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There are words or phrases that describe actions. These words are called adverbs.
Adverbs typically answer questions such as how? In what way? When? And to what
extent.which describe the actions done. These words are called adverbs.

In this module, you will learn to:

 use adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency

 write narrative texts using adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency


Pick out the verb in each sentence. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Mother bakes a cake for my birthday.

2. The singers sing a love song.
3. A young man offers his seat to the old man.
4. Micko answered the teacher’s question.
5. The pupils listen to the teacher.
6. Grandma tells her grandchildren a funny story.
7. Mang Rudy fixed the broken chair.
8. Mario recited a poem.
9. The dancers presented a modern dance.
10. I go to my friend’s house.

Study Time

Read the story on the next page. Then answer the question at the end of the story in your

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There was once a King who ruled harshly over the land. One night
after he was crowned as king, he thought of himself as the greatest king on
earth and in heaven.
He often went hunting. One early morning, while in the deep woods,
he decided to cool himself in the lake. He proudly swam away from the shore.
Suddenly there came from the bottom of the lake someone who had the same
face and form as the king. This man quickly put on the King’s clothes and
rode away with the King’s horse. When the proud King finished cooling
himself, he found his clothes and his horse already gone.
With some woven reeds covering his body, he walked to the castle. He
beat loudly at the gate, but he was driven away. He went to the duke’s hall,
but he was put to prison. Working hard, he loosened the chains that bound his
feet and fled away. He went to his palace, but no one recognized him.
Instead, he was beaten up and was thrown outside the palace.
The proud King fled away. He wished he was dead. Reaching the lake
where he had bathed, he cried aloud. He asked for forgiveness.

From: English For All Times

p. 215

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1. How did the King rule his land?
2. When did he think of himself as the greatest king?
3. Where did he go one early morning?
4. How frequent does he go hunting?
5. What happened when he was swimming in the lake?
6. What happened to him when he decided to go back to the palace?

Study the following sentences

1. The King ruled harshly over the land.

2. One night after he was crowned as king, he thought himself as the greatest
3. He went in the deep woods.
4. He often went hunting.

What does each underlined word describe?

What word in the first sentence tells how the King ruled over the land?
The word that answers the question how is called adverb of manner.
Which phrases I the second sentence tells time?
A word or a phrase that tells time is called adverb of time.
What phrase in the third sentence answer the question where?
The phrase “in the deep woods” answers the question where
It is called the adverb of place
In the fourth sentence, what word answers the question “how often”?
The word often is an adverb of frequency. It answers the question “how often”
What other adverbs can you find in selection?
What kinds of adverbs are they?

An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells about time, place,

manner, and frequency.
An adverb of time answers the questions “when”.
An adverb of place answers the questions “where”.
An adverb of manner answers the questions “how”.
An adverb of frequency answers the questions “how often”.


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A. Read the following sentences. Copy in your notebook the adverb in each sentence. Write
whether it is an adverb of time, place, manner and frequency.
1. I will never cheat in the test.
2. Mina kissed her father and mother affectionately.
3. The Reyes family always hears mass together.
4. Monique went to the mall to go shopping.
5. Jeff occasionally visits his cousins in Cebu.
6. I spend my summer vacation in the beach.
7. Mother bought me a new dress last Christmas.
8. He studies his lesson before going to bed.
9. Michelle always follows the advice of her parents.
10. Mr. Santos excitedly told his family about the good news.

B. Write an appropriate adverb as suggested in the parenthesis.

1. I go to school (time) __________.
2. Children (frequency) __________ kiss the hands of their elders.
3. Annie went to the (place) __________ to read some books.
4. Children answer their parents (manner) __________.
5. Ted (frequency) __________ disobey his teacher.
6. Mother goes to market (time) __________.
7. The pupils went (place) __________ to study their lessons.
8. We go to sleep (time) __________.
9. The scooters (manner) __________ attend the camping.
10. The family members gather (place) __________ to eat dinner.

C. Write a short narrative text by answering the following questions.

1. When do you celebrate your birthday?
2. Where do you celebrate it?
3. How do you celebrate it?
4. How often do you celebrate your birthday with a party?
5. How do you receive the guests to your party?
6. Where do you put your birthday gifts?
7. How often do you thank your guest for their presence and birthday gifts?

Test Yourself

A. Read the following sentences. Copy in your notebook the adverb in each sentence. Write
whether each adverb is an adverb of time, place, manner or frequency.

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1. I seldom miss a show about my favorite actress.
2. Mother takes her medicine at six o’ clock in the afternoon.
3. Children should not play in the streets.
4. The visitors merrily sang the birthday song.
5. The children study their lessons in the library.
6. I visited Lucy this afternoon.
7. Tony hurriedly left for school.
8. Father always read the newspaper.
9. Mother lovingly kisses her children.
10. On Sunday, we are going to visit my grandma.

B. Complete the sentence with the appropriate adverb suggested in the parentheses.

(frequency) 1. I have _____ watched television this week.

(manner) 2. That rocking chair is the most comfortable seat in the house.
Father sits on it _____.
(frequency) 3. I am _____ happy whenever I see my idol.
(manner) 4. We need to be humble. Let us not forget to admit _____ our
(manner) 5. A child should learn how to brush her teeth _____.
(frequency) 6. We _____ spend our summer in the beach.
(manner) 7. Mrs. Corres _____ gives the instructions to her pupils.
(place) 8. Father exercises in the ________.
(time) 9. Glo and Bien help mother do the house chores ________.
(manner 10. Jenny answered the question ________.

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1. bakes 6. tell
2. sing 7. fixed
3. offers 8. recited
4. answered 9. presented
5. listen 10. go


A. 1. never - frequency 6. in the beach - place

2. affectionately – manner 7. last Christmas - time
3. always – frequency 8. before going to bed - time
4. to the mall – place 9. always - frequency
5. occasionally – frequency 10. excitedly – manner

B. 1. everyday / weekdays 6. every Saturday / Sunday / everyday

2. always 7. inside the room
3. library 8. early
4. politely 9. excitedly
5. never 10. in the dining room


A. 1. seldom - frequency 6. this afternoon - time

2. six o’clock in the afternoon - time 7. hurriedly - manner
3. in the street - place 8. always - frequency
4. merrily - manner 9. lovingly - manner
5. in the library - place 10. On Sunday – time

B. 1. never 6. always
2. comfortably 7. clearly
3. always 8. park
4. voluntarily 9. during weekends
5. carefully 10. correctly

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