RS1 Exxxmmm

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Original State- Humanity with God, Harmony between God & Humanity .

Why did God create the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

--To tell us that humanity has a will or freedom and it has a limitations. And Test of choice.

It is because there are many option of fruit of a particular tree, a test of choice.

Humanity has a will and a freedom.

Simply because human freedom has limitation, no such things as absolute freedom.

Easily to identify.

In the midst or middle.

Why did God prohibit humanity from aeting the fruit of knowledge of good & evil?

--God doesn’t want humanity to die.

The tree is fence by God to protect human person for eating.

Trusting & Obey, Respect & Recognize, Freedom & limitation.

Wants & plan of God- God share his divine life.

Man has to conform to Gods will/law.

Created by his image and likeness.

The value of human person is greater value compare to other creation.

God has given human person a responsibility task.


God created human person to govern.

Provide—he clothed them.

God still love and has compassion he still clothed them that even human person commit sin the value of
human person remains, it does not change, & it will never change because the value of human person is

Why is the value of human person is irrevocable?

--Because we are created by god with that exact value /essence.

The value of human person still there and never diminished & never taken up for because we are created
by God with exact value and with that essence.

Human person is spiritual being—Communion w/ God(prayer)

Dignity—Inherent value of a human person.

God—Source and foundation of value.

Matthew 22 & John 3—2 Gospels that God commanded to love others.

Characteristics of image & likeness of God:

1.Spiritual being: called to share Gods divine life, Communion with God.

Prayer+righteous action(moral action)

2.Human person is intelligent(not an amoral being)

Ways of Knowing: 1.Speculative 2.Evaluation 3.Reflection—3 ways in which human person will have
some knowledge through this. The reason why human person is always accountable to ones action.

3.Human person is free and has a will.

4.Human person has conscience-a voice that tells us something about ones action:wrong or good.


God started calling people personally

First person he call is Abraham.

Abraham-Father exalted

Ur-Place that God told Abraham to leave that place and go to the place HARAN.

Canaan(Promised land)





Nomad—Native person.

Drug Dependence- Ultimate disastrous consequence of drug abuse. Situation or condition a person finds
himself in which he uses or abuses a drug to the point that the drug becomes the main focus of his life.
Physical or psychological.

World Health Organization(WHO)-A state, psychic or also sometimes physical, resulting from the
interaction between aliving organism and a drug and characterized by behavioral.

Physical Dependence-Certain psychoactive drugs. Drug addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms-body begins to need it as much as it needs food. Trembling, hallucinations,

nausea and vomiting.

Psychological dependence- drug abuser feels he cannot be happy or satisfied without the drug.

Phases of drug dependence:

1.Experimentation phase- tries a drug for the first time in his life although he has heard that people.

2.Occasional or Social Use-assured by their drug using friends that the unpleasant effects are normal and
would pass away.

3.Regular use-He actively seeks the drug of abuse of his choice.

4.Drug dependence-He no longer just takes the drug every now and then but uses them day by day.

Signs & Symptoms:

Subtle symptoms:


2.Increasing isolation

3.Change in friends

4.Change in dress and appearance

5.Change in interest or activities

6.A drop in grades

7.Change in behavior

Not So Subtle:

1.Periods of deep depression

2.Increased, unexplained absenteeism

3.Money problems

4.Extreme loss or gain of weight

5.Expulsion from school

6.Physically hurting younger brothers/Sisters

7.Rebellious or offensive behavior

8.Appearance of new usually older friends

9.Acting queerly

10.Long periods of time in the bathroom

11.Avoiding the issue of drug use when asked about it.

Sure Fire indicators:

1.Possession of drugs and drug paraphermalia in his person or in his room

2.Needle marks on the arms

3.Spending time with known drug users

4.Defending teen with known drug users

5.Mention of suicide or an attempt of suicide

6.Arrests due to alcohol or drug related incidents.

7.Possession of unusually large sum of money

8.Repeatedly having bloodshot eyes

9.Dilated or pinpoint eye pupils

10.Puffy or droopy eyelids that partially hang over the iris.

Primary Causes & Contributory factors to drug abuse:


1.Escape from strict and domineering parents

2.Parents lack of communication with children

3.Parents are frequently quarreling in their presence

4.Overprotective parents

5.Neglected children

6.Perents are busy in their work and have no time for the children

7.Children prefer to be with their peer group because they feel nobody wants them at home.


1.The absence of a basic drug education on the proper use of drugs in the school.

2.Some schools are not giving the right basic drug education to the students.

3.Teachers have not been well trained or have not acquired the necessary teaching knowledge

4.Teachers are not aware of personal conflicts of their students

5.Teachers are not sensitive to the needs of their students

6.Teachers are oftentimes concerned only with the academic achievement of the child while their
personality growth is neglected.


1.Drugs are easily available in the community

2.Increasing number of pushers in the community poses a grave threat

3.No sports or recreational facilities are available in the community

4.No vocational or skilled training for out of school youth is offered to keep them gainfully occupied.


Oversensationalization of news stories on illegal drugs and drug abuse by the media.

Biological Factors:

1.Some individual health conditions such as fatigue, chronic cough, insomnia, physical distress and
mental disorders are usually relieved with the use of drugs.

2.With the use of a certain drug, the body works actively;

Psychological Factors:

1.Low self esteem and poor self image

2.Need for acceptance or belonging

3.Feeling for more freedom and autonomy

4.Escape from reality

5.Mental problem

6.Attention getting

Parental Negligence:

1.Over domineering parents

2.Lack of parental concern and closeness

3.Parental permissiveness

4.Rejection by the parents

5.Abuse by the parents

6.Family instability and disorganization

7.Harsh physical punishment

8.Childhood stress and trauma

Marijuana- Pot, Grass, Weed, Refer, Dope, Mary jane, Sinsomilla, Acapulco Gold, Thai sticks, Damo. The
hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa L) grows wild or is cultivated in temperate to tropical climates.

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinoI

Signs and symptoms of Marijuana:

1.In early stage of intoxication, may appear animated with rapid loud talking and burst of laughter.

2.In the later stages, appear sleepy or stuporous

3.Pupils are usually dilated

4.Remnants of Marijuana joints, either loose or partially smoked joints are in the pockets of the user.

5.Odor of user is similar to burnt or old clothing

6.Vital signs are increased(blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate)

7.Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat

8.Short term memory and comprehension

9.Poor concentration and coordination thereby, dangerous to drive

10.Altered senses of time and place

11.Motivation and cognition may be altered

12.In the male, it reduces sperm production and damages the sperm cells.

13.In the female, menstrual cycle is irregular and damages the egg cell

14.It also produces paranoia and psychosis


1.Nitrous Oxide-Laughing gas, Whippets

2.Amyl Nitrite- Poppers, Snappers

3.Butyl Nitrite-Bolt, Locker room, Bullet

4.Chlorohydrocarbon-Kerosol spray


Signs & Symptoms of abuse of inhalants and solvents as rugby, Gasoline, Acetone, Paint Thinner and

1.Odor of substance on breath and clothing

2.Excess nasal secretions and lacrimation

3.Poor muscular control

4.Drowsiness or unconsciousness

5.Reddening or inflammation of the nasal membrane

6.Slurring of speech

7.In possession of plastic bag with inhaling substance

8.Immediate negative effects are nausea, sneezing, coughing, nose bleeding and loss of apetite.

9.Deep inhaling of vapors and using large amounts may result to disorientation and violent behaviours

10.Long period of sniffing of concentrated vapors can permanently damage the central nervous system.

1.Cocaine-Coke, flake, white blow, nose candy, C, Snow bird, Lady

2.Crack or cocaine-Crack, freebase rocks, rock

3.Amphetamine- Speed, uppers, ups, black pep pills, co pilot, bumblebees, heart, footballs

4.Methamphetamine-Crack, crystal math, methedrine, speed, Shabu


1.Barbiturates-Drowners, Barbs, blue drills, red devils, yellow jackets, Nembutal, seconal, amytal,

2.Methaqualone-Qualudes, ludes, soppers, Mandrakes

3.Tranquilizers-Valium, Librium, equanil, miltown, serax


1.Phencyclidine-PCP, angel dust, hog, loveboat, killer weed, lovely, cyclone, dead on arrival

2.Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-LSD, acid, green, or red dragon, white lightning, blue heaven, sugar cubs

3.Mescaline and Peyote-Mesc, Buttons, Cactus

4.Psilocybin-Magic mushrooms,


1.Heroin-Smoke, horsem brown sugar, junk, mud, big H, black tar

2.Methadone-Dolly, dolophine, Methadose

3.Morphine-Pectoral syrup, sweet amorphous.

4.Codeine-Empirin compound with codeine, codeine in cough medicines.

5.Mereridine-Pethidine, Demerol, mepergan.

6.Opium-Paregoric, dakers powder, parapectolin

7.Other narcotics-Pecocet, parcodom, Tussiunex,Fentayl

Weapons to Combat the drug Menance:

1.Responsible Parents-

2.Drug Abuse Awareness and Education-

3.Mass Media-

4.Treatment Program-

Effects of Drug Abuse:

A.Medical and Physical Deterioration

1.Respiratory Diseases-Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, tubercolosis, lung abscess, emphysema, lung


2.Digestive system disease-Peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis



5.Physical Condition-Fatigue, muscle wasting, loss of weight, weakness, insomnia, poor muscular

B.Personality Deterioration

1.Witty and manipulative

2.Negative attitudes

3.Selfish and demanding

4.Low frustration tolerance

5.Poor relation to parents and his siblings

6.Non trustworthiness

7.Usually depressed

8.Self centered

9.Absence of good manners and right conduct

10.Association to known drug users

11.Losses of so many things at home and at times from neighbors, at school and at work.

C.Mental Deterioration:

1.Loss of interest to any productive activities

2.No productive and gainful work

3.Emotionally immature

4.No initiative for self implementation

5.Low IQ and usually drop out from the school and at work.

6.Inability to concentrate

7.Easily forgets

8.Suffering from withdrawal symptoms

9.Nervous imbalance





D.Spiritual Deterioration


2.No spiritual belief, no spiritual obligation nor religious responsibilities.

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