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This rent agreement is made on 13.09.2019 at New Delhi, between Shri -----------

(hereinafter called the first party/landlord).


Sh. …….(hereinafter called the second party/tenant).

WHEREAS the first party is the landlord and owner of the part of premises bearing
No:…………………, has agreed to let out the part of Ground Floor for residential use in
the said premises is equal.


That the agreement commenced from 13th September, 2019 and shall be for the
period upto 13th August, 2020 (Eleven Month Only).

WHEREAS the tenancy shall be from 1 st to the last day of each English Calendar
month and the rent shall be payable on or before the 1 st day of each English calendar
month in advance.

That the second party/tenant shall pay the electricity charges besides the rent.

That the second party / tenant shall pay the monthly rent of Rs 4000 by “CASH”/
CHEQUE” only.

That the first party / landlord will be authorized to inspect the said premises at any
time in the presence of the tenant and the landlord will authorized to make the
necessary repair, addition or alteration etc. in the said property.

That the second party / tenant shall not make any structural addition or alteration in
the said tenanted premises without the written consent of the first party/landlord.
If the second party /tenant want free to wash hands off from said rent agreement,
than the condition that second party/ Tenant should give at least one month notice
to the first party/landlord or vice-versa.

That the second party / tenant shall not sub –let the said premises or any portion
thereof to any person or persons in any circumstances.

That the tenant shall not make any kind of damages to the said premises, or its
floor, walls, doors, stairs, fittings, etc. at all.

That both the parties will be binding upon the terms and conditions of this rent

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the landlord and tenant have signed this rent
agreement. On the day, month and year first above written in the presence of the
following witnesses.


1. …………………..……………



2. …………..………………….



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