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De Lima, Kitty Faye Austria

Grade 12 STEM – Resourcefulness


In the movie entitled “Anak” that led by Vilma Santos as Josie as a

mother of three children namely: Carla (Claudine Barreto), Michael (Baron
Geisler) and Daday.

Josie take a job in Hong Kong as a nanny because she knows that she
can make far more money in abroad than at home, but she is afraid what will
the effect of her absence. Especially when her husband died, she thinks a
way to find an income. When she finally got home, she has a gifts for
everyone but her children don’t welcome her with an open arm.

This movie is all about a woman or a mother that encountered so many

trials and struggle just to make her family have a better life. And for the
duration and effort she spent in abroad and the sacrifice that others cannot
see. Also, this movie focused on the relationship of a parent and a child who
comes across a trials that led to a misunderstanding due to communication
gap. Moreover, it is about the rebellious daughter that hates her mother so
much since her mother is an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) and she is not
around or not with them during their growth.

The family today and many of the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) can
relate to this movie. Besides, the reason why their leave in the country are
the same that they just like to have a good life. Nobody wants to separate
from the family but because of the ambition or the goal they endure
difficulties. And in exchange of their suffering they may be prepare and ready
for the future of their children and they can give whatever they ask or want.

Its moral lesson, children need to realize that their mother or their
parent are the one who make sacrifice for their families. A child conversely
should love and love his/her parent as a return of what they have given. And
they must understand that their parents trying to make a living for the whole

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the
- Anthony

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