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C. GRANT Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Uniuersity of Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK.MlMechE

Shear centre is an important geometric property of thin-walled sections that can be difficult to determine in practice.
A computer based solution is developed for sections comprising an arbitrary number of limbs attached to each other
at end nodes. Linear equations are identified that are sufficient to determine the shear flow in each limb and the shear
centre is derived directly from their solution in a compact, closed form. The method is applied to sections with straight
uniform limbs, and a specific example is evaluated.

1 INTRODUCTION Elementary matrix methods are employed to provide a

Thin-walled sections as produced by fabrication and by concise solution suitable for implementation on a com-
extrusion have become increasingly important due to puter. A particular solution is developed for sections
their economy of material use and manufacture. comprising straight limbs of uniform thickness.
Although shear stress levels in these structures are often
negligibly small, the position of the shear centre in the 1.1 Notation
section can be of crucial significance to the designer A 2 x 1 column matrix
where twisting of the section is undesirable. A 1 x 2 row matrix
The solution to the general problem of combined A 2 x 2squarematrix
bending and torsion is well known and can in principle Local orientation of a limb
be solved (1)t for any arbitrary section. The location of Shear stress on the section
the shear centre is of particular importance in thin- Normal stress on the section
walled sections where, under certain assumptions, a Twist per unit length of the section
greatly simplified theory is appropriate (see Timoshenko Local orientation matrix (see (9))
(2)) Section area
Using the simplified theory, open sections such as the Position of the shear centre
channel, T and I section can be handled analytically Shear strain on the section
without much difficulty. CIosed sections, which are tor- Normal strain on the section
sionally very much stiffer than open sections and, there- Young’s modulus of elasticity
fore, more useful structurally, are more tedious to Shear force on the section
compute. Even with geometries of relatively modest Elastic modulus of rigidity
complexity, the simplified theory can become intractable Unit matrix
in practical terms. Alternative computer based methods Second moment of area matrix (see (5))
such as the Finite Element Method are difficult to apply Curvature due to bending
economically to this problem without special coding Length of a limb
which is seldom available. Number of limbs comprising the section
The purpose of this work is to formulate a computer Bending moment on the section
based solution for the shear centre based on the simpli- Number of nodes; in-plane coordinate normal
fied theory that is applicable to a wide range of thin- to s
walled sections. The established method (3) treats a Number of independent closed paths in the
section as a group of ‘cells’ and analyses the shear flow section
around each cell. Although appropriate to a manual Shear flow oszt
solution, this representation is difficult to incorporate Initial shear flow in a limb
into a general solution algorithm. In this work, the Change in shear flow along a limb
section is assumed to comprise an arbitrary number of Shear flow per unit shear force
limbs attached to each other at end nodes. With this Initial shear flow per unit shear force
representation, the section can be treated as a directed Change in shear flow per unit shear force
graph, enabling the use of established algorithms (4) to Orthogonal transformation matrix (see (6))
determine the section’s connectivity, and to identify the In-plane coordinate along a limb
cells etc.-questions that are vital in a computer based Local thickness of a limb
solution but do not arise in a manual solution. Torque on the section
Displacement of the section centroid
The MS. of this paper was received at the institution on 28 August 1991 and In-plane Cartesian coordinates with origin at the
acceptedfor publication on 4 March 1992
t References are giuen in the Appendix. section centroid


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{<) Local centroid of a limb The orthogonal transformation matrix [R] is defined
Z Axial coordinate, normal to the section as

cR1=[; -Q
2 BASIC EQUATIONS and has the properties [R]' = [R] I = - [R].
The notation employed for bending on which the simpli- Solving (4) for the curvature ( k } gives
fied theory is based is illustrated in Fig. 1. Using this
notation, the basic equations of the simplified theory can { k } = [J]-'[R]'{M}E-' (7)
be expressed in an appropriate form. For a section comprising thin-walled limbs, the in-plane
The simple theory of bending rests on the assumption shear stress acts entirely along the limb. The component
that plane sections of a prismatic beam remain plane and of shear stress acting normal to the limb, onZris zero.
normal to its centre line after bending by a uniform Equilibrium requires
moment. With no axial load, the normal strain on the
section is a linear function of the in-plane coordinates xl,
x2 with origin at the section centroid.
ezr = -(k,x, + k,x2) = -(xjT(kj (1)
The local thickness t may in general vary with the
in-plane coordinate s, but is independent of the normal
The curvature matrix { k } is defined as the second coordinate z.
derivative of the centroid's displacement { u }

= c{x}'[J]-'[R]' {M}
The normal stress on the section is
ozz= ezzE = - { x}'{ k } E
With a uniform bending moment, the shear force and
the shear stress are everywhere zero. In the general case
Moments on the section are determined by integrating with non-zero shear force equilibrium requires that
the contributions due to normal stress czz over the {F} = [RIT d{M}/dz. Bending stress is assumed not to
section. They may be conveniently expressed in matrix vary significantly from that given by the simple theory,
form using the transformation matrix [R] defined in (6). since distortion of the plane section due to shear stresses
is negligible. The shear stress aszvaries along the limb
{M}= - J [Rl{x}a,,
dA =
1[ R ] ( X ) { X } ~ ( ~ dA
according to (8), expressed in terms of the shear flow
4 s ) = gszt.
= [R][J](k)E (4) dq
- = t{x)'[J]-'{F) (8)
The contribution of the shear flow in an individual
[J] =
I{ . Y ) { x ~ 'dA

is the symmetrical second moment of area matrix.

limb to the total torque on the section is the moment of
the shear flow components, Fig. 2, integrated over the

ST =
J:(xl sin a - x 2 cos a)q ds

The torque can be expressed in matrix form using a

local orientation matrix {a} defined in (9) below.

I q A

Fig. I . Bending notation Fig. 2. Shear flow in a limb

152 JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS V O L 27 NO 3 1992 <<>IMechE 1992

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6T = J {~}~[R]~{a}q . ds

The local orientation matrix {a} defines the slope of

the limb
{aIT = (cos r. sin a) (9)
The total torque on the whole section is the sum of the
contributions from each limb
m r (40 +
T = C J {~}~[R]~{a}q . ds Fig. 3. Shear flow at a typical node
1 s

The number n of nodal equations (14) exceeds the

3 DISTRIBUTION OF SHEAR FLOW number of unknown initial flows qo by 1 , so the set of
The change in shear flow 6q along a typical limb is equations (14) are redundant. For a given limb, qo will
obtained by integrating (8) appear in exactly two nodal equations, namely- those
associated with its two nodes. At the start node nA the
coefficient will be + 1 as qo flows out of the node. At the
6q(s) = ~ { x } ~ [ J ] - ' { F ds

= A(s){Z(s)}T[J]- 1 { F }
end node nB, the shear flow will be -(qo 6q(L))out of
the node, giving a coefficient of - 1. Adding together all
(11) of the n nodal equations gives a total contribution of zero
where A { Z ) is the first moment of area of the limb. The for each of the rn initial flows qo .
integration is taken over an arbitrary length s, not neces- By the same reasoning, the change in shear flow 6q(L)
sarily the full length L of the limb. The total shear flow at for a given limb calculated from (1 1) will appear in only
any point in a typical limb, Fig. 2 is, therefore, the sum of one nodal equation, namely that associated with its end
an initial shear flow qo and the change given by (1 1) node, nB . Adding all of the n nodal equations will, there-
fore, give
q(s) = 40 + 6ds) (12)
f 6q(L) = 0
Equation ( 1 5 ) is correct providing that the origin of the
The initial shear flow qo must be determined for each coordinates {x} coincides with the centroid of the whole
limb according to the constraints imposed by equi- section. 6q(L) for each limb is proportional. to the first
librium and compatibility between limbs. moment of area of the limb in accordance Nith (1 1). The
sum over all limbs is, therefore, proportiolial to the first
moment of area for the whole section, and this is zero
4.1 Open sections about the centroid by definition.
In an open section comprising rn thin walled limbs, let The n nodal equations are, therefore, redundant but
each limb have two nodes, nA at the start (s = 0) and nB consistent. Any one equation may be discarded, and
at the end (s = L) respectively as shown in Fig. 2. The those remaining solved for the m = n - 1 initial flows qo .
total number of nodes n in the whole section, assuming it The redundant equation would determine the position of
to be connected, is related to the number of limbs rn by the centroid if an arbitrary coordinate system were
m=n-1 (13)
Equilibrium at each node requires that the net shear
flow out of the node is zero. This condition provides n 4.2 Closed sections
nodal equations (14) to define the rn initial shear flows qo If an open section is constructed by adding new limbs
in terms of the changes in shear flow 6q(L), the latter such that each is attached to the existing section at only
calculated over the whole length L of each limb accord- one node, each new limb added will also add one new
ing to (11). node. The total number of limbs will increase with the
number of nodes, maintaining the open section criterion
1d s ) = k(40+ ads)) = 0 (14) (13). If, however, a new limb is attached to two existing
The summations are taken over all limbs connected to a nodes, no new node is created although the number of
given node. s takes the value 0 for a start node nA when limbs is increased by one. This creates a closed circuit in
6q(O) = 0 and the flow in accordance with Fig. 2 is + 9 0 , the section and an excess of unknown initial shear flows
or L for an end node nR when the flow is -(qo + 6q(L)), q o . The n - 1 independent nodal equations are no
negative as it is into the node. Figure 3 shows a typical longer sufficient to solve for the n unknown initial shear
node with limbs a and b connected at their start nodes flows q o . The required additional equation is derived
and limbs c and d connected at their end nodes. The from the continuity of shear strain around the circuit.
equilibrium equation in this case would be
(Yo), + (qo)b - (40 + 6q(L)), - (40 + 6dL))d =0
esz = f(duJds + du,/dz) = - = Gt
2G 2

J O U R N A L Ofi S T R A i N ANALYSIS V O L 27 NO 3 1992 ((J IMechE 1992 I53

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If the section suffers no in-plane distortions, the dis- Equating the two expressions for torque (18) and (21)
placement us parallel to the limb depends on the twist 0 allows the shear centre { c } to be expressed independently
and the normal distance n to the origin. of the applied shear force { F } .
- = nd
{c) = 2 ~[RlT{Q){a}'LW{x) ds
1 s (22)

As the normal displacement u, must be continuous 6 APPLICATION TO SECTIONS WITH STRAIGHT,

around the circuit, integrating the shear strain around UNIFORM LIMBS
the circuit gives The shear centre (22) can be applied to general thin
:4 ds = 8 $ n ds = 2AB
walled sections with limbs of arbitrary shape and varying
thickness. Before the integration in (22) can be performed
explicitly and before the section properties can be deter-
If the shear forces { F } act through the shear centre mined, the actual shape and thickness must be specified
then 0 = 0 by definition, and with uniform elastic for each limb.
properties For the particular case of a straight uniform limb the
shear flow varies quadratically along the limb. Equation
{ 6Q(s)} = CJI - { W ) N
Equation (16) is the additional equation required to = [J]-'({xA} {~}~/2)st +
supplement the nodal equations when the section con- where
tains a closed path.
For a section with multiple circuits, equation (16) must ( x A ) is the coordinate of the start node nA
be applied to each independent circuit. The number of { a } is a constant limb orientation (see (9))
independent closed paths p is the excess of limbs over The total shear flow within a limb can then be
nodes minus one. expressed as
p=m-(n-l) (17) ( Q j = (Qo} + {Qi)s+ {Q,>s2 (23)
In a section containing multiple circuits, there are where
usually more than p possible closed paths, but only p of
these are independent, in that they create independent {QI} = [JI-l{XA}t
versions of equation (16). Otherwise, the choice of which {Q,) = [J]-'{a}t/2
paths to use is arbitrary. Minimum length paths should Equation (23) defines the distribution of shear flow in a
be preferred on the grounds of computational efficiency. uniform straight limb. It can be used to determine explic-
5 SHEAR CENTRE itly the m initial shear flows {Qo}using n - 1 nodal equa-
tions (14) and p compatibility equations (16), and the
When equations (14) and (16) are solved for the m initial shear centre (22).
shear flows q o , the shear flow, and hence shear stress is For sections that contain closed paths, (16) can be
essentially known throughout the section. The total expressed in terms of the specific shear fiow {Q} and
torque on the section can then be calculated from (10). integrated around the circuit
If the shear forces ( F ) are applied at the shear centre
{c} then by definition they do not cause twisting of the
section. The torque about the centroid may be expressed
F ( i Q o I L + ( Q , ) P P+ {Q2)L3/3)/t= 0 (24)
T = F,c, - F , C ,=~ ( c } ~ [ R ] ~ { F )
The summation is taken over all limbs in the closed
Local shear flow q(s)in (lo),may be expressed with the path when the sign f depends on the direction taken
shear force { F } as a factor, since changes in shear flow around the path relative to the assumed flow direction nA
Sq(L) along each limb, from which q0 are derived, also to nB.
have (FJ as a factor. Let the specific shear flow per unit Since the centroid of the section would not in general
shear force {Q) be defined by equation (19). be known initially, nodal coordinates would be pre-
scribed in a global coordinate system with an arbitrary
origin. The area and its first and second moments A, { H )
and [Jo] relative to the global origin are accumulated
Equation (19) also defines the specific initial shear flow first for each limb. S A , { h H } , and [SJ,] define the contri-
{Qo}and specific change in shear flow {GQ(s)}analogous butions from each limb.
to (12). The corresponding expression for { SQ(s)} based For each limb
on(l1)is id} = {xB) - {xA)
) )A(.S)(.?(S)}~[J]
{ ~ Q ( s= ~ (20) L J({d)T{dJ)

Rewriting (10)in terms of specific shear flow gives b A = Lt

(I}= { x A } +
T = 1 I {X}~[R]~{~}{Q)'{F}
1 Js
{ h H } = {.?}&4
[SJ,] = {,f}SA{2.>T+ {d)hA/12{d)'
I54 J O U R N A L OF STRAIN ANALYSIS V O L 27 N O 3 1992 I(' IMechE 1992

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The section centroid {Z} and second moment of area Table 2. Limb table for the
channel section
[J] relative to the centroid can then be determined
Limb t nA nB
{:I = {W/A
1 6.0 1 2
[J] = [Jo]- (-?}A(I}'
2 9.0 1 3
The only other non-constant term in (22) is (XI = (xA) 3 6.0 3 4
+ (a}s with (xA}relative to the section centroid. Using
these results and the identity {a}T[R]{a) = 0, integration
of (22) results in
Table 3. Results for the channel section
Nodes 4 Limbs 3 Loops 0
Area 900.0
where Centroid 6.0 30.0
Second Moment 75 600.0 0.0
{O}= {Qo} + {Qi)L/2 + {Q2)L2/3 0.0 486000.0
The total shear force { F ) on the section can be deter- Limb 1 QO 1620.0 - 5400.0
mined by integrating the shear flow over the section, Q1 36.0 180.0
42 - 3.0 0.0
Fig. 2 - 1620.0 5400.0

{F} = 2 j { a h ds
1 s = 1
Limb 2 QO
- 1620.0
Therefore, {@(d)T = [I], the identity matrix. This Limb 3 QO 1620.0 5400.0
result can be used to define an error matrix to be used as Q1 36.0 - 180.0
a check on the numerical errors present in a complex 42 - 3.0 0.0
calculation dQ - 1620.0 - 5400.0
Error - 9.09E- 13 O.00E + 00
O.00E 00 + O.00E + 00
Shear centre - 1.0 30.0
A section is described by a node table in which each
node consists of global position coordinates x1 and x 2 ,
and a limb table with each limb consisting of a thickness
t, and a pair of end nodes nA, nB. Data for the channel shear centre {c} transformed back into global coordin-
section illustrated in Fig. 4 are given in Tables 1 and 2. ates. The shear flow distribution vectors ( Q o } ,{ Q l } , and
Results for this case were obtained using Gaussian {Q2) in Table 3 should be pre-multiplied by the second
elimination procedures to solve the nodal equations, as moment of area matrix [J]-' to conform vtith the defini-
described in Grant (5) and are given in Table 3 with the tions in (23). This calculation was deferred on the
grounds of computational efficiency and performed only
once on the final calculation for the shear centre (25)
30 rather than twice for every limb as implied by (23). The
t i results are presented in this modified form.

A method has been developed for finding the shear
centre of a thin walled section automatically on a digital
computer. The method can be applied to any section that
can be described as a number of connected limbs, and
60 has been implemented for straight uniform limbs in par-
ticular. In addition to finding the shear centre in two
dimensions the method also enables the detailed dis-
tribution of shear flow in each limb to be determined as
well as the second moments of area and centroid of the

Fig. 4. Channel section

Table 1. Node table for (1) TIMOSHENKO, S . P., History of srrength of materials, 1953,
the channel section McGraw-Hill.
(2) TIMOSHENKO, S., Strength ofmarerials, Part I , 1955, Kreiger.
Node xl x2 (3) GOODIER, J. N., 'A theorem on the shearing stress in beams with
applications to multicellular sections', J. Aeronaut. Sci., 1944, 1 I ,
1 0.0 0.0
2 30.0 0.0
(4) GIBBONS, A,, Algorithmic graph theory, 1985, Cambridge Uni-
3 0.0 60.0
4 versity Press.
30.0 60.0
(5) GRANT, C., Computing@ Engineers, 1989, Prenlice-Hall.


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