Climate Change-Induced Decline in Bamboo Habitats and Species Diversity: Implications For Giant Panda Conservation

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A Journal of Conservation Biogeography Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.

) (2014) 1–13

BIODIVERSITY Climate change-induced decline in

bamboo habitats and species diversity:
implications for giant panda
Renqiang Li1, Ming Xu2*, Michelle Hang Gi Wong1, Shuai Qiu1,3,
Qingkai Sheng1, Xinhai Li4 and Zengming Song5

Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network ABSTRACT
Observation and Modeling, Institute of
Aim Conservation strategies must anticipate how climate change may alter the
Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources,
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
geographic distributions of limited food resources for highly specialized species.
China, 2Department of Ecology, Evolution Here, we use bamboo as a case study to investigate climate change-induced
and Natural Resources, Rutgers University, changes in species diversity and discuss how to protect the critical food species
New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA, 3University for giant pandas.
of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Location Giant panda habitats.
China, 4Key Laboratory of the Zoological
Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Methods Using a niche-based model and the most updated climate projec-
Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, tions, we projected the current and future distribution of 16 bamboo species
Beijing, China, 5PRC-GEF Partnership on under no and universal dispersal assumptions. We then assessed the impact of
Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems, climate change on bamboo forests and their alpha and beta diversities in the
Beijing, China giant panda habitats and reserves.
Results Under both dispersal assumptions and three RCPs, six bamboo species
are projected to vanish from panda habitats as climate change progresses,
resulting in a great loss of the current bamboo forests. Although about half of
Diversity and Distributions

the bamboo species may potentially colonize new climatically suitable areas
under universal dispersal, the other species would experience significant habitat
loss. Consequently, climate change would reduce both the alpha and beta
diversity of bamboo species in panda habitats. Meanwhile, the proportion of
single-species bamboo forests would significantly increase. The decline in
bamboo forests and diversity would be most drastic in Qinling, Daxiangling
and Qionglaishan Mountains, whereas those in the north-west of Minshan
Mountains and Liangshan Mountains may increase.

Main conclusions Climate change-induced decline in bamboo habitats and spe-

cies diversity would pose a severe challenge to the food availability of giant pandas.
We posit that human-assisted adaptation and increasing bamboo species diversity
are critical to ensuring food security of the giant panda in a changing climate. Our
results indicate that conservation planning should not only incorporate species
*Correspondence: Ming Xu, Department of
range shifts but also diversity patterns in communities under climate change.
Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources,
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
08901, USA. Bamboo species, climate change, MAXENT, panda conservation, species
E-mail: diversity.

factors, such as habitat destruction, fragmentation and bio-

logical invasion (Yang & Xu, 2003; Thomas et al., 2004;
Rapid climate change is already having profound impacts on Thuille, 2007). Some simulation studies and field observa-
global biodiversity (Bellard et al., 2012) and may become tions strongly suggest that many species are already respond-
increasingly prominent relative to the other environmental ing to recent global warming with expansion or contraction

DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12284
ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
R. Li et al.

in range, and this process is likely to continue as climate field have started to develop species modelling approaches by
change progresses (Walther et al., 2002; MacLean & Wilson, incorporating more factors and parameters, such as meta-
2011; Ponce-Reyes et al., 2013). Some species would be able population demography and landscape interactions (Keith
to adapt to climate change by migrating to new climatically et al., 2008; Vos et al., 2008), species life history traits (Peery
suitable areas, while those that are unable to do so would be et al., 2006), biotic interactions (Preston et al., 2008), species
locally extirpated; therefore, species with poor dispersal abil- dispersal ability (Duckett et al., 2013), species evolution and
ity are particularly vulnerable (Thuiller et al., 2005; Chen adaptation (Byrne 2008) and human activities and distur-
et al., 2011; MacLean & Wilson, 2011). Climate change-induced bances (Midgley et al., 2003; Thuiller et al., 2004). For exam-
species range shifts will alter the distribution of biodiversity ple, inclusion of biotic interactions with other species in
and cause a change in species diversity (Menendez et al., 2007), SDMs is expected for long-term prediction of climate
because species diversity in communities in coming decades change-induced species range shifts, particularly for species
will be determined by the balance between species habitat gain strongly dependent on biotic interactions (Brooke et al.,
and loss (Gallagher et al., 2013). Combining future climate 2012). Thuiller et al. (2004) found that the inclusion of land
change scenario and niche-based models, many studies have cover significantly improved the explanatory power of biocli-
found that climate change would threaten species diversity for matic models and the most relevant variables across groups
both plant (Bakkenes et al., 2002; Thuiller et al., 2005; Golicher were those not explained or poorly explained by climate over
et al., 2012) and animal communities (Ara ujo et al., 2006; Europe. Incorporating phylogeography and landscape genet-
Kissling et al., 2010). The spatial pattern changes of species ics into SDMs can be used to address climate adaptation
diversity are expected to affect community composition and (Scoble & Lowe, 2010). The main aim of these studies
structure, with important consequences for ecosystem function focused on how to provide more robust evidence for species
(Wardle et al., 2011), which will pose a severe challenge to bio- conservation and management in future.
diversity conservation in future. Thus, a major task for conser- The giant panda, a conservation icon, feeds almost exclu-
vation planning is to predict possible consequences of climate sively on bamboo. Human destruction to the bamboo forests
change, and based on these propose adaptation and mitigation is one of the major causes of the drastic reduction in the
measures (Wiens & Graham, 2005; Ara ujo & Rahbek, 2006; number and distribution of giant pandas in the past decades
Schwartz et al., 2006). (Liu et al., 2001; Loucks et al., 2001; Shen et al., 2008; Ran
Many modelling approaches, including process-based and et al., 2009). Understanding how climate change will affect
niche-based models, have been developed to explore the these bamboo communities that provide food sources is
effects of climate change on species ranges and diversity extremely critical for developing effective conservation strate-
(Heikkinen et al., 2006; Mokany & Ferrier, 2011). Process- gies in future (Fan et al., 2014). Bamboo are colonial species
based models project vegetation distributions, biomass and that mainly reproduce asexually by growing new shoots out
primary production at continental or global scales by simu- of their rhizomes; thus, their dispersal ability is extremely
lating natural processes, but they require large amounts of poor, of no more than 6 m per year (Fan, 1999). Many of
empirical data for parameterization and validation, which the bamboo species consumed by giant pandas are found to
restricts their wide applications for some specific species or be sensitive to climate change (Qing, 1989). A recent study
regions (Pearson & Dawson, 2003; Thuiller et al., 2006a,b). finds that three dominant bamboo species would face a sub-
On the other hand, niche-based models project species distri- stantial reduction in the distributional ranges during the 21st
butions by analyzing the relationships between species distri- century in the Qingling Mountains (Tuanmu et al., 2013).
butions and a number of environmental variables (Synes & However, the potential consequences of climate change on
Osborne, 2011). Although these relatively simple models may bamboo species distributions in other regions and species
under-represent complex natural systems by neglecting diversity in entire giant panda habitats remain exclusive,
competitive interactions, species plasticity, adaptation and which is required for the design of an effective conservation
time-lag (Davis et al., 1998; Hannah et al., 2002; Pearson & network for panda conservation under climate change.
Dawson, 2003), with a good understanding of the modelling The aim of this study is to investigate climate change-
techniques, and appropriate model validation and testing, induced changes of bamboo species range and spatial diver-
they can be regarded as the primary tools for projecting sity patterns in giant panda habitats. Using three of the most
species range shifts and extinction risk, evaluating conserva- recently developed Representative Concentration Pathways
tion priorities and assessing reserve designs (Ara ujo & (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5), five climate models (CCSM4,
Williams, 2000; Akcakaya et al., 2006; Hijmans & Graham, CNRM-CM5, HadGEM-ES, MIROC5 and MPI-ESM-LR)
2006; Gallagher et al., 2013; Duckett et al., 2013). and niche-based modelling techniques, we projected the
Most species distribution models (SDMs) mainly rely on potential geographic distribution of 16 bamboo species eaten
climatic factors to predict the geographic distribution of spe- by giant pandas to the year 2070 in the entire giant panda
cies. However, recent studies emphasized that some impor- habitats. We assessed the potential impact of climate change
tant environmental factors and species characteristics may be on bamboo forests and bamboo species diversity in panda
critical to improve the predictive power of SDMs (Boulang- habitats and reserves and discussed the implications of these
eat et al., 2012; Grassein et al., 2014). New advances in this results on giant panda conservation in a changing climate.

2 Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate change reduces bamboo diversity

from Wu et al. (2011), resulting in 59 nature reserves in

total (Fig. 1). Although more than 60 nature reserves in
China have been established to protect the giant panda, a
Study area and data
few of them that are county-level reserves have unclear
The geographic distribution of 16 bamboo species (Table S1 boundaries or no boundary data at all. Given that the areas
in Supporting Information) was obtained from the Third of these reserves are small, we considered them insignificant
National Survey on Giant Pandas (State Forestry Administra- to the overall results of the study.
tion, 2006). They account for more than 95% of the total A set of 19 bioclimatic variables (Table S3) at 30 s resolu-
area of bamboo forests in the panda habitats. The survey of tion were collected from the WorldClim dataset for current
16 bamboo species was conducted using line transect and (average for 1951–2000) and future climate conditions in
sampling methods in 57 counties in six mountains in Sichu- 2070 (average for 2061–2080; Hijmans et al., 2005). We
an, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces during 1999–2001. The line adopted five general circulation models (GCMs; CCSM4,
transects were selected on a topographic map of 1:50,000 or CNRM-CM5, HadGEM2-ES, MIROC5 and MPI-ESM-LR),
1:100,000, and one transect was placed per 800 ha in key under three IPCC-CMPI5 RCPs (2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) to test the
areas and one per 2400 ha in other areas. The transects impacts of different climate change scenarios on bamboo
extend from low to high altitudes on mountain slopes, taking and better capture the range of uncertainty. To minimize
into account the spatial distributions of bamboo species collinearity between these bioclimatic variables, we calculated
and giant pandas. Along each transect, no less than four intercorrelations among 2 of the 19 bioclimatic variables,
20 9 20 m2 plots were set up and surveyed. There were alto- and one of the variables was removed when the correlation
gether 11,174 line transects sampled in this survey. We ran- coefficient > |0.70|. Our method for selecting predictor was
domly obtained a total of 5981 presence data for the 16 very similar to Tuanmu et al. (2013). As a result, eight
bamboo species from their distribution area for model build- bioclimatic variables (Bio 2, Bio 4, Bio 10, Bio 11, Bio 15,
ing. Bio 17, Bio 18 and Bio 19; Table S3) were used to construct
The survey showed that the wild population of giant pan- our models.
das comprised of 1596 individuals (Table S2) in six moun-
tain ranges. To reduce edge effects and accommodate
Species distribution modelling and testing
potential changes of bamboo distribution under climate
change, the simulation area included all adjacent counties We applied a maximum entropy modelling technique with
surrounding these 57 counties, resulting in a total of 135 the MAXENT software (Phillips et al., 2006), which has been
counties (Fig. 1). Another independent dataset of 1820 extensively adopted to project species range shifts and change
records on seven bamboo species in the Daxiangling Moun- in species diversity patterns under climate change (Pearson
tains from a most recent field survey was also used for the et al., 2007; Ponce-Reyes et al., 2012; Wong et al., 2013).We
model evaluation. To explore the change of bamboo distri- first built bamboo species models with presence data and the
bution within panda reserves under climate change, the selected eight bioclimatic variables. Models were constructed
boundaries of 40 nature reserves were supplemented by data with the software MAXENT in default settings with a

Figure 1 Location of study area,

covering six mountain ranges (Qingling,
Minshan, Qionglaishan, Daxiangling,
Xiaoxiangling and Liangshan Mountain
Ranges) in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu
Provinces of China. The elevation of this
study area ranges from 273 to 6298 m.

Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3
R. Li et al.

maximum of 500 iterations. We performed a test according future. No dispersal means that species only can inhabit only
to the method of VanDerWal et al., 2009; we extracted back- places that are modelled to be suitable both in the present
ground data from (1) the entire study area, (2) the area cov- and in future.
ered by the Third National Survey and (3) area (1) minus
area (2) of above and compared the performance of these
Spatial pattern of alpha and beta diversity
models. The results indicated that model performance is the
highest when background data were selected from the entire Species richness, hereafter alpha diversity, was generated by
study area. Therefore, the entirety of the study area was used calculating the number of species present in each 1-km2 grid
as a background from which pseudo-absences were drawn to cell across the entire study region based on the binary distri-
improve model performance. We performed 10 replications bution maps produced for the 16 bamboo species. We fol-
for each bamboo species, using cross-validation procedures lowed Ochoa-Ochoa et al.’s (2012) suggestion to calculate
where we divided our dataset using 75% of the data for beta diversity by means of a moving window performed
model calibration and retaining 25% of the data to evaluate using a nine-pixel window size. Beta diversity was estimated
models. In response to criticisms to the use of the area under using Whittaker’s classic formula, bw = c/mean a, where c
the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) in (gamma diversity) is the total number of species in our mov-
the species distribution modelling (Lobo et al., 2008; Li & ing window and mean a is the arithmetic mean of alpha
Guo, 2013), we assessed model performance with both aver- diversity of all the pixels within the window. This classic for-
age AUC and the relative importance of commission and mula was chosen as it is not sensitive to contrasting values
omission. AUC provides a single measure of model perfor- of gamma diversity (Srivastava, 1999) and also because of its
mance and ranges from 0.5 (randomness) to 1 (perfect dis- straightforward interpretation.
crimination), where a score higher than 0.7 is considered a Both alpha and beta diversity can change with the thresh-
good model performance (Fielding & Bell, 1997; Rebelo olds and window sizes selected, so we set different moving
et al., 2010). As AUC is not appropriate to evaluate the accu- windows (9, 16 and 25 km2) to test the sensitivity of results.
racy of binary predictions, we also used true skill statistic The two metrics from different window size produced quali-
(TSS) as suggested by recent studies (Lobo et al., 2008; Li & tatively similar results about the impact of climate change on
Guo, 2013) to assess the accuracy of the bamboo species change patterns of species diversity. For clarity, we report
models. The TSS takes into account both omission and com- results for the 9 km2 window size only, because our main
mission errors, and success as a result of random guessing, purpose of this study is to assess how the spatial patterns of
and ranges from 1 to +1, where +1 indicates perfect agree- these metrics may change as future climate change in the
ment and values of zero or less indicate a performance no study region, rather than testing the effects of similarity due
better than random. It is a simple and intuitive measure for to distance and calculating the values of species diversity.
the performance of species distribution models when predic- The spatial distribution of bamboo forests was mapped
tions are expressed as presence–absence maps (Allouche where at least one bamboo species was projected to occur. The
et al., 2006). We then ran the model with future bioclimatic spatial distribution patterns of alpha and beta diversity were
variables to simulate the future suitability of bamboo species mapped for three RCPs and for the current and future (2070).
under the three RCPs. To represent the slight variability We then obtained their potential change of species diversity in
inherent in our ensemble of different GCM models, the bamboo forests by overlapping their current and future maps
occurrence probability of each bamboo species is expressed and identifying areas where diversity are projected to be stable,
as the range (minimum, average and maximum) across the increased or decreased under climate scenarios. We also over-
five GCMs and 10 model replicates. As all ensembles pro- laid these projected distribution maps with the boundaries of
duced qualitatively and quantitatively similar results (Fig- 59 nature reserves to explore their change of distribution
ure S1), for clarity we present only the averaged outputs within these panda reserves under climate change.
under three RCPs to form ensembled forecasts of occurrence
probability of the bamboo species (Ara ujo & New, 2007).
However, we also presented the results using minimum and
maximum probability of each bamboo species as supporting
Accuracy of species distribution models
information, to capture the uncertainty associated with dif-
ferent projections in future climate conditions. To interpret All models for the 16 bamboo species perform well, with
these ensembled forecasts of occurrence probability to pres- high-average AUC scores and low omission rates (OR) at the
ence–absence distribution maps for each bamboo species, we 10% cumulative threshold value (Table S1). The trends of
defined the average threshold with a value corresponding to AUC scores for these models generally agree with those for
a 10% omission error (Tuanmu et al., 2013). We analyzed test gain (the relative contribution of the environmental vari-
future species distributions with two assumptions of species ables to the niche models), indicating that all models had a
dispersal (no dispersal and universal dispersal; Peterson high level of accuracy. The high TSS scores of these models
et al., 2002). Universal dispersal means that species could also suggested that only a small percentage of test points fell
disperse to any suitable places for population persistence in outside the area predicted as ‘presence’, and our projections

4 Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate change reduces bamboo diversity

have high accuracy (Table S1). Moreover, the average rate of (Fig. 2a–f). Under the assumption of universal dispersal,
correct simulation of 1820 independent presence data points the total bamboo forest area would see a net reduction
was 0.90, which also supports that our models have reason- of 9–22% by 2070 (Table 2), where 30–48% of the
ably captured the relationships between species occurrence current bamboo forest would disappear under the future
and climate conditions and can be used to simulate species climate. Meanwhile, new climatically suitable areas for
distributions for current and future conditions. bamboo forests would also be created, covering an area
of about 22–26% of the current bamboo forest. Spatially,
climate change would induce bamboo forest loss most
Potential bamboo species range shifts under climate
prominently in Qinling, Daxiangling and Qionglaishan
Mountains, while it would facilitate bamboo forest devel-
Our results projected by the three RCPs suggest that bamboo opment in the Liangshan Mountains, the north-west part
species in giant panda habitats would be threatened by future of the Minshan Mountains and Xiaoxiangling Mountains
climate change. Under the assumption of no dispersal, all of (Fig. 2a–f).
the 16 bamboo species are projected to reduce their current
suitable habitats, and nearly half of the species would lose
Potential changes in bamboo species diversity
over 50% of their current habitats under the three RCPs by
2070 (Table 1). Under the assumption of universal dispersal, The current spatial pattern of alpha diversity shows a general
the impacts of climate change could be less severe. Neverthe- reduction from the central to peripheral areas (Figure S2).
less, about half of the species would still suffer from habitat The maximum value is seven and is found to occur in the
contraction, of which, up to six species would suffer habitat Xiaoxiangling and Minshan Mountains. Under future climate
reduction of more than 50% (Table 1). The projections conditions, however, alpha diversity is predicted to reduce
under the two dispersal assumptions showed that some of severely and widely by 2070 (Fig. 2). The maximum value of
the 16 bamboo species may completely vanish from the cur- alpha diversity would reduce to four or five under different
rent giant panda habitats, species such as Bashania fargesii, RCP and dispersal assumption (Figure S3). Under the
Fargesia qinlingensis, Bashania fangiana, Chimonobambusa assumption of no dispersal, it is projected to decrease by
szechuanesis, Yushania brevipaniculata and Fargesia robusta. 59%, 62% and 68% of the current bamboo forest by 2070
These species are now distributed mainly in the Qingling, for the three RCP climate scenarios (2.6, 4.5 and 8.5),
Qionglaishan and Liangshan Mountains. Under the assump- respectively. The percentage of bamboo forests that may
tion of universal dispersal, about half of 16 species could col- experience over 50% decline in alpha diversity would be
onize new climatically suitable areas in the north-west part 50%, 56% and 63% for the three RCPs (Figs 2a–c & 4a).
of the Minshan Mountains and Liangshan Mountains. The Under the assumption of universal dispersal, 31–36% of total
species with the most habitat gain included Yushania ailuro- bamboo forest (including newly gained and current bamboo
podina, Yushania maculate, Fargesia denudate, Yushania glau- forests) may increase in alpha diversity, while 52–63% of the
ca, Yushania lineolata and Fargesia demudata (Figure S1). current bamboo forest may decline in alpha diversity by
2070 (Figs 2d–f & 4b). Moreover, the proportion of single-
species bamboo forests in the total bamboo forests by area
Potential changes in bamboo forest area
for no dispersal would increase from the current 40% to
Future climate change could significantly reduce the dis- 55%, 51% and 54% by 2070 for RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5,
tributional area of bamboo forests in giant panda habitats respectively. Even under the assumption of universal dis-
persal, it would still rise to 49%, 47% and 48% for the three
RCPs (Figure S3).
Table 1 The number of bamboo species that may experience
different levels of bamboo habitat change projected under the The beta diversity of bamboo species would also decline
two dispersal assumptions (no dispersal and universal dispersal) under three RCPs in most of our study area (Fig. 3;
by 2070 under RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 Figure S4). For the assumption of no dispersal, between
now and 2070, beta diversity would increase in 19–26%
No dispersal Universal dispersal of current bamboo forests, while decreases will occur in
Percentage of
46–61% (Figs 3a–c & 4c). For universal dispersal, the per-
habitat change RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP
(d%) 2.6 4.5 8.5 2.6 4.5 8.5
centage of the current bamboo forests with declines in
beta diversity would increase as time progresses (Figs 3d–f
d = 100 1 4 5 1 3 5 & 4d). The bamboo species diversity (alpha and beta), in
100 < d ≤ 50 6 3 4 5 4 3 general, would significantly decline in the giant panda
50 < d ≤ 0 9 9 7 3 1 1 habitats under future climate change. The greatest
0 < d ≤ 50 0 0 0 5 5 3 decrease in species diversity would be principally concen-
50 < d ≤ 100 0 0 0 0 1 1
trated in the Qingling Mountains, the northern part of
d > 100 0 0 0 2 2 3
Daxiangling Mountains and the Qionglai Mountains
Total 16 16 16 16 16 16
(Figs 2 & 3).

Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5
R. Li et al.

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Figure 2 The projected spatial patterns

of changes in bamboo species richness
(alpha diversity) of bamboo forests
between the current and 2070 in the six
mountain ranges under the assumption
of no dispersal for RCP 2.6 (a), RCP 4.5
(b) and RCP 8.5 (c), and under the
assumption of universal dispersal for
RCP 2.6 (d), RCP 4.5 (e) and RCP 8.5
(f) (QL, Qinling Mountains; MS,
Minshan Mountains; QLS, Qionglaishan
Mountains; DXL, Daxiangling
Mountains; XXL, Xiaoxiangling
Mountains; LS, Liangshan Mountains).

and it would reduce to 41%, 37% and 32% for the no dis-
Changes of bamboo distribution in giant panda
persal scenario. Consequently, over 40 of the 59 current nat-
ure reserves may face bamboo forest loss under both climate
The amount and diversity of bamboo species within panda scenarios, and some reserves would lose all bamboo distribu-
reserves determines the food availability of giant pandas. tion (Table 3). We also found that future climate change not
More than 60 giant panda nature reserves have been estab- only is likely to lead to the reduction of the bamboo distri-
lished for protecting the giant panda in past decades in bution area, but a decline in the species diversity will occur
China, which currently covers about 1.88 million hectares of in most of the current nature reserves during this century.
bamboo forests. Unfortunately, our results indicated that The proportion of bamboo forests with a single bamboo spe-
future climate change may dramatically reduce the distribu- cies in panda reserves under the assumption of universal dis-
tion area of bamboo forest located in these reserves. For the persal would also significantly increase from the current 23%
assumption of universal dispersal, the percentage of bamboo to 29%, 31%, and 37% for RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5, respec-
forest in these reserves will decrease from the current 56% to tively. It would increase to 37%, 33% and 38% for no
50%, 47% and 43% under RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5, respectively, dispersal.

6 Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate change reduces bamboo diversity

Table 2 The area and percentage (compared with the current period) of bamboo forests that are projected to be gained, lost or remain
under RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 for 2070 (unit: million hectares)

Universal dispersal No dispersal

Gain Lost Remain Lost Remain

Time period Area % Area % Area % Area % Area %

RCP 2.6 1.44 21.5 1.99 29.7 4.70 70.3 2.22 33.1 4.48 66.9
RCP 4.5 1.43 21.4 2.71 40.4 3.99 59.6 3.02 45.1 3.68 54.9
RCP 8.5 1.73 25.8 3.23 48.2 3.47 51.8 3.58 53.5 3.12 46.5

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Figure 3 The projected spatial patterns

of changes in bamboo beta diversity of
bamboo forests between the current and
2070 in the six mountain ranges under
the assumption of no dispersal for RCP
2.6 (a), RCP 4.5 (b) and RCP 8.5 (c),
and under the assumption of universal
dispersal for RCP 2.6 (d), RCP 4.5 (e)
and RCP 8.5 (f). Positive values represent
increments in species richness, and
negative values imply decrements.

Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 7
R. Li et al.

5.0 (a) 5.0 (b)

4.5 62% 4.5 63%
59% 4.0 58% Decline
4.0 52% Stable
Area (million ha)

3.5 3.5 Increase

3.0 41% 38% 3.0
2.5 2.5
32% 30%
2.0 2.0 24%
1.5 1.5 18% 18% 17%20%
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5
5.0 (c) 5.0 (d) 71% Figure 4 The area and percentage of
4.5 68%
61% 4.5 61% Decline bamboo forests with species diversity
4.0 55% Stable
Area (million ha)

3.5 Increase projected to experience decline, increase

46% 3.5
3.0 or stable by 2070 under the three RCPs
2.5 28% 2.5 (2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) relative to the current
27% 30% 27%
2.0 26% 20% 2.0 24% bamboo forests: (a) alpha diversity for
1.5 18% 19% 1.5
no dispersal, (b) alpha diversity for
1.0 1.0 9%
0.5 5% 5% universal dispersal, (c) beta diversity for
0.0 0.0 no dispersal and (d) beta diversity for
RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 universal dispersal.

Table 3 The projected numbers of giant panda reserves with

current bamboo habitats would no longer be climatically
different percentage of bamboo forest loss (or gain) under the
three RCPs by 2070 (A is the percentage change in bamboo
suitable in future. The impact of climate change is further
forest area. Negative values represent bamboo forest loss within aggravated by the poor dispersal ability of bamboo species,
the reserves) which prevents them from colonizing new climatically suit-
able habitats outside their current ranges. The projections
No dispersal Universal dispersal produced by this study and Tuanmu et al. (2013) have sug-
gested that some of the bamboo species may face local
extinction under future climate change, especially at Qingling
change of area 2.6 4.5 8.5 2.6 4.5 8.5
and Qionglaishan Mountains where more serious food short-
A = 100 5 7 12 4 5 8 ages are expected for giant pandas in future. Therefore,
100 < A ≤ 50 11 15 12 8 15 14 translocation of giant pandas with small populations (Swais-
50 < A ≤ 0 44 37 35 30 20 26 good et al., 2010) to the northwestern regions of the current
A>0 0 0 0 17 19 11 distribution range, where climate change promotes bamboo
Total 59 59 59 59 59 59
growth and distributions, may become necessary.
In response to the projected loss of the bamboo forests, an
important climate change adaptation strategy for giant panda
conservation is to secure their future food source, the bam-
boo forests. Most of the panda feeding bamboo species are
Future changes of bamboo distribution are closely related to scattered in the lower regions of subalpine forests (Zhang
the rapid changes of both temperature and precipitation. et al., 2011). Protecting the forests, especially the old-growth
Meteorological data show that climate in the giant panda natural forests, is critical to maintaining suitable habitats for
habitat has become warmer and drier in past decades (Liu various bamboo species. In areas where the natural forests
et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2010). The five CMIP5 GCMs also were cleared, forest restoration efforts should be encouraged,
predicted that the climate for this region would continue to especially in nature reserves. In fact, many restoration
become warmer and drier in future (Table S4). Although projects have been implemented in the region in the past
annual precipitation may increase in most parts of the region decades, but most of the plantations are monocultures that
(Liu et al., 2005), our results derived from the De Martonne are not ideal for bamboo species to colonize or grow. Natu-
(1926) aridity index suggested that the region would become ralization of these plantations through management tech-
drier because the warmer temperature would stimulate more niques is therefore critical to the restoration and
evapotranspiration (Figure S5). The climate projections also conservation of bamboo species. Furthermore, planting bam-
show that the most rapid increases in temperature and arid- boo, or assisted migration, could be a potentially important
ity would occur at Qinling, Qionglaishan and Liangshan adaptive strategy to reduce the vulnerability of bamboo and
Mountains where the most severe losses of bamboo forests the giant panda to future climate change. Planting bamboo
are projected to occur. As bamboo species generally prefer can be carried out in new climatically suitable areas outside
mild and humid climate conditions (Hu, 2001), most of the their current range to compensate for their poor dispersal

8 Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate change reduces bamboo diversity

ability. Our projection results under the assumption of uni- bamboo flowering was also not considered in our models,
versal dispersal can be used to identify the new climatically even though it could lead to severe loss of bamboo forests
suitable areas for bamboo planting. Despite that, feasibility sometime in future. Further studies on understanding the
studies and impact assessments of such planting activities timing and mechanisms of bamboo flowering are needed
must be carried out prior to any large-scale implementation. before we can include the flowering impacts into our models.
Bamboo species diversity is projected to significantly Thirdly, biotic variables are not incorporated in our models,
decline under future climate change for the three RCPs in which may include biotic interactions between bamboo spe-
this region (Fig. 4). The significant reduction in beta diver- cies and tree species, aboveground and belowground herbi-
sity in most of the current bamboo forests represents a gen- vores, and other resource competitors. These factors could
eral pattern of homogenization in bamboo communities. The impose additional threats to bamboo species and could
decline of both alpha and beta diversity suggests that giant exacerbate the impact of climate change. Meanwhile, our
pandas have less chances to choose more bamboo species as results could also overestimate the climate change risk on
their diet in future. This has important implications on giant bamboo species. Our model cannot account for acclimation
panda conservation because it would pose a serious threat to and adaptation of different bamboo species to future
the food availability of giant pandas. Sexual reproduction of climate change. In reality, evolution and adaptation of bam-
bamboos occurs once every 60–120 years through flowering, boo species could be rapid and potentially help them coun-
and most bamboos die soon after flowering (Qing, 1989). It ter stressful conditions or realize ecological opportunities
usually takes 8–10 years for the bamboo forest to recover arising from climate change. Thus, a future direction for
post-flowering (Wang, 2006). Large-scale bamboo flowering improving predictive accuracy should incorporate evolu-
has been disastrous to the giant panda. For example, the tionary considerations in predictive modelling or explore
mass flowerings in the 1975 and 1983 have caused the death the climate adaptive capacity of bamboo species to climate
of more than 270 giant pandas from starvation in the Min- change. A further uncertainty associated with giant pandas’
shan Mountains alone (Feng, 1991). Climate change may food is that giant pandas may find other bamboo species as
also threaten giant pandas’ food supply through increasing their staple diet in future beyond the current distribution
the frequency of mass flowering of bamboos (Wang, areas of giant pandas, such as in low-altitude and southern
2006).The projected warmer and drier climate in this region areas. Yet, given that the dispersal ability of bamboo species
could accelerate bamboo flowering in future (Qing, 1989). is very poor, they are unlikely to become the staple food
Previous studies found that different bamboo species usually sources for giant pandas within the next 100 years. Despite
have different flowering cycles according to different envi- these uncertainties, we have provided comprehensive
ronmental conditions (Liu & Fu, 2007; Wang et al., 2010), insights and identified threats for most of bamboo species
which makes bamboo species diversity of particular impor- in panda habitats, which highlighted the need for human-
tance in stabilizing the food supply for giant pandas by assisted adaptation to climate change for the bamboo spe-
avoiding simultaneous flowering in the same region. In the cies to ensure sustainable food supply for the giant panda
Piankou Nature Reserve, for example, there are three bam- in future.
boo species distributed in slightly different altitude ranges.
Two of the species flowered in 2004, forcing the giant pandas
to venture into lower altitudes to feed on the remaining spe-
cies. Therefore, we should pay more attention to climate We thank Dr. Zhanqiang Wen for assistance in data collec-
change-induced reduction in bamboo species diversity in tions. We thank Dr. Yumin Yang and Prof. Lixin Shen for
addition to the loss of habitat area. Planting a variety of giving advice on bamboo root growth and flowering. We
bamboo species in new climatically suitable areas and main- also thank Yongcheng Long for their comments on the draft
taining diversity of current bamboo forests are increasingly of manuscript. Comments from three anonymous referees
important for ensuring food security of the giant pandas were extremely valuable for improving earlier drafts of the
under climate change. manuscript. This study is funded by the Project on Promot-
Although our models indicate good predictive ability, ing New Rural Construction with Science and Technology in
there are several sources of uncertainties in applying current Qinghai Province (2013-N-556), the Forestry Department of
species–climate relationships to future climate conditions. Sichuan Province (Forest Carbon Monitoring and Account-
Firstly, future distribution of bamboo species will be influ- ing Project, 2009-204) and the EU-China Biodiversity
enced by many factors other than climate factors, including Program.
human development and catastrophic events (e.g. extreme
weather, wildfire and earthquake) that cannot be incorpo-
rated into our current predictive models. These events may
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23% of giant panda habitats in the southern Minshan Moun- Red List Criteria in projecting climate change impacts on
tains (Xu et al., 2009). Secondly, the probability of mass biodiversity. Global Change Biology, 12, 2037–2043.

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Table S1 Test omission rates (OR) at the 10% cumulative
on understorey bamboo species and giant pandas in Chi-
threshold, area under the receiver operating characteristic
na’s Qinling Mountains. Nature Climate Change, 3, 249–
curve (AUC), test gains and true skill statistic (TSS) for the
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Table S3 Bioclimatic variables considered in in the distribu-
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tion models of the 16 bamboo species.
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Figure S1 Simulated occurrence probability of 16 bamboo
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the minimum probability, the maximum probability) from
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MP) for RCCP 4.5 in 2070 in giant panda habitats in six
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iangling, Xiaoxiangling, and Liangshan) in China.
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grating evolution, ecology, and conservation biology. (e), and RCP 8.5 (f) (QL, Qinling Mountains; MS, Minshan
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 36, 519–539. Mountains; QLS, Qionglaishan Mountains; DXL, Daxiangling
Wong, M.H.G., Li, R.Q., Xu, M. & Long, Y.C. (2013) An Mountains; XXL, Xiaoxiangling Mountains; LS, Liangshan
integrative approach to assessing the potential impacts of Mountains).
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Figure S3 The projected area and proportion of bamboo for-
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ests with different species richness in the study area in cur-
Wu, R.D., Zhang, S., Yu, D.W., Zhao, P., Wang, L.Z., Yu,
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Q., Ma, J., Chen, A. & Long, Y.C. (2011) Effectiveness of
8.5) assuming universal dispersal and no dispersal.
China’s nature reserves in representing ecological diversity.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9, 383–389. Figure S4 The projected spatial patterns of bamboo beta
Xu, W.H., Wang, X.Z., Ouyang, Z.Y., Zhang, J.D., Li, Z.Q., diversity of bamboo forests in the six mountain ranges under
Xiao, Y. & Zheng, H. (2009) Conservation of giant panda the assumption of no dispersal for RCP 2.6 (a), RCP 4.5 (b),
habitat in South Minshan, China, after the May 2008 and RCP 8.5 (c), and under the assumption of universal dis-
earthquake. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, persal for RCP 2.6 (d), RCP 4.5 (e), and RCP 8.5 (f) (QL,
353–358. Qinling Mountains; MS, Minshan Mountains; QLS, Qiong-
Yang, X. & Xu, M. (2003) Biodiversity conservation in laishan Mountains; DXL, Daxiangling Mountains; XXL, Xia-
Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve, northeastern China oxiangling Mountains; LS, Liangshan Mountains).

12 Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Climate change reduces bamboo diversity

Figure S5 Projected changes of future De Martonne aridity Sciences (CAS). His current research interests focus on cli-
index (average for 2061–2080) for the five GCMs (MPI- mate change and biodiversity conservation, especially climate
ESM-LR: MP, MIROC5: MI; HadGEM2-ES: HE; CNRM- change impact, vulnerability, and adaptation. He is also
CM5: CN; CCSM4: CC) under the three RCPs (2.6, 4.5 and interested in environmental change and ecosystem services.
8.5) from current (1950–2000) climate conditions for the
Author contributions: R.L., M.X. and M.W. designed the
study area.
project, collected and analyzed the data, and prepared the
manuscript. The fourth and the subsequent authors are con-
BIOSKETCH tributed equally to this work by joining discussion and assist-
ing data processing.
Renqiang Li is an assistant professor at Key Laboratory of
Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling (http://eng-, Institute of Geographic Sciences Editor: Wilfried Thuiller
and Natural Resources (IGSNRR), the Chinese Academy of

Diversity and Distributions, 1–13, ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 13

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