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Depression Level of Narcotics Abuse During Prisoners at the Mojokerto Class II B Penitentiary

Tri Ayu Wulandari *, Imam ZAINURI **, *** Basuki Duwi


Being a prisoner was a life stressor that was hard for the culprit. Feelings of sadness for inmates after
receiving punishment and various other things such as guilt, loss of freedom, feelings of shame, economic
and social sanctions and life at a prison full of psychological stress can cause depression. The purpose of this
study was to Determine the level of depression of drug abuse inmates while serving a sentence. The design
of this study was descriptive. The population at this study were all drug abuse inmates at the Mojokerto City
Class IIB Penitentiary at February 2019 as many as 161 people. The sampling technique of this study was
simple random sampling. The sample at this study was drug abuse inmates at the Mojokerto City Class IIB
Penitentiary at 114 of 2019. The research instrument uses the Burns Depression Checklist. The results of this
study suggested that the majority of respondents experienced mild depression, as many as 58 respondents
(50.9%), modelevel depression, as many as 34 respondents (29.8%), no depression, as many as 9 respondents
(7.9%), normal but not happy as many as 9 people (7.9%) and major depression as many as four people
(3.5%). Descriptive analysis suggested that most prisoners experienced mild depression. This was Because
Prisons are a very unpleasant place, where inmates with various types of criminal acts gather together at one
scope of Prisons, where inmates are not a group of people who can always relate well to others so that it will
cause pressure to the inmate. no depression as many as 9 respondents (7.9%), normal but not happy as many
as 9 people (7.9%) and major depression as many as four people (3.5%). Descriptive analysis suggested that
most prisoners experienced mild depression. This was Because Prisons are a very unpleasant place, where
inmates with various types of criminal acts gather together at one scope of Prisons, where inmates are not a
group of people who can always relate well to others so that it will cause pressure to the inmate. no
depression as many as 9 respondents (7.9%), normal but not happy as many as 9 people (7.9%) and major
depression as many as four people (3.5%). Descriptive analysis suggested that most prisoners experienced
mild depression. This was Because Prisons are a very unpleasant place, where inmates with various types of
criminal acts gather together at one scope of Prisons, where inmates are not a group of people who can
always relate well to others so that it will cause pressure to the inmate.

Keywords: level of depression, inmates, drug abuse


Being a prisoner is a severe life stressors for the culprit. Feelings of sadness on the inmates after
receiving as well as various other things such as guilt, loss of freedom, shyness, social and economic
sanctions as well as life in prison is full of psychological stress can lead to depression. The purpose of this
study was to determine the depressed levels for inmates serving sentences of drug abuse. This study was
descriptive. The population in this study are all drug abuse inmates at the Correctional Institution Class IIB
Mojokerto in February 2019 as many as 161 people. This research sampling technique is simple random
sampling. The sample in this research is drug abuse inmates at the Correctional Institution Class IIB
Mojokerto in February 2019 as many as 114 people. The research instrument used Burns Depression
Checklist. The results of this study indicate thatmost respondents experiencing mild depression as many as
58 respondents (50.9%), depression was about 34 respondents (29.8%), not depressed as much as 9
respondents (7.9%), normal but not happy as much as 9 (7 , 9%) and severe depression as much as 4 (3.5%),

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 1
Descriptive analysis showed most of the inmates suffered mild depression, This is because the prison is a
very unpleasant, where inmates with various types of criminal acts come together in the scope of prisons,
where inmates not a bunch of people who are always able to relate well to others, causing the pressure of its
own for inmates ,
Keywords: level of depression, prisoners, drug abuse

Correctional institutions (prisons) is inmates (3.7%) with a score between 17-20 had
actually the point of guidance for offenders who borderline depression, 8 inmates (29.6%) with a
have been sentenced by a court sentence. score of 21-30 indicated moderate depression, and
Coaching in question is coaching restorative or one inmate (3.7%) with score between 31-40 have
rehabilitative nature. Prisoners who are severe depression.
descriptors of individual occupants of prisons, is Results of a preliminary study on December
expected to be a better person than before they 3, 2018 shows that at the Correctional Institution
entered the prison institution. However, the Class II B Mojokerto, total inmates in October
adjustment process in the prison itself is not easy. 2018 amounted to 713 people, and convicted of
Inmates are exposed to a new culture, which is drug abuse as many as 330 people (46.3%).
very different from its culture or habits, prone to Results of interviews with five prisoners Drug
negative psychological effects such as withdrawal, abuse is known that four people (80%) say
depression, suicidal thoughts, and increased insomnia, 3 (60%) said reduced appetite, 3 (60%)
aggressive behavior (Ahmad & Mazlan, say lazy move, and 1 (20%) say never tried to
2014).The prevalence of moderate and severe commit suicide. The trial results of questionnaires
depression were higher among new inmates, while on the 10 inmates found that 4 (40%) had mild
minor depression is more common in older depression, 5 (50%) had moderate depression, and
prisoners, showed that inmates adapt to the prison 1 (10%) had severe depression.
environment from time to time (Constantino et al, Factors that cause a person to use drugs is a
2016). factor of self that includes a boost of self, of the
WHO data says that at the global level, environment, and from drug itself. Reasons for
more than 300 million people are estimated to using drugs as a great curiosity to try, without
suffer from depression, equivalent to 4.4% of the knowing or thinking about the consequences, the
population (WHO, 2017). Data Riskesdas (Health desire to have fun, the desire to follow the trend or
Research Association) in 2018 states that the style, a desire to be accepted by the environment,
prevalence of people aged ≥ 15 years who were or group, run out of boredom, problems or
depressed at 6.1%, and East Java province is troubles of life, understanding wrong that
under the national prevalence (MoH RI, 2018). occasional use does not cause addiction, can not
The research result Sari et al (2015) about afford or did not dare to face the pressure of the
the Depression Level Comparison between Non environment or social group for drug use, and can
recidivist and recidivist prisoners in Penitentiary not say "no" to drugs (UNICEF, 2010).
Class II A Banceuy West Java shows that the rate Being a prisoner is a severe life stressors for
of depression in non-recidivist prisoners of the culprit. Feelings of sadness on the inmates
62.96% were depressed, and 37.04% did not after receiving as well as various other things such
experience depression , while 22.21% recidivist as guilt, loss of freedom, shyness, social and
inmates suffering from depression, and 78.79% economic sanctions as well as life in prison in
did not have depression. stressful psychological stressors can exacerbate
Kaloeti research results et al (2017) showed and intensify before. The situation is affecting not
that depression overview X correctional inmates only the physical but also the psychological
have mild depression condition (M = 15:59, SD = adjustment of the individual. Often the
8:26), in which nine inmates (33.3%) with a score psychological conditions experienced by inmates
of 0-10 indicated normal, 8 inmates (29.6%) with in turn also cause physical complaints are more
scores between 11-16 have mild depression, 1 'severe'. At the physiological level, according to

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 2
prison officers is the most prominent complaints RESEARCH RESULT
of headache, fatigue, excessive tiredness, lack
bersemamgat in daily activities or activities General Data Respondents
(Hairina & Komalasari, 2017). 1. Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Actions that can be done as a gesture of table 1 Frequency Distribution of
preventive, among which are equipped with Respondents by Age in Prison Class
information about drug abuse and its effects, IIB Mojokerto in March 2019
avoid environment less conducive, develop criteria Age F %
assertiveness, increase faith and devotion to God <20 years 7 6.1
Almighty, immediately seek help in case of 20-29 66 57.9
problems, seek and creating a productive and 30-39 years 25 21.9
positive activity (Joseph, 2015). How to prevent 40-49 years 11 9.6
depression conducted by discussing feelings and 50-59 years 5 4.4
distribute stress properly, maintain a healthy total 114 100
lifestyle, for example, engage in activities or Source: Primary Data Research, 2019
hobbies are healthy, being open and positive
impact on depression, and actively seek help to Research results in Table 1 show that the majority
solve the problem (Hospital Authority, 2018) , of respondents aged 20-29 years is 66 respondents
This study uses a descriptive survey. In 2. Karakteristisk Respondents by Education
this study population was all over drug abuse table 2 Frequency Distribution of
inmates at the Correctional Institution Class IIB Respondents by Education in Prison
Mojokerto in February 2019 as many as 161 Class IIB Mojokerto in March 2019
people. The study uses probability sampling Education criteria F %
technique is simple random type sampling.Sampel (SD, SMP) 42 36.8
in this study is drug abuse inmates at the Medium (SMA) 67 58.8
Correctional Institution Class IIB Mojokerto in High (Higher Education) 5 4.4
2019. The sample size for simple random total 114 100
sampling with finite population / unknown is to Source: Primary Data Research, 2019
use Slovin following formula: Research results in Table 2 indicate that most
N respondents secondary education as many as 67
n respondents (58.8%).
1  N .d 2
Where :
3. Karakteristisk Respondents by Job
n : Number of samples
table 3 Frequency Distribution of
N : Total population
Respondents by Job in Prison Class
d : Precision or confidence level selected by
IIB Mojokerto in March 2019
criteria Work F %
Based on the formula above it can be seen that a
PNS 3 2.6
sample size of this study are:
161 Private employees 51 44.7
𝑛 = 1+161 (0,05)2 entrepreneur 42 36.8
161 farmer 8 7.0
𝑛 = 1,4025
Does not work 10 8.9
n = 114
total 114 100
So the sample size used was 114 people.
Source: Primary Data Research, 2019
The questionnaire used to measure the level of
depression questionnaire The Burns Depression
Research results in Table 3 show that almost half
of the respondents worked as private employees as
many as 51 respondents (44.7%).

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 3
depression 4 3.5
4. Karakteristisk Respondents by Old Penalties Extreme depression 0 0
that have been undertaken total 114 100
table 4 Frequency Distribution of Source: Primary Data Research, 2019
Respondents by Lama penalty that
has been undertaken at the Research results in Table 6 shows that most
Correctional Institution Class IIB respondents had minor depression as many as 58
Mojokerto in March 2019 respondents (50.9%).
Penalties Lama criteria that
F %
have been undertaken DISCUSSION
≤ 6 months 20 17.5 Research results in Table 6 shows that most
> 6 months 94 82.5 respondents had minor depression as many as 58
total 114 100 respondents (50.9%), depression was about 34
Source: Primary Data Research, 2019 respondents (29.8%), not depressed as much as 9
Research results in Table 4 show that almost all respondents (7.9%), normal but not happy as
respondents had been serving a sentence of> 6 much as 9 people (7.9%) and severe depression as
months at 94 respondents (82.5%). much as 4 (3.5%).
Being a prisoner is a severe life stressors for
the culprit. Feelings of sadness on the inmates
after receiving as well as various other things such
as guilt, loss of freedom, shyness, social and
economic sanctions as well as life in prison in
stressful psychological stressors can exacerbate
and intensify before. The situation is affecting not
5. Karakteristisk Respondents by Lama verdict only the physical but also the psychological
table 5 Frequency Distribution of adjustment of the individual. Often the
Respondents by Long Sentence in psychological conditions experienced by inmates
Prison Class IIB Mojokerto in March in turn also cause physical complaints are more
2019 'severe' (Hairina & Komalasari, 2017).
Criteria Lama verdict F % According to researchers, depression
≤ 3 years 52 45.6 experienced by inmates since the prison is a very
> 3 years 62 54.4 unpleasant, where inmates with various types of
total 114 100 criminal acts come together in the scope of
Source: Primary Data Research, 2019 prisons, where inmates not a bunch of people who
are always able to relate well to others, causing its
Research results in Table 5 shows that most own pressure for inmates. In addition, the stigma
respondents verdicts> 3 years of the 62 of the prisoners also make inmates experience
respondents (54.4%). more stress, a poor neighborhood in prisons,
treatment of officers, inmates can also trigger
Custom Data Level of Depression depressed.
table 6 Distribution Frequency Rate of Mild depression experienced by the
depression drug abuse prisoners respondent due to the respondent has been able to
serving a sentence at the Correctional adapt to the environment in the prison, but is still
Institution Class IIB Mojokerto in under pressure because of long lived verdict is
March 2019 still long so that they feel the loss of freedom in a
Criteria Level of Depression F % long time still. Symptoms of mild depression that
not Depression 9 7.9 most felt was sometimes feel sad and unhappy in
Normal But Not Happy 9 7.9 prison, guilty / ashamed imprisoned, difficulty
Mild depression 58 50.9 making decisions in prison, because many
Moderate depression 34 29.8 prisoners' rights were lost while in jail so as not to

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 4
make their own decisions, inmates feel spending a sometimes feel sad and unhappy in prison, guilty /
little time with friends, feeling tired, it's hard to ashamed imprisoned, difficulty making decisions
sleep, decreased appetite, and feeling anxious in prison, was spending less time with friends,
about his health. feeling tired, it's hard to sleep, decreased appetite,
Depression was caused by the respondent and felt apprehensive health.
verdicts of old and new serving a sentence so the The results of this study are supported by
period of the sentence being served longer, so the research conducted by Kaloeti et al (2017) showed
pressure is felt still quite large, a sense of loss of that depression picture inmates of correctional X
separation from family and friends, loss of has a depression, in which nine inmates (33.3%)
freedom and pleasure in a long time making indicated normal, 8 inmates (29.6%) had mild
respondents with depression being. Symptoms of depression, 1 inmates (3.7%) had depression
depression were most felt was feeling sad and borderline, 8 inmates (29.6%) indicated moderate
unhappy that extreme in prison, sometimes depression, and one inmate (3.7% ) had severe
sobbed in prison, felt little heart, low self esteem, depression.
worthlessness, guilt / shame because in prison, Based on the indicators of thoughts and
denounced and blamed himself , difficulty making feelings, obtained an average score of 0.99, which
decisions in prison, loss of interest in family, means indicators of the respondents sometimes
friends or colleagues outside prison, the loneliness experience symptoms on indicators of thoughts
in prison, the inmate was spending less time with and feelings. Respondents sometimes feel sad or
friends, fall in despair when in jail, unhappy in prison,
Major depression experienced by sobbed while in prison, was little hearts convict,
respondents is because aside from the verdict that despair, low self-esteem due to being a prisoner,
they lived longer, and the new serving a sentence, feeling of worthlessness / no inadequate, guilty /
also caused respondents coping skills in the face ashamed imprisoned, criticize or blame yourself
of pressure inside the jail is not good. Symptoms for being a prisoner, and difficulty making
of depression were most felt was saddened with decisions in prison. Symptoms that scores the
moderate symptoms when in prison, but was highest is feeling sad or fall in despair when in jail
unhappy in the extreme in prison, sobbed in the and unhappy in prison.
extreme in prison, was a small heart with Based on the indicators of activity and
moderate symptoms, are desperate to the extreme, social relationships, obtained an average score of
sometimes feel low self-esteem, worthlessness, 0.91, which means indicators of the respondents
guilt / shame as extreme as imprisonment, sometimes experience symptoms on indicators of
criticize and blame themselves, difficulty making activity and social relations. Respondents
decisions in prison, loss of interest in family, sometimes lose the sense of interest in family,
friends or colleagues outside prison, the loneliness friends, or colleagues outside prison, lonely in jail,
in prison, spend a little time with friends in prison, loss of
Respondents who did not have depression motivation for smoking, lose interest in activities
caused by a long sentence of no more than 3 years within the prison, avoiding activities in prisons, as
and is already serving a sentence long enough so it well as loss of pleasure or satisfaction because life
is more adapted to the prison environment, and in prison. Symptoms with the highest score is
this is more going on inmates serving worship spend a little time with friends in prison, because
properly so that they can receive the current of a relationship with a friend is definitely limited
condition and makes prison as a place to so only occasionally visited by his friend, unless
contemplate the error. your friends who are also equally be in prison for
Respondents were normal but not happy the same case. Symptoms with the lowest score is
because in prison is not a happy thing, so that the loss of a sense of interest in family, friends, or
respondents are already trying to adapt during colleagues outside prison because of family,
long prison terms and convictions also> 3 years, friends, and colleagues are part of the social
but remains in prison is not the place that makes relations are the closest that still want to get
happy. Symptoms that are still being felt is together with them.

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 5
Based on the indicators of physical stress on the respondent thus experiencing
symptoms, obtained an average score of 1.16 and moderate depression.
an indicator of the indicator with the highest score Research results in Table 2 indicate that
means. Respondents sometimes feel tired, trouble most respondents secondary education as many as
sleeping or sleeping too much, a decrease or 67 respondents (58.8%). Results of cross
increase in appetite, loss of interest in sex, and tabulation shows that the majority (75%) of
feeling anxious about his health. Symptoms with respondents who are severely depressed primary
the highest scores were tired, activity in the prison education.
has been scheduled by the penitentiary. Symptoms Poor education make it more difficult for
with the lowest score is the interest about sex someone to solve the problem and receive
because sexual turmoil strongly influenced by information, so this may be a risk factor for
hormonal and physiological systems of the body, depression (Prabhaswari & Ariastuti, 2015).
so that prisons can not hinder the interest of adults Education is closely associated with a
towards sex. person's thinking pattern including prisoners. Poor
Based on the indicators of suicidal impulse, education makes inmates less have the ability to
obtained an average score of 0.26 and an indicator overcome problems due to lack of ability to
of the indicator with the lowest score is an receive information on how to deal with a
indicator, which means that at least the symptoms problem which resulted in poor coping and
felt by inmates. Some respondents did think of acceptance of prisoners to the problems being
suicide because almost all kebebasnnya lost while lived, resulting in severe depression.
in prison, causing very heavy pressure for him. Research results in Table 3 show that
However, death is the most feared by all humans almost half of the respondents worked as private
are no exception inmates so suicidal thoughts only employees before going to jail as many as 51
occasionally cross their minds. respondents (44.7%). Results of cross tabulation
Research results in Table 1 show that the shows that the majority (75%) of respondents who
majority of respondents aged 20-29 years is 66 suffered from severe depression had previously
respondents (57.9%). Results of cross tabulation worked as an entrepreneur.
shows that 100% of respondents who experienced One of the factors that lead to depression is
severe depression aged 20-29 years. to stop the work (pensions so that contact with co-
Depression can occur from various walks of workers disconnected or reduced), the withdrawal
life. Each population is experiencing a mood of the various activities (as a result rarely met with
disorder in their lifetime and previous experience many people) (Azizah, 2016).
mood disorders. Major depression usually Being a prisoner makes a person suffered
develops in young adulthood, with the average multiple losses, including loss of a job, because
age of onset is the mid-20 years. But these the convict then someone broke relations with the
disorders can be experienced even by small outside world. Respondents who are self-
children, although until the age of 14 years the employed tend to be the main pillar of the family
risk is very low (Nevid et al, 2009). economy that is currently in jail, the family
In accordance with the above theory, that declined financially significant to make the
the respondents who are severely depressed or 20- inmates were under heavy pressure because of
29 year olds around the age of 20 years because in thinking about economic conditions families due
young adulthood is more easily triggered by to be abandoned by the respondent to serve a
stressors so the longer imprisoned then felt sentence, it is the cause of major depression on
increasingly severe stressor that causes the respondents.
respondent suffered from severe depression. Results of cross tabulation shows that
However, people aged 50-59 years are also shows that the majority (75%) of respondents who
experiencing depression was caused because at are severely depressed already serving a sentence
this age are approaching the elderly (pre elderly) of> 6 months and half (50%) of respondents who
so feel that they should be at home with her are severely depressed verdicts> 3 years.
family to spend their old age, it causes severe

Studies Depression Level Inmates Undergo Drug Abuse During Punishment in Institutions
Correctional Class II B Mojokerto 6
The prevalence of moderate and severe relate well to others, causing the pressure of its
depression were higher among new inmates, while own for inmates
minor depression is more common in older
prisoners, showed that inmates adapt to the prison SUGGESTION
environment (Constantino et al, 2016). 1. for Inmates
According to researchers, nearly all Expected to inmates to counseling by
respondents were already long in prison, so it is health professionals and get closer to God
more adapted little by little so that the longer in Almighty that can reduce psychological stress
prison, respondents had to adapt to the in order to cope with depression.
environment and social life in prison, although 2. For Prisons
there are three people who are already serving a Expected to prisons to provide positive
sentence > 6 months still feel a deep depression activities to develop the skills of prisoners,
caused by other factors such as the length of the providing entertainment for prisoners, giving
sentence still long to live so had to leave the spiritual cleansing to hold spiritual activities
family, especially if the previous respondent is the together religious figures.
backbone of the family, guilt always provide 3. For Medicals
psychological pressure because it could not It is expected that health professionals are
support his family,while one respondent who able to provide mental care to prisoners who
stayed 4 month sentence experienced severe are depressed so that nurses are able to provide
depression due to the huge embarrassment to the the appropriate action on the inmates.
family and the surrounding environment so that 4. For Further Research
all forms of enjoyment and life satisfaction can no It is expected to conduct research to
longer he felt. examine the development of family visits
Respondents who did not have depression factor ddan other predisposing factors that may
was more common in respondents who received a cause depression in prisoners.
verdict of> 3 years. It can be caused because the
respondents have already started to adapt to the BIBLIOGRAPHY
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not happy most of verdicts ≤ 3 years, this was due Ahmad, A. & Mazlan, NH (2014). Stress and
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