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(What makes a flood a flood?)

A flood is an inundation of land by the rise and
overflow of a body of water. Floods occur most commonly from
heavy rainfall, melted snow, or a combination of these both. The
most common flood is the flash flood. A flash flood is a flood that
happens very quickly without warning, so people normally do not
have time to prepare for it.

How Floods affect the Earth

Floods affect the Earth in both good and bad ways.
Some bad ways floods affect Earth are that floodwater is
not clean. Inside the floodwater are all sorts of soil, rubble,
furniture, and other debris. Also, the farmland that gets
flooded is destroyed; the crops get destroyed because of
too much water. Because of the floods the water is pushing
away all of the trees. All of the rocks are disintegrating of the
waters current. The flooding has blocked up the draining making
the sewers overload, which is how water born diseases, start to
spread. Some good ways floods affect the Earth are that in
Asia floods are encouraged because it helps the wet rice
farmers. Also, another good way floods affect the Earth is
that it helps richen the soil.

How Floods affect People

Floods affect people in many ways, good and bad
here are some examples. An example of a bad way floods
affect people is how floods damage property, lives, and
land. By damaging property many families would have to
pay to have their homes fixed, but some people don’t have
enough money to pay for that. Each year thousands of
people lose their lives due to floods and millions are rendered
homeless. Examples of good ways floods affect people are
that they bring fresh soil and new life to lands. Having
fresh soil means that farmers have better soil to farm on
and having new life to lands means that different animals
might adapt to that specific place.

Interesting Facts
 Most deaths caused by floods are due to flash floods.
 About half of flash flood deaths are people in cars.
 The Nile River has floods very often
 Floods that happen every so often are called one-year floods

Relevant Terminology
100-year flood (25-year flood, etc.) -- Dating the flood, for example floods that happen
every so often are called 1-year floods.
FEMA—The Federal Emergency Management Agency, charged with managing
government responses after a damaging event such as a flash flood.
Flood Risk—A sign of showing you where it is most likely to have a flood.

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