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Journal of Advanced & Applied Sciences (JAAS)

Volume 03, Issue 02, Pages 51-58, 2015

ISSN: 2289-6260

Pulasthi.D.Gunawardhana a,*, Sellappan Palaniappan b
a,*Department of IT, School of Science and Engineering, Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), Kelana Jaya,
PJ, Selangor, Malaysia
b Department of IT, School of Science and Engineering, Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), Kelana Jaya,

PJ, Selangor, Malaysia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-1112329209;

E-mail address:


Keywords: Technology is evolving fast and such evolutions are spread all over the world very quickly. One
such evolution witnessed reserved in the gaming world is “Gamificacion”. Gamification is much
Gamification, different than the usual digital game we are familiar with. It moves more freely in the
Digital games, educational game technology. This article cover the background and overview of the
Education. gamification, its differences with the usual educational games and discussion about the
achievement of gamification to education.

Accepted: 11 April2015 © Academic Research Online Publisher. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction techniques in non-gaming frameworks also contribute

to solve problems as well.
Since the day that digital game was invented there are a
large number of digital games with a lot of variety Gamification, serious games and educational games are
which are available both as online games and arcade different type of games which were developed to
games. Different companies around the world produce achieve different results. Generally gamification can be
different types of digital games. In this background used to reasonably control, motivate and encourage the
gamification is an area which is constantly growing. It game player. It is however a mistake to believe that
is a new stream in the educational digital games arena, various element in gamification is sufficient to form a
but it still has a long way to go with more research to perfect game though there are gameification
be done. Gamification creating effects on the non- mechanisms that can be used to build proper
gaming field such as education, healthcare, marketing, gamifications. Gamification is a good tool that can be
etc. As the gamification create techniques which are used to boost and awaken the hidden knowledge and
dynamic and convenient they can be easily attached to skills in achieving educational goals.
the industry. It is a procedure which make student to
think and act logically. At the same time gamification

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2.1 What is Gamification?

Word gamification is about how certain learning
At the start of the discussion, I would like to find out process turn in to joyful experience with digital games.
what exactly is known as “Gamification”. The term There is one common definition which all the
“Gamification” is recent introduction to the digital researchers agree upon. That is the consumption of
industry. Since the industry is constantly growing, game design thinking and mechanisms to drive user
various researchers have different definitions about participation. At present the interest for this subject is
gamification. According to the previouse research growing as it move along with the new technology.
articles and journals which I have referre, gamification The salient features of the gamification are its element
is a digital game that support educating a person. that can be used as a motivational factor and rewards of
Therefore we see different views expressed by different which the user depend upon. Gamification is the
researchers when defining gamification. treatment of topics which rules ideas, decisions and
action rather than its contents that go with it. Therefore
When reviewing research articles related to gamification can bre treated as gaming with set of
gamification I have found that most of the studies principles and techniques which includes educational
indicate positive results. In 2010 a research conducted factors.
by Gabe Zichermann has found gamification as “the
process of using game thinking and game Mechanics to 2.2 Different Between Digital Games &
engage audiences and solve problems” [1]. And also Gamification
two researches names Zichermann and Cunnigham also
defines gamification as; “The use of game-thinking and People have difficulty in identifying the difference
game mechanics to engage users and solve problems” between Digital Games and Gamification. Before
[2]. Then in 2012 two researchers named Werbach and comparing the main features, it is worthwhile to see
Hunter have mentioned that the gamification is a more what previous researchers have said. In 2003 researcher
interesting and effective digital games when attached to named Juuls says, that Digital Game is, “A digital
business application [3]. Once again Zichermann and game is a rule-based formal system with a variable and
his colleague Linder define gamifiaction as; “Funware quantifiable outcome, where different outcomes are
is the art and science of turning your customer‘s assigned different values, the player exerts effort in
everyday interactions into games that serve your order to influence the outcome, the player feels
business purposes” [4]. The key purpose of the attached to the outcome, and the consequences of the
gamification is that it is used in non-gaming context activity are optional and negotiable” [5]. In 2011 group
like developing methods and techniques which drives of researcher define gamification as, “the use of video
the user engagement. These gamifications are only use game elements (rather than full-fledged games) to
for the use of education and or training. Once again improve user experience and user engagement in non-
many have done a lot of research in this aspect and the game services and applications” [6]. The table 1 show
key element they have applied into are the purpose of you the differences between the digital games and
improving user engagement, find out the quality of the gamification.
available data, entertainment aspect, teaching quality
and quality of the information system.

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Table 1 Differences between Digital Games and Gamification

Digital Games Gamification

Define through Rules and objectives Defined using reward and collection of points

There is a possibility of winning and losing Losing is not possible as by giving point its player is
motivated to win the game

Games are complicated and expensive Gamification are not complicated and not expensive.

Content based on a story or scene. Features added without any content

can buy these point. According to the point’s

3. Gamification Mechanism & Design Elements collection, it is easy for the teachers to identify the
weak student and the area which the weakness is
3.1 Mechanism evident.

In this section, the discussion is on the four main areas Reward

which we have to pay attention in developing a This is another method of encouraging the player to
flourishing game. Especially in an educational digital spend more time with the game. Once the player
game. The key areas are; complete the given task or the particular stage
 Points successfully player will be rewarded. As to the
 Rewards gamification theory these rewards must be non-
 Badges monetary and the player is not given points for his

 Lead Boards success either. But when the student get a higher score
in a test or an exam they will be rewarded by way of

Points recognising his achievement by the class teacher or

Points are the key currency of the game. To earn points from the school itself. This will have more opportunity

player has to work hard and achieve the given task. As and chances of getting rewards by successful

nature of human being is to collect more resource and player/student.

valuable things. So this aspect works very well in

gamification as well when the Badges
In gamification, badging method is adopted to

player is keen on adding points. Point allocation is highlight the player’s competencies. This will enable

great method to illustrate players’ progress and other players to recognise his/her competencies and

capacity compared to other players. This will help rank talent of a particular game. In gamification players are

the player position too. The point system make player a able to earn their badges by playing the game with their

highly motivational one and it is very effective as well. achievements. Badges symbolise player’s profile,

These points are not just an indicator to show the achievement records, and they are responsible features

progress of the player because sometimes the player to maintain the challenges in a particular game.

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Lead Boards developer can create an attractive and interesting goal,

Another noticeable feature in gamification is Lead then the player will be more motivate to play that
board. Through this the progress made by each player particular game and achieve the set of goal.
in a particular game and their achievements are shown.
The collection of points and badges will be notify here. Feedback System - There should be a good feedback
By collecting points and badges and by displaying system attach to the game. Feedback will motivate the
them on a leader board, player by himself/herself could player to fully interestingly himself/herself in a game
improve their ranks as well as getting recognised by and the player could know what areas player should
other game players. It will also help the player or team improve. As I have explain earlier, mechanism
to adopt new techniques to get on top of the Lead feedback is also rewarding feedback which motivate
Board. When the player is found to be in a lower the player to get himself/herself more involved in the
position of the lead board, necessary measures could be game. Therefore the game developer should make sure
adopt to encourage the player to go up in lead board to reward the player with positive and valuable
and improve his/her ranking. This lead board experience.
encourage the player to drive a sense of fulfilment and
go for target rewards and motivates them to finish the In order to build a proper gamefication we need to
game successfully. identify the elements. These are known as the building
blocks of the gamification. Reeves and Read have once
Quests noted that there are, “Ten Ingredients of Great Games”
All most all gamification content are “Quest”. Super [7]. Those ten ingredients are;
Mario, Angry Bird are some of the examples. Quest 1. 3D Environment
lead the player to achieve the given task by 2. Descriptive Background
himself/herself. Nearly most of the action which 3. Feedback
involves achieving a tangible target or goals are quests. 4. Ranks and Levels
5. Marketplace
3.2 Design Elements 6. Competition
7. Rules
As for the gamification theory, to develop a proper 8. Communication method which will be easy to
game, there are three main elements which should configure
attached to the game. These three elements listed and 9. Time Pressure
discussed below; 10. Team

Rules - There should be assigned rules to play the These elements will be picked by the game designer
game. These rules should be clear, fair and achievable. according to the need of the game. Thereafter, these
The game developer should formulate rules which are elements should be merged with various conditions
simple and easy to understand. All the players should required of a game in gamification. In 2005 Juuls said
know of what they are playing, etc. that “a game is a rule-based formal system with a
variable and quantifiable outcome, where different
Goal - As the second element, the game developer outcomes are assigned different values, the player
should create a goal for the player to achieve. If exerts effort in order to influence the outcome, player

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feels attached to the outcome, and the consequences of system support to detect and validating its activities,
the activity are optional and negotiable” [8]. In this progress, communicating and cooperating with other
scenario it is evident that the ten element we have players as well [9]. When we introduce gamification
mentioned above not only stand for gamification but into school curriculum, it will indicate that game
are valid for all types of digital games. elements will drive students to learn their studies
properly, accurately and more interestingly. In 2013
4. Gamification on Education three researchers named Klemke, Kelle together with
Specht have conducted a research regarding
When gamification is connected to education, it can be gamification on education. They have insulated two
beneficial for both student and teacher. When we game mechanism and applied them to the curriculum
gamification is added to a school syllabus, the learning with four different students groups. One group with no
process will be very much easy for student as they can gaming mechanism, second and third group with only
learn difficult subjects with an element of one gaming mechanism and the last group with both
entertainment attached to it. It will help the student to gaming mechanism were applied. At the end they have
memories their subject easily. Teachers or lecturers found that the group which played the game with two
could make the student to get involve more freely in gamification mechanism had gained much knowledge
their lessons interestingly and actively without having a than other three groups. Group two and three which
trouble when they are given games as a part of their had one mechanism have gained knowledge when
learning process. Gamification help to level-up comparing to group one, but compared to the last group
student’s knowledge and experience by providing which had two mechanism got pretty much knowledge
information and by allowing the student to get involve than group two and three [10]. According to research
with games. That method will help the student to published by Werbach and Hunter which was
practise and understand difficult lessons easily and conducted in Rochester Institute of Technology 90% of
quickly. Therefore gamification is a different the student who were involved in the game, which had
experience when compared traditional teaching badges and lead board mechanism have passed the
method. course with good marks. Another batch of student were
given the same game without the above two
Many researchers and educationist have done a mechanism have not shown same good results.
considerable amount of studies related to gamification.
Two researchers by the names Gee and Prensky have 4.1 Educational Characteristic on Gamification
noted that the gamification is potential learning tool
which highly motivate for students. They have In order to get through the concept of gamification we
highlighted many advantages one can drive by have to identify the literacy aspect involved in it. This
implementing gamification for educational purposes aspect was explained by the famous educational games
since gamification promote, self-learning, logical and gamification research J.P Gee in one of his
thinking, dynamic learning, motivation, team-spirit, research. According to him there are five principal we
etc. A group of researchers in their finding have noted can see in a good gamification. They are;
that the previous research documented have confirm 1. It should have a proficiency to characterising
that the educational process coupled with gamification, the player and his/her responsibilities. Time
take the most actions into reality, even though gaming management is also important. At the same

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time maintaining motivation to keep the game 4.2 Educational Gamification Guidelines
interact to achieve the educational task is also
important. A group of researchers once noted that gamification
mechanism (Points, Reward, Badges, Lead Boards and
2. Should deliver necessary information on the quest) are the popular educational factors which can be
player when required, within given used in gamification. At the same time there is the
framework, in this occasion the class-room. It gamification mechanism which goes through the
is the human nature that, we need to work gamified procedure. However two researchers have
hard to remember that much information identified some guidelines to build a proper
which is applied in its framework. gamification.
 Giving the player trialling period.
3. In gamefication it contain a setup to play for  Attaching feedback cycle method.
the student players with their basic knowledge  Adjusting the gaming task depends on the
on particular subject and it need to allow them players skills.
to make abstractions which will enable them  Increasing the level and the gaming task step
to sort more multifaceted problems. by step into difficult level by giving chance to
the player/ student to improve their skills.
4. These gamification mechanism change players  Breaking difficult levels/task into several sub
into creators, and not an ordinary receptor. levels/tasks.
Gamification’s effect to build such creations.  Giving options to complete the difficult tasks
in a different manner.
5. It produces a cycle of mastery, which mean
 Reward for the successful player and
that the players should practice more and the
appreciate it through the lead board. [15]
game automatically level up that player to the
specific task he/she has to carry out. Once
Apart set of researchers have come out with a set of
this archived, the cycle continues to another
properties which may cause to be effective in
level with more difficult task. [10]
educational gemification. These properties have been
briefly explained table 2;
As a consequence, many of these features will help the
player to select gamification as an educational tool and
build relevant skills in schools or other institutions.

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Table 2: Properties of educational gemification

Properties Description
Learnability Player’s capacity to read the game and be the master of the game.
Motivation The game features which inspire the player to understand particular actions
and continue it until he/she finish the task/level.
Education Educational features and the capability of the player to recognize and
achieve the educational goals.
Satisfaction The joy gained from taking on a complete video game or from some facet
of it.
Compassionate If the particular game has the ability to motivate the player for the learning
objectives and encourage him/her to learn while playing the game.
Effectiveness Gamification should give good experience for its players by fun and
learning to achieve educational target.

5. Conclusion Acknowledgement
Though this article based on my PhD research, I would
We have discussed about the definition the previous like to take this opportunity to pass my gratitude and
researcher and educators on gamification through their appreciation to everyone who supported me especially
past research studies. We have discussed the my PhD research Tutor, Professor P. Sellappan for
connection that gamification has as an educational tool. guiding me to make it success one.
In traditional educational methods some students still
fail to tackle difficult subjects, but under gamification
there are student tend to learn difficult subjects more References
than effectively.
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