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Fortieth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2016



Riki Tasrianto*

ABSTRACT for the depth and lithology prognosis in the Nangka-

1 exploration well as well as casing point locations.
Weight drop seismic acquisition has been shown to In addition, this seismic data has made it possible to
be an efficient and cost effective method of acquiring successfully distinguish different lithostratigraphic
seismic data in frontier onshore areas where units in the area.
conventional seismic data (using dynamite) is
difficult, expensive or takes a long time to acquire. INTRODUCTION
In the Central Kalimantan Palangkaraya PSC,
ConocoPhillips Indonesia acquired 126 kilometers of Onshore seismic acquisition in Indonesia, especially
weight drop 2D seismic reflection data as part of in a frontier area is a challenge. Since the typical
their exploration program. In this area, the weight system uses dynamite as the wave source, careful
drop seismic is operationally superior to planning is required to secure land usage permits,
conventional to 2D since it was quick to acquire, determine how to properly handle explosives, and
relatively inexpensive and did not require permitting, ensure proper socialization studies and land scouting
extensive logistics or socialization studies. The is performed. These pre-acquisition activities may
results from this seismic data made it possible to de- require one year prior to seismic crew mobilization.
risk the presence of the very thin Tertiary cover and Typically, the local province/ regency regulation and
map key stratigraphic events including the Pre- local society desires play a large role in the timing of
Tertiary basement. the pre-acquisition activities.

The weight drop survey design consisted of a single For a forestry area, the land usage permit is granted
land geophone array of about 4 km. For each shot by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In order to
point station, 4-8 shots were taken (multiple thumps have the permit, a company (in this case oil and gas
per shot point) and then summed together to enhance company) needs to secure three letters of
coherent signal and reduce random noise. An recommendation which need to be processed in
industry standard seismic processing workflow sequence. These recommendations consist of:
including Kirchhoff Pre Stack Time Migration was recommendation from regency/major,
applied to process the data. The resulting seismic recommendation from governor and
data produced excellent image quality to about 1 recommendation from Local Environmental Agency.
second TWT, proving to be better in many ways than In addition, the permitting process also requires a
the offset vintage seismic data in the same interval. UKLUPL (Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Using this data, the acoustic basement is interpreted dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup) study
to be located at about 0.6 to 1 second TWT over which together with the governor’s recommendation
Palangkaraya PSC. In addition, the seismic data is the main consideration for the Ministry of
made it possible to interpret Miocene Warukin, Environment and Forestry Indonesia to award the
Oligocene Berai and Eocene Tanjung equivalent Land usage permit.
Formations across the block. The data also indicate
the presence of buried hills interpreted to be Late For the explosive handling, a company should look
Cretaceous granitic plutons and confirm recent for suitable land for storing the explosives safely
structural movement on the block. following the 2008 BPMIGAS PUPOS (Pedoman
Umum Pelaksanaan Operasi Seismik,). Once the
The weight drop seismic proved to be an effective main explosive storage is built, the company may
tool to quickly and efficiently map key areas of the process the explosive ownership and usage permit
Palangkaraya Block. This data has been instrumental (P1, P2 and P3) which may require 3-6 months to

* ConocoPhillips Kalimantan Exploration Ltd. 

process. Lastly, a company also needs to ship the accelerated weight which is dropped to the ground to
explosives from the explosive factory to the main produce the sound wave. The weight is dropped so
explosive storage safely and it must be guarded by that the response is close to an impulse response. In
the police. terms of the recording system, the weight drop
system is very similar to a conventional explosive
During acquisition, the use of explosives generates system. It uses a conventional geophone array and
significant vibration to the area surrounding the shot every shot is monitored in real time. Operationally,
locations. Proper land scouting and socialization the weight drop source is towed by a car or small
studies are critical, especially if the planned seismic truck. It requires an open road so the source vehicle
line crosses local housing or public facilities. A can have unrestricted access between the shot point
company needs to consider a safe distance between locations. This limits the operation to roads which
the shot hole and the public facilities. Sometimes a are either asphalt or gravel. Originally, weight drop
seismic line may need to be crooked or offset from seismic was used for civil engineering and geo-
the original location if it could not satisfy the safe technical purposes. The system has been proven to
distance requirement. be reliable for acquiring seismic data for subway
planning in a metropolitan city such as in Singapore
Considering the risks and potential social damage of (source: GSL Singapore). The results from this study
acquiring seismic using explosives, ConocoPhillips illustrate that weight drop seismic can now be
Indonesia decided to pursue a non-explosive seismic implemented in petroleum exploration.
acquisition method in onshore Central Kalimantan
(Palangkaraya PSC). The acquisition utilized an Energy Source
accelerated weight drop as the wave source, which in
this paper has shown to be an efficient and effective The accelerated weight drop used in this study was
tool for acquiring fit-for-purpose subsurface imaging the Gisco Geo ESS500. It is an electrically operated
of shallow Pre-Tertiary basement in onshore Central portable seismic energy source. It has a fully
Kalimantan. Since the acquisition did not use integrated control and triggering system. The
explosives, the pre-survey preparation did not operation requires a 12-volt battery and a trigger
require: cable or radio trigger link to the recording
seismograph. The Gisco Geo ESS500 weight is about
 Explosive ownership and usage permit
250 kg with the magnitude of the force is 1000
 Land acquisition for explosive storage Newton. It is supplied as a fully integrated system
with built in controller and trigger system. Once the
 Damage cost payment/compensation as the “FIRE” button is pushed, a complete cycle of weight
environmental impact is negligible thumping to standby occurs automatically. The
electronic control box has an attached battery cable
For the onshore Central Kalimantan, the survey was and accelerometer trigger sensors which are mounted
acquired along existing roads so only minimal on the source (Figure 2).
permitting was required. The pre-survey preparation
took only about two (2) months, mainly related to Recording System & Geophone
equipment mobilization to the country. In total, 126
kilometers of weight drop 2D seismic data was The recording system utilizes iZSeis Sigma
acquired (Figure 1) from December 2013 to February geophone (Figure 3a). It employs twelve (12)
2014. The weight drop seismic acquisition was part geophones for each group station and has a total
of exploration program over Central Kalimantan array length of 2800 meters. For each shot point
Indonesia which was instrumental in helping to de- station, various numbers of thumps (4-8 thumps) are
risk the amount of Tertiary cover in this frontier play delivered depending on the quality of the signal
area. The only disadvantage of the weight drop recorded for each thump. The maximum fold
system is that it needs an open access area so that the recorded was 56 with a SP interval of 25 m, group
instrument can properly mobilize which limits its interval of 12.5 m and 224 channels of recording.
areal extent. For the Central Kalimantan survey, the Table 1 summarizes the acquisition system
acquisition was limited to the asphalt and gravel parameters.
Survey Operation & Data Quality observation
Weight Drop Seismic Acquisition System
For the Central Kalimantan weight drop seismic
The weight drop seismic system is a non-explosive acquisition, the line layout is designed following the
source seismic acquisition system which employs an available asphalt and gravel roads. No “Rintis” and

bridging work were performed for this project since stacking of the data. The diversity summation
the lines followed open areas. The operation started involves scaling the input traces to the summation by
with a topography survey, continued with geophone the reciprocal of the RMS power of the trace. RMS
and cable spreading and then completed with data power is the square of RMS amplitude, which in this
recording (Figure 3). process makes the highest amplitude traces become
the lowest amplitude traces after summation. For
Since the survey lines were spread along active example, consider a group of traces with the same
roads, the level of the ambient noise, particularly the channel number and shot location, i = 1 to n. Each
vehicular noise, was very high. For most shot trace will have RMS amplitude, Ai, and will be
stations, the number of thumps per station was scaled by the reciprocal of the RMS power, Si =
increased to eight (8) in order to gather a stronger and 1/(Ai²). These scaled traces are then summed using
more coherent signal. The recorded thumps for each unity scaling. Finally, the summed trace is scaled by
station were then stacked together to eliminate the the sum of the reciprocals of all of the traces RMS
incoherent vehicular noise. If the traffic was very powers, ΣSi for i = 1 to n, such that the reciprocal
busy, the recording was postponed to wait for the RMS power of the summed trace is the same as the
road to be clear. mean reciprocal RMS power of the input traces.
Although it is possible to apply a diversity
The typical shot gather display of the Central summation using time-windows, it was not done in
Kalimantan Weight Drop Seismic is shown in Figure this case. Instead, the whole-trace RMS power was
4. This is an example of shot gather in which the level used. This is because the high amplitude noise in this
of the vehicular noise was acceptable. The vehicular dataset is contained in the entire trace rather than in
noise is recorded within trace number 1109 to 1127 specific time brackets within the traces. This is
within this shot gather. This noise was primarily typical of datasets that are heavily influenced by
removed during the diversity shot summation (see vehicular noise and stationary machine noise (Figure
paragraph on seismic processing for details). A 5).
strong surface wave, in this case ground roll, was
commonly observed within the data particularly Implication to Petroleum Exploration
within the narrow offsets. This noise was eliminated
through inner muting. The reflection event (signal) is The weight drop seismic program was planned as a
shown by hyperbolic events on shot gather domain non-contiguous survey which would help to
which occur mainly within the first 700 ms two way constrain regional dip across the block and image the
time (TWT). Pre-Tertiary basement reflection event seen from
offset vintage seismic data (Kleibacker et al., 2015).
Seismic Processing
The key observations from this seismic acquisition
An industry standard seismic processing workflow technique which improved the petroleum exploration
including Kirchhoff PSTM (Pre Stack Time understanding in the area are (Figure 6):
Migration) was used to process the data. Three (3)
iteration of velocity analysis was applied and the 1. The thickness of tertiary sediment ranges from
final velocity analysis spacing was about 500 meters. 600 to 1000 meters. Previous work suggested
that the central Kalimantan has a very thin
The seismic processing workflow involved AGC Tertiary cover and the Pre-Tertiary basement
(Automatic Gain Correction) before and after PSTM ramps up to the western basin edge of the
due to considerably low signal level deeper than 400 Cretaceous Schwaner plutonic and volcanic
ms TWT. Two post stack processing algorithms were province (Kleibacker et al., 2015).
used to enhance the reflector continuity after final
stacking. These algorithms included the coherency 2. Evidence of the dip reversal in the area supports
filter and band pass filter. Unfortunately, these the West Barito High concept as a regional
algorithms make it difficult to use the seismic data migration focal point.
for Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) analysis or any
other seismic amplitude analysis later. 3. Evidence of drape anticlines, buried hills and
stratigraphic on-lap could support local closures
The best process to enhance the signal for the weight as targets for exploration.
drop seismic was the diversity shot summation
process. This process minimizes the influence of Although the lines only covered 126 km of the 7,612
high amplitude traces (i.e., vehicular noise) on the Km2 area, the weight drop was a key tool to progress

the exploration program in the Palangkaraya PSC.In Block. This character match made it possible to
addition, this seismic data made it possible to plan predict the stratigraphy for well planning purposes of
the Nangka-1 well, a well test supporting the the Nangka-1 well. For the depth prognosis of
Palangkaraya PSC exploration program. formation tops and casing points, the weight drop
seismic imaging velocity was calibrated to the Barito
Seismic Correlation and Well Planning. Basin regional velocity trend. The actual stratigraphy
and tops that were drilled in the Nangka-1 well
The quality of the image acquired using weight drop matched very closely to the pre-drill estimate using
seismic made it possible to differentiate seismic the weight drop seismic and the depth conversion
packages based on their character. These packages methods (Figure 7). This allowed accurate well
could then be related to the sedimentary packages in prognosis and casing point planning for Nangka-1
the region by direct comparison of the seismic image. well (Figure 8).
It was also possible to observe the Pre-Tertiary
paleo-topography and tertiary sedimentary thickness CONCLUSION
across the area using this seismic data. Figure-7
shows a relative comparison of weight drop seismic This paper demonstrates that weight drop seismic
with the conventional vintage seismic in Central was an effective tool to image the subsurface in
Kalimantan region. The weight drop seismic shows Central Kalimantan. The weight drop seismic is not
higher vertical resolution compared to the only capable for civil engineering projects but it is
conventional seismic and the seismic bandwidth also sufficient for exploration activity within a
within the tertiary section in the weight drop seismic relative thin sedimentary layer (~1 km). Weight drop
is about 5 Hz – 120 Hz compared to 5 Hz to 70 Hz seismic is simpler and requires less time to plan than
with conventional seismic. In addition, the seismic using explosives as the source. The seismic pre-
character definition of the high reflectivity packages survey activity is much simpler than the explosive
and flooding events are clearer and more consistent seismic survey which requires special consideration
in the weight drop seismic than they are in the for Land use.
conventional seismic.
The two main considerations for using the weight
The advantage that the older vintage conventional drop system is the availability of the access for the
seismic has over the weight drop seismic is that it can weight drop to be mobilized and also potential weak
be tied to existing well data. This makes it possible signal in non-competent surface formations.
to correlate the seismic packages to the sedimentary
sections (Figure 7). From the Perigi-1 well data, the Finally, the use of weight drop seismic in Central
Dahor and Warukin Formations are dominated by an Kalimantan has made it possible to de-risk the
intercalation of sand, shale and coal. On the presence of a thin Tertiary cover and to confirm that
conventional and weight drop seismic, the coal layers the West Barito high was a focal point for
can be identified as a continuous high negative hydrocarbon migration.
amplitude reflection bounded by less reflective
positive and negative amplitude reflection, indicative ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of shale and sand. The Upper Berai Formation is a
distinct high reflection packages both on the The author would like to thanks to all Central
conventional and weight drop seismic. The Lower Kalimantan Exploration team and ConocoPhillips
Berai is a non-reflective interval which indicates that Indonesia management who is supporting for this
it is relatively homogenous. Based on the well data, paper to be published. Special acknowledgement is
this interval is interpreted to be limestone. Finally, a given to Geophysical Services Singapore (GSL) who
high reflectivity package similar to the basement conducted the data acquisition and Dolphin
response on-laps the basement highs both in the Geophysical who carried the seismic processing.
conventional seismic and the weight drop seismic.
This interval indicates the presence of the Tanjung REFERENCE
GSL Internal Report, Seismic Acquisition Project.
Weight Drop Seismic for Well Planning Post Drill
analysis Kleibacker, D., Tasrianto, R., Saripudin, A., 2015,
Long Distance Migration in Central Kalimantan:
The seismic character match between the weight Asolution to The Barito Dilemma?, Proceedings of
drop and conventional seismic was very important to the Indonesia Petroleum Association 39th Annual
help predict the stratigraphy in the Palangkaraya Convention



Recording System iZSeis Sigma

Recording length 2 second
Sampling rate 0.25 ms
LowZcut filter 3 Hz at 6dB/oct
HiZcut filter 206 Hz at 276 dB/Oct
Data recording media Hard Disk / iZseis
Source type ESS500 Accelerated Weight Drop
Thumps per Shot Various (4-8)
Array length 2800 meters
Array Type Geophones
No of groups 224
Shot interval 25 m
Group interval 12.5 m

Figure 1 - Basemap of Palangkaraya PSC illustrating the location of the newly acquired weight drop seismic
(red lines), the existing conventional seismic (blue lines) and the Nangka-1 well.

Figure 2 - The Gisco ESS-500 accelerate weight drop seismic unit used for the Central Kalimantan seismic
survey. The figure shows the 250kg weight (source) thumping the ground generating the seismic

Figure 3 - Summary of the weight drop seismic acquisition operation. a) iZseis recording system (foreground)
is laying in position to record along the side of the road. b) Accelerate weight drop machine being
towed by a car during operation. c) Acquisition crew at benchmark location. d) Local police
guarding the operation. e) Real-time recording and QC unit.

Figure 4 - Typical shot gather display for Central Kalimantan weight drop seismic. Clear reflectors are
observed down to 700 mili-second TWT.

Figure 5 - Trace scaling pre diversity summation a) before scaling b) after scaling

Figure 6 - Regional seismic cross section in the time domain illustrating the weight drop seismic (Kal-8, Kal-3, Kal-6) and the conventional seismic (7B line). The
seismic cross section shows the estimated thickness of the Tertiary sediment within Palangkaraya PSC to be 600 to 1000 meter, using average velocity
of 2000 m/s. The seismic cross section also shows the central portion of the Palangkaraya PSC, named the West Barito high, is the potential focal point
of regional hydrocarbon migration from the Barito basin.

Figure 7 - Comparison of conventional seismic (1970’s) to the weight drop seismic (2014). The weight drop shows higher temporal resolution and better seismic
character definition than the conventional seismic. Careful correlation between the conventional and weight drop seismic data seismic data provides
confidence for predicting the stratigraphic uits observed in the weight drop seismic.

Time‐Depth Plot 
TWT (ms)
0 200 400 600 800 1000


TVDss (ft)






Figure 8 - Time-depth and velocity-depth plot of Nangka-1 VSP and Sonic (AST) against the seismic velocity
from weight drop seismic. The plot shows the seismic velocity trend from the weight drop seismic
closely matches the Nangka-1 VSP velocity. This made it possible to use the seismic velocity to
accurately predict key depths during well planning.

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