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Modelling objective
Model the rate of cooling in a polymer or wire drawing operation as a function of changes in
ambient conditions
2. Assumption
- Lumped system

Model definition and development tasks
The key tasks or items that you must address in this report (with the mark allocation) are summarised
as follows:
Task 1 (7%). Prepare a model definition for the system in the form of a modelling goal statement,
including a clear description of the system.
Task 2 (10%). Set out the key controlling factors for the problem. These factors should be clearly
described, and you must explain why they are important.
Task 3 (5%). Provide a labelled balance volume diagram that includes all relevant details.
Task 4 (10%). State systematically all of the relevant modelling assumptions. Justify all of your
assumptions by giving reasons and supporting arguments.
Task 5 (10%). What data will be necessary? Where can they be obtained? Give references to
physicochemical data. What are the specific values for all of the data for your application?
Task 6 (25%). Develop the mathematical model in a systematic manner, consistent with the
approaches of this course. Clearly document all aspects of model development.
Task 7 (8%). Analyse the degrees of freedom and choose a natural set of specifications.
Task 8 (7%). Analyse the index of the differential-algebraic equation set and if not appropriate
choose an alternative set of design variables.
Task 9 (8%). Determine for your system the classification of variables into inputs, outputs, states and
disturbances. Show this classification on a system input–output diagram, as demonstrated in the
lectures (see Chapter 2 in the textbook).
Task 10 (10%). Analyse the equations to develop a structured approach to their solution. Show your
analysis. If this approach is infeasible, then clearly state your alternatives.

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