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The Cause of DSM major depressive disorder

DSM major depressive disorder is a mental illness defined in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). DSM provides diagnostic criteria used by
physicians for major depressive disorder (MDD) and all diagnoses of mental disorders.
The criteria for diagnosis of DSM major depressive disorder require the occurrence of
one or more major depressive episodes. Symptoms of major depressive episodes
include, mood of depression, anhedonia, weight loss, sleep disorder, psychological
agitation, loss of energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, low ability to think, death or suicide.

In MDD, DSM indicates a depressed mood or anhedonia must exist. In addition to DSM
standards for major depression episodes above, the episode should include: social
depth, great suffering, employment or other important areas of life, not arising from
drug abuse, does not meet other mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar
disorder. Major depression may be considered moderate, mild or severe. DSM major
depressive disorder also recognizes that MDD can occur with psychotic symptoms.
When the MDD lasted for more than two years, DSM described it as a chronic
depression or dyspepsia.

If you feel depressed, make an appointment to see your doctor or mental health
professional as soon as possible. If you are hesitant to seek treatment, talk to a friend,
religious leader, health care professional, or any other person you trust. When you get
emergency help? If you believe you can injure yourself or try to commit suicide, call your
local emergency number immediately. If you have a dear person who may be in danger
of committing suicide or committed suicide, make sure that someone stays with that

It is not known exactly what causes DSM major depressive disorder. Like many
mental disorders, there may be different factors, such as biological differences. People
with depression seem to have physical changes in their brains. The importance of this
change is uncertain, but it can help determine the cause. Neurons are normal chemicals
in the brain that may play a role in depression. Recent research has shown that changes
in the function and effects of these neurotransmitters and how they interact with neural
circuits that are involved in maintaining mood stability can play an important role in
depression and treatment.

Hormone may be involved in changes in the body that causing depression. Hormonal
changes can lead to pregnancy, thyroid problems, postpartum, menopause or a number
of othe conditions. Depression is more common in people who also have relatives of the
blood condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing
depression. Depression usually begins in teens, but can occur at any age. The number of
women who suffer from depression is diagnosed more than men, but this may be partly
because women are more likely to seek treatment. Depression is a serious disorder that
can be very harmful to you and your family. DSM major depressive disorder is
often exacerbated if left untreated, resulting in emotional, behavioral and health
problems that affect every area of your life.

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