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‘sRIS8/2-05/2019 Government of Indi ‘Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology Technology Bhavan New Mehrauli Road ‘New Delhi-110016 Dated: August 21, 2018 ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Scientific / Technical Manpower other than JRFISRFIRA in R&D programmes of Central Government Departments / Agencies: Guidelines and emoluments Several Departments and Agencies under various Minsties of the Government are ‘sponsoring many extramural and intramural R&D projects every year. These projects have been sanctioned with welldefined objectives for a speciic duration A large number of scenic / {echnical personnel, oter than Junior Research Fellow (JRF) | Senior Research Felow (SRF) / Research Associate (RA) ae incucted int these projects. 2. In order to Kently the type of scientific / technical manpower, cher than JRF/SRFIRA Suitable for R&D projects and to formulate guidelines for ther management including recrutmert {and remuneration ele, an Inte-Deparimertal Committee has been constituted. Based on the ecommendations of the InterDepartmental Committee, the Deparment has approved space ‘manpower postions sutale for inducing in RED projects The remuneration, essentid {ualfeaion and upper agelimt are given against each manpower positon ae detaled In Sieur. 3. The guidelines help the Principal Investigators (PIs) / Insttutes to choose appropriate ‘manpower postions with required qualfcations for successful mplementaton of projects. AD “Manpower positions in projects wl coterminus with the project 4. These norms become effective from 1" Api 2019 fr all categories of Scenic / Technica Manpower positons in R&D projects 5. This issues withthe approval of Secretary, DST vie Dy. No. EF 25171 dated 21.08.2018 {and concuence of IFD, DST vide Dy No, C/2301 dated 21,08 2018. a ‘Scientist £/ SERC Tele: 011 - 26963695 To All Scientific Ministries ! Departments, {All Heads of DST Senior PPS to Secretary, DST Heads of Als of DST / Secretary, SERB FD, DST CAO /PAO, DST Annexure ‘A. Scientific Technical Manpower positions with remuneration, essential emit Sc] Manpower Poston ‘Eesoniia Qualification Upper | Wonitiy Emotuments Ne. Age mit (Re) (Gears) | Seentie ‘Graduate degree in any 50 | 180007 HRA Acministatve iscipine ‘Aasitant/ Feld Worker 2 | Laboraton, B.Se/3 years Diploma in 30 | 20000. + FRA ‘Assistent/Technician | Engineering & Technology Increment of 15% ‘or {Project Assistant eremeck oh Seep Technical Assistant years of exper fereeess ‘wth maximum eeing ‘of 4 such revisions ie. upto 12 years ef experience, 3 TA Prot ‘Mastors Degree in Natural or 35 [3.000 + RA Associate! | Agricultural Sciences MVS or bachelor’s degree in Engineering oF Technology or Medicne fom 2 recognized Universty or ‘equivalent B Project ) Wastors Degree in Natural or | 35 | 35,0000 + HRA ‘Associate! ‘Agicultral Sciences | MVS¢ ‘or bachelors degree in Engineering or Technology or Modine trom a recognized University or equivalent: anc (i) 2 years’ experience in Research and Development in Industral and Academic Instluions or Science and “Technology Organisations and Scientfe stiies and | Serior Project () Masiors Degree in Natural or | 40 | 42,0000 + HRA Associate ‘Agiultural Sciences /MVSe | for bachelors degree in Engineering or Tecrnology or Meine fom a recognized University or equivalent; and (i) Four years experience in Research and Development in Tndusiial and Academic Institutions or Science and “Technology Organisations ‘and Scie activites and oR Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering Technology / Pharma / MO 148 fom 2 recognized University or equivalent | Principal Project | () Masters Degree in Natural or | 40. [49,000 + HRA Assooate ‘Agicultural Sciences or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering of Technology or ‘Medicine from 2 recognises University or equivalent; and Eight years’ experience in Research and Development Iningustrial and Academe Insttutons or Science and ‘Technology Organisations and Scientic actives and oR (Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering / Technology Pharma MD/MS from @ recognized University equivalent; and (@ Four yours’ experience in Research and Development In Ingustril ang Academe Inttutions or Sclence and Technology Organisations ‘and Scienti achvies and services 8 | Project Scientist Doctoral Degree in Science or | 35 | S8,0007 + HRA Master's Degree in Enginaerng or Technology from a recognized Unversty or equivalent 7. | Project Scenist | () Doctoral Degree in Science or | 40 | 67,0007 + HRA Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology Toma recognized Uawversiy cor equivalent, and {() Three years’ experience in Research and Development In Industrial and Academe Inettutions or Scene ans Technology Organisations and Scintfe activites and Project Scents Doctoral Degree n Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University orequivalent and (i) Sixyaare’ experiance in Research and Development In Industral and Academic Instlutons or Science and ‘Technology Organisations and Scientific sties and a Ta000 + HRA Project Scientist Masters Degree in Scionce ‘or Bachelors Degree in Engineering or Technology ‘with minimum 60% marks ftom a recognized University or equivalent % ‘36,0000: + HRA Increment of 8% fo every 2 years of ‘experience subjctto Performance revi. 7 “Project Scientist C (Masters Degree in Science ‘¢ Bachelors Degree in Engineering o Technology swith minimum 60% marks {fom a recognized University or equivalent and (i) Three years’ experience in Researen ang Development inthe relevant fel, 67,000 + HRA Increment of 5% for every 2 years of ‘experience subjctto performance review. 7 *Pigjed Sciondet (Masters Degree in Science or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology ‘with minima 60% make from a recognized University oreguivaient, and (i) Seven years’ experience in Research and Development inthe relevant fla co 78.0001. + HRA Increment of 5% fr every 2 years of ‘experience subjectto perfomance review. 72. | PiProjeat Doctoral Degree it |Asper [60,000 Coorsintor— 1 Engineering Sciences! | the’ _| (Consolidated) (ForNon- | MesicinePharma/'Social | scheme Governmental Sciences / MD Voluntary Organizations) 7B. | PlPrajee asters Degree in ‘sper | 30,0007 Cooraintor- i Engineering Sciences! | the | (Consolidated) (ForNon- Socal Sciences scheme Governmental Voluntary Organizations) 16, | #Project Manager | Doctoral Degree i Science or | Minimum | 7.25 0000. Master's Doge in fe of45 | (Consolidated) Engineering or Technology | years from a recognized Universty Cr equivalent with 20 years of ‘experience in relevant el. * These postions are meant for undertaking the R&D work ofthe Science Ministries and their Insitutions and which have been approved through the SFCEFC/Cabinet notes and by the competent author. 1 This position is meant for bigicket project (costing more than Rs. 10.0 crore) or for @ Center which manages Cantal Facies of ta Instute. B. Service conditions of Scientific Technical manpower © DA&.CCA:Scientfc Technical Manpower in projects are not ented to DA & CCA (House Rent Allowance (HRA): HRA is allowed to all categories, except for Project Investigator (P)/ Project Coordinators in Non-Governmental | Voluntary Organizations (NGONVO} 1 Project Manager as per Central Government norms applicable in the ctylocaton where they are working. The percentage required fer calculating HRA wl be based on the remuneration. ©@__ Medical Benefits: The Scientific! Technical manpower wil be entitle for medial benefits 2s applicable inthe implementing insituton, ()___Leave and other entitlements: The Scientific / Technical manpower are enitad to leave 2s per ule of he host insttution. Matemy leave as per the Govt. of india instructions isued fort time to time would be avaliable to all categories, The Wave etilement i as per Institute norms. (©) Bonus, Gratulty & Leave Travel Concession: The Scientific / Technical manpower vil ote entiled Yo these allowances,

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