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Course Title: ANATOMY-I

Credit Units: 04
Course Level: UG Course Code:ANAT102
Course Objectives: The course is designed to help students understand the concept of:The gross 3 0 2 0 4
structure of human body, specifically musculo-skeletal and Cardio-respiratory. The anatomical
principles in the practice of physiotherapy

Pre-requisites: Fundamental concepts in Basic Sciences

Cell Biology

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)

Module I: General Anatomy 25

Introduction and concepts

Anatomical Terms
Importance of Anatomy in Physiotherapy
Bone structure, blood supply, growth, ossification and classification.
Muscle classification, structure and functional aspect.
Nerve-structure, classification with examples.
Neurons-classification with examples, simple reflex arc. Parts of typical spinal curve/Dermatomes Joints-
classification, structures of joint, movements, range limiting factors, stability, blood supply, nerve supply,
dislocations and applied anatomy.
Circulatory system-Parts of heart, blood supply, major arteries and veins of the body, structure of blood
Lymphoid system-circulation & function, lymphoid organs and their structure and functions.
Module II: Histology 10
Cell structure & Function.
Connective tissue and its types
Histology of Bone, Muscle, Nerve, etc.

Module III: Extremities Upper extremity 25

Bony architecture
Joints – structure, range of movement
Muscles – origin, insertion, actions, nerve supply
Major nerves – course, branches and implications of nerve injuries
Development of limb bones and muscles, anomalies
Surface Anatomy

Module IV: Spine 20

Muscles of back – Superficial layer, Deep muscles, origin, insertion, action and nerve supply.
Vertebral column – Development & Structure, Structure & Joints of vertebral column
Applied anatomy & Developmental defects.
Surface Anatomy.

Module V: Thorax 20
Thoracic cage Pleural cavities & Pleura Lungs and Respiratory tree Mediastinum , Pericardium, Heart
and great vessels, Diaphragm & Surface Anatomy

List of Practicals :

 Skeleton of upper limb - clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, skeleton of hand
 Joints of upper limbs, their structure, Movements
 Brachial plexus
 Pectoral region and axilla , Mammary glands
 Cubital fossa
Student Learning Outcomes: After completing the course students will be demonstrate the ability to explain:
The gross structure of human body, specifically musculo-skeletal and Cardio-respiratory
The anatomical principles in the practice of physiotherapy
 Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
Classes are conducted on the basis of presentation, demonstration and practical session.
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

50 50 100

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

Components (Drop Components Attendance Class test Home Assignment Case/Presentation

Weightage (%) Weightage (%) 5 15 5 70

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

Components (Drop Attendance Practical Test Home Case/Presentation Practical Paper

down Assignment

Weightage (%) 5 15 5 5 70

 Handbook of General Anatomy, Dr. B.D. Chaurasia
 Colour Atlas of Anatomy, a Photographic study of the Human Body, Roben, Johanneswetal
 Gray’s Anatomy, M. Berry, Lawrence H. Bannister
 Text Book of Anatomy (3 vol.), B.D. Chaurasia
 Textbook of Anatomy by Inderbir Singh; 4th edition; Jaypee Publications.

Practical Book:

 Anatomy Workbook- A Practical Guide, BlueRose Publishers, ISBN 978-93-88427-92-0

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