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Pineda, Edil Nicolo 5ChEB

Reyes, Chelsea Lois March 06, 2019

Rosales, Francis Paul
Sudario, Camille

Situation 5:
My girlfriend and I quarreled yesterday. On our date last night, I left her alone for just ten minutes to talk
to an old friend I met. She got angry and said I didn’t care for her. I just don’t understand why she is upset
over a small thing.

Edil suggests that the couple should show empathy to one another. Sharing each other’s thoughts for
what happened and finding out the root cause of the fight will help build understanding of the problem.
The couple must see each other’s point of view. Put yourself on the situation of the other and vice versa
and learn what are the possible root cause of the problem.


Chelsea suggests that the couple should communicate first with each other. Communication is one of the
key components in the success of a married life. Even though they are only in a relationship with each
other, they should practice communicating constantly to hear each other out. Talking with one another
would be very helpful to resolve the problem by hearing the side of each other.


Francis suggests that the couple should not be too clingy with one another. Having friends is not a bad
thing. In a relationship, it should not revolve around each other only. One should hang out with other
people to know and explore more. Life is not all about having to be with your partner. Yes, you love one
another, but it should be known that one must jump out of each other’s comfort zone.


Camille suggests that couple should be more understanding with one another. Understanding is also one
of the key components in the success of a married life. Practicing it as early as being in a relationship
would develop trust with one another. It will eventually lead to a more harmonious relationship with one

Having heard of each other’s thoughts, our main advice to him is to make her understand that you have
other people in each other’s life. Friends are also form of relationships and should not be a source of
misunderstandings within the couple. A relationship should not be suffocating, being with friends should
not be a thing to be jealous of. As suggested by one of the members, in a day you see each other everyday
and 10 minutes talking with a friend wouldn’t bother. Trusting and understanding would play a big role in
this kind of problem and should be always kept in mind by people in a relationship.

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