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A polymer with M = 100,000 obeys the Mark-Houwink equation with K = 1 x 10-4 and a = 0 80

Huggins' constant is 0,33 Calculate the rel- ative viscosity at c = 0, 30 gldl

Answer :

[η] = k M^𝛼

[η]= 1x10^-4 x 100^0,8

[η]=39,81 x 10^-4

ηsp/c= [η] + k1[η]^2c

ηsp/0,3=39,81x10^-4 + 0,33 (39,81x10^-4)^2 0,3

ηsp=1,1947 x 10^-3

η= ηsp+1=1,1947 x 10^-3+1=1,0011

Jadi reltif viscosity 1,001

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