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Nowadays, sport is a big business, with high earnings

for professional sports people, and a lot of companies

have gotten involved financially or in other ways. Is it a
positive or negative development for sports?

I. Opening
1 - Context (sport)
There is no doubt that sport has evolved greatly since its

2 - Narrow (commercialize = monetize)

One of the most significant shifts has been the
monetization of sporting activities.

3 - Paraphrase
Today, sport is one of the highest grossing industries,
with celebrity athletes being paid extravagant sums of
money and many firms trying to take advantage of the
lucrative opportunities that sport offers.

4 - Answer
In my opinion, while … is not without drawbacks, the
upsides are far greater.

II. Body
Body 1
1 - Topic
On the one hand, the negative aspects of sport becoming a
business are clear.

2 - Idea 1
First, there is an enormous pay gap among athletes /
professional players / sportsmen and sportswomen

3 - Explain
A dwarfs B
Today, the money that a selected few sportspeople make
dwarfs that of the rest.

4 - Example
This situation manifests itself starkly in popular spectator
sports like football.

When a professional player rises to prominence, he is not

only entitled to an exponentially higher pay grade and
exclusive bonuses, his fame also affords him handsome
endorsement contracts. Meanwhile, many other players
struggle to get by.

Body 2
1- Idea 2
In addition to income disparity, the growing funds poured
into sport also make the game more corrupted.
2 - Example
For example, many players are bribed to manipulate the
outcome of matches and certain famed individuals start to
lead a debauchery lifestyle which later results in a
decrease of their performance. (go downhill - S)

3 - Mini-conclusion
These are some of the disadvantages that money involved
in sport could have.

Body 3
1 - Topic
On the other hand, I am convinced the aforementioned
drawbacks pale in comparison with the monumental
contribution of the commercialization of sport.

2 - Explain
The funding invested in sport is central to the advancement
of this field, as is the case with any other field.

3 - Explain
With regard to earnings, the attractive financial incentives
motivate athletes to push themselves to the limit and create
healthy competition.

4 - Explain
In terms of the increasing involvement of companies, this
has provided the necessary funds for facilities to be built
and sport academies to operate.

5 - Mini-conclusion
This goes to show how monetization is necessary if sport is
to develop and gain widespread interest.

III. Conclusion
In conclusion, while the business of sport may be
criticized for its many limitations, I believe in order for
sport to thrive / prosper, commercialization is inevitable.
Describe a time that you had to change your plan
[talk about yourself]
-> I’m not much of a planner
-> (compare) I have friends who plan their lives to a
tee (very detailed) >< usually just wing it (improvise =
ngẫu hứng)
-> in my experience, even the best laid plans can go
south (go downhill)

• When this happened

Senior … nerve-racking time of my life … I was at a
crossroad (a defining moment of my life)
-> I was presented with a choice of studying abroad or
getting married (I was torn between … and …)

• What made you change the plan

Initially, the most sensible thing for me was to pursue my
study overseas (… financial stability)

But … had a change of heart

• What the new plan was
After consulting my family … settle down first …
-> she is a keeper (someone worth keeping)

-> I was kind of on the fence about sth (unsure) … but …

it cemented my decision = my decision crystalized

• How you felt about the change

- ambivalent (mixed feelings)
- I have no regrets
- I never look back (~ have no regrets) - seal the deal
- I went with my gut (my gut feeling) (>< go against my

The whole shebang (the whole thing)

In retrospect (bây giờ nhìn lại) / In hindsight


1. Do old people like to change plans?
-> No … conservative …are averse to changes, esp.
sudden changes
-> plan to a tee (ex: retirement/ inheritance/ …)
-> it may sound bizarre to foreigners … where their
grave/ their tomb is going to be located.

2. Do young people like to change plans

-> Yes … adventurous (erratic = unpredictable) +
have an insatiable thirst for new experiences
-> ex: job hopping

3. Common reasons to change plans?

-> a host of factors that could cause … to change their
-> objective reasons - ex: shortage of funds sometimes
can derail your plan
-> subjective reasons - …have a change of heart (flip
180 degrees)

4. How would you tell your friends when you must change
-> there’s no easy way to go about this (go about sth =
-> an apology is called for (>< uncalled for) / in
order (~ necessary)
-> promise to make it up to them

5. What kinds of plans are practical?

-> I’m not much of a planner … so I may not be the best
person to ask
-> there are a few things that can keep your plans/ targets
from being quixotic (~ impractical)
-> set realistic goals … celebrate small victories /
-> changes happen in piecemeal steps (in baby steps)

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