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Edil Nicolo Pineda 5ChEB

Chelsea Lois Reyes February 11, 2019

Francis Paul Rosales SCL 9
Camille Sudario
Common Problems in Marriage

The most common problem in marriage that a husband and wife faces is money. This is the most
frequently fought about problem due to the fact that almost everything in life depends on money. For
example, having money can lead to gambling and buying prostitutes because the more money you have,
the easier it is for temptation to crawl in your marriage. Another is if you do not have enough money to
support your family and the husband and wife ends up arguing about who should be working etc. thing
could escalate to the point where they might even hurt each other physical lt. To prevent this from being
a severe problem, the married couple should have an understanding as to who should be working or if
both of them should be, have a family plan such as when is the right time to have children, and have a
budget plan for all of their needs.

The second problem is personality. This commonly happens in arranged marriages because they
did not choose their partners themselves, instead they chosen by their parents. Personality is a vital role
in marriage, this will help in making the marriage effortless when you and your partner are compatible.
Cases such as the married couple only finding out the true color or personality of their partners later in
their marriage causes misunderstandings and arguments especially if they have very different principles
and contrasting personalities. Some of the solutions to this problem are to have communication, patience,
and understanding with your partner. Communication plays a big role in relationships as it is a starting
point where you get to know each other with your partner. That’s why in marriage, one must see or find
who’s compatible to him/her. Getting to know each other through constant communication may give
him/her an idea as to who their partner really is. Patience and understanding should applicable to those
who are in an arranged marriage as they did not choose what their fate is. It was chosen by their parents
or it is a tradition. This should be resolved by having a big understanding about what will happen in the
future as well as patience with each other.

The third problem is children. Some couples want children while some don’t, leading to
misunderstandings in marriages. There are also cases where one of the married couple, either the
husband or the wife, is barren or infertile and so is not able to conceive a child and one of the couple
starts to blame the other for it. For couples who already have children, disagreements about how to take
care of the child and who should give time to take care of them results to fights. This can be solved by
having communication, acceptance, and respect for each other. Acceptance and respect come hand in
hand with each other because without one another, noting can be resolved. They should respect each
other’s opinion on regarding this topic as each person has different views on having a child. Respect should
also come along with infertility, blaming each other would not help resolve the problem and acceptance
should be done by both parties. Communication should also serve as a great factor regarding this topic as
nothing can be resolved without having to hear each other’s thoughts.

The fourth problem is the marriage becoming boring. They see their everyday life as a married
couple not that exciting and happy anymore. They have lost the spark that they have seen with each other
from the very start. This could eventually lead to a 3rd party referring to love affairs because the
husband/wife will tend to find something that will entertain them especially when they have been married
for a long time. This can be solved by having communication. Communication is one of the key roles in
having a harmonious relationship. This is not only applicable to married people, as well as any other
relationships. It can help solve misunderstandings and make the relationship work by hearing opinions of
one another. Making time for each other and being “lovey dovey” may help bring the spark that they have
lost during the course of their relationship. Under these are dating from time to time even when they
have already been married for a long time.

The fifth problem is the 3rd party. This refers to not only love affairs but other factors that affect
the relationship of the married couple such as family, friends, and work. Affairs will only happen if the
partner is either boring, has a bad personality, has different plans in life, and has plenty of money to
spend. 3rd party could also lead to having vices and getting into gambling where they could meet their
possible love affairs. This is one of the common things seen in the Philippines as a problem of a married
couple. Philippine television always relates this topic to their dramas in which people are more aware of
this problem. This can be solved by having trust, loyalty, and self-control. Trust must always be there from
the very start. You have to trust your partner, but also your partner should also not abuse the trust you
gave him/her and vice versa. With trust comes loyalty, if you really love your partner you should not do
things that would hurt him/her. Loyalty is one of the things that could make your relationship strong.
Without this, 3rd party would be much prevalent in a relationship. Self-control should also be taken into
account. If you really love your partner, you would not have desired for more. You will not find anyone or
anything from others. Learn how to be satisfied and know your limits. It is not healthy for a relationship
to ask for more than what you have.

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