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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting


Improper waste disposal is one of the existing problems that the Philippines is under

right now. It is said by (Tantuco, 2018) Despite strong environmental activism among Filipinos,

the Philippines still suffers from a trash problem. One of the biggest challenge that some

Filipinos are still struggling to achieve is to properly dispose their waste which includes the

human waste. Human waste also known as human excreta refers to the dirt a human being

produces, it is also referring to the discharges from the body. Typically, the human feces, urine,

etc. are likely to cause damage to the coastal area more specifically to the disruption of health of

the residences affected by the improper human waste secretion that is going rampant in the



The residents of Purok Mayna 1 and 2,Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu

are no exception to this current societal challenge. In the said Purok, the area is littered with

garbage and what is more alarming is that the sea water of the Barangay, is only 10 feet away

from the residential area and used to be one of the source of income of the San Fernandohanon’s

Fishermen. The area is evidently now inflicted with human waste due to poor and improper

practice of human waste disposal. These practices are known as “open defecation” defined

basically as defecation that takes place anywhere other than a toilet.

It is said by Torres (2017) that the human improper waste disposal could also cause

adverse health effects on humans and marine life as over the time it has been responsible for
causing several diseases, it might cause dysentery, cholera, and even leptospirosis in which could

cause some serious health problems; and in some case may even result to a loss of life. Another

effect would be the contamination of water that is in continuous contact with the residences

especially to some fishermen and several children. A study published in the International Journal

of Epidemiology reveals that all the feces-related germs that eventually end up in oceans are

actually harmful to beachgoers who go in the water as well as to the sea-animals. As what the

researchers had observed, the problem of the community is that they don’t have their own toilets

or comfort room in which they could secrete their wastes properly, that is why most of the

residents tend to practice open defecation. The researchers also see that the lack of public toilets

is part of the problem as well as the lack of enforcement.

The related issue of this research is the worldwide problem of waste disposal

specifically the human waste and its said impact to the people and environment. The researchers

would like to know why this problem is existent in the Purok Mayna 1 and 2, South Poblacion of

San Fernando, Cebu. To contribute help to this problem, the researchers came up with the idea

upon making this as a research study. This study is considered important for it is designed to

provide the following sectors in having a participative implementation of regulations that would

build a cleaner and healthier atmosphere and environment in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay

South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu. The residents of the said place will be expected to have

a proper place to secrete their waste that will help to lessen the problem of improper human

waste disposal in the coastal areas. With the assistance of the purok officers, barangay officials

and municipal officials the regulations will be maintained and will help to convince people to

support the said regulations. With this proposal, the study will not only benefit the people living

in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu but also the
environment itself. One of a possible effect of the project is that it can enrich the cleanliness of

the coastal area that can result to other positive outcomes. This is in focus on knowing the

reasons that lead to the improper human waste disposal for it will give way to the researchers to

generate knowledge on what is the appropriate actions need to be done, finding some solutions or

implementations of regulations in the problem in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South

Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu specifically the dealing of human improper waste disposal in

coastal areas in which is the most evident problem. This includes the study of various ways of

throwing different human waste observed in the area, the analysis of why most of the residents in

Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu were involved to the

evident problem and what could be the effects of their improper human waste disposal to the

both environment and to their health. In totality, this study will primarily focus on the improper

human waste disposal and possible aid to the said problem.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to address the need to have the strict implementation of regulations for

the safety of both human, environment and marine life. To add, this study is also propelled by the

need to diminish or lessen the continuous improper throwing of human wastes in Purok Mayna 1

and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu by the residences living in the area that

could help for the betterment of the status of their health and for the cleanliness of the coastal

area and the sea which is also one objectives the researchers aimed for in conducting the study.

This is entitled a Case Study pertaining on the improper disposal of human wastes in the coastal

areas in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu which

specifically would like to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What are the possible reasons behind improper disposal of human wastes in Purok

Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu?

2. What are the possible hazards and adverse effects brought by the improper human

waste disposal in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu?

3. What are the possible steps that the officials should take to address the issue on

improper human waste disposal in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San

Fernando, Cebu?
Significance of the Study

This study will be of great importance to the following:

Residents in Purok Mayna 1 and 2, Barangay South Poblacion of San Fernando, Cebu
With the information being gathered paired with recommendations by the

researchers, they will know how to deal properly with the dos and don’ts in dealing with

human waste that will help them avoid from getting ill due to the possible adheres effect the

improper human waste disposal might give.

They would be guided at the same time would give guidance to their children in

terms of appropriate way of dealing the waste they produce to avoid spending money in

possible hospital bills due to the illness the human waste might cause.
The Fishermen of San Fernando
Their fishing site would not be intoxicated by the toxics that the human waste or

human feces brings. Hence, their source of income would not be affected if this study would

be in success.
Marine life
Their health and survival would be in assurance for they would not be in contact of

the toxics the human feces possess.

Future Researchers
This study would be of great importance to the future researchers who will conduct a

related study or will do a restudy/research of the said problem. This Research can be their

future reference that might help them gather information and generate ideas.

Definition of Terms

To avoid misconceptions the researchers define the following terms:

Analysis- This is the process of understanding topics.

Cholera- It is a bacterial disease or infectious disease.

Coastal- It is a place that is currently situated near at sea.

Disposal- The term used for throwing or getting rid of something.

Disruption- This refers to an interference or disturbance of an activity or event.

Dysentery- It is a disease that inflates the intestines.

Human Waste- This is waste discharged from the body.

Leptospirosis- It is an infectious disease that can be transmitted through water.

Regulation- This is a command that is maintained by a higher authority.

Secretion- It is the process of discharging human substances.

Defecation- the improper area of secreting solid waste.

Hazards- The term used for potential dangers.

Improper Disposal- The process of not throwing a garbage properly.

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