Seminar English Education 4.0 Nov15

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Seminar “Linking Theories to Practices: Exploring 21st English Language

Pedagogical Skills in Education 4.0”

Examination – students are tempted to cheat because exams are too hard; standardized test??

We should help students to:

1. think creatively
2. communicate clearly
3. work collaboratively
4. embrace culture
5. develop creativity
6. utilize connectivity
7. contextualization

Collaboration instead of competition

Different students need different approaches; students learn according to their ability; teachers no need
to be in front of the classroom; teachers are facilitators (don’t just tell what the students need to know,
encourage them to find the answers, to share what they’ve understood!!); let students do their research

Teachers are not the givers and students the receivers. Teachers and students should learn from one
another. Teachers need to be open to learning from their students.

Problem-based learning

Project-based learning

Don’t learn for your teacher, parents; learn for yourself!

Don’t do examination; do evaluation! Evaluation -- try to understand a student’s ability.

9 trends of education 4.0

1. Diverse time and place

2. Personalized learning
3. Free choice
4. Project based
5. Field experience
6. Data interpretation
7. Exams will change …
8. Student ownership
9. a

If we don’t change our education system, we are producing slaves.

Innovation > qualification

Attitude > qualification

Education 4.0 is a response to Industry 4.0

The Shifts

20th century  21st century

Filling the vessel  kindling the fire

Retelling  discovering

Information transfer  learning to learn

Time based  outcome based

Textbook driven  research driven (google)

Passive learning  active learning

Learning > teaching

Ask students not only the who, what, when, where questions but the why and how Commented [IS1]: PACE needs this

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