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Profit and Loss problems are directly relevant for not only entrance exams (like GMAT, GRE, best MBA programs
CAT), but also for the MBA syllabus like Accounting, Financial Statements and more. In this in the world
article we cover the basic definitions, formulas, solved examples and wrap it up with some
practice questions. Masters in Financial
Engineering (MFE)
Profit and Loss | Definitions, Formulas, Solved Problems in Singapore

Basic Definitions and Formulas

Guide to Masters
Cost price (C.P.): This is the price at which an article is purchased. Degree programs

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Selling price (S.P.): This is the price at which an article is sold.

Profit or Gain: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them
is the profit incurred. Best MBA Books

Beyond The MBA Hype

Formula: Profit or Gain = S.P. – C.P.

Loss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss Get the best-selling
incurred. MBA Book that the Top
B-School Admission
Officers are praising.
Formula: Loss = Cost price (C.P.) – Selling Price (S.P.)
Join thousands who've
Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price. shattered the hype.
Read more.
Marked price: This is the price marked as the selling price on an article, also known as the
listed price.
Business Doctors
Discount or Rebate: This is the reduction in price offered on the marked or listed price.

Below is the list of some basic formulas used in solving questions on profit and loss: What happens when the
Management Consulting
Gain % = (Gain / CP) * 100 world meets the
Loss % = (Loss / CP) * 100 Underworld? Read more

SP = [(100 + Gain%) / 100] * CP

SP = [(100 – Loss %) / 100]*CP

Download Free MBA
The above two formulas can be stated as,

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If an article is sold at a gain of 10%, then SP = 110% of CP. MBA TIPS


If an article is sold at a loss of 10%, then SP = 90% of CP.

Go to the Free ebook
CP = [100 / (100 + Gain%)] * SP download page.

CP = [100 / (100 – Loss%)] * SP

Profit and Loss: Solved Examples Our Flagship Products

Question 1: An article is purchased for Rs. 450 and sold for Rs. 500. Find the gain percent. MBA MAP
What are your chances
Gain = SP – CP = 500 – 450 = 50. of getting into the best
Gain% = (50/450)*100 = 100/9 % MBA programs? Also,
find out how you can
improve the odds. Read
Question 2: A man sold a fan for Rs. 465. Find the cost price if he incurred a loss of 7%.

Solution: Career Counselling

CP = [100 / (100 – Loss %)] * SP
Take charge of your
Therefore, the cost price of the fan = (100/93)*465 = Rs. 500
professional life. Find
out what's holding you
back and what you can
Question 3: In a transaction, the profit percentage is 80% of the cost. If the cost further do about it. Read more
increases by 20% but the selling price remains the same, how much is the decrease in profit

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percentage? Freebies for you

Solution: Free GMAT Practice

Let us assume CP = Rs. 100.

Then Profit = Rs. 80 and selling price = Rs. 180. Free Profile
The cost increases by 20% → New CP = Rs. 120, SP = Rs. 180.

Profit % = 60/120 * 100 = 50%. Free Career

Therefore, Profit decreases by 30%.
Free Personality
Question 4: A man bought some toys at the rate of 10 for Rs. 40 and sold them at 8 for Rs. 35.
Find his gain or loss percent. Free Career
Guidance Tool

Cost price of 10 toys = Rs. 40 → CP of 1 toy = Rs. 4.

Selling price of 8 toys = Rs. 35 → SP of 1 toy = Rs. 35/8 Blog Topics

Therefore, Gain = 35/8 – 4 = 3/8. GMAT Preparation

Gain percent = (3/8)/4 * 100 = 9.375%

MBA Admission

Question 5: The cost price of 10 pens is the same as the selling price of n pens. If there is a

4 of 35 6/11/2017, 9:19 PM
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loss of 40%, approximately what is the value of n? MBA Admissions

MBA Financing
Let the price of each pen be Re. 1.
MBA General
Then the cost price of n pens is Rs. n and

the selling price of n pens is Rs. 10. MBA Interviews

Loss = n-10.
MBA Jobs & Careers
Loss of 40% → (loss/CP)*100 = 40
Masters Degree
Therefore, [(n-10)/n]*100 = 40 → n = 17 (approx)

Question 6: A dishonest merchant sells his grocery using weights 15% less than the true
weights and makes a profit of 20%. Find his total gain percentage.


Let us consider 1 kg of grocery bag. Its actual weight is 85% of 1000 gm = 850 gm.

Let the cost price of each gram be Re. 1. Then the CP of each bag = Rs. 850.

SP of 1 kg of bag = 120% of the true CP

Therefore, SP = 120/100 * 1000 = Rs. 1200

Gain = 1200 – 850 = 350

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Hence Gain % = 350/850 * 100 = 41.17%

Question 7: A man bought two bicycles for Rs. 2500 each. If he sells one at a profit of 5%,
then how much should he sell the other so that he makes a profit of 20% on the whole?


Before we start, it’s important to note here that it is not 15% to be added to 5% to make it a total
of 20%.

Let the other profit percent be x.

Then, our equation looks like this.

105/100 * 2500 + [(100+x)/100] * 2500 = 120/100 * 5000 → x= 35.

Hence, if he makes a profit of 35% on the second, it comes to a total of 20% profit on the whole.

Question 8: A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the marked price and still gains 17% on
the whole. Find at what percent above the cost price did he mark his goods.


Let the cost price be 100. Then SP = 117.

Let the marked price be x.

So, 90% of x = 117 → x = 130.

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Therefore, he marked his goods 30% above the cost price.

Question 9: A shopkeeper offers a discount of 20% on the selling price. On a special sale day,
he offers an extra 25% off coupon after the first discount. If the article was sold for Rs. 3600,

1. The marked price of the article and

2. The cost price if the shopkeeper still makes a profit of 80% on the whole after all discounts
are applied.


Let the marked price of the article be x.

First a 20% discount was offered, on which another 25% discount was offered.

So, 75% of 80% of x = 3600

75/100 * 80/100 * x = 3600 → x = 6000.

So the article was marked at Rs. 6000.

Cost price of the article = [100/(100+80)]*3600 = Rs. 2000.

It is important to note here that this DOES NOT equal to a 45% discount on the whole. When
different discounts are applied successively, they CANNOT be added.

Profit and Loss Quiz: Practice Questions

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Babban says: Reply

February 5, 2016 at 9:52 am

one person sold his radio at 10% loss. if he had sold for rs 45 more he would

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have made 5% profit. for how much did he sell the radio?

ans with explanation plz.

rakesh kumar urwasha says: Reply

May 3, 2016 at 8:41 pm

x/90 = (x+45)/105
x= 270


May 23, 2016 at 10:02 pm

In this problem, always asked for to find CP.because there

are to SPs in the problem
CP- (more gain/diff in %’s)*100

sujit halder says: Reply

May 27, 2017 at 11:53 am

let cp=100
then sp=90
therefore (90+45)-100=5%

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

then 100%=700(cp)
to gain 5% profit he would sell at 700+(700*5/100)=735

sidharth says: Reply

May 25, 2016 at 6:11 pm

If profit% of A and B are same on selling the articles at 2400 each ,

but A calculate his profit on s.p. while B calculate it on c.p. This
profit is equal to 25% each . what is the difference between their

Plssss rply fassst

Shriyanka says: Reply

September 2, 2016 at 8:22 pm

i guess it shud be rs 120

saby says: Reply

July 26, 2017 at 1:28 am

Let Cost price of A and B are a , b respectively.

Now for A ,
2400-a/2400 = 25/100

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

After calculating a = 1800

Again for B,
2400-b/b = 25/100
after calculation b = 1920

So profit of A = 600(2400 – 1800)

and Profit of B = 480(2400-1920)

Hence difference between their profit = 120

Hope this will help

Kanika says: Reply

January 13, 2017 at 6:17 pm

A incurred loss of 600 while B earned a profit of 480. So

over all difference is 1080. however difference in
magnitude is 120

Musa Ezaz says: Reply

October 8, 2016 at 12:38 am

300 is answer (I think)

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

shikha soni says: Reply

January 24, 2017 at 9:16 pm

there is an formula for the rs. more…

(sell more/profit-(-loss) )*100
45/15 *100

Pankaj pandey says: Reply

May 8, 2017 at 9:05 pm

Profit % – loss % = 45/-

5% -(-10 %) = 45/-

15% is equivalent to 45/-

So 100% is equivalent to 300/-

So he sell the radio at 10% loss = 270/-

Gaurav Sapkota says: Reply

June 29, 2017 at 11:41 am

Soln, Here,
In first Case,

Let the Sp be Rs. x

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Loss percent(L%)= 10%

C.P1= 100/100-L%*sp

In second case,



We know that, In both cases the cp is equal ,

so, 10/9x=4500+100x/105


Thus, The Selling price is Rs. 270.

Mani says: Reply

February 5, 2016 at 5:02 pm

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Let C.P be X , S.P is 0.9 X . To have profit of 5% New S.P should be 1.05X.
This should be equal to 0.9X+45=1.05X. Solving this the value of X=300.

he sold his radio for = 0.9*300= Rs. 270

KHAN says: Reply

April 20, 2017 at 3:17 pm

Q) one person sold his radio at 10% loss. if he had sold for rs 45
more he would have made 5% profit. for how much did he sell the

ans with explanation plz.


1) x/90 = (x+45)/105
x= 270

2) there is an formula for the rs. more…

(sell more/profit-(-loss) )*100
45/15 *100


would some one help me with this please

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

fenny says: Reply

February 22, 2016 at 3:51 pm

A VCR is sold at a profit of 20%. If CP & SP each be less by 1000 there would
be an increase in profit by 5/3%. Find CP of VCR?

akriti sood says: Reply

April 18, 2016 at 3:42 pm

let c.p be x then sp =1.2x

let new cp be x-1000 and new sp be 1.2x-1000 and new profit is
20+5/3 = 65/3%
from which x comes out to be 13000

Shauqeen says: Reply

March 13, 2016 at 3:14 pm

A man sells his product ata loss of 8%. If his SP is Rs.27600, what is his
actual loss and his cost price?

Kalai says: Reply

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June 15, 2016 at 6:53 pm

CP=30000, he lost 2400 rs..

rajat srivastava says: Reply

May 18, 2016 at 1:02 am

On the basis of selling price of an article, the loss is calculated to be 2%. The
percentage of loss on the basis of cost price is

Shriyanka says: Reply

September 2, 2016 at 8:34 pm

it will be 1.96%

Pankaj says: Reply

September 22, 2016 at 10:15 am

cp of two article is 4200 if one article is sold at 15% profit

and other at 10% loss then what would be cp of first article

kapil gahatraz says: Reply

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

June 11, 2016 at 6:52 pm

An article when sold at a profit of 5% yields Rs 15 more than when sold at a

loss of 5%. Find The Cost Price?

k says: Reply

July 5, 2016 at 9:05 am

let cp=x so sp=1.05x for 5% profit

sp=0.95x for 5% loss
profit sp=loss sp + 15
1.05x = 0.95x + 15
so x = 150

Babi says: Reply

June 14, 2016 at 11:34 am

A goes to nasik to buy an article costing 15%less than that in Bombay. He

spends Rs. 150 on travelling and gains Rs. 150 after its sale in bombay. His
profit % is.???

Radar says: Reply

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

July 6, 2016 at 6:55 pm

A shopkeeper buys a thing at 10 % more and sells it at 10% less. Find hits
profit percent

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 1:03 am

Lets say that he purchased at a price of 110, considering actual price

of the thing is 100 rs.
He sold it at a discount of 10%= 100×0.9= 90rs.
So, He incurred a loss of 20 rs.
Loss %tage= (20/110)*100=Approx. 20%

He sold it at a discount of 10%= 110×0.9= 99rs.
Loss %tage= (11/110)*100=10%

komal says: Reply

September 6, 2016 at 7:46 pm

30% profit on sp is what % on cp ?

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

veerababu says: Reply

September 21, 2016 at 3:22 pm

let sp=100 and profit=30 then cp=70 so p%={30/70}*100=42.85%

Shashi says: Reply

September 11, 2016 at 8:37 pm

A man made a loss of 4% on an article he had sold for RS.240 more he had
made a profit of 8% find the cost price of the article. Pls solve

shamera says: Reply

January 25, 2017 at 2:34 pm

assume cost price as x

therefore c.p=100*20

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

dharmit says: Reply

September 15, 2016 at 1:50 pm

A man sold his bicycle for Rs 810; losing one-ninth of its selling price, find:
(i) The loss (ii) the cost price of the bicycle (iii) the loss percent

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 1:21 am

S.P= 810 Rs.

S.P+Loss= C.P
Loss=(1/9)*S.P= 90 Rs.
hence, C.P= 900 Rs.
Loss %tage= (90/900)*100= 10%

Richa says: Reply

September 24, 2016 at 11:17 pm

If an article is sold at 5% discount then he earns 25% profit. What profit will
he earn if he gives no discount?

Aastha says: Reply

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

June 24, 2017 at 1:32 am

Consider the article has an original C.P= 100 Rs.

for 25% Profit, S.P= 125
Marked price= (S.P/ 95%)= approx 131 rs.

Ofcourse, when no discount is given, the profit he earns is 31 rs. i.e.

6 Rs. more.

sefat says: Reply

October 6, 2016 at 10:23 pm

“A certain suits price was reduced by 25% in the first week and 20% in the
next week . In the third week, the shop owner decided to offer additional 10%
discount on the suit. What percent of the regular price was the final price of
the suit after the two reductions?”

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 1:48 am

60% discount was offered at regular price. Which means Final Price
= 60% discount on Regular.
NOTE: this result is at the end of 2 reductions.


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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

54% discount is offered after 3rd reduction.

nagendra says: Reply

October 16, 2016 at 6:15 pm

A sum of Rs 40,000 annual simple interest rate of 10 percent at the end of 5

years the total amount is given. Rs 92 960 by the end of the 5th Vsn gives So
tell your full repay the amount he had at the end of 2 years.

Bianca917 says: Reply

November 3, 2016 at 6:28 pm

the cost price of a book is $450 if the book is sold at a discount of 10%on its
marked price then the profit per cent is 20%fin the marked price of the book

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 1:55 am

We Know, S.P= (1+profit%)*C.P

hence, S.P= 1.2*450= 540 Rs.

Also, 90% Marked Price= S.P

Marked Price= 540/90% = 600

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Hence Marked Price= Rs. 600

Antim patidar says: Reply

December 6, 2016 at 2:02 pm

If a person purchase two cows at a cost of rs 4200,then he sold one at a profit

of 15% and other at a loss of 10%,but in this business he did not get any profit
and loss…what will be the cost price of each cow?

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:11 am

Let’s Say the C.P1 of one cow= Rs. X

Its, S.P1= (1.15*x) Rs.

Also, C.P2 of the other cow= Rs. (4200-x) … as total C.P= Rs. 4200
Its, S.P2= (0.9*(4200-x)) Rs.

But, as NO Loss or Profit incurred.

S.P1+ S.P2= C.P
4830-1.15x+0.9x= 4200
0.25x= 630
x= (630/0.25)= 2520

Hence, the C.P of 1st cow is Rs. 2520 and the 2nd cow is 1680 Rs.

Prix says: Reply

December 13, 2016 at 9:02 pm

Find the selling price of the cost price is rs 1200 and loss percent is 25%

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

kranthi kumar says: Reply

March 8, 2017 at 11:46 am


Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 1:57 am

S.P= C.P* 75%= 900Rs.

Manaa says: Reply

December 14, 2016 at 2:10 pm

Mr chowdhary purchased a house for Rs 6.1 lac and spent by Rs 30000 on its
repairs.He then sold it for Rs 8 lac.Find his gain percentage??

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:02 am

Total Expenditure on the House= C.P= 6.1 Lac+30, 000= 6.4 lac
S.P= 8 Lac
Profit= S.P- C.P= 1.6 Lac
Profit Percentage= (1.6Lac/6.4 Lac)*100= (1/4)*100= 25%

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Gain %tage= 25%

Aarshna says: Reply

December 21, 2016 at 4:46 pm

a man sold a camerafor rs2570 and made a loss of 180.?at what price did he
purchase a camera?

vidyA says: Reply

January 1, 2017 at 11:46 pm


Madhavarao says: Reply

December 22, 2016 at 1:31 pm

An electric item is sold at a profit of 16℅.if it were sold for 20rs more, there
would have been a profit of 20℅.the cost price of the item is?

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:17 am

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Say C.P of the electric item= Rs. x

Hence, S.P = 1.16x

Now, when S.P+20, profit is 20%

Thus, 1.16x+20= 1.2x
20= 0.04x
x=500 Rs.
Cost Price of the item is Rs. 500. And to gain 16%, S.P= 580 Rs.
whereas for 20%= 580+20=600.. As suggested.

Anil tanwar says: Reply

December 23, 2016 at 7:39 am

If a man buys a book for ₹36,which is available on 40% discount off the
original price.what is the original price of the book?

Please tell me

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:20 am

C.P for Man= 36 Rs.

Price after discount of 40% is 36.
Say the Marked Price= x
x= 36/0.6= 60Rs.

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

The original Price of the book is 60 Rs.

Abhay kumar says: Reply

January 13, 2017 at 11:56 am

PlSe solve this if c.p of an item is 115 and s.p is 120 then find gain% and Ans
is 12 1/2

Mohammad gaush says: Reply

January 17, 2017 at 5:06 am

Answer is incorrect

kranthi kumar says: Reply

March 8, 2017 at 11:42 am

ans is :100/23

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:26 am

Profit Margin= S.P-C.P

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

= 120-115
Thus, %Profit= (5/C.P)= (5/115)*100= 4.3% or Approx 4%

anil says: Reply

January 14, 2017 at 11:33 am

a man sells a car to his friend at a loss of 2.5% who again sells it for Rs 40950
making a profit of 5% what was initial value of the car

shrashti says: Reply

March 7, 2017 at 3:08 pm

CP1= 100/97.5 X SP1

CP2= 100/105 X 40950 = 39000
SO, CP1= 100/97.5 X 39000 = 40000

rahul says: Reply

January 15, 2017 at 7:29 pm

a person sells 15 things in 30 Rs and earn 10% profit. if he sells similar 10

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

things in Rs 25, then what will be his percentage loss or gain ?

shrashti says: Reply

March 7, 2017 at 2:58 pm

SP is rs 30 & p% is 10%
Thus, CP= 30X100/110 = 300/11
Now, SP is rs 25
So, P= SP-CP=300/11 – 25=25/11
P%=25/11 X 11/300 X100 = 25/3%

baba says: Reply

January 21, 2017 at 11:30 am

An article is sold at a discount of 5% on the list price. If no discount was

given on the list price the profit would have been 20%. What is the profit
percent in transaction? Please solve it.

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 2:54 am

Say C.P originally of the Article is Rs. 100

To achieve a profit of 20% , List Price= Rs. 120

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Now, 95% of List Price= S.P.

Hence, S.P= 120*0.95= 114 Rs.

Profit Percentage in transaction= (14/100)*100= 14%

shrashti says: Reply

March 7, 2017 at 2:46 pm

An article is marked 17% above its CP. The profit gets increased by Rs288,
when SP of this article is increased by 20%. If the marked price of the article
is Rs1404, what is the original SP of the article?

Anil says: Reply

May 16, 2017 at 11:40 pm

By selling 33 books, a shopkeeper get profit equals to cost price of 11 books.

Find his profit/loss%?

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 3:11 am

Say C.P of 1 book= 1 Re.

C.P of 11 books= Rs. 11 and similarly C.P of 33 books= rs. 33

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Now, Profit= S.P- C.P

=x-33= 11
S.P of 33 books= 44 Rs.
Profit %tage= (11/33)*100= 1/3%

arindam says: Reply

May 23, 2017 at 9:41 pm

Rohit marks his goods at 40% above the cost price but allows a discount of
5% for cash payment to his customers.what actual profit does he make if he
receives Rs 1064 after allowing the discount
pl solve this problem

Aastha says: Reply

June 24, 2017 at 3:19 am

Here, Rohit Sold his goods at a final price of 1064, i.e S.P
Now, 95% of Marked Price= S.P
Marked Price= (S.P/0.95)= 1064/0.95= Rs. 1120.
Now, For customer, 1120 Rs. was the actual seen Price over which
5% discount was offered.
Given that Marked Price= 40% more than C.P
Hence, C.P= 1120/1.4= 800Rs.

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Profit and Loss Problems and Solutions | GMAT Maths Tutorial | MBA Crystal Ball

Profit= (264/800)*100= 33%

dilip says: Reply

July 6, 2017 at 8:40 pm

10 मोमबती को बेचने पर 1 आदमी 3 पेनो के बकय मूलय के बराबर लाभ कमाता है आैर
10 पेन को वेचने पर उसे 4 मोमबती के वकय मूल के वरावर हाान होती है लाभ पतशत
आैर हाान पतशत का सखया मान सामान है मोमवती का कय मूलय पेन के कय मूलय का
आधा हो तब मोमबती तथा pen के वकय मूलय का अनुपात "ात #किजय

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