Science and Technology in Ancient Greece: From Miletus, Opened New Paths For The Study of Nature Using Human Logic

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GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology


or thousand years ago, mankind had from Miletus, opened new paths for the study
assumed that the world around them, of nature using human logic. They emerged
the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, were
Gods and spirits. Believing they were the rational thoughts from the confines of
recording messages from their Gods, ancient mythology. The pre-Socratic philosophers of
Ionia were carefully observing in the 6th
civilization such as the Babylonians, had
gathered great catalogues of astronomical century B.C. the natural phenomena and their
data. The detailed astronomical calendar contribution to the challenging of myths was
from Babylon records the rising and falling of crucial. They attempted to extract all possible
the constellations and the gods they conclusions from the observation of nature by
represented. This knowledge and study of the using mainly their logic. They pioneered the
heavens have been slowly spreading across unifying approach for the physical world,
assuming one element as the basis for
the ancient world until it reached the Greek
colonies on the coast Miletus-in modern day everything in the Universe.
is known as Turkey. There’s a chattering
Pre-Socratics Works
change occurred. The Greeks took this
Founder of Ionian school
astronomical knowledge and transformed it;
they took the Gods out of heavens and Theoretician of geometry
replaced them with reason. Gradually the
Greeks begin to say, these are not persons, Stated that the origin of
these are things. There’s an orderly world all matter (arché) is
which the human mind can actually capture; water.
it is subject to our understanding. These
Greeks began to calculate and predict the Also believed that the
movement of the moon and stars through Earth rests on water.
mathematics and logic rather than using gods Thales
First predicted the solar
and spirits to explain everything. It was then Miletus
eclipse before it happened
the birth of ancient Greek Science. The 624-546 BC
(May 28, 585 BC).
ancient Greek science is about the attempts to
explain and understand the natural world, Rejected Thale’s claim
which would include how things are made of, that this arche is water.
how the world began if it did began or if it all
has always been here. In addition, science in Believed that arché is
ancient Greece was based on logical thinking unlimited, boundless,
and mathematics. infinite and non-
perceptible substance.
The views of the first thinkers of antiquity,
Claimed that the origin of
also known as the pre-Socratic philosophers
everything in the universe
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Southern Luzon State University-Tayabas Campus
GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology
Anaximander is a mixture of two pairs Coming-into-
Miletus of opposites-apeiron. existence or ceasing-to-
610 - 546 BC exist are likewise
First cartographer. impossible, according to
Pre-Socratics Works

Considered that air was

the origin of everything in
the universe and the earth
is a broad flat disc floating Parmenides
on the circumambient Elea
air. 510-560 BC

Distinguished clearly Pre-Socratics Works
between planets Explained the scientific
585-528 BC
and stars. reasons behind natural
phenomena such as
Explained that thunder eclipses, rainbows and
and lightning result from meteors.
wind breaking out of
clouds. Stated that the moon
reflects the sun’s light.
Most enigmatic among the
pre-Socratics and known Claimed that the sun was
as the "Weeping Anaxagoras a mass of red-hot metal.
Philosopher” Ionia
500-428 BC Believed that there are
Believed that fire gave mountains on the surface
rise to all things and of the moon and that it
everything is in flux. was inhabited.

Considered the human Believed that the world is

soul to be composed of composed of the four
fire and water—fire being primary elements, Earth,
535 - 475 BC
the noble part and water water, wind and fire.
the ignoble. Claimed that the world
came into being and is
Believed that change is
maintained by the mixing
impossible. According to
of the four primary
him, everything that exist
elements as they come
is permanent, ingenerated Empedocles together and are
and indestructible. Italy separated by the

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GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology
495-435 BC processes of Love and Well known for
Strife. wandering around the
agora and marketplace of
Referred to as the Athens and ask people
laughing philosopher. about what they believe.
Remembered more for
Argued that the world,
how he taught than for
including human beings,
what he taught (Socratic
is composed of very small
particles which he called
'atomos’ Socrates He was put on trial on 399
Athens BC and was accused of
Remembered today for corrupting youth and
his formulation of an 470-399 BC
Democritus disbelieving in the gods.
Greece atomic theory of the
universe. Found guilty of the crimes
460-370 BC and the jury sentenced

him to death by forcing
ecause of the excellent education they him to drink poison called
received and the freedom they had to hemlock.
develop and share their own ideas, Philosopher Life and Works
the Athenians produced some of the greatest
thinkers in all of human history. Among these A student of Socrates.
thinkers are three men, Socrates, Plato, and
Founded the first
Aristotle, whose ideas have influenced nearly
university in the western
everyone since then. All three of these men
civilization called The
were philosophers. They use reason to search
Academy where he taught
for the truth about important things like
about Socrates and
human life, God, and nature. Although
Socrates ideas.
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were different
from each other in some of their ideas, they Famous in his Theory of
did have some important things in common. Plato
Forms where it asserts
First, all three of them knew that virtue is Athens that the physical world is
very important. They recognized that without 428-348 BC not really the 'real' world;
virtue a person can never be completely instead, ultimate reality
exists beyond our
happy and fulfilled. All three of them were
physical world.
also very curious about people and about the
world around them. The ideas of these three A student of Plato who
men continue to influence us in many ways believed that the one
even today. thing that all people want
is happiness.
Philosopher Life and Works
Explained that each thing
A student of Anaxagoras. functions best when it

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GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology
does what it was made to Athens includes the moons, stars
do. 384-322 BC and ether (fifth element).

Held that the universe Believed that the two

was divided into two fundamental kinds of
parts, the terrestrial motion are natural
region-below the moon motion and violent
and made of the four motion. The apparent
elements- and the movement of celestial
celestial region-region objects is a natural
above the moon which motion, whereas lifting an
object is a violent motion.

uring the 5th century BC, ancient Greek technology developed, leading to the invention of
the rotary mills, screw, water pump, gear, water organ, water clock, the torsion catapult
and the use of steam to operate machines and toys. The foundation, for the use of water
resources, in the modern world, was laid by the Greek civilization. Many of these inventions
occurred late in the Greek period, often inspired by the need to improve weapons, tactics in war
and for everyday life. Their technology reveals a lot about contemporary society. Below are only
few of their inventions;

Technology/Date Description

The study and practice of making maps.

Cartography The first map of the known world was

600 BC developed by Anaximander.

It has played an important role in travel

and navigation since ancient times.

A mechanical device invented by the

ancient Greeks that is designed to lift
heavy objects off the ground.
515 BC Over time, builders relied on these
device to make the temples and other
impressive buildings, many of which
are still standing today.

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Southern Luzon State University-Tayabas Campus
GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology

Catapults were invented by Dionysius

the Elder of Syracuse for forcefully
propelling stones, spears or other
projectiles; use mainly as a
military weapon since ancient times.

These weapons were basically large

bows made of wood, horn, and animal
Catapult sinew.
399 B.C
When a soldier discharged the trigger,
heavy projectiles would be launched
forth as far as 328 feet (100 meters).

This could beat any ancient armor the

opponent was wearing, however, it was
not strong enough to breach

Technology/Date Description

Early Ancient Greek showers were very

simple and could largely be found in
public bathing facilities that everyone
in the population had access to, and
they became an important part of these
4th Century BC Water was pumped into these facilities
through the aqueduct system and then
brought into the building through a
series of pipes. Some of the pipes were
installed higher up, and people would
stand under the falling water as they

Water-powered mill used for

Water Mill grinding grain, rolling and hammering.
3rd Century BC
Because of it, mankind was suddenly
able to turn simple grains, such as

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GEC 08-Science, Technology & Society History of Science & Technology
wheat and rice, into an important
staple food.

The Antikythera Mechanism had

several dials and clock faces, each
which served a different function for
determining and forecasting important
astronomical and calendar events, and
even eclipses.
Analog Computer This mechanism was used to predict
150 BC the position of the planets and stars in
the sky depending on the calendar
month. A main gear would move to
represent the calendar year, and would,
in turn, move many separate smaller
gears to represent the motions of the
planets, sun, and moon.

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Southern Luzon State University-Tayabas Campus

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