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a oer including matched play games, USING AN YNNARI ARMY IN WARHAMMER 40,000 The rules presented in this section are intended tobe used in addition to those presented in Codes: Cutwo (Codex: Drukhart and Codex: Harlequins Ityour army is Battle forged you can include Yoraine (p38), the Visarch (pg 40) othe Yncarne (pg) in any CRAFTWORLDS, HARLEQUINS or DRUKHARI Detachment as defined in their respective codexes) provided thatthe Detachment does not include any ofthe following units any AELDARK named character (other than Yering, the Visarch or the Yacarne), any Mandrakes, the Avatar of Khaine, Slitaies or any units. ° 1 Yeraine, the Viarch or the Yncarne i included i a CRAPTWORLDS, HARLEQUINS or DRUKHARE Detachment, you can choose for that Detachment to remain a CRAFTWORLDS, HARLEQUINS or DRUKHARI Detachment, or fr that Detachment to become an nant Detachment. you choose forthe Detachment to remain asa CRArTWwORLDS, HARLEQUINS or DRUKHARL Detachment, then Yorane, the Visarch or the Yncarne can be included in that Detachment without preventing other nits from gaining the following Detachment abilities: The Path of War, Craftworld Attributes, Vanguard ofthe Dark City Raiding Fore, Drukhari Ose the Black Library, Masque Forms. Note that Yvrane, the ions, Defenders of Visurch or the Ynearne do not benef from any ofthese abilities themselves. you choose forthe Detachment to become an YNNARI Detachment, then all units in that Detachment gain the YNNARI keyword keyword). The Detachment is no longer considered to bea CRAFrWoRLDS, HARLEQUINS of DRUKHARI Detachment, and so cannot use Craftworlds, Harlequins or ote that this is nota Faction Deukbari Detachment abilities, Stratagems, Warlord Traits Relics, psychic powers or Tactical Objectives respectively Ako note that you cannot use Craftworlds, Harlequins or akbar Stratagems or psychic powers, to affect YNNARI anit from your army, eventhough they may have the appropriate keyword (eg, you cannot use a Cratworlds INDEX: YNNARI Index: Ynnari contains the rules required to play games with your Yana replace all the rules forthe Yanari presented in Indes: Xenos J. Amongst these are updated datasheets and points values for Ywraine, the Visarch and the Yacarne, as well as updated rules detailing how you can field an Army of the Reborn. In this section you will also find rules for Yanari Detachments, including Stratagems, Relics, psychic powers and Warlord Traits. These rules have been designed to be used in all types of games, army. The rules presented here to ae 19 ASURYANI unit fom your army he YwNant keyword, you cannot use a psychic over to affect friendly AsumvANt unt that has the YYniwart keyword tc). In adlition, all YWNAR units ceplae every instanceof , , < or on ther datasheet with from the table below “ “even Cute [Remon Droxant Renonn Hantegury ABILITIES IF your army is Batle forged, ll Troops nits in ‘YnNARi Detachments (excluding Super heavy Auaila the Reclaim the Galaxy ability. I is Bate forged, ‘Ynami Detachments (excluding Super-heavy Auxiliary sdditon, if yours ILYNNARE units in Detachments) gain the Strength From Death ability Allies of the Reborn Beast, Ixcumt and Source wnits can be included in preventing other units an Yana Detachment witho in that Detachment fo lity. Note, however, tha these units never themalves in the Strength from Death abi RECLAIM THE GALAXY The Yanari seek out places or relics of great power inthe We Aeldar in thes in ‘A nit with this ability that is within range ofan objective ‘marker controls it even if there ate more enemy models vwthin ange oft Fan enemy unit within ange of the objective marker has a similar ability then tis controlled bythe player who has the most models within range ss normal. STRENGTH FRoM DEATH WARHAMMER ‘ATES FACTION KEYWORDS KevOORDS Peau? Heald of Vanead: Each tne another Asta models sain within 6" of Yrune rll one D6. Ona 44, Yvrsne Runesuit:Yrsine has 4+ invulnerable st regains one lost wound, Ithe model was &PSVKER, you ‘cin generate one additonal peychic power for Yrine ‘Strength from Death (p29) Gyrinx Familiar Ad 1 to Psychic ests and Deny the Witch test made for this mod ih the transport in ith other Revered Figurchead: This Ar.pani Taansronr, event "Wrane can tempt to manifest two peychic powers in each friendly Pal ay one Faehas pews cach assy Pre pe: Shc vows te Sie power ad Revenant discipline (pg 45) AELDARI, YNNARI ARACTEN, INFANTRY, PSYKER, YVRAINE NAME The Visarch weaPon ACTON KEYWORDS evans, The Vierch ia angle model equ ‘nly one ofthis model maybe lndaded Race TYPE soe ‘Warden of Yraine: Each time Yoraine lores ‘Strength fom Death (pg 39) x AnuDaRt —_Visarch to shi ol one D600 a2 Dé.On Yraine anelost wound that model amo sare Attacks (Chaaepied of Yauced: Each tie no ao, the Visarch egal wound Characteristic for theres ofthe battle Foreehiel The Vsarch hs a4 invulnerable st Way ofthe Blade: Re-roll hit rolls of nly Yuwant models whist Revered Figurchead: This model can embark Arupani TRansronr, eventhough the tans ‘question might normally only permit models with other AELDARI, (CHARACTER, INFANTRY, THE VisaRcit THE YNCARNE NAME nn eee The Yncarne 0 TM 9S 9H he Yacarne i single model equipped with: Vilth-har, the Sword of Souls, Only one of this model maybe included in your army wearon RANGE TYPE so Amumes Miia tbeSwE Mae Mae ek py Yasue stacks mad with ‘Summoned by Death Each tne a units destroyed you can immediately remove the Yncare from the Avatar: The Yncarne has 34+ batted and sett up agai as close a pose to ‘ABLES Sirength from Death Daem eave the position ofthat unt, ore than 1 frm all enemy models. The Yncane may not charge in the tr iis et ppthe Yocarn, can up inthis manner eld. ie Incrtable Death: When be setup in wating rather th i then each ime ui iscompetely Yanead Stirs Friendly Yewams units automatically pass destroyed, you can choose to et upthe Yacarneas Moral tests whilst they ae within ofthis model In tlose as possible to the positon ofthat unit, more than addition, whenevera friendly YNNARI nit within 6 T fiom allenemy models The Yncarne may not charge ofthe Yncarne loses a wound, roll one D6; on a6 that inthe turn its setup in this anne wound snot ost Avatar of Yanead: Eich time another AELDARI model sain wihin 6 ofthe Yacarae, ol one D6. On a, he Vane regins one lost wound SIRE The Vacarne can alten fo manila two apc powers in each fiendly Peychlc phase, and attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Peychic phase. tows the Smite power and two psychic powers rom the Revenant scpine (pg 45) ACTON KEYWORDS ‘AELDARI, YNNARE oe) wevworas ‘CHARACTER, MONSTER, DAEMON, FLY, PSVKER, THE YNCARNE POINTS & WARGEAR Ifyou are playing a matched play game, ora game that uses a points limit, you can use the following lst to determine the total points cost of your army. Simply add together the points ofall your models to determine your army’s total points value. ‘MOOELS POTS PER MODEL PERUNT cluding wargea) | | the Visarch 120 The Yn -WARHAMMER POLLS YNNARI STRATAGEMS If your army is Batle-forged and includes any Yxwant Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you have access to the Stratagems shown here, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique strategies used by the Reborn on the battlefield. Ifa Stratagem is used before the battle to u de a unit (eg. Exalted of Ynnead) and you have an army roster, {you must note on it which Stratagems are used to upgrade which units, CD aL Serna Thar gater no great hot. the presence of Sette ee eed Perey act tone) eet tee eto) he cs See eer eran ne eer et aera Pere DSLR Seer Eee een ae arn thei woes dsracting and disturbing nearby foes. ee eer ans Reoeeenren inert pra etd trea ces et Pant ene reed Pee et ee (2) Sere ae caer (a tape sp ee enters emanate thes eter rycen ty (] a erie ee ea eee ete Ree erie Crees rr eens cnt rent eet cern eet to the Attacks characteristic ofeach of these units et eee een May 7019 INEVITABLE FATE eaten ene eat Select one enemy unit, Re-oll wound ol for stacks made with melee weapons by YWNARE units ea a) amend Pykers among the Yaar hots con use the soul of the Sane ey ee erent Rea eee ores SS aa arene ent Paychc test fany enemy units were destroyed power from the ore REBORN TOGETHER eerie ee ere ee ete et hen eee ey Pee UT tet eee cr een roc Aa aa arte eens eee ey eee ere cts et eet ee ety eee ee er eng ener (@] ‘ATASTE FOR DEATH Seared fen een ey eee ee eee ee es! Penne cere eer et una! ere eet) that unit uni the end ofthe turn DOT parca ee eee rope scree ets Serna ce erg from your army in the webway instead of pacing Peet ete eee Etec eaten ee et ees cee ty eee eee eet eee ee er This Stratagem can only be used once per atl (we ] Tae) amend ee a ee er prey enee is hae eee ee ee ets peau cent aeteent ts not your Warlord and isnot a named character. Cea et es See ee eat ey Per nae tet Pee cr me tet Se ene eee ee eee tee eens (zr) aT eek Ce eee eee eee a Renee entoevtatht catenin eee nee eer ee ceeey ones eert ce at ean position, and more than I" fom any enemy models, ce ls Serer eee eee Sener eee oan eh eee ee ene read ee es en eee een for attacks mide by modes in that uni tha target aad ered drawing fro reprisal Ser eon eee en] ee es ee ee eed ee ee erred eA Tea) pared Cre ae Pen eee eer your army Falls Back. Tha unit can still shoot and eee reverent art ene eer destroyed, Units rom your army with the Strength From Death ability benef from Soulbust ations forthe remainder of the bate, even ifn unit has Por ee teeta (zw) PS ea eee ee pee Se eee Sern Pn ee ere ee ee ea eee er ee ee tes Sent en one atid eens MAY 2019, were vane 48 Na eT ( WARLORD TRAITS Among the Reborn are found Aeldari from every part of ther scattered race. ‘The mightiest of these warriors inevitably rise to command great hosts of the Reborn fan Yowant Cuamactex is your Named Characters and Warlord Traits 1fYoraine is your Warlord, she mut be ‘Warlord, they can generate « Warlord Trait from the fllowing cof one from the Warhammer 40,000 given the Favoured of Yanead Warlord rulebook. You can either rol on the able Trait. Ifthe Visarch is your Warlord, torandomly generate a Warlord Trait, _he must be given the Master of Death ‘oryou can select the one that best suits Warlord Trait Ifthe Yncarne is your their temperament and preferred syle of Warlord, it must be given the Warden of waging wat Souls Warlord Trait 06 WARLORD TRAIT 1 LORD OF REBIRTH The 4) FEAR OF THE GRAVE ne fife and knows neither mercy nor fear ~the same cannot be said of the got foes, This Warlord regains one lost wound at the start ofeach Enemy units must subtract bute round, In addition, each from their Leadership time this Warlord would Tose 3 characteristic whilst they are ‘wound, roll one Dé on a 5+ that within 6" ofthis Warlord (they ‘wound is not lost ‘must subtract 2 instead during any turn in which an enemy unit 2 WARDEN OF SOULS wwas destroyed by an attack made Thi Warlord isthe keeper of by this Warlord). 5 FAVOURED OF YNNEAD The energies of the dea seek the energies of death i unparalleled. Whilst this Warlords Warlord out, swirling around ‘benefiting from Soulburst ther like a gle, and carrying sctions, add I to its Attacks and ‘Strength characteristic, hem into the foe Each time this Warlord piles in 3) WALKER OF MANY PATHS or consolidates, they can move The Walon hard-earned skils tp to instead of up to 3 ave been honed by walking the ‘many paths ofthe Ae MASTER OF DEATH The Warlord has great expertise in You can reroll one hit rll severing ofthe ond that binds the ‘or wound rol made for this ody to the soul ‘Warlord each tuen. In addition, if your army is Battle forge, ach unmodified hit roll of 6 ‘whilst this Warlords on the smade for an attack witha melee battlefield, roll one Dé each time ‘weapon by this Warlord scores 2 you spend a Command Point hits instead of 1 (CP) to use a Stratagem; on a 5+ that CPs immediately refunded. HM UES REVENANT DISCIPLINE Among the Reborn, even those psykers who have honed their powers for ‘centuries will find their abilities augmented by the god of death. ‘YNNARI PS¥KERS must generate powers from the Revenant discipline instead of from the Runes of Battle, Runes of Fate or Phantasmancy disciplines. You can ether roll one D6 to generate thei powers randomly (r-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have, 06 PSYCHIC POWER 1 GAZE OF YNNEAD The payer’ yes ‘UNBIND SOULS with ire as The psyker reaches into ther thy channel the power of Yea foes minds, weakening the bond ‘between soul and body and Gaze of Ynead basa warp Teaving them vulnerable charge value of 6. If manifested, Select one enemy unit thats Unbind Souls has warp charge within 1 of and visible tothe value of 6 I manifested, select psyker and oll one D6, On a 1, ‘one enemy unit within 18 of the that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. psyker. Until the start of your (On 2-5, that unit suffers D3 next Psychic phase, you can re mortal wounds. On a6, that unit roll wound rolls for attacks made suffers Ds mortal wounds. with melee weapons by YNNARE models from your army that 2 STORM OF WHISPERS target that enemy unit, The payker’s whisper ij ‘by the voices of their ancestors, 5 SHIELO OF YNNEAD driving mortal minds insanity. Those favoured by Yanead are bestomed with his protection, Storm of Whispers has a warp which manifists as a shield of charge value of 6, If manifested, spiritual energy capable of turning rall 306 foreach enemy unit ‘aside even the strongest of attacks. within 6" ofthe psyker. For each result of 6 the unit being rolled Shield of Yonead has a warp for suffers | mortal wound. charge value of 7. If manifested, until your nest Psychic phase, 3) WORD OF THE PHOENIX friendly Yowwant units have a 5+ The payker cals upon the power invulnerable save whilst they are ofthe mythical phoens, who within 6" ofthe psyker. eternally dies i lame. G ANGESTOR’S GRACE Word ofthe Phoenix has a warp Drawing forth the greatness that charge value of 5. Ifmanifested, {sth genetic legacy of all Alda selec one friendly YNNARI the pyker bolsters thei fellows INPANTRY of YNNAR BIKER bodies and soul until they achieve ‘unit within 18" ofthe payer. the apex of ther potential, (One model in that unit regains 3 lost wounds, Ifno model in Ancestors Grace basa warp that unit have los any wounds, charge value of 5. Ifmanifested, but that unit hs suffered selec one fiendly Yar unit ‘one or more casualties, then within 18° ofthe pspker. Until 1 mode is returned to that the star of your next Psychic unin uni coherency, with L phase, re-oll it rolls of | for ‘wound remaining. attacks made by that unit, WARHAMMER roe RELICS OF YNNEAD As befits the followers of the god of death, the Reborn bring to battle mighty relics from across the scattered Aeldari race, From ancient treasures to items crafted to manipulate the energies of death, all of these artefacts are potent tools for furthering the will of Yanead. Ifyour army is led by an Vans Warlord, then before the battle you can give one ofthe following Relics of YYnnead to one YwwaRi CxAMACTER in your arm ‘Yraine the Visurch and the Yncarne already ha ‘one or more relics and cannot be given any of following eis [Note that some relics replace one ofthe characters sting weapons. Where this isthe case, ifyou are playing a matched play game or are otherwise usin points values, you must stil pay the cost ofthe weapon {hati being replaced. Write down any Relcs of Ynnead your characters have on your army ‘HUNGERING BLADE With he Hungering longing to tur al to see the supremacy of Ynnead hastened and the Great Enemy defeated. Great care mus be taken by the wieder, forthe slightest scratch upon the flesh from this glistening ‘lade can result ina deny necrosis that turns the body to dust nthe space of few seconds. Its effets upon non ‘Acldari fe forms are usta pro ‘Model with power sword, star glaive or husk blade ony “The Hungering Blade replaces the models power sword, star glave or husk blade and has the following profile: bles Each nmodied wsdl of 6 made fora tick eth hs weapon infest eta wowed on te tage on hens dag. ‘SONG OF YNNEAD ‘The his ofthe monomolecular diss tha sho Pistol rises to a deafening roar of rump when it claims ‘lif. Those nearby are assailed by terrible hallucinations, «a vengeful spirit clamour within their minds, ‘Model with shuriken pistol ony. Song of Ynnead replaces the models shuriken pistol and has the follosing profile ‘weaPOn Te WES SoagelYened =F als bis Each in you mala woud al of 6 fo weapon tht tack secre whan AP o-3, Each ime an tack mde eth his weapon ya eneny nd herp i bt 1 Fou bs Late charset etl he ead to MIRRORGAZE il is covered in mosaic shards from the famed CCystal Mirror. ts facts can channel the Binding light of battle to rob the sig upon it, giving the wearer a moment of advantage that may be the diference between fe and death Subtract | from hit ols for atacks that ta the beare, SOULSNARE spirit, and those rumpled heaps, ther bodies 1:more than Hees clay as their spirits howl in anguish (Once per game, instead offiringa ranged weapon in the shooting phase, the bearer can throw the Soulsnat. IF they do so, selet one enemy unit within 6” of and visible to the beater, and roll one D6. On a 1, nothing, happens. On a25, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal ‘wounds and the bearer regains the same numberof lot wounds. On a6, that enemy unit suffers D6 mortal ‘wounds and the bearer regains ll of thee lot wounds. THE LOST SHROUD is cloak was woven from the ecoplasmtic by-product wisp from Craftword Bi Tan’ ravaged ous the extreme, for it may stil harbour a ink dacmonic; however, within ite shimmering weave, the deathless blessing of Yanead is exceedingly powerfi All damage sufered bythe bearers halved (rounding up)-In adition, toll one Ds each time this model loses ‘wound on a 5+ that wound isnot los. GORAG HAMS LOGKET ‘The ancient priestess Corag Hal died spectacularly when dari world e dust of orporation. The bearer an channel the energies of Yhonead chose his emissary tothe living A Only thi soulste trinket was lft amongst. eri rebirth whenever they are near the fires of a slain vit Each time an enemy unit is destroyed by an attack made by the bearer, ad I tothe bearers Move and Attacks characteristics fr the remainder of the battle TACTICAL OBJECTIVES “The Ynnari use all the powers at their disposal to hasten the death of ther foe and bring about the salvation oftheir race. For them, there are no barriers on the road to victory led by an Yoewant Wa the Capture and Control Tactical 1-16) in the Wa 0,000 le Objectives, payers use the normal rules fo en an Yani below. Other Tactical Objectives (num ‘generated normal Olli Score 1 victory point ifno enemy units are controlling the objective marke corzesponding tothe result roll —B COE Score int fan Yan PsvKe from ye during thi tur asthe result of attacks nade by Y8NARE uns from your arm Pos Hares the Spits Surety of Purpose —O vrais every vse FE made by an YNNARI model fom Score victory point ifthre or more units were estoyed daring this turn as the resuk of attacks rade by YWNARE unis rom your army whilst they re benefiting rom Soulburst ations

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