim. This relationship is given by the affinity
laws, which can be summarized as follows:

Q2 = Q1 x (D2/D1)
H2 = H1 x (D2/D1) 2
P2 = P1 x (D2/D1) 3
D is the outside diameter of impeller
Q is the flow
H is the pump developed head
P is the pump absorbed power

Example 1) Figure 1 shows the result of testing four pumps with identical impeller trim sizes within
normal manufacturing tolerances. The pump model was an 8 stage pump so a total of 32
impellers were trimmed. The difference in head at rated flow was less than – 1 %. These values
are within the API-610 acceptance criteria, which would be – 2 % for pumps of this total
differential head. Although impeller trimming will adjust the head over the whole flow range as
controlled by the affinity Lows, it will not revise the basic shape or slope of the head capacity
curve. Curve shaping can be accomplished by the techniques described below.

Total differential head (m)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Capacity (m 3/h)

Fig.1 Coincidence of performance curves for 4 units

2-2 Impeller back filing

Ishikura 1

Changing the impeller exit discharge angle has a great effect on the head capacity curve.
Often the angle of the impeller discharge is made steeper by filing the low pressure side of the
impeller vane discharge. This produces a flatter head capacity curve by increasing the head at
higher flows. This effect is more pronounced lower specific speed impellers, which tend to

Angle A
H Angle B

Angle B Angle A

Fig. 2 Effect of back filing

have narrower port widths. This is shown

graphically in Figure 2.

2-3 Adjusting the impeller inlet and discharge angles

Due to the greater momentum of the fluid at higher flows, the distribution of the flow
streamlines through the impeller is skewed toward the back-shroud. - Refer to Figure 4. This
non-uniform velocity distribution can be changed to a more constant distribution by cutting the
impeller outlet as shown in Figure 5. The result is that the head at high flows is increased and
this will flatten the head capacity curve.
The same technique can be applied to the impeller inlet. This will lower the head in the low
flow range of the head capacity curve that will also yield a flatter head capacity curve.
Angle cut

Normal cut

Fig. 3 velocity distribution Fig. 4 Impeller angle cut Fig. 5 Effect of angle cut
at impeller discharge

Example 2) Adjusting the head

capacity by impeller inlet and impeller discharge machining and backfilling impeller vanes
In this example, four replacement pumps had to operate in parallel with four earlier supplied
pumps from a different pump manufacturer. The head capacity curve of the new pump had to
be flattened by 10% and then the outside diameter trimmed. The new pump head capacity
curve matched the existing pump head capacity curve with –1 % over the total flow range of
the pumps. Matching the head capacity with the existing pumps was necessary since the
discharge of all eight pumps was manifolded and only one flow control valve was used to
control all of them.

Ishikura 2




Head coefficient




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Flow coefficient

Fig. 6 Example of impeller modification

3. Diffuser Modifications
Many times, pump characteristic curves for centrifugal pumps exhibit an unstable head capacity
curve where the slope of the curve is negative or not continuous over a portion of the flow range.
Thus the pump does not exhibit a continuously raising head from best efficiency flow to zero flow
(shut off). The curves for these pumps seem to have a discontinuity in the middle of the curve at
the point of instability. Curves with these characteristics are referred to as having a hump in the
curve or as suffering from a hook up curve shape . The unstable area in the flow regime caused
by a phenomenon called stall . Just as an airplane wing can stall when the angle of attack of the
airflow is too steep to the wing and separation of the streamlines occurs with resultant turbulence
on the low pressure side (above) the wing. This also can occur on the low pressure sides of the
blades of a compressor or turbine and sometimes occurs on diffuser vanes of pumps. Both radial
and axial types of diffusers are similarly affected by these stall phenomena when the angle of
attack of the oncoming flow streamlines is too steep.
For the case of a pump having only one diffuser throat (known as a volute pump) the instability
causes the discontinuity in the shape of the curve and if the pump is operated at this flow, unstable
flows occur with resultant vibration and pump deterioration. If the pump is attempting to operate
in parallel in this flow region, significant shifts in flow rate may occur depending on the system
resistance characteristic.

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There is an added problem for pumps having
more than one diffuser throat such as a diffuser
pump. In this pump design the stall condition
will continuously shift from one throat to its
neighbor resulting in a condition called rotating
stall as it rotates around the diffuser vanes. As
stated above, this usually occurs in the lower
flow region where the flow inlet velocity angle at
the diffuser inlet is too steep and a stall may
occur on the backside of the vane.

Example 3) Example of the curve shape

adjustment at an existing pump installation
A pump supplier was asked to supply two additional LPG in-tank pumps to an existing city
Fig.7 Rotating stall at diffuser vanes
gas plant used for calorie control service. The new pumps had to operate in parallel with the
existing pumps. The new pump selection was a 9 stage unit with impellers having a specific
speed of 97 (m3/min, rpm, m) for rated service at 46.6 m3/h and 739 meters of head.
The system performance of the already installed pumps suffered from unstable pump
operation in parallel flow due to a performance curve shape having a hook-up characteristic due
to rotating stall. As part of the purchase requirements for the new pumps, the customer
specified the tolerance on performance curves within to be within – 1 % between the rated and
minimum flow points. This was to insure the new pumps did not suffer from a hook up curve as
well. In addition, the new pumps were to have their performance curves identical to the existing
pumps curve slope within – 1% as well.

(1) Analysis of existing performance curve

Prior to selection of the impeller from the supplier s standard pump line, the performance
curves of the existing pumps were measured at site and were analyzed in order to find out
the most suitable curve to enable parallel flow with them. (Figure 8) It was confirmed that
these pumps did not have a continuously raising head characteristic to shut off point and had
the hook-up curve characteristic to a pump suffering from rotating stall.
Through the above analysis the supplier decided the following steps in the development
and production of the new pump hydraulics.

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Total differential head (m)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Capacity (m /h)

Fig.8 Typical example of existing curve

a) To assure that the new pumps would not suffer from instability such as rotating stall the
hydraulic configuration would be subjected to a water test.
b) The scatter of the performance data of the existing pumps in the area of pump
instability was determined and the curve shape of the new pumps would be tailored to
pass through the middle of this scatter pattern.
c) The curve shapes of the two new pumps would be configured (using the methods
described above) to meet the rated flow as well as the minimum flow points within –1
% and also to have the curves of both pumps coincide within – 1 % over this flow
d) Full scale performance tests using water would be performed at the suppliers factory to
prove the pump performance prior to the actual fluids test.
e) Full scale performance of LPG would be performed at suppliers facility to prove
performance on actual fluids.

In order to meet these criteria, the pump design incorporated tandem diffuser design that
assured avoidance of rotating stall. This hydraulic innovation incorporates a slot in the
middle of the vane that permits fluid to flow from the high side of the vane to the area on the
low pressure side of the vane that is experiencing separation of the flow streamlines during
stall. This feeds the stall area with additional fluid and eliminates the separation and
therefore the stall condition.

(2) Water test

Ishikura 5

During the water test, to confirm the satisfactory performance of the revisions, the pump
fluid end, including the impeller, diffuser and inducer was assembled in the water test loop
and the performance measured. Shaft vibration was measured together with pressure
between the impeller discharge and the diffuser inlet during the test. Both sets of
measurements substantiated there was no rotating stall and the stability of the performance
curve was confirmed. Figure 9 shows the trace of the shaft displacement measured with a
proximity probe type gap sensor installed adjacent to the impeller during the water test.
Figure 9 shows a trace for a pump that suffers from rotating stall. Notice the lack of
oscillation of the new pump compared to the typical 1 to 3 Hz oscillation of the one with
stall. This water test, confirmed the suitability and smoothness of the hydraulics.

(3) Results

Fig.9 Shaft vibration (No stall) Fig.10 Shaft vibration (Stall)

A full scale pump performance test was carried out with LPG, which is the service fluid.
The performance curves of the new pumps met the required tolerance of – 1% over the
flow range from minimum and maximum flow. The continuous rising curve to shut off that
was determined in the water test was also confirmed. Fig. 11 shows the performance of the
new pump together with the dotted data showing the performance for the existing pumps.
From this chart one can readily recognize why the installation of the new pumps and the
existing ones were able to function in stable parallel operation.

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Total differential head (m)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Capacity (m3/h)

Fig.11 Pump performance curve comparison

4. Controlling impeller speed

The speed of the submerged motor pump motor can be controlled by using a Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD) also referred to as a frequency inverter. The affinity laws for speed are
as follows:

Q2 = Q1 x (N2/N1)
H2 = H1 x (N2/N1)_
P2 = P1 x (N2/N1) _
where N is pump speed
Using a VFD allows the head capacity curve to be adjusted Valve control
to meet system resistance requirements. A distinct advantage H
of this approach is that all the velocity vector angles are
maintained so that the pump best efficiency point flow point
changes directly with the rpm. In addition, the VFD can be
used to start a pump at a reduced rpm. Since the power
required changes to the third power of the rpm, the amperage
at start up can be greatly reduced. This allows the power
cables to be smaller which reduces initial investment and
makes installation easier. The downside of using a VFD is
Speed control
that there is additional initial cost for the VFD and additional
motor insulation.
Using a VFD and a flow control valve allows the pump Q
head to be adjusted to exactly the needed head at any flow
within the operating limits of the motor and pump. This is Fig.12 Valve and pump
demonstrated in Figure 12. speed control

Example 4) Examples of use of frequency control for parallel pump operation

One example of applying frequency control to a submerged electric motor pump would be
when the pumps must operate at different flows for extended periods. Such a case exists when a
pump must operate a low flow to maintain the discharge piping in a cool down condition and
then must operate at higher flow when delivering LNG. Such a case exists with a suction pot-
mounted pump at a LNG tank truck filling station in a Japanese automobile laboratory. There,

Ishikura 7

frequency control of the loading pump is used to reduce flow for cool down of the piping during
idling operation and at full speed for the truck loading operation. The change is accomplished by
shifting the operating frequency between 30 and 50 Hz.

An additional example of the use of

speed to control pumps in parallel
operation exists at a Japanese LNG
receiving terminal where input power
frequency control is used to achieve
effective parallel operation of in-tank
pumps between different storage tanks.
This permits pump flow control by
frequency change only without using
flow control valves. This approach is
Fig. 13 LNG tank truck filling station
beneficial when, based on installed cost,
flow control valves are not economical
compared with the installation of a VFD
in the power supply. Such cases can occur when the valves must be installed on the top of a
LNG tank.
For this instance, the suction pressure at pump inlet is different for each storage tank because
of the uneven liquid levels in the tank. For pump parallel operation between these tanks the
discharge pressure of the pump with high liquid level is greater than that of low liquid level.
Thus the higher-pressure pump discharges at a greater flow rate with the result that the tank that
contains more LNG empties sooner, or, in other words, the tank with the lower liquid level takes
more time to empty. This prevents efficient tank emptying to prepare the tanks to receive the
next cargo from a LNG carrier. This problem is solved by operation the pump in the tank with
lower level of LNG at a higher speed so that it will automatically flow at a higher rate than the
other tank and thus will empty sooner in spite of tank liquid level.

P Dead heading of
low tank level

Tank A Q P


Tank B

Fig.14 Parallel operation between different storage tanks

(1) Precautions relating to Speed Control of Pumps

A significant concern about use of speed control for parallel pump operation is to assure
that sufficient pressure is always available to provide the proper motor cooling and bearing
load compensation of the submerged electric motor pump. The following description shows
the elements of the submerged electric motor pump as well as the key points of theoretical
investigation on pump mechanism for operation with frequency change.

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A submerged electric motor pump has all pump and motor parts and they are
completely immersed into the fluid being pumped This eliminates any dynamic seals
between the pump and motor and thus avoids any concern about external leakage. The rotor
shaft of the motor is supported by special ball bearings and it transfers torque to the pump
shaft, which drives the impellers and an inducer. For multi-stage pumps, the pump shaft is
also supported by bearings at each stage. Liquefied gas coming into the pump suction
passes through the inducer, then the impellers and diffusers toward the pump discharge.
Slipstreams (small portions of the discharge flow) are taken from the main flow after the last
stage and routed internally to a hydraulic thrust balancing system, to cool and lubricate the
ball bearings and cool the motor. (Figure 15)
Caution must be exercised to assure that sufficient
pressure is available to provide the force necessary for the
thrust balance system to operate and to insure that sufficient
sub cooling exists in the motor and bearing cooling streams
to prevent vaporization within the motor. The manner in
which each of these concerns is addressed follows:

(2) Internal circulation and cooling

The internal circulation slipstreams must be maintained
at pressures above their vapor pressures at the temperatures
they will reach over the flow range of the pump. This
precaution will avoid the problem of vaporization of the
coolants within the motor.. Because liquefied gases are
usually handled at close to saturation conditions it is very
important to insure that there is enough pressure to avoid
boiling of these slipstreams.
Figure 16 shows the result of calculation for state of the
circulation fluid in temperature-pressure field in motor
housing for different operating frequency is compared to
the saturation curve of LNG. From this chart it can be seen
that the pump can be operated in the range of 30 to 70 Hz at
rated capacity without vaporization. And at the minimum
allowable flow of 30 % of rated flow, the frequency should
be less than 60 Hz to prevent boiling of the motor coolant
in the motor housing

(3) Thrust balancing

Submerged electric motor pumps are typically used to
deliver liquefied gases. These are notoriously poor
lubricants, therefore long bearing life requires that the loads Fig.15 Submerged motor
on the bearings be minimized. This is accomplished in the pump (Removable
pump by the use of a hydraulic thrust balancing system or type)
balance drum to neutralize the downward thrust acting on
the impellers and the inducer. The balance drum produces
an upward thrust by use of discharge pressure and it
regulates the load on the bearings to essentially zero over the entire flow range for the range
of input frequencies.

Ishikura 9

Saturation curve of LNG

Pressure (MPa)
20.0 Liquid

10.0 30Hz 50Hz
at 30%Q
50Hz 70Hz
30Hz at 100%Q

0 5 10 15 20
Temperature rise (deg)
Fig.16 Liquid condition in motor housing

Since an increase in frequency will increase discharge pressure, and the downthrust of the
impeller and inducer increases with pressure, the restoring force provided by the balance
drum must similarly increase with frequency (and therefore pressure) in order to provide the
compensating force that will reduce the bearing load to zero. Figure 17 shows each
component of the bearing thrust loads as a function of frequency.
In this chart we can see that the impeller downward thrust is increases with frequency and
in similar fashion, the upthrust capability of the balance drum increase to permit the net

Balance drum
60000 Impeller
Rotor Weight
Thrust force (N)


0 20 40 60 80
Frequency (Hz)



Fig.17 Thrust balance for frequency change

thrust load on the bearings to remain at zero over the frequency range of 30 to 70 Hz.
The analysis and evaluation above was prepared with a specially developed computer
software program to determine submerged electric motor pump performance including
coolant and thrust balancing flows. (See Reference 1)

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5. Conclusion
(1) The latest in curve shape modifications to permit stable parallel pump operation in cryogenic
submerged electric motor pumps are presented.
(2) The techniques that are presented were applied to a number of pump units and allowed the
performance to coincide within –1%
(3) The modification of a new impeller together with tandem diffuser permitted new pumps to operate
in parallel with existing pumps that suffered from unstable performance curves due to rotating
(4) Speed control together with control valve position is very effective ways to attain stable parallel
pump operation however with a possible installed cost penalty.

(1) Ishikura, Performance prediction of multi stage diffuser pump for liquefied gases, paper 12 vol. 2
Gastech 94

Ishikura 11


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