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Acute biologic crisis

- Condition that may result to patient mortality if

left unattended in a brief period of time.
- Condition that warrants immediate attention
for the reversal of disease process and
prevention of further morbidity and mortality.

- Occurs when injury to the tissues of the body is
caused by heat, chemicals, electrical current, or
- Should be viewed as preventable
- Results in 10-20 thousand deaths annually
- Survival best at 15-45 years old Epidermis- thick as paper, non-living epithelial cells,
- Children, elderly , and diabetics provides protective barrier of skin, regulate
- Survival best burns cover less than 20% of TBA body temp, fluid and electrolytes
Influences: burning agents, duration of contact time,
excessive heat, type of tissue that is injured Depth of burn
- Burns have been defined by degrees (1st, 2nd,
Types of burn injury 3rd, and 4th)
- Thermal burn - ABA advocates categorizing the burn according
- Chemical burn to depth of skin destruction. (partial-thickness
- Smoke inhalation burn burn, full-thickness burn)
- Electrical burns
- Cold thermal injury 1. Superficial partial thickness burn
- Involves the epidermis: reddish intact, skin;
Thermal burn painful
- Caused by flame, flash, scald or contact with hot
objects 2. Deep Partial Thickness burn
- Most common type of burn - Destruction of the epidermis
- Involves the dermis; moist surface; with blisters;
Chemical burns
painful; red ; shiny ; wet ; severe pain
- Result from tissue injury and destruction from
- Hospitalization required over 25% of body
acids, alkalis, and organic compound
- Alkali burns are hard to manage because they surface involve
cause protein hydrolysis and liquefaction. (it - Takes longer to heal
adheres to the tissue)
- Damage continues after alkali is neutralized 3. Full thickness burn
- Can be found in fertilizers, ovens - Total destruction of epidermis, dermis,
underlying tissue (fats, muscle, bones)
Radiation - Wound color: white, red, brown, black
- Result from radiant energy being transferred to - Burned areas are painless because nerve fibers
the body resulting in production of cellular are destroyed
toxins - Not enough skin cell to regenerate

Electrical Burns
4. Deep full thickness ( 4th degree ) –
Results for the conversion of electrical energy into heat.
- Involves injury to muscles and bone = appears
Extent of injury depends on the type of current, the
black (eschars) – hard and inelastic healing
pathway, of flow, local tissue resistance and duration of
contact. takes weeks to months; grafts are required.
First-aid: cervical immobilization
Extent of burns
Classification of burn injury - Two commonly used guides for determining the
 Severity of injury is determined by total body surface area
- Depth of burn  Lund-Browder chart- considered more
- Extent of burn in percent of Total Body Surface accurate. (age in proportion to body area
Area size)
- Location of burn  Rule of nine- considered adequate for initial
- Patient risk factors
assessment of adult patients
 Superficial burns are not involved in the
Lund- browder chart - Macrophages: a type of white blood that ingest
(takes in) foreign material. Macrophages are
key players in the immune response to foreign
invaders such as infectious microorganisms.

Fluid shift
- Occurs after initial vasoconstriction, then
- Blood vessel dilate and leak fluid into the
interstitial space
- Known as third spacing or capillary leak
- Causes decreased blood volume and blood
- Occurs within the first 12 hours after the burn
and can continue to up to 36 hours.

Fluid imbalances
- Occurs as a result of fluid shift and cell damage
Rule of Nine
- Hypovolemia
- Considered adequate for initial assessment of
adult patients. ( used when no specific age is - Metablic acidosis
given ) - Hyperkalemia
 Head and Neck = 9% - Hyponatremia
 Each upper extremity ( arms ) = 9% ( 4.5%each - Hemoconcentration ( elevated blood osmolality
side ) , hematocrit/ hemoglobin) due to dehydration
 Each lower extremity ( leg ) = 18%
 Anterior trunk = 18% Fluid Remobilization
 Post. Trunk = 18% - Occurs after 24 hours
 Genitalia ( perineum ) =1 % - Capillary leak stops
- See diuretics stage where edema fluid shifts
Baby/ infants from the interstitial spaces into the vascular
 Head and neck = 21% space
 Each arm = 10% - Blood volume
 Back =13% - Increases leading to increased renal blood flow
 Buttocks =5 % and diuresis
 abdomen = 13% - Body weight returns to normal
 Each leg = 13.5 - See hypokalemia
 Genital area = 1%
PARKLAND ( BAXTER ) FORMULA for fluid replacement - Acute ulcerative gastro duodenal disease
- 4ml lactated Ringer’s Solution x Kg body mass X - Occur within 24 hours after burn due to
total percentage of body surface burned reduced GI blood flow mucosal damage
- 1st 8 hours = ½ of total hour fluid replacement - Treat clients with h2 blockers, mucoprotectants
- Next 8 hrs = ¼ of total and early enteral nutrition
- Last 8 hrs = ¼ of total - Watch for sudden drop in hemoglobin


INJURIES 1. Prehospital care- care begins.
- Circulatory disruption occurs at the burn site 2. Emergent (24-48 hrs/resuscitative)
immediately after a burn injury 3. Acute (wound healing)- wound care
- Blood flow decreases or ceases due to occluded 4. Rehabilitative (restorative)
blood vessels ** Planning begins as soon as formal assessments are
- Damaged macrophages within the tissues being performed
release chemicals that causes constriction of
- Blood vessels thrombosis may occur causing - removing the source of burn or stopping the
necrosis burning process.
- Use cool running water for 15 minutes
- *10% burn cover with towel and damp it in a - Calculations based on weight obtained after fluid
tap water. replacement is started are not accurate because of
- *minor burn 2-4 inches in diameter can be water – induced weight gain
manage at home - Height is important determining body surface area (
- *more than 10% BSA) which is used to calculate nutritional needs
- Individuals must be involve to adequately - Know client’s health history because the physiologic
supply information to medical stress seen with a burn can make latent disease
At the scene of the injury, priority are…. process develop symptoms.
 Remove the person from the source of the burn
Client Manifestation in the Emergent Phase
and stop the burning process
 Rescuer must be protected from becoming part - Clients with major burn injuries and with inhalation
of the incident injury are at a risk for respiratory problems
- Inhalation injuries are present in 20% to 50 % of
Classification of minor burns
clients admitted to burn centers
 1st and 2nd degree burns – with less than 2-4
- Assess the respiratory system by inspecting the
inches in diameter can be manage at home
mouth, nose , and pharynx
Major Burns - Burns of the lips , face, ears, necks, eyelids,
 If the burn is large, more than 10% of the TBSA, eyebrows, and eyelashes are string indicator that an
always focus airway, breathing and circulation if inhalation injury may be present
you suspect electrical or inhalation injury - Change in respiratory pattern may indicate a
 You may also check for edema... elevate and pulmonary injury.
foot to decrease pain and swelling - The client may : become progressively hoarse,
 Large burn should only be cool for not more develop a brassy cough, drool or have difficulty
than 10 minutes because patient might be at swallowing, produce expiratory sounds that include
risk for hypothermia because of extensive heat audible wheezes, crowing and stridor
loss - Upper airway edema and inhalation injury are most
 Never cover a burn with ice because of common in the trachea and mainstem bronchi
hypothermia and vasoconstriction - Auscultate these area for wheezes
 If there is adherent clothing, just leave in place - If wheezes…
until patient is transferred in the hospital and - Cardiovascular will begin immediately which can
the patient should be then wrap in a dry sheet include shock ( shock is a common cause of death in
or blanket to prevent contamination of the burn the emergent phase in clients with serious injuries)
and provide warmth to the patient - Obtain a baseline EKG
 Chemical burns is best treated by removing - Monitor for edema, measure central and peripheral
chemical and the affected area should be pulses, blood pressure, capillary refill and pulse
flushed by water to irrigate the skin oximetry
 Dry chemicals in powered form may be gently - Changes in renal function are related to decreased
brush off prior to flushing renal blood flow
 Clothing and injury may harbor the chemical - Urine is usually highly concentrated and has a high
involve (careful removal is needed) specific gravity
 Patient with inhalation injury must be observe - Urine output is decreased during the first 24 hours if
closely for signs of respiratory distress and the emergent phase
comprise, they need to treated quickly and - Fluid resuscitation is provided at the rate needed to
efficiently maintain adult urine output at 30 to 50- ml/hr (it is
 Patient with body burn and inhalation injury, not the accurate way to know normal urine output; if
transfer immediately to the nearest hospital or the weight is high the output should also be high)
burn facility - Measure BUN , creatinine and NA levels.
Clinical Manifestation
- Immediate problem is fluid loss, edema , reduced 1. Sympathetic stimulation during the emergent
blood , flow ( fluid and electrolytes shifts) phases causes reduced GI motility and paralytic
- Goal: ileus
1. Secure airway 2. Auscultate the abdomen to asses bowel sounds
2. Support circulation by fluid replacement which maybe be reduced
3. Keep the client comfortable with analgesics 3. Monitor for n/v and abdominal distention
4. Prevent infection through wound care maintain 4. Clients with burns of 25% TBSA or who are
body temp. intubated generally require a NG tube inserted..
5. Provide emotion support
- Knowledge of circumstances surrounding the burn Skin Assessment
injury 1. Assess the skin to determine the size and depth
- Obtain client’s pre-burn weight ( dry weight) to of burn injury
calculate the fluid rates 2. The size of the injury is first estimated in
comparison to the total body surface areas (
TBSA ). For example , a burn that involves 40% - Removal of exudates and necrotic tissue, cleaning
of the TBSA is a 40% burn the area , stimulating granulation and
3. Use the rule of nice for the client whose weight revascularization and applying dressing.
are in normal proportion to their heights. Debridement may be needed.
IV Fluid Therapy  Wound care
1. Infusion of IV fluids is needed to maintain o Daily observation
sufficient blood volume for normal CO o Assessment
2. Clients with burns involving 15% to 20% of the o Cleansing
TBSA require IV fluid o Debridement
3. Purpose is to prevent shock by maintaining o Dressing application
adequate circulating blood fluid volume o Enzymatic debridement (Maggots therapy)
4. Severe burn requires large fluid loads in a short – Speeds up removal of dead tissue from healthy
time to maintain blood flow to vital organs. wound bed
5. Fluid replacement formulas are calculated from o Appropriate coverage of the graft:
the time of injury and nor from the time of o Gauze next to graft followed by middle and outer
arrival at the hospital dressings
6. Diuretics should not be given to increase urine Dressing the burn wound – should be 3 layers of
output. Change the amount and rate of fluid gauze
administration. Diuretics do not increases CO;
they actually decrease circulating volume and 4. REHABILITATION PHASE
CO y pulling fluid from the circulating blood - Started at the time of admission
volume to enhance diuresis. - Technically begins with wound closure and ends
when the client returns to the highest possible
 Common fluids level of functioning
- Protonate or 5% albumin in isotonic saline ( ½ given - Provide psychosocial support
in first 8 hrs; ½ given in the next 16 hrs) - Assess home environment, financial resources,
- LR without dextrose ( 1.2 given in first 8 hrs; ½ given medical equipments, prosthetics rehab, health
in the next 16 hrs ) teaching should include symptoms of infection
- Crystalloid ( hypertonic saline ) adjust ti maintain drugs regimens, f/u appointments , comfort
urine output at 30 ml/hr measures to reduce pruritus.
- Crystalloid only ( lactated ringers ) Diet
Nursing diagnonsis: decreased CO, deficient fluid volume - Initially NPO
r/t active fluid volume loss, ineffective tissue perfusion, - Begin oral fluid after bowel sounds returns
ineffective breathing pattern - Do not give ice chips or free water lead to
3. ACUTE PHASE electrolyte imbalance
- Lasts until wound closure is complete - High protein, high calorie
- Care is directed towards continued assessment - General diet  soft diet  DAT
and maintenance of the cardiovascular and Goal
respiratory system 1. Prevent complication ( contractures)
- Pneumonia is a concern which can result in 2. Vital signs hourly
respiratory failure requiring mechanical 3. Assess respiratory function
ventilation 4. Tetanus booster
- Infection ( tropical antibiotics – Silvadene) 5. Anti-infective
- Tetanus toxoid 6. Analgesics
- Weight daily without dressing or splints and 7. No aspirin
compare to pre-burn weigh 8. Strict surgical asepsis
- A 2% loss of body weigh indicated a mild deficit 9. Turn q2hr to prevent contractures
- A 10% or greater weight loss requires 10. Emotional support
modification or calorie intake monitor for sign
infection Debridement
- Monitor for signs of infection
- Done with forceps and curved scissors or
 Labs Values through hydrotherapy ( application of water for
1. Na treatment
2. K - Only loose eschar removed
Nursing diagnosis in the acute phase: impaired skin - Blisters are left alone to serve as a protector-
integrity; risk for infection; imbalanced nutrition; controversial
impaired physical mobility; disturbed body image Post Care of Skin Grafts

Planning and Implementation - Maintain dressing

1. Nonsurgical management - Use aseptic technique
- Graft should look pink if it has taken after 5 days
- Skeletal traction may be used to prevent NCM 106 (Mr. Palomar)
contractures Jan. 17, 2019
- Elastic bandages maybe apply for 6 months to 1 PRELIMS
year to prevent hypertrophic scarring. DKA/HHNS
DKA- is a life threatening complication of DM type I=
MANAGEMENT OF BURNS develops becase of severe insulin deficiency.
1. Administer fluids as prescribed - ketosis and metabolic acidosis
2. Maintain a high calorie , high protein diet - absence or adequate amount of insulin.
3. Monitor intake and output - disorder of metabolism (carbhydrates, protein
4. Monitor for infections and fats) metabolic emergency
- insulin dependent client
1. Nitrofurazone ( furacin ) – broad spectrum  Hyperglycemia
antibiotics ointment or cream – used when  dehydration
bacterial resistance to other drugs is a problem:  electrolyte loss and acidosis (HCO3= below 15
apply 1/16 inch thick film directly to burn and pH=7.35 and below)
2. Mafenide ( sulfamylon ) – water soluble cream
bacteriostatic gr+- bacteria – apply 1/16 inch
CAUSE: missed insulin dose 20% (inavailability of insulin,
directly to burn- notify physician if
psychological reasons ex. rebellion of authority.) or
hyperventilation occurs as this drug may ppt.
infection/illness 40%
metabolic acidosis.
3. Silver sulfadiazone ( silvadene ) – cream broad
spectrum to gr +-,does not cause metabolic
the amount of glucose in the body is decrease when
acidosis : keep burn covered at all times with
entering the cell, gluconeogenesis, increase the
production of the glucose of the kidney causing
4. Silver nitrate – antiseptic solution against gr-,
dressings are applied to the burn and then kept
insulin- helps the glucose to enter the cell.
moist with silver nitrate; used on extensive
the kidney will excrete glucose along with the fluid,
burns that may precipitate fluid and electrolyte
causing the electrolyte loss- osmotic pressure- polyuria
(excessive urine output) lead to dehydration and
electrolyte loss.
400-500 meq of NA, K.
6.5 L- H2O
== within 24 hours
Insulin deficient- lipolysis (breakdown of fats)
metabolic acidosis
The fats that release ketones
3P’s- the effect of
the glucose is too high, gylsuria
increase hunger- develops if body has difficulty to
response on insulin (insulin difficulty)

Glucose level
BUN Inc- protein intake
Creatinine Inc
hematocrit Inc
ABG- metabolic acidosis
 An ABG test may be most useful when a
INTERVENTION person’s breathing rate is increased or
- management of complication decreased or when the person has very high
- Evaluation therapy blood sugar levels, a severe infection, or heart
- management of dehydration failure

HHNS- SIMILAR TO dka WITH EXTREME hyperglycemia What is an ABGs?

except that in HHNS there is no acidosis. This is for DM  pH- Hydrogen ions shows Acidity or alkainity
type 2.  PCO2- partial pressure co2 –for excretion of the
lungs/ respiratory parameters
Assessment  PO2- partial pressure o2 -Dissolve in the blood/
- 300-800mg/dl blood glucose ability to pick up oxygen in the lungs
- low bicarbonate and low ph  HCO3- bicarbonate (Metabolic parameters-
- dehydration ability to retain bicarbonate)
- mental status changes  BE- base excess
- neurological deficits  SAO2- oxygen saturation
- Seizures
ABG values
 Administer insulin IV push 5-10 units 1st then IV  Paco2 = 35-45 mmHg (respiratory)
infusion  Hco3 = 22-26 meq/L (metabolic)
 restore fluids (Administer fluids as prescribed)  Pao2 = 80-100 mmHg
o Treat dehydration with rapid infusion of  Sao2 = 95-100%
NSS or .45% saline
o when blood glucose reaches 250-300 Equipment: blood gas kit
mg./dl or D5 .45% saline is used  1ml syringe
 23-26 gauge needle
 Always use infusion pump for IV insulin
 Stopper or cap
 Monitor serum potassium (initially as a result of
 Alcohol swap
acidosis hyperkalemia is present upon admin of
 Gloves
insulin K+ level drops)- potassium cling to
 Plastic bag or crashed ice
insulin, causing the decrease of potassium-
 Lidocaine (optional)
releasing of K.
 Vial of heparin (1:1000)
 monitor LOC= to rapid decrease in blood  Par code or label
glucose may cause cerebral edema. ** for syringe, it has heparin (not blood clot)

Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)

- Major function of the pulmonary system (lungs Preparatory phase:
and pulmonary circulation) is to deliver oxygen  Record patient inspired oxygen concentration
to cells and remove carbon dioxide from the  Check patient’s temperature
cells.  Explain the procedure to the patient
- If the patient’s history and physical examination
 Perform Allen’s test
reveal evidence of respiratory dysfunction,
 Provide privacy
diagnostic test will help identify and evaluate
 If not using heparinized syringe, heparinize the
the dysfunction
- ABG analysis one of the first test ordered to
 Wait at east 20 minutes before drawing blood
assess respiratory status because it helps
for ABG after initializing, changing, or
evaluate gas exchange in the lungs
discontinuing oxygen therapy, or settings of
- An ABG test can measure how well the person’s
mechanical ventilation, after suctioning the
lungs and kidneys are working and how will the
patient or after extubation
body is using energy
- It is diagnostic procedure in which a blood is
Allen’s test
obtained from an artery directly by an arterial
- it is a test done to determine hat collateral
puncture or accessed by away of indwelling
circulation is present from the ulnar artery in
arterial catheter
case thrombosis occur in the radial
 To obtain information about patient ventilation
(pco2), oxygenation (po2), and acid base balance
 Monitor gas exchange and acid base
abnormalities for patient on mechanical
ventilator or not
 To evaluate response to clinical intervention
and diagnostic evaluation (oxygen therapy)
 Numbness
 Arteriospasm
 Air or clotted-blood emboli
 Vasovagal response
 Arterial occlusion
 Infection

A look at acids and bases

- the body constantly works to maintain a
Sites for obtaining ABG
balance (homeostasis) between acids and
 Radial artery (most common)
bases. Without that balance, cells can’t function
 Brachial Artery
properly. As cells use nutrient to produce the
 Femoral Artery
energy, two by-products are formed H+ and CO2.
Acid-Base balance depends on the regulation of
Radial is the most preferable site used because:
the free hydrogen ions.
- it is easy to access
- Even slight imbalance can affect metabolism
- it is not a deep artery which facilitate palpation,
and essential body functions. Several conditions
stabilization and puncturing
as infection or trauma and medications can
- the artery has a collateral blood circulation affect acid-base balance
Performance phase: 6 easy steps to ABG analysis:
 Wash hands 1. Is the pH normal? Dec. 7.35- acidosis; inc. 7.45-
 Put on gloves alkalosis
 Palpate the artery for maximum pulsation 2. Is the CO2 normal? Dec. 35- alkalotic; inc. 45
 If radial, perform Allen’s test acidosis
 Place a small towel roll under the patient wrist 3. Is the HCO3 normal? Same with ph
 Instruct the patient to breath normally during 4. Match the CO2 or the HCO3 with the pH if HCO3
the test and warn him that he may feel brief matches with the pH (metabolic); if CO2
cramping or throbbing aim a the puncture site matches with the pH (respiratory), if both
 Clean with alcohol swab in circular motion matches the pH (mixed)
 Skin and subcutaneous tissue may be infiltrated 5. Does the CO2 or the HCO3 go to opposite
with local anesthetic agent id needed direction of the pH? If opposite, then
 Insert needle at 45 radial, 60 degrees brachial compensated.
and 90 femoral 6. Are the PO2 and the O2 saturation normal
 Withdraw the needle and apply digital pressure
 Check the bubbles in syringe ABG values
 Place the capped syringe in the container of ice  pH = 7.35-7.45
immediately  Paco2 = 35-45 mmHg (respiratory)
 Maintain firm pressure on the puncture site for  Hco3 = 22-26 meq/l (metabolic)
 Pao2 = 80-100 mmHg
5 minutes, if patient has coagulation
 Sao2 = 95-100%
abnormalities apply pressure for 10-15 minutes

Follow up phase
 Send labeled, iced specimen to the lab Step1: analyze the pH
immediately - The first step in analyzing ABGs is to look at the
 Palpate the pulse distal to the puncture site pH. Normal blood pH is 7.4. plus, or minus 0.05,
 Assess for cold hands, numbness, tingling or forming the range 7.35 to 7.45. if the blood pH
discoloration falls below 7.35 it is acidic. If blood pH rises
 Documentation include: result of Allen’s test, above 7.45 it is alkalotic.
time the sample was drawn, temperature,
puncture site, time pressure was applied and if Step 2: Analyze the CO2
O2 therapy is there - Below 35 is alkalotic; above 45 is acidic
 Make sure it’s noted on the slip whether the
Step 3: analyze the HCO3 (same with pH)
patient is breathing room air or oxygen. If
- If the HCO3 is below 22, acidotic. If above, 26;
oxygen, document the number of liters. If the
patient is receiving mechanical ventilation, FIO2
should be documented
Step 4: match the CO2 or the HCO3 with the pH
- If the pH is acidotic, and the CO2is acidotic,
Potential complications
then the acid base disturbance is being caused
 Pain
by respiratory system. Therefore, we call it
 Hematoma, hemorrhage
respiratory acidosis. If the pH is alkalotic and
 Trauma to vessel the HCO3 is alkalotic, is is more on metabolic or
 Distal ischemia renal system. Therefore, metabolic alkalosis
 Any process that changes the bronchial diameter of
Step 5: does the CO2 or HCO3 go tot the opposite width affects airway resistance and alters the rate
direction of pH airflow for a given pressure gradient
- If so (opposite side), there is compensation by
the system. EXAMPLE. pH is acidotic, the CO2 Ventilation – Compliance
acidotic and the HCO3 is alkalotic, then it is  A measure of elasticity, expandability, and
respiratory acidosis, and HCO3 is alkalotic. The distensibility of the lungs and thoracic structures
Co2 matches the pH making acid-bas disorder.
If the respiratory system fails:
Step 6: analyze the PO2 and O2 saturation  Blood will not be oxygenated
- If they are below normal, there is evidence of  Co2 will not be removed
hypoxemia (PaO2)
- Hypoxic – No O2 Therapy Respiratory failure
- Hypoxemic- With intervention Defined as:
metabolic alkalosis – vomiting  PaO2 < 50 mmHg (hypoxemia)
 PaCO2 > 50 mmHg (hypercapnia)
*If pH is normal, HCO3 and PaCO2 are abnormal  Fully
Compensated  pH < 7.35
*If pH is abnormal and HCO3 and PaCO2 are abnormal 
Partially compensated Respiratory failure
*If pH is abnormal, either HCO3 or PaCO2 is normal 
Uncompensated  Exists when the exchange of oxygen for carbon
dioxide in the lungs cannot keep up with the
rate of oxygen consumption and the carbon
Acute Respiratory Failure dioxide production by the cells of the body

Respiratory Function 2 classification of Respiratory Failure:

 Oxygen transport 1. Acute Respiratory failure – sudden and life-
 Oxygen supplied to and carbon dioxide is threatening deterioration of gas exchange function
removed from cells by way of circulating of the lung
blood 2. Chronic respiratory failure – deterioration in the gas
 Respiration exchange function of the lung that has developed
 The whole process of gas exchange insidiously or has persisted for a long period after
between the atmospheric air and blood and an episode of ARF
between the blood and cells of the body
 Ventilation Causes of Respiratory Failure:
 Physical factor that govern air flow in and 1. Decreased respiratory drive
out of the lungs  Impairment in the response of
chemoreceptors in the brain to normal
Ventilation respiratory stimulation
 Physical factors that govern airflow in the lungs  Examples:
a) Air pressure variances Severe brain injury
b) Airway resistance Large lesion in the brainstem
c) Compliance (multiple sclerosis)

Ventilation – Air pressure variances 2. Dysfunction of chest wall

 Air flows from a region of higher pressure to a  Any disease or disorders in the nerves,
region of lower pressure spinal cord, muscles or neuromuscular
 During inspiration, movement of the diaphragm and junction involved in respiration seriously
other muscles of respiration enlarges the thoracic affects ventilation
cavity and thereby lowers the pressure inside the  Examples:
thorax to a level below that of atmospheric Myasthenia gravis, poliomyelitis,
pressure peripheral nerve disorders,
 Air is drawn to the trachea and alveoli amyotropic lateral sclerosis,
 During expiration, the diaphragm relaxes and the Guillain-Barre syndrome and
lungs recoil, resulting in a decrease in the size of cervical and spinal cord injuries
thoracic cavity
 The alveolar pressure then exceeds the atmospheric 3. Dysfunction of lung parenchyma
pressure, and air flows from the lungs into the  Examples
atmosphere - Pleural effusion- fluid in lungs
- Hemothorax- presence of blood
Ventilation – Airway resistance - Pneumothorax- presence of air
 Resistance is determined by the radius or size of the - Pneumonia- infection
airway through which the air is flowing - Status asthmaticus
- Lobar atelectasis- lobes can rupture
- Pulmonary edema- swelling Medical management:
 Intubation
4. Other causes  Mechanical ventilation
 Post surgery (major thoracic, cardiac and
abdominal surgery) Hypoxemia – is the major immediate threat to organ
 Effects of anesthetic agents, analgesics, function. Therefore, the first objective in the
sedatives that may depress respiration management of respiratory failure is to reverse and/or
prevent tissue hypoxia
Types of Acute Respiratory Failure
 Type I – Hypoxemia with normocapnia or Appropriate management of the underlying disease
hypocapnia obviously is an important component in the
 Characterized by a PaO2 of less than 50 management of respiratory failure
mmHg with a normal or low PaCO2
 The most common form of respiratory A patient with acute respiratory failure generally should
failure associated with virtually all acute be admitted to a respiratory care or intensive care unit.
diseases of the lung, which generally involve
fluid filling or collapse of alveolar units Nursing management:
 Pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and  Assisting with intubation and maintaining
pulmonary hemorrhage mechanical ventilation
 Assessment of respiratory status (patient’s level
 Type II – Hypercapnia of response, ABG, pulse oximetry, vital signs
 Characterized by a PaO2 of more than 50 and respiratory system
mmHg  Turning schedule, mouth care, skin care, range
 Common etiologies include: of motion extremities
 Drug overdose, neuromuscular  Assess the knowledge and understanding of
disease disorder and provide health teachings
 Chest wall abnormalities, and
severe airway disorders (asthma, Nursing Diagnosis:
COPD)  Impaired gas exchange (Ventillation-Perfusion-
ABG Result)
 Type III – Combination of two or perioperative  Ineffective airway clearance (Underlying
 Predominantly the result of atelectasis Conditions- Sputum Exam)
 Ineffective breathing pattern (Impaired gas
 Type IV – Circulatory collapse exchange and Ineffective airway clearance-
 Seen in patients who are in shock or in Respiratory Rate)
hypo-perfusion states, without associated  Risk of fluid volume imbalance (Respiratory
pulmonary problems Failure)
 Anxiety
Clinical manifestations:  Imbalance nutrition: less than body
 Restlessness requirements
 Fatigue
 Headache Planning: overall goals
 Dyspnea: special CM  ABG values within patient’s baseline
 Air hunger  Breath sounds within patient’s baseline
 Tachycardia: early sign  No dyspnea or breathing pattern
 Increase BP: early sign  Effective cough and ability to clear secretion
 Use of accessory muscles
 Cyanosis: late sign Prevention
 Consequences of hypoxemia and hypoxia: - Thorough history and physical assessment to
metabolic acidosis and cell death. Decreased identify at-risk patients
cardiac output. Impaired renal function - Early recognition of respiratory distress
 Special CM: tripod position, rapid shallow
breathing pattern
Nursing and Collaborative Management
As hypoxemia progresses: Intervention:
 Confusion  Oxygen therapy: Delivery system should:
 Lethargy o Be tolerated by the patient
 Tachycardia o Maintain PaO2 at 55 to 60 mmHg or
 Tachypnea more and Sao2 at 90% or more at the
 Central cyanosis lowest O2 concentration possible
 Diaphoresis  Mobilization of secretion
 Respiratory arrest o Chest physical therapy
o Hydration
o airway suctioning 5. Positive pressure .
o effective coughing and positioning increased pressure levels can results the
 Positive pressure ventilation (PPV) following :
 Noninvasive PPV - Barotrauma, which may be manifested as
o BiPAP (Bilevel positive airway pressure) pneumothrorax, pneumomediastinum ( air , in
o CPAP (continuous positive airway the mediastinal space ), or subcutaneous
pressure) –for patient suffering ARF. emphysema.
Pressurized air to prevent the throat - Positive pressure – hampers the venous return
muscle from collapsing. and can cause a decreased in cardiac output,
urine output  decreased renal perfusion 
Drug therapy increase ADH secretions leading to fluid
 Relief of bronchospasm: Bronchodilators retention then lead to edema
 Reduction of airway formation: corticosteroids - Decrease venour return associated pp may
 Reduction of pulmonary congestion: Diuretics, stimulate osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
nitrates if heart failure present decrease in ADH secretion may result to renal
 Anxiolytics: narcotics and benzodiazepine retention.
 IV antibiotics
 Complication related to intubation mechanical
Physiologic aging resulting: complication related to presences of ETT
- Decrease Ventilation  Ventilator induced injury
- Allveolar dilation  Complication related oxygen infectious
- Larger air spaces complication of mechanical ventilation
- Loss of surface area
- Diminished elastic recoil
- Decrease respiratory muscle strength
- Decreased Chest Wall compliance
- Life smoking
- Poor nutritional status
- Less available physiologic reserve
o Cardiovascular
o Respiratory
o Autonomic nervous system

 Predictors of successful
- A vital capacity of at at least 15mL/kg of body
- A negative inspiratory pressure of less than 30
- In the clinical practice additional parameters
such as minutes volume, oxygenation , mean
arterial pressure , arterial pH, and work of Conclusions:
breathing may also be used. - As patients requiring mechanical ventilation
- Standard weaning parameters are less helpful move beyond the acute unstable phase of their
with patients requiring long- term mechanical illness, they no longer require intensive
ventilation monitoring and management.
- Many studies ( burns at a;., 1995 ) indicate that - Specialty units or general medical-surgical floors
the use of a variety of indicators maybe are often able to provide care to these stable
necessary patients which focuses on rehabilitation and
- Burns, Burns, and Truwit ( 1994) reviewed and weaning from the ventilator.
compared five weaning scales that can be used.
- An understanding of the reasons for prolonged
mechanical ventilation is necessary for each
Mechanical ventilation
 Patients with acute respiratory failure patient and the type of ventilation used helps
frequently require intubation and mechanical the nurse establish realistic goals for the
ventilation treatment and care of individual patients
 Important to minimize due to: - Using physical, nutritional and ventilator
Complications: assessment techniques helps identify nursing
1. Infection interventions and plan care to meet the goals
2. Problems associated with positive pressure identified.
3. Alterations related to endotracheal intubation - as weaning and rehabilitation progress,
4. Loss of verbal communication avoiding complications or identifying early
signs and symptoms of complications will increase in the wall (if there is stress in the wall) = helps
help prevent extended hospitalization in promoting diuresis.
- Recovery of stable patients needing • Pulmonary function test
prolonged mechanical ventilation may o to find out the ventilation perfusion
depend on their nurses’ knowledge, skill and o For anesthesia
individualized interventions to help them set • Chest radiography- shows enlargement of the
and achieve goal. peripheral lung field

 Overfeeding can contribute to: Medical management

Fluid overload , glucose intolerance, will  Oxygen therapy - for patients with hypoxemia.
contribute to hypophospothemia The oxygen will improve hypoxic
 Pulmonary aspiration ( most dangerous ) assist vasoconstriction. Oxygen also may improve
overfeeding, silent aspiration pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary
- Bed should be kept at 45 degrees to prevent it, vascular resistance and polycythemia
check feeding tube, peg tube ( no air ) , because associated with hypoxia
it is directly to the stomach  Pharmacotherapy
 Before feeding check for residual content - Diuretic agents
- Vasodilators
 Malnutrition
- Beta selective agonists
- Cardiac
COR PULMONALE - Glycosides
- It is the hypertrophy of the right ventricle - Theophylline
resulting from disease affecting the function - Warfarin
and/or structure of the lung, except when these  Phlebotomy- for vascular resistance and
pulmonary alterations are the results of disease decrease pulmonary artery pressure.
that primarily affects the left side of the heart Indication for polycythemia vera (hematocrit
- It is the enlargement of the right ventricle is above 65%)
secondary to diseases of the lungs, thorax or
pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary hypertension Nursing diagnosis
is usually a preexisting condition in the  Decreased cardiac output related to restricted
individual with Cor pulmonale. COPD is the cardiac muscle contractility as evidenced by
most common cause. echocardiography finding
- It is a condition in which the right ventricle of  Impaired gas exchange related to expiratory
the heart enlarges ( with or without right sided airflow obstruction as evidence by decreased
heart failure) as a result of disease that affects oxygen saturating level
the structure or function of the lungs ir its  Impaired tissue perfusion related to deceased
vasculature cardiac contractility and expiratory airflow
Clinical manifestation: obstruction as evidence by increased
• Dyspnea capillary refilling time >3 sec.
• Chronic productive cough  Activity intolerance related to decreased
• Wheezing respirations cardiac activity and labored respiration as
• Retrosternal or substernal pain evidenced by difficulty in performing
• Fatigue- poor circulation activities of daily living (labored respiration)
• Polycythemia (increase amount of hemoglobin)  Fatigue related to decreased cardiac activity
–poor circulation and labored respirations as evidenced by
o If heart failure accompanies Cor Pulmonale difficulty in performing in activities of daily
additional manifestations such as living
• Peripheral edema  Anxiety related to breathlessness as
evidences by patient’s verbalization and facial
• Weight gain
• Distended neck veins
 Imbalance nutrition: less than body
• Full bounding pulse
requirement related to breathlessness as
• Enlarged liver
evidenced by weight loss of 10% of kilog per
• Palpitation
body weight
• Atypical chest pain
 Disturbed sleep pattern related to shortness
• Swelling or the lower extremities (Pitting of breath as evidenced by presence of dark
associated to hypercapnia) circles around the eyes
• Dizziness and even syncope
Nursing management
Diagnosis  Listen to patient’s fears and concerns about
• Lab test his illness
• ABG analysis  Plan a nutritious diet carefully with the
• Brain natriuretic Peptide - peptide hormones patient and the staff dietitian
that is release in response to volume expansion and
 Prevent fluid retention by limiting the ventricle causing it to distend and
patient’s fluid intake to 1,000 to 2,000 ml hypertrophy
daily and providing a low sodium diet. - hypertrophy to the right ventricle is known as
 Reposition the bedridden patient often to Cor pulmonale
prevent atelectasis
 Provide meticulous respiratory care, Clinical presentation of the cor pulmonale patient
including oxygen therapy and for COPD  most of the symptoms of cor pulmonale are
patients not often recognize…….
 Pace patient care activities to avoid patient
fatigue Clinical examination
 Monitor serum potassium levels closely if the  the patient has jugular venous distension
patient takes a diuretic  bilateral lower extremity pitting edema
 Be alert for complaints that signal digoxin  the patient uses home oxygen at 2L/nasal
toxicity such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting cannula at bedtime
and seeing a yellow halo around an object  the patients resting pulse oximeter reading is
 Measure ABG levels and watch for signs of 90% on room air
respiratory failure as change in pulse rate,  a holosystolic murmur at the left lower
deep labored respirations, and increased sternal border characteristics of tricuspid
fatigue produced by exertion insufficiency
 Instruct patient to schedule frequent rest  right upper quadrant discomfort upon
periods and to perform his breathing palpation
exercises regularly (for lung expansion and to  the patient complains of exertional dyspnea
prevent atelectasis) and fatigue despite use of albuterol inhaler
and pulmicort inhaler.

COPD COR PULMONALE Pulmonary hypertension causes right sided heart

- may involve chronic inflammation and failure and is charterized by:
obstruction of the pulmonary airways with 1. Jugular vein distension
excess mucus production that causes 2. Peripheral edema of legs and ankle
obstruction and a mismatch of ventilation and 3. Right upper quadrat pain from hepatic
perfusion congestion (Hepatomegaly)
- the alveolar tissue is destroyed along with a
loss in the elastic fibers which impairs the Diagnostic Test
expiratory phase. This loss also increases air  Chest radiography- show enraged pulmonary
trapping and collapse of the airway structures artery due to pulmonary hypertension. The
- this is seen in the arterial blood gases as a lateral view would show a loss of retrosternal
decreased PO2 and an increased PCO2. air spaces due to the enlargement of the right
What is Cor pulmonale in the COPD patient
- the progress of COPD results in right sided  ECG- show a right bundle branch block and
heart failure. The right ventricle has become right axis deviation because of the right
hypertrophied and dilated and its function ventricle hypertrophy and atrial enlargement.
has become compromised due to pulmonary (there will be dominant R waves in V1 and V2
hypertension associated with COPD and prominent S waves in V5 and V6 because
of right ventricular hypertrophy. Increased P
COPD to Cor pulmonale wave amplitude in lead II due to right atrial
- the chronic inflammation and hypoventilation enlargement)
causes the pulmonary vasoconstriction and
signals the kidney to release erythropoietin in  Echocardiogram- show right ventricular
response to the low oxygen levels hypertrophy, right ventricular dilation and
- this in turn stimulates the bone marrow to tricuspid regurgitation due to right atrial
produce reticulocytes which are released into enlargement
the blood stream to become erythrocytes
- because of the chronic low oxygen levels this  Pulmonary function test- indicate impaired
process is continually occurring causing an diffusion capacity due to acidotic pH.
excess of red blood cells (polycythemia)
- the progression of COPD results in chronic  Right Heart Catheterization (GOLD
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, STANDARD)- patient who present with chest
polycythemia, impaired gas exchange pain and has nondiagnostic or normal results
secondary to mucous overproduction and air of the chest radiograph, echocardiogram, ecg
trapping which destroys the pulmonary and pulmonary function test to confirm the
vascular bed because of decreased oxygen Cor pulmonale.
- the progression leads to pulmonary 3 physiological goals for cor pulmonale treatment
hypertension; which puts a stress on the right
1. Reduce the right ventricular after load Thrombolytic drugs- provides maximal benefits/
causing a reduction of the pulmonary artery effect within the first 3- 12 hours after the onset
pressure of the symptoms.
2. Decrease right ventricular pressure - Converts plasminogen to plasmine
3. Improve the contractility of the right ventricle
- Should not be given to patient who had
stroke within the year
 Oxygen therapy for patients with - Should be given to patient with severe
hypoxemia. The oxygen will improve hypoxic uncontrolled hypertension
vasoconstriction. Oxygen also may improve (180/110mmHg)
pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary
vascular resistance and polycythemia
associated with hypoxia PTCA (primary percutaneous transluminal
 Diuretic Therapy to improve right coronary angioplasty)
ventricular function due to increased right – is a very invasive procedure
ventricular pressure. It must be used carefully  For patient with PTCA, should be
because cor pulmonale patients are preload monitored after procedure for
dependent and under filling of the right
complication = any evidences of bleeding
ventricle may decrease the stroke volume and
increase their symptoms. May also increase
the patients risk of developing arrhythmias Intensive and Immediate Management:
and metabolic acidosis of the loss of 1. Do not give prophylactic dysthymic drugs
potassium form the diuretic within 24 hours
 Inotropic agents are used to increase right 2. Continue nitroglycerine for 2 days
ventricular contractility and decrease the 3. Daily aspirin should be continue on in
right ventricle afterload by inducing definite basis
pulmonary vasodilation 4. Give Flavix if patient is intolerant to
COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in US. COPD 5. Beta blockers : should be within initial
leads to cor pulmonale. Nurse practitioners will be hours of infraction can be shifted to,
expected to manage the treatment of patients with
6. Oral therapy provided without
cor pulmonale. The management will focus the extent
of lung disease and failure.
7. Beta blockers – reduce oxygen demand by
decreasing the heart rate and contractility
MIDTERMS 8. Calcium channel blocker – standby if the
02.12.19 beta blockers is contraindicated or
Myocardial infarction “ brain attack” ineffective
9. ACE ( angiotensin converting enzyme ) –
Primary methods that are used initially to administered to patient with MI in interior
diagnose MI: wall and with heart failure, it helps prevents
dilation to preserve ejection traction
1) ECG ( 12 leads ) 10. Heparin : given to patient undergoing…
- ST segment elevation and who are receiving
2) Patient’s history 11. MI patient who has severe congestive
heart failure and pulmonary edema
 Early management: aspirin is give in Complication
160mL- 325( chew )  Vascular complication
 Patient should be in condition cardiac a. Ischemia and infarction
monitoring  Mechanical complication
 You have to get serial ECG  Myocardial complication
 Patient should be given oxygen 0.5 lpm a. Hypertention
via nasal cannula ( because of the Clot )  Pericardium complication
 For chest pain give nitroglycerin  Thromboembolic complication
(sublingual) check for blood pressure first - Thrombosis , DVP , pulmonary embolic
- Hold sublingual meds if BP is 90 or less  Electrical complication – pacing of ECG ,
than ( systole ) VTAC ( ventricular tachycardia – more
 Don’t give nitroglycerine if HR is less than than 15bpms )
50 or higher than 100  Ventricular complication
 Give morphine sulfate - Ventricular fibrillation
- Atrioventricular block
Nursing diagnosis: 5) MRI
1) Acute pain related to imbalance of oxygen 6) Lab test : NONE
supply and demand - Some of the test that are used to
2) Anxiety related to chest pain , fear of establish: blood glucose test ( shows if it
death , threatening environment related to hypoglycemia) , hemoglobin
3) Activity intolerance related to .. and hematocrit( severe occlusion) Test ,
4) Risk for injury, bleeding or hemorrhage PTT, PT ,
related to dissolution of protective clots
Management :
Nursing intervention 1) Thrombolytic therapy
1) start IV therapy 2) Aspirin- prevent ischemic stroke
2) Attachment of electrodes for continuous 3) Anti-hypertensive and anti-arrhythmic
cardiac monitoring 4) Anti-inflammatory and corticosteroids-
3) Encourage DBE- may decrease prevents cerebral edema
dysthymias by allowing the heart to 5) Analgesics is given
become less ischemic 6) Mannitol an or anti-edema – for brain
4) Maintain O2 stat of > than atleast 92% edema
5) Offer reassurance and support
6) Relief of pain Surgical treatment
7) Provide nitroglycerine sublingual- check 1) Craniotomy – depends on the extent of
and recheck vital signs every 10 – 15 mins stroke – to remove hematoma
8) Opioids: morphine ( caution because it 2) Carotid endarectomy – removal of the
decreased BP and HR ) 3) Extra cranial bypass – for stenosis ,
9) Give nitroglycerine as prescribed underpass or overpass
10)Supine position to maintain hypertension Hemorrhagic Stroke – Bleeding that occurs at any
parts of the brain, usually at subarachnoid, SAH
STROKE space
- Is sudden loss of brain function due to a - Usually the cerebrospinal fluid should
disruption in the brain occupy this space

Two categories : Cerebral aneurysm – weakness of the wall of the

1) Hemorrhagic (15%) cerebral artery
Berry Aneurysm – sack like pouching
2) Non – hemorrhagic (85%)
Arises at the arterial area of Bundle of His, circular
Cause of stroke : Major cause: rupture of cerebral aneurysm
A. Embolism – from the thrombus outside - Congenital defects
the brain
B. Thrombosis – occlusion of the blood flow Nursing diagnosis
C. Hemorrhage- due to rupture aneurysm,  (SAH) subarachnoid hemorrhage
due to high blood pressure , trauma , or  Cerebral aneurysm
any hemorrhagic disorders - Berry aneurysm: most common type of
- The underlying cause of stroke is OXYGEN aneurysm
Common cause: trauma
Ischemic Stroke Signs and symptoms
-caused by embolic and thrombosis - Hematoma due to blood oozing
- Left is right , right is left - Stiff back and legs

Signs and symptoms: Rupture occurs abruptly;

A. Numbness Signs and symptoms
B. Blurring of vision
C. Sudden and severe headache without - Sudden severe headache due to bleeding
known cause - Projectile vomiting
D. Slurring of speech - Altered LOC including coma
- Meningal irritation
Diagnostic test o Seizure (meningitis)
1) CT Scan o Irritability
2) Angiography - Diplopia, inability to rotate the eye, because
3) Brain scan of compression of occulomotor nerve
4) Carotid duplex test – shows blood flow in
carotid arteries
1- Rigid: 75ml of blood and 75 cerebro fluid
2 – minimal to mild: same with 1 but there is nerve Cerebral blood flow: matches the local metabolic of
palsy the brain
3- moderate: confused, drowsy plus 1 and 2 and CPP: Normal: to perfuse the cells of the brain 70-
mild vocal deficit 90
4- severe bleeding: stuporous, and 1 2 3 symptoms ICP measured in the lateral ventricles
5 – fatal :moribu Normal: 1-15 mmHg / 60-100 ml
Injured brain: CPP more than 70
Diagnostic test
- Cerebral angiography MONRO KELLIE HYPOTHESIS
- CT scan - Bc of the limited space of expansion
- Lumbar Puncture- analysis of cerebrospinal between the skull so the increase of any
fluid components causes a change in the volume
- MRI – brain spasm and location of bleeding of others
- Components compensate each other,
Surgical repair accomplished by: displacing or shifting of
- Clipping CSF, decrease cerebral blood volume
- Ligating
- Wrapping the aneurysm neck w muscles Cerebral response to increase ICP: Cushing’s
- Intentional geology with endovascular Triad: increase BP, HTN, Bradycardia,
balloon therapy Bradypnea, requires emergent intervention

Non surgical Why monitor? Decrease diuretic that can cause

- Electro thrombosis Diabetes Insipedus
- Bed rest for 46 minutes, Head of the bed Management
- Manage edema
should only 30
- Lower CSF vol
- Avoid stimulants, caffeine
- Decrease cerebral blood vol
- Administer analgesics, antihypertensive,
- Restrict fluids
coticostreroids, Phenobarbital,
vasoconstrictors In general, the management is PCO2 should
- Mechanical Ventilation maintain 35 to 45, px on stroke avoid hypoxia,
- Cardiac monitoring intubation
- Position to promote pulmonary drainage ICP : elevate head of bed
Continuous ECG
Aneurysm precaution
- Bed rest
- Limit visitors
- Limit coffee and physical activity
- Loc and VS
- Avoid rectal temp (vagus nerve)
- Acute measure
- WO danger signs that indicate enlarging
aneurysm : Decrease Loc, unilateral pupil,
onset of worsening hemopheresis, BP is
high PR is low, sudden onset headache,
projectile vomiting
- VASOSPASM (one thing to WO) motor
focal deficit, worsening headache
o Hypervolemic, hemodilusion
o Administer normal or hypertonic
o Blood product (whole blood) Pack
o Albumin
o Crystaloid solution

- Calcium channel Blockers

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