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A person remembers some movements forever, throughout his life due to its importance,
I personally came to know the importance of Lovely Professional University in the
transformation of education in India after I joined Lovely Professional University.
Gratitude cannot be seen or expressed. It can only be felt in heart and is beyond
description. Often words are inadequate to serve as a model of expression of one’s
feeling, specially the sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those who help us in our
duty. It is of immense pleasure and profound privilege to express my gratitude and
indebtedness along with sincere thanks Lovely Professional University for providing me
the opportunity to work on the term paper which has helped me in increasing my

In particular I would like to mention the efforts of Mr Nandan Sujati, Lecturer of

Lovely Professional University Jalandhar (LSM), without whose encouragement the
term paper could not have been started. He helped me on the assigned work as an
advisor and offered me help when needed in every aspect of this work. During the
preparation of this term paper he guided me and gave proper direction to my work.

I am grateful to the creator by whose will I have been able to complete this assign

work and my family and my friends for their blessings and encouragement which made it

possible for me to cover the aspects of the term paper.

The word "hospital" comes from the Latin "hospes" which refers to either a visitor or the host
who receives the visitor. From "hospes" came the Latin "hospitalia", an apartment for
strangers or guests, and the Medieval Latin "hospitale" and the Old French "hospital." It
crossed the Channel in the 14th century and in England began a shift in the 15th century to
mean a home for the elderly or infirm or a home for the down-and-out.i
Hospital is an institution or the organization for the treatment, care, and cures of the sick and
wounded, for the study of disease, and for the training of physicians (teaching hospitals),
nurses, and allied health care personnel.

Hospital Management
What is the importance of Hospital Management?
The answer to this question is simply that supervisors and managers of hospitals must not
only have vocational, technical knowledge about hospitals and treatment, but also should
have knowledge about contemporary management and its functions and principles. The work module
of any job is based on two pillars, namely technical work and management work .

What to be managed in Hospital?

Like other organizations and institution hospitals or any healthcare facility passes through the
following stages or in other words they need the management of below sections for the
smooth running of their organizations, but the hospitals are very complex in its nature.
• Operations (actions)
• Finance (money and resources),
• Personnel(human relations)
• Information(needed information for wise decisions)
• Time (your own and that of others)

According to the Project Definition: “A project is a sequence, set or series of unique,

complex and connected activities, having one goal or purpose to be completed with time
frame, allocated budget and according to its specification, now we can say the leading,
controlling, organizing and planning of all these activities is called project management. Now
we can say it easily, that a hospital or any healthcare facility is a project in its nature,
therefore; applying the rule of project management will be no far away from it.
For the lower level jobs at hospitals and healthcare facilities, the principles of Supervision
can become a starting point for teaching or studying the principles of management. A person
in one of the lowest level jobs found at employers must also plan, organize and control work,
even if it is just to clean an office or do some washing in one of the departments of the
Top Management members of the hospitals such as Chief Executive Officer, Financial
Manager etc, must be able to plan, organize, control and lead the wards and departments with
a focus on understanding and influencing the environment, setting the strategy and gaining
commitment, planning, implementing and monitoring strategies and evaluating and
improving performance. The Top Management must therefore have high capabilities with
regard to human relations inwards and outwards, strategic planning, team building,
leadership, and negotiation and performance management.

Middle Management members must be able to plan, organize, control and lead departments
and sections with a focus on assistance upwards for application of scientific methods and
assistance downwards for application of scientific methods. They must have the same
capabilities as Senior Managers as well as Supervisory Managers and also be good at
interviewing techniques, goal achievement, conflict handling tactics and project management.
Supervisory Management members must also be able to plan, organize, control and lead
sections, units and individuals with a focus on operations, finance, people, information and

Lack of Management skills in employer or employees at every hierarchy level of the hospital
or healthcare facility can be detrimental. Lack of Management skills can lead to poor
performance, lack of improvement, low profit, decisions making, disheartening of employees,
lower productivity, and jeopardize your organization.

Therefore; it is obligatory that hospital managers should have the updated and cotemporary
knowledge of Management. In below sections, you will read more about hospital
management, that how to manage hospitals or any healthcare facility in order to achieve the
intended objectives to meet the organizational goals.



The load of work increased on pathological laboratories is increased every patient should go
prior to his treatment to medical or pathological laboratories, so by this the laboratories are
overloaded, this overload is more in those laboratories who are attached to the hospital or in
hospital territory, and in contrast there is less load on those laboratories which are outside the
hospital or private laboratories. The hospitals and laboratories which are located in
surrounding area can enter into common understanding. Routinely the hospitals are collecting
the samples from the patient and after the examination they are giving reports to the patients
back. So in this way the load will be decrease on the laboratories and hospitals.


Hospitals need trained and skilled technologists and staff, as it is obvious that many hospitals
have no professional technologists because they are not paid satisfactory. The professional
technologists have their own private laboratories in the city and they can earn more than
monthly salary of the hospitals, so if the hospitals are welling to attract and absorb the
professionals in hospital so they must pay for them a good wage salary and other bonuses.
These medical technicians who are working in the hospitals must be trained and they need
these trainings, these training programs must be undertaken by different medical association.


The wastage management is the crucial step in the hospitals, and it is so important that the
staff should be aware of the cost of wastages
Many of the hospitals have small number of technician and these technicians are busy in
other clerical works so this is the big problem in the hospitals. Those laboratories have many
problems which is facing the above said problem. The laboratories which is owned by the
pathologists the so these pathologists are also busy with its administrative responsibilities. So
it is important for the hospitals to train extra staff for the administrative and clerical works in
order to improve the quality of the work in laboratories.

 Making links with small hospitals and nursing.

 It is impossible for the patient to wait for long hours to get the result of their lab
exam. They have to go to the laboratories at specific time. It is also possible that
technician go to the home of the patients and to collect the sample from the patients
and after the lab exam the result should be given back to the patient, so by this way
the patients can charged for the services. Many of the patients are willing to pay for
their lab exams.
 Relations with general practitioners who can collect the sample from the patient and
then these samples are checked in the laboratory after examining it is given back to
the patient.
 It is good to have a 24 hours service instead of having fixed time collection of sample,
because in 24 hours service program take and give the results and reports quickly, so
in this way their will be no delay in treatment of the patient.
 It is also possible that laboratories can give the results of the laboratory tests via
phone to the medical or pathology specialist in the urgent cases, so in this there will
be also no delay in the treatment of the patient.

As it is obvious to all of us by moving this world forward and advanced in technology
and physics so the radiology also moved with this advancement and the advancement
of the radiological services also need more capital or financial investment. The cost of
operation is also increasing with the consumption of inputs such as x-ray films,
chemicals which is used for the washing and cleaning of films. But the radiology
department center is the big department in the hospital for that the cost or the
expenses of this department is high from the other departments, on the other hand its
profit is also high in contrast to other departments. So it is most important to keep this
department managed and well equipped because the surplus or the profit which are
coming from this department should be spent on the less income department by this
way we can run the hospital daily expenses.


1. Equipment Breakdown:
The breakdown and even the collapse of the equipments and other instruments are common
all hospitals, so the collapse pave the way for the idling of instruments, so in the result they
are not doing properly and the income will also decreased and hence at the end the results of
the patients test is also delayed.

The majority of the machinery and the instruments which are so important they are mainly
imported from the other countries, so in case of the breakdown and failure the spare parts of
these equipments is not easily found in the market, so we have make the maintenance
program for these equipments.

In many hospitals the radiology departments are situated in a very important place because
the patients can not move with films in the front of the departments and wards. So for that the
radiology departments are located from the beginning in a very strategic place.

3. Storage/warehouse:
. As usually the x-ray films are stored in racks with separators according to case or patients
numbers. The appropriate storage of the x-rays paves the way for recovery. In many hospitals
and health facilities the storage system is not appropriate and also unnecessary storing take
place. The records which are older than 3 or 4 months should be distracted.

4.Lack of Skilled Technicians:

There is lack of professional technicians, so it is crucial that the technicians must be trained,
some of the technicians have got on the job training. In many hospital they have few
programs for training, so they are limited to main areas, so it so important to expand the
training programs.


In many hospitals it is a big problem that the trained staff is engaged in extra-curricular works
like some clerical works such washing films and preparing reports and making registration,
so it is the misusage of the skill and it is so harmful for the organization.
Computerization: it is so important in many ways, and it think in this era it is so important
and crucial, it has many profits such as:
a. The data will be regularly and easily checked and retrieved and cross match of information
is so easy.
b. Control of inventory and even the asset management will go so swift and easily.


In many hospitals there is no proper mechanism for the waste management, all the expensive
should be used in a proper manner and we must not loose it because it will eat the profit
which is made by the hospital. So the staff will must be trained on waste management. By
this way we can control the flow of the wastage.


Blood is the part of life that is given to those who need it by those who have the resource to
satisfy the need. Emergencies occur every minute. For each patient requiring blood, it is an
emergency and the patients could have set back if blood is not available. And also the
surgeries need blood, and also the blood is also required in blood disease, such as leukemia’s,
thalassemia, and a blood cancer.

The main tasks of blood banks are as follows:- o Collection of Blood

o Testing of the blood.

o Storage of Blood.

o Supply of Blood to the hospitals and other health facilities are not doing properly and the
income will also decreased and hence at the end the results of the patients test is also delayed.


The healthcare industry is continuously evolving and becoming more technologically
advanced. The need for information managers in this field is escalating rapidly. The major
provides a solid foundation of knowledge about management in the healthcare industry and,
specifically, the management of information systems within the healthcare field. Emphasis is
on managing and advancing the application of information technology and systems to
improve the effectiveness of healthcare delivery in a variety of settings. This major meets the
industry’s desire for professionally educated individuals in the converging healthcare fields
of people and information management. Graduates with a degree in Healthcare Information
Systems Management will be

able to:
Analyze the informatics processes as it relates to the healthcare enterprise
Integrate information management processes with clinical processes to provide
effective healthcare delivery
Develop a plan to integrate the convergence of various healthcare information
technologies into a healthcare organization.
Identify the implications of federal regulations on healthcare IT
Compare and contrast the various process improvement strategies that can be used
in a healthcare IT environment
Analyze the relationship between the management of IT and the management of
people within a healthcare organization .


It provides less staff to operate and manage.

Decrease the paper work and enhance the accuracy.
It is easy to track, compile and get back the entered information
It can store large of data and information.
It can provide only one click type of ease.


1.Planned approach towards working:- The working in the organization will be well planned
and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval
of information as well as its storage.
2.Accuracy:- The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operation
would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the
center is accurate.
3.Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information.
4. No Redundancy:- In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is
repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage
space and consistency in the data stored.
5. Immediate retrieval of information: - The main objective of proposed system is to provide
for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of information would be
available whenever the user requires.
6. Immediate storage of information:- In manual system there are many problems to store the
largest amount of information.


Medinous Hospital Management System is powerful, flexible, easy to use and is designed and
developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. And more importantly
it is backed by reliable and dependable MediNous support.

This Hospital Management System is designed for multispeciality hospitals, to cover a wide
range of hospital administration and management processes.It is an integrated end-to-end
Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to
support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical
financial accounting, in a seamless flow.

MediNous is a flagship product of Nous Infosystems. The company began operations in 2000
with the mission to provide cost effective software solutions to its customers. Since then,
Nous has come a long way in establishing itself as a preferred vendor for a worldwide
clientele, by providing high quality business solutions and services. Initially, Nous had
started with offshore projects from a 100% Export oriented unit (EOU) registered with STPI
in Bangalore. In a short span of time, Nous has set up set up offices in USA, UK, Germany
and Australia. Nous has also partnered with a company in Dubai, to cater to the Middle East
market. The primary focus of the company is now being directed to e-commerce, offshore
projects, banking and healthcare sectors in addition to the software consulting business in the
USA, UK, Germany, Middle East and the emerging markets of Australia/Asia-Pacific

MentisSoft Solutions Pvt Ltd is the worldwide distributor for MediNous and takes care of its
business related activities.

The Nous team is motivated, knowledgeable and posses a high degree of business acumen.
These are the recipes that have formulated Nous into an innovative and knowledgeable
company. Thorough professionals, with authority in the technologies they handle, the
members of our team have immense experience and training backing them to meet client’s
demands. The team at Nous is adept at delivering results under tight schedules and
constraints of time.

With a view to keeping abreast of the rapid changes in information technology, Nous is
committed to deliver quality solutions to the varying information technology demands. We
have invested in a state-of-the-art development center to cater to the growing demand for
world class IT solutions. In this development center we are developing packaged software
solutions and customized software solutions for our esteemed clients.
Middle Management members must be able to plan, organize, control and lead departments
and sections with a focus on assistance upwards for application of scientific methods and
assistance downwards for application of scientific methods. They must have the same
capabilities as Senior Managers as well as Supervisory Managers and also be good at
interviewing techniques, goal achievement, conflict handling tactics and project management.
Supervisory Management members must also be able to plan, organize, control and lead
sections, units and individuals with a focus on operations, finance, people, information and

Lack of Management skills in employer or employees at every hierarchy level of the hospital
or healthcare facility can be detrimental. Lack of Management skills can lead to poor
performance, lack of improvement, low profit, decisions making, disheartening of employees,
lower productivity, and jeopardize your organization.

Therefore; it is obligatory that hospital managers should have the updated and cotemporary
knowledge of Management. In below sections, you will read more about hospital
management, that how to manage hospitals or any healthcare facility in order to achieve the
intended objectives to meet the organizational goals.

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