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Roll Number:

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

(Deemed University)
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Mid Semester Examination
BE (BT and C0E23) Course Code: UHU005
Course Name: Humanities for
March 16, 2019 Saturday, 8.00 - 10.00 Hrs
Time: 2 Hours, M. Marks: 30 Name of Faculty: Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Instructions: Attempt all questions. Assume

missing value (if any)

Question Description Marks

Q.1 Explain the concept of perception and discuss the factors affecting it.

What do you mean by attribution? Discuss the attribution theory given by Fritz Heider (3)

Q.3 Explain the concept of Transaction Analysis. Discuss the different ego states and (4)
various types of transactions between two persons.
Q.4 What do you mean by group dynamics? Explain the Tuckman's Five-Stage Theory of
Group Development

Q.5 Explain the concept of Emotional Intelligence. Discuss the Emotional Intelligence (4)

Q.6 Briefly discuss the modern Maslow Hierarchy needs theory of motivation. Discuss the (4)
different types of motivation at workplace.

Q.7 Calculate the elasticity of demand for the demand curve: P= 7500-15Q at each of the (4)
following price and quantity levels:
a) P =1500
b) P = 3000
c) P= 4500

Q.8 Crystal, a TV manufacturing company, is planning to increase the price of its television (4)
sets by 15% next year. The economic report of the country has forecasted rise in per
capita income by 7.5% during this period. Crystal economic advisor has estimated price
elasticity for the TV set at (-1.48) and income elasticity at 2.156. The Crystal currently
sells 10,000 TV sets.
a) Give the forecast for the sales in next period
b) Is it advisable to raise the price en each TV set is currently priced at Rs. 12,500?

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