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Call flow

Student: Hello this is Boots Espeleta, and I am from University of Negros Occidental Recoletos,
Information Technology Department, May I speak with Mrs. Ericka Clemente?

Parent: Yes, Speaking

Student: Great! How is your day going Mrs. Clemente?

Parent: Well, now I am doing fine aside from having a long and stressful day from the office.

Student: Oh my! I hope you can take a rest and relax for a bit Mrs. Clemente. Anyways would that be
fine if I will call you by your first name?

Parent: Yeah sure, you can, and besides Mrs. Clemente sounds that I am so old! Ericka is fine.

Student: You are so humorous Ericka.

Parent: Well, that is my secret for being young! Haha!

Student: Yeah right Ericka, Anyways the reason why I call in is because I want you to know the current
academic standing of your son Gem.

Parent: Oh really? What is it? Is there something wrong?

Student: Well, Ericka, First I just want you to know that your son Gem was a really good student, and in
fact he passed his prelim exam however we are just worried that when the midterm and final period
came, He seldom attend his class and failed to pass his projects as requirement for the period.

Parent: Oh no! That is so terrible! I know that my son is smart and responsible to his studies! How come
this thing happened?

Student: I understand what you feel Ericka, And I know that your son was a good student before, that is
why we are so worried about his situation and we want to inform you about it. You understand that the
final period is over right? And we calculated his prelim, midterm and final exam and I am so sorry to tell
you but your son failed. We did what we could because we know that he is a good student in his classes
however his grades did not made it.

Parent: Oh my! That is too bad! Why did it happen? And in fact he does not stay in our house because
he always attends his class.

Student: I see, I know where you are coming from if this thing happen to me, maybe I will feel upset too.
However, To tell you frankly Ericka, we are observing your son, since midterm and finals, and we asked
his close friends if where is Gem staying and why he is not attending his class. And we discover that he
spend his time there in the computer shop and playing video games. Please don’t get angry with Gem
instead talk to him and ask what is his problem, and why is he doing it. I know Gem will listen to you
because I know that Gem is a good son.
Parent: I don’t know what to do Boots, I am so disappointed not with him but in myself for I think that I
did not do my responsibility as a parent to Gem. I think he is rebelling to me as maybe he felt that I
always don’t have time for him.

Student: Don’t feel bad Ericka, you are a good parent to Gem because you raised him as a decent son. I
believed that you can resolve it, you just need to talk to him and that is the best solution to do. After it,
Gem will realize how much you love him.

Parent: Yeah right, I feel better now. Thank you for letting me know Boots.

Student: It is my responsibility to inform you about this matter. And thank you for listening to me and
giving me your precious time. By the way just to outline what we did, I inform you about Gem academic
standing, provided you the reasons why and if you have any questions and clarification you are always
welcome to go here in our IT department and please look for our Dean Mr. Haro. Thank you. By the way
Is there anything else.?

Parent: No you are good, thanks again for bringing this up. Have a great day,

Student: You too. Enjoy rest of the day. Bye.

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