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Approach Document for Data Fix


July 24, 2019

This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of Odessa Technologies, Inc. No disclosure or use of any of these materials
may be made without the expressed written consent of Odessa. ©1998-2018 Odessa Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1. LBC01-3791 - Description

JIRA ID Requirement Description

LBC01-3791 Dec 31 PAP - receipt created but not in Bank Files

2. Problem Statement:
When lease contract type is changed on restructure or rebook and on posting cash for the receivables
belonging to the old contract type, GL account couldn’t be mapped and receipt posting fails.

3. Objective / Solution:
When instrument type is changed on amendment, validation is added to check whether the any receivable
beyond amendment date has been invoiced or cash posted and to reverse invoices and receipts. For the contracts
impacted so far, apply the following data fix to correct the data.

4. Approach:

a. Fetch Query:
The following query will fetch the list of contracts and receivables impacted by this issue.

Fetch query S2.sql

b. Unapply Receipts (Manual):

The receivables fetched in the above query can never be cleared as receipt posting will always check for
the current contract type. Ideally, according to the code fix, these receivables should be inactive. To
inactivate the receivables, the invoices created for these receivables are to be cancelled.

To cancel the invoices, the invoices should be unapplied from the associated receipts. Run the below
query to fetch the receipts and unapply the invoice/receivable from the receipts.

Fetch receipt to

c. Cancel invoices (Manual):

Run the below query to fetch the invoices to be cancelled.

Fetch Invoices to

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d. Inactivate Receivables and taxes:
Run the below query to inactivate the receivables impacted by this issue. Execute the below query to
update IsActive = 0 in Receivables, ReceivableDetails, ReceivableTaxes, ReceivableTaxDetails and

Receivable & tax.sql

e. Recon Query:
Run the Fetch query again to make sure the data fix has been covered for all expected
contracts, if it returns the data kindly bring the result to ODESSA’s verification.

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