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Students Food vocabulary and useful expressions

Food Vocabulary
Lettuce Lechuga Cabbage Repollo
Onion cebolla Green onion Cebolla de rama
Garlic Ajo Tomato Tomate
Pepper Pimentón Coriander Cilantro
Celery Apio Cucumber Pepino
Peas Arveja Carrot Zanahoria
Beetroot Remolacha Green beans Habichuela
Lemon Limón Orange Naranja
Banana Banano Mango Mango
grapes Uvas Apple Manzana
Pear Pera Peach Durazno
Prunes Ciruelas Strawberry Fresa
Pineapple Piña Watermelon Sandia
Melon Melón Cherry Cereza
Rice Arroz Oats Avena
Wheat flour Harina de Trigo Whole flour Harina integral
Kidney Bean Frijol Lentil Lenteja
Chickpea Garbanzo
Pork Cerdo Beef Res
Chicken Pollo Fish Pescado
Seafood Mariscos Veal Ternera
Lamb Cordero Gooseflesh Gallina
Poultry Carne de aves Steak Bistec/filete
Sausages Salchichas Ham Jamón
Seasoning, dressing or sauces-Condimentos
Salt Sal Sugar Azúcar
Pepper Pimienta Mustard Mostaza
Ketchup Salsa tomate Mayonnaise Mayonesa
Beverages-drinks -Bebidas
Wine Vino Coffee Café
Soda-Pop (Canada) Gaseosa Juice Jugo
Tea Te Water/tap water Agua/de llave
Sparkling Water Agua con gas Spring water Agua sin gas

Cooking Method-Modos de cocción
Roast Asado Steam Al vapor
Boiled Hervido Grilled A la plancha
Baked Al horno Well done Bien cocido
Cured Curado Toast Tostado
Scrambled Revuelto Mince Picado/Molido
Raw Crudo Fresh Fresco
Fried Frito Unripe No maduro(veg, fruta)
Salty Salado Sweet Dulce
Bitter Amargo Bitterness Amargor
Hot/Spicy Picante Flavourless Sin sabor
Tasty Gustoso Greasy Grasoso
Bread Pan Cakes Tortas/Pastel
Pastry Pastel Biscuit/cookie Galleta
Dairy Products- Productos lácteos
Cream Crema
Milk Leche Cheese Queso
Butter Mantequilla Yogurt Yogur

Basic vocabulary about food

To take / have /eat… lunch

Breakfast Home-made food Healthier food
Snack Canned food Organic food
Lunch Frozen food Junk food –Fast food
Diner Fresh food Home delivery
Meal Raw food Take away

Mush potatoes Hole chicken Slice/Piece of bread

French fries/chips Half chicken Slice of/some cheese
Fried eggs Piece of chicken Piece of cake
Scrambled eggs Bowl of soup Glass of wine. Bottle of wine
Boiling eggs Made a sandwich
Poached eggs Cook/prepare food

Useful expressions to talk about food

Would you like something to drink/eat? What’s for dessert?
Would you like a glass of water/juice? I prefer fresh fruits
Do you like (Mexican) food? I do not like hot/spicy food
I would like some salad/rice Is there any more of this?
I’m hungry/thirsty Could you pass the pepper please
I am starved / famished Please pass me the salt
I ‘m peckish

Basic vocabulary used at a restaurant
At the restaurant
Casual dining- sit place Dishes- food is served at the restaurant
Fine dining-you need a reservation to get a table Specials of the day
Buffet Substitutes-change options
Menu-list of food Tip- money you give to the waiter
Drinks-Beverages-Fizzy drinks=Pop (Canadian) Check –Bill- is the payment
Appetizer-start-starter-1st food Waiter (man) –Waitress (woman)
Main course-big food
Side dish
Dessert-final food-sweet

Speaking At the restaurant

Waiter(man)- Waitress(woman) Client-Customer-Guest
Asking for table
Whose reservation is it? (booking) I book a table for two
Table for how many people? There are four of us
How many people are you?

Ordering food
Can I take your drink order?
Would you like something to drink? Yes, I’ll have a soda please
Could you bring me some snacks to start?
Waiter, can you take our order?
Can we have the menu please?
Would you like to order now Sir? What do you recommend?
Are you ready to order? What dish would you recommend?
Yes, I would like
We would like the buffet please
We want to ask from the menu
What the specials are?
What are you having?

Discussing the menu

Can I take your main? Bring me a hamburger please
Yes, I’ll have the chicken
How do you serve this food?
How would you like that cooked, and what sides would you I would like medium rare please. Could I have corn with it?
How would you like your steak? Or How do you like your Can I have my steak served with a sauce on the side?
meat to be done?
I’ll have/get/take
Alright, I’ll bring it in a moment How long does it take?
I’ll be right back with your order I want an (I’ll get) orange juice please
I’m afraid we are out of chicken That’s ok just bring me the tea instead of that
Could you take the dishes away please?
Would you like to order any dessert?
I hope you enjoy your meal!

Paying the bill
Can you check us out? Can we have the bill
Here you are. Do you need an invoice? Is the taxes/tip/service included?
Are you going to pay by cc or cash?
How are you going to pay? Are you paying with a car? Can I pay with visa? I’m going to pay in cash
Here is your tip. Keep the change.

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