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R.Nishitha P. Nivetha

II - BCA 'B' II – BCA 'B'

Sri Krishna Arts and Sri Krishna Arts and

Science college Science college

UG Student UG Student

Department of Computer Science
Sri Krishna Arts and Science College
Coimbatore, India.

It is a group of computer worked Nowadays parallel computing have
together in a single computer. Cluster several changes, and it is expensive and
components are not connected with other proprietary super computer. It consist of
through fast local area network. Clusters set of loosely or tightly connected
are deployed to improve performance and computers are worked together so they
availability over a single computer by can viewed as a single system. In our
comparing the speed and it is typically environment the changes and the
more cost effective and than single while improvement have been done in the area
comparing it.Cluster will utilize a group of mainframe of computing. It is not cost
of job that should complete within the effective and flexible solution in
given amount of time at working.The environment problems but cluster
main and the important strategy is by technology been developed and allowed
transferring extra loads from busy nodes multiple low cost computer work process
to idle nodes. In this categories we discuss application. Compute models are
aboutbrnefits,types, advantages, centralized bye alternative and attractive
disadvantages are explained. in the field of economic,performance and
flexibility in computer cluster and it is to
cost, inflexibility, scalability issues in the
model. In many fields,it need high
performance,High availability, scaling
within data center. Computer cluster performance is same as the cluster
perform in shelf commodity computers by computing. It may also deployed to
high speed , low latency network switches address load balancing,parallel
and maturity of software components by processing, system management and
increasing the interest and deployment of scalability. Nowadays CLUSTERS made
computer cluster. Application commodity computer restricted to single
performance is done by various entities switch interconnected to layers. The node
including government,military,education consist of different characteristics such as
etc... By these types of cluster we can single processor into various type of
perform the entities and their application. storage device to access the nodes. Cluster
The future improvement is done by speed computing is to extend beyond the
of lights, thermodynamic law and high parallel computing to incorporate load
financial cost for processor fabrication. balancing clusters and high availability
cluster. The network is made up of high
CLUSTER COMPUTING:- speed,low latency switches that may be
single or multiple switches. The network
technology depends upon the price ,
performance compatibility with cluster
hardware and system software and
communicates with the application.
Commodity are not defined
themselves,based upon the commodity
hardware. The decision should take
before cluster range because it will check
what type of hardware should run, which
is used to interconnect to use, and what
type of switching architecture should
build ,those things should check before
taking decision.But some will affect the
others by intending the use of cluster. If it
The cluster will utilize a group of select the right cluster,it involve the
processing nodes finished within the given application and resource that includes,
minimum time by working together. In but not limited to storage,throughout,
other words transferring the extra loads latency and number of nodes.
from the busy loads to idle loads. The
major work in cluster is to connect many
resource into a single resource. The 1)Awesome processing power
resource is integrated through software,
hardware and networks through single 2)Cost efficient
computer. In computing, High

The processing power of high
performance computer Cluster is same as
mainframe computer with many
computer in Cluster the processing power
may even exceed that of mainframe.


Purchasing several good quality

computer such as high power desktops at  High performance Cluster start
once is less expensive than buying one from 1994.Donald Becker of NASA
super computer.The average PC today is assembled this Cluster.
lot more powerful than first mainframe
computers.  High performance Cluster are also
known as Beowulf Cluster.
 In Hpc the application like data
Many people feel that the leest mining,simulations, weather
benefit of utilizing computer Cluster is modeling,parallel processing.
that they can be expanded easily by
adding additional computer to network.  There are two types of jobs that
Mainframe computer has fixed capacity run on Hpc are serial and parallel.
and it will only be able to handle so much
 Serial job run on one machine
power at a time.
with no communication to other
 Parallel job breaks the problem
When a mainframe computer
into parts and use the
fails,the online system fails.However if a
communication layer it spread the
node in computer Cluster fails,it's
word load to many machines.
operations can be simply transferred to
another node within the cluster ,ensuring  HPC cluster are designed to
that there is no interruption in service. exploit the parallel processing
power of multiple nodes.
 Almost all load balancing Cluster
 Load BALANCING Cluster are with high Availability
operate by routing all work capability.
through one or more load
balancing front end nodes. ADVANTAGES:-
 It distribute the workload between  Clustering servers is completely a
the remaining active nodes. scalable solution. User can add
resources to the cluster afterwards.
 Load balancing cluster can also be
to increase the scalability of  If server in the cluster needs any
application and data resources. maintenance user can do it by
stopping it while handing the load
 Every node in the cluster is able to over to other servers.
handle request for the same
application .  Clustering takes a special place
since it is reliable and easy to
 This type of distribution is configure.
typically seen in web hosting
environment.  In case a server is having a
problem providing the services
HIGH AVAILABILITY CLUSTER: furthermore other servers in the
cluster can take the load.

 It manages large number of

components are combinedto work
as single it becomes easy.

 Single system image illusion makes

user not worried about cluster
components,user only need to
manage their own itself.
 If one component fails,then other
components can takes its place.
 High Availability Cluster avoid
single point of failure.  It having high speed,reliability and
increment growth.
 This requires at least two nodes.
 It can be stopped while other
 One is primary; 2.another one is
serves handles this load.
 It can be manage easily without
 HAC is always with Redundancy
any trouble.
 Its main disadvantage is cost is From this, the need of computational
high. resource should fulfil all the need in every
fields. By this ,it is one of the most
 The cluster needs good hardware available resource to fill the gap between
and a design it will be costly the resource. The commodity computer is
comparing to a non-clustered highly complex and computationally
server management design. intensive task with across several fields.
Cluster computing pushes the limits of
 Since clustering needs more
architecture,command network
servers and hardware to establish
performance.It made into various size to
enterprise data in mainstream. The
 Monitoring and maintenance is consideration of application requirement
hard. Thus increase the done carefully and became more popular
infrastructure. in terms of network characteristics. It
became more critical to design and
 It is difficult to find fault and it deliver the optimal performing Solution.
determine which component has Scalable and modular network solution is
problem. very critical,not only to provide
increment connectivity but also provide
 It difficult to manage,because it
increment bandwidth option in cluster
merge same or different
grows. The technology associated with
components together.
cluster computing include protocol stack
 User have issues when combine all processing and interconnect technology
of them together as single entity. that evolve the demands of current,New
and emerging application and standard
 User can access easily and obtain that effectively and efficiently use
the secreat data. network hardware components. It
isalsobymeans of providing some
 It is difficult to develop software
commodity supercomputing facilities.
for distributed system.

 Due to network the saturation and REFERENCE:-

lossy transmissions.
[1] G. Pll PTR, NJ, 2nd Edition, NJ, 1998.

[2] K. Hwang and Z. Xu. Scalable Paral

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[3] C. Koelbel et al. The High and Applications”, Encyclopedia of
Performance Fortran Handbook. The Computer Science and Technology,
MIT Press,Massachusetts, 1994.6 Vol.45, Marcel Dekker, Aug. 2006.

[4] 6

[5] M. Baker, A. Apon, R. Buyya, H. Jin,

“Cluster Computing

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