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My name is Febby Ari Saputro, Naval Architecture Engineering student at Diponegoro

University, Semarang. I am currently taking 6th semester from a total of 8 semesters that I am
targeting to get a Bachelor of Engineering degree. As engineering students, in general we are
required to think critically to solve some of the existing problems, and also we are required to
be multitasking in doing things. As an example besides the mandate of parents to complete
lectures on this campus, I am also a member of the university's robotics team, which is the
URDC (Undip Robotic Development Center) mechanic division, in roboboat team. The team
is engaged in automatic ship research or Autonomous Surface Vehicle and has participated in
several existing competitions such as the KKCTBN (Kontes Kapal Cepat Tak Berawak
Nasional 2018) at Poltera Madura and International Roboboat Competition organized by
Robonation Auvsi in Florida, United States. An achievement so that it can compete at
international level, even though only a few people leave there due to limited costs, but I am
proud to be part of this team.
As a student, it is certainly not enough if you only capitalize on IPK and the experience
of organizations to be able to advance this nation by entering the world of professional work.
With the 3.65 Cumulative Index Point, skills in several softwares such as AutoCad, Maxsurf,
Rhinoceros, Delftship and MSC Nastran Patran, as well as experience of internships or On Job
Training at PT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero) and also at PT. Biro Klasifikasi
Indonesia (Persero) Cirebon and also several projects from lecturers as assigned to become
Assistant Lecturers, I am sure it is appropriate to be called an ideal student.
The indicator of the future progress of the nation is the condition of the young generation
today, for that the young generation must have a mature vision going forward. By joining
IYOSE '19, it will add insight into current issues and can become a forum for young Indonesian
people to grow into a platinum generation.
My motivation to take part in this activity is to seek experience, gain knowledge and
know the various points of view of the amazing people at IYOSE'19 on current issues so that I
can contribute to Indonesia's future development in accordance with my disciplines studies,
Naval Architecture Engineering and also share experiences and points of view to friends in the
my campus, Diponegoro University.

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