Clyde Shelton: Well, Justice Should Be Harsh Nick... Especially For Those Who Denied It To Others

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Daniele Psalm C.



1. Nick Rice: I had to call his wife and tell her that her husband had been buried alive.
Clyde Shelton: Well, justice should be harsh Nick... especially for those who denied it to others.

>Sometimes, the saying "Don't do to others what you don't want others do to you" should be
remembered by people. Karma is now digital, it hits you faster than a bullet especially when you deserve
it. People should always think about their actions first before actually doing it.

2. Nick Rice: What principle was at work when you tortured and killed those people?
Clyde Shelton: That everyone must be held accountable for their actions.

>What you reap is what you sow. Clyde is a mad man here and because of his madness, he was
the one who gave the two their consequences. He wants people to see and realize that people should not
be contented on a given "justice" when they could have done more than what they gave.

3. Nick Rice: It's not what you know. It's what you can prove in court.

>This line really hit me. Sometimes, knowing everything is not enough to save you from
something. You have to have a solid evidence or else, you'll lose and it hurts to know that fact.

4. Nick Rice: You think your wife and daughter would feel good about you killing in their name?
Clyde Shelton: My wife and daughter can't feel anything. They're dead.

>I felt the sadness of Clyde on this line. He doesn't care about what will happen to him anymore
because the ones that matters the most are already gone. He was ready to show his madness to give his
family the justie he thinks they deserve.

5. Clarence Darby: Can't fight fate.

>Three words but has million meanings. You really can't fight fate how hard you may try because
your fate is your destiny. But, you make your own destination in life.

6. Jonas Cantrell: The hard part isn't making the decision. It's living with it.

>It is already a human's nature to make decisions. Making decisions are easy for most. But,
making it and living with that decision is really hard because it becomes a responsibility. Responsibility
makes people accountable of everything and humans, by nature, hates responsibilities hence living with
the decisions they make in life becomes difficult.

7. Clyde Shelton: ln my experience, Nick, lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten.

>This is sadly true. People even only know the importance of someone or something when it is
already gone. Same goes with the lessons in life. People will not learn from their mistakes when they can
bear the consequences but if the consequences hit them hard, they will surely learn from it.
8. Clyde Shelton: How carefully should I tread? Because apparently, I just killed two people! And you
are about to let me walk right out that door! How misguided are you!? I feed you a couple of bullshit legal
precedents, and there you go - you jump on it like a bitch in heat!

>This shows that people are sometimes "too confident" about everything that they easily trust on
anything. Some people are easily blinded by procrastinations and all.

9. Nick Rice: Like I said Clyde, it's a decision you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. Which I figure
right now is about 25 more seconds.

>We are always one decision away from a different life. It is most important to carefully decide on
things especially when it comes to bigger ones. Your decisions lead you to your fate as you are the one
who's making it.

10. Dwight Dixon: What'd you do to get in here, anyways?

Clyde Shelton: I did what I had to do.

>We all think differently and people can't argue with every one about it. Sometimes doing what a
person knew he has to do leads him to wrong.

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